
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 15th Sept till 21st Sept

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Howdy Gang!!! Well, today I went to WW w/my sister and she lost 2.2 lbs, yay! My nephew came with us and we did a Costco run; I was exhausted when we got home and took a 2 hr nap! The cute thing about today was my nephew kept saying "Auntie's Nice, Auntie's Nice, Auntie's Nice." LOL
I gave him some change (pennies and nickles and he was in heaven)!! Silly boy!

Well I marinated some chicken thighs and didn't love the marinade and I made some garlic green beans and potatoes. My car actually died today so we went to Sears and it was the battery (thank goodness hubby knew it was that) so we got a new battery and were on our Merry way.
I was super lazy today, so tomorrow my cousin and I are walking early in the morning; I might bike with hubby and then I babysit my nephew again. Have a Wonderful Saturday all
Hugs everyone!!!

MARCY ~ yay for projects around the house!!! Yay for skinny Marcy!!! Woo hoo for sexy red sunglasses

KIMI ~ oh gosh my nephew and I are in constant motion and my sister loves it so she can kick back a bit! His favortie thing is chase, where I run after him. hehe Ahhhh, a cup of tea sounds lovely lovely, enjoy; a day of is nice!

MUSEIKCHIK ~ yay for weekends, woo hooo for sleeping in, NICE!!! YUM to fruit, I am will take fruit over candy any day.
great for healthy snacks!

STEPH ~ you are missed!!!
Hey......It was a nice relaxing Saturday. Charlie was long gone by the time I woke up at 9:15. What a luxury sleeping a little later is! I did some house chores, and some errands, but really just relaxed for the most part. I had a bowl of clam chowder and piece of bread for lunch at Panera, then coffee under the oak. I had a project I wanted to do with my car this afternoon. I was so annoyed at the poor job I did repairing the scratch on my drivers door that I was determined to fix it better. So, I used some Goof Off (professional strength) to removed the sloppy stripe I painted, which worked really well. The scratch was not much more than 2 inches long and it was pretty straight and not down to the metal. So, a light bulb went off in my head the other day and after I don''t know how many hours of HGTV, it dawned on me that I should use painters tape just above, below and on either side of the scratch, so that when I used the touch up brush, I was only painting the part that was cratched. And voila! It worked so much better. I know I could have paid someone to fix it professionaly, but now it''s minor and it''s hard to even find it. Crisis over. LOL

Charlie got off at 6 PM and he was in the mood for seafood, so we went to Mitchell''s Fish Market for dinner. I know there are other Mitchell''s in other states, so if there is one near you, I so heartily recommend them. We''ve been several times and the food is consistently excellent. I was in a shrimp mood and I had steamed peel and eat shrimp as an appetizer and I had jumbo beer battered fried shrimp, french fries (gasp......Rod ate french fries!!) and coleslaw for dinner. It was just perfect and exactly what I was in the mood for. Charlie had a much more sensible dinner of grilled grouper, veggies and mashed potatoes. While the fish was great, he seemed to enjoy the mashed taters the most. Ah, comfort food. Then we stopped off at Sbucks for a cup of decaf on the way home.

Charlie''s off tomorrow, so it will be a regular Sunday for us. You know how our predictable Sundays are.....Breakfast on the terrace, lunch at Panera, coffee under the oak, a nice long workout at the gym and dinner at home. Yep, you can set your watch to our schedule........LOL

I''m sure you two were the two most stylish and best dressed people enjoying your burgers and fries Skippy!! I hope your WW session gave you more good news on the scale. I would so love to enjoy Sushi, FroYo and Coffee under the oak with you my dear!

Marcy, how cool that the lady didn''t have a clue who you were!! You must have felt so fantastic!! I''ll bet you are so stylish in your red sunglasses!!

I''m glad Bunco was more fun than you expected Kimberly! I hope you either enjoyed the gym, or just relaxed the day away.

Muse, I have posted many times that for me the best way to get rid of sore muscles is to push them the very next day. I''m glad it worked for you too! Wow, for sleeping till 11 AM. When I was much younger I could sleep that late, but I''m afraid those days are gone. Sleeping till 9:15 is about as late as I can sleep, but since I get up before 6:30 the rest of the week, it''s a super treat for me to sleep in till then.

That does it for me for the day. I hope you had a great Saturday and are looking forward to healthy Sunday.......
ROD, yum, I wish I was you today eating clam chowder and battered shrimp w/fries!!! You workout hard enough it isn't bad at all, glad you walked on the wild side today! hehe
Yay for fixing the car scratch! ops, forgot to mention that I just go to WW for my sister; I weighed in on Thurs and lost 2 lbs so I didn't weigh in today as I don't want to weigh in 2 x a week. hehe

eta: MARCY, yum to the dinner with family. I just used Neutrogena to wash my face and Oil of OLAY for moisturizing and La Roche Posay (is my splurge for sunscreen but it protects against UVA & UVB rays) Yay for a clean house!!!! Have fun w/the girls, cheers!
Hi everyone.
Marty left at 5 am this morning for a golf tournament in Denver so I had a short night. Then he is heading out for his business trip and will be home next weekend.
I went to the mall and had a facial with Clinique. It looks great but I am not “sold” on how it feels. It has sun block in it and it feels “thick” or something like that but I will probably get used to it. I bought it all so I hope I like it. I about died when she told me what it added up to but oh well I wanted to try it. I only really started wearing makeup again about a year ago and I want to keep my skin in good shape so thought I’d give it a try.
After my facial I met my parents for lunch. I ate pretty healthy except dessert. I had a salad, a warm roll (no butter), part of a small steak, some mashed potatoes lightly buttered then we all split 1 piece of apple pie.
I came home and cleaned house and had fruit and some cheese for supper.
Kimi, I hope you enjoyed the day whether you made it to the gym or not.
Museikchik, I slept in today too (after going to back to bed about 5:30 anyway). That’s great your trainer is so helpful.
Skippy, woo hoo for your sister losing 2.2 pounds.
How cute that your nephew calls you that. I am done cleaning for today – I got the living room, bathrooms and floors done. Tomorrow is kitchen counters, the sink, stove and microwave.
Rod, I am glad you slept in too. That is great your fixed the scratch on your car better today.
I did have to laugh at what that lady said to me. She said I was tiny and I looked younger – it was a tossup which compliment I liked the best. Ha ha.
Have a great evening. I am off to have a drink with the girls.

Good Morning all!!!! My cousin and I went walking early this morning; it was quite cold out and then warmed up halfway through our walk. It looks like it is going to be a gorgeous day! My nephew is coming in a couple of hours; we will probably play kickball! I have a cute Elmo book for him about colors so we will probably read that. hehe Hope everyone is having a Fabulous Sunday

Marcy, I put a note to you above your post. hehe
Morning All,

Ended up skipping the gym yesterday, took a two hour nap and just sorta lazed around after a trip to Sam''s Club. We''re going to the gym this morning. Then a movie and dinner I think.

Have a great Sunday.
Happy Sunday!
I didn''t sleep well with Marty out of town. I hear every single noise when he''s gone.

For breakfast I had 2 eggo waffles, fresh peaches with low fat cool whip. Yummy! This afternoon I am going to have strawberry cheesecake. Yep, you read that right. I bought some of the Mrs. Smith''s 100 calorie cheesecake bites and I will put fresh strawberries and a dab of lite cool whip on it. Who says you can''t eat well and have tasty things?
I went to the store early this morning because I need some more things to clean house so I could work on the kitchen. I am also doing laundry today and working on school.
I had fun going out with the girls last night. I ordered one glass of wine and nursed it for 3 hours - I didn''t even finish it.
I drank mostly water and didn’t eat one of the tempting appetizers some of the girl’s ordered.
Today I am going to a B-Day party for a friend''s daughter. Her daughter is in her 20''s but she always invites us to her parties so I thought I''d go to that.
Skippy, have a blast with your cute nephew today.
We started our day with rain but it’s pretty nice now.
Kimi, I am glad you had a lazy day yesterday. After I get my chores done this morning I am going to see if I can find a movie to watch on PPV.
Have a great day!
Date: 9/21/2008 12:27:01 PM
Author: KimberlyH
Morning All,

Ended up skipping the gym yesterday, took a two hour nap and just sorta lazed around after a trip to Sam''s Club. We''re going to the gym this morning. Then a movie and dinner I think.

Have a great Sunday.
Kimberly H: I was totally in one of those moods yesterday. I was supposed to get all this homework done and start my research paper but didn''t want to do anything.

I totally survived my second personal training session (21 more to go). My trainer is awesome. I love how she doesn''t let me cheat. I was ok with all of it until the end when I thought I would die. She had me turn the beso ball (which I don''t really like anyway) upside down and do a plank on it. Then I was supposed to lean from side to side slowly. Then she had me do jumping jacks with 5 lbs weights which doesn''t sound that hard but it totally is. I will never take a regular jumping jack for granted again. I am proud of myself though, I didn''t let myself give up as much as I really wanted to.

This is sort of random but when I was doing the planks she was watching my form. When I was done she asked me if I noticed that my left hip was up the whole time. I told her if it was it wasn''t intentional. I didn''t feel anything. She had me lift my shirt up so that she could see my hip bone. I am a leftie so I know that I always do things better on one side anyway. Anything athletic usually the right side, everything else the left. Well then she tells me that my left hip totally protrudes out and my right hip goes back slightly they are not even. Has anyone else ever heard of this? I mean I guess it makes sense but her reaction made me feel like a freak or something. It wasn''t mean, but you could tell she had never seen anything like it before.
Hi, all. Sorry I haven''t been on much this has been sort of crazy. Thanks to Mara''s cupcake thread, I started making them for friends and family for events and people have loooveed them so much, that people started asking if they could buy them from me. I did 2 events this week, one for a Pampered Chef party and one for a 15 year old''s birthday. They are both friends and family so I did them for free, but had people at the party ask me for business cards so they could buy them! Anyway, I gave away all the cupcakes so they wouldn''t tempt me and I''m still plugging away at those 10 lbs I gained on my medication. Hope all is well and I will see you in next week''s thread!

Skippy, thanks for asking about are too sweet! By the way, way to go on your awesome weight loss! That is incredible! Also, I tried that pizza you were talking about and it was so yummy! Adam is out of town all week, I might have to go back and get a few more for a quick meal!
Steph, you should totally do a cupcake business; please post pics in the cupcake thread!!! People are go nuts for cupcakes!!! That is awesome and thanks for the kudos, glad to see you back; it isn't the same without you!!

Kimi, yay for kicking back!!

Musik, yay for kicking back too!!! Wooo hooo for your training sessions!!!

Marcy, sorry the sounds are keeping you awake; when hubby is out of town I set the alarm so I don't freak out too much! Yay for a class of wine! Have fun at the party!

Tonight, hubby asked if I would make my homemade pizza so that is what we are having. My sister was so sweet and gave me a dozen roses for babysitting, I told her she didn't have to do that as I love babysitting my nephew!
Have an awesome evening all
Thanks for the welcome back Skippy! I was reading the posts, but didn''t get a chance to post for a day or 2 and then there were so many posts and I felt bad if I didn''t respond to everyone! I will try to keep up better next week! That was sweet of your sis to bring you flowers!
I need to start getting on this thread throughout the day because I am having such a hard time eating healthy right now.

I never thought of myself as an emotional eater, but I think I am. My father announced that he''s leaving my mom this past Tuesday, and I''ve just realized that I''ve eaten nothing but junk since. And now I feel so gross.

BUT, the good news is that I have been working out more since I decided to volunteer in our school''s weight room two days a week after school. So, at least I haven''t let my exercise schedule go down the drain.

Does anyone have any really indulgent yet not-so-bad-for-your-waistline recipes or favorite snacks? I''m a salt and cheese girl, not too big on sweets and I don''t really like chocolate. What''s your favorite healthy snack?

I''m sorry I haven''t responded to everyone''s posts, I''m going to go catch up now!
Haven, I am so sorry about your parents, hugs sweetie!!! Great job on the exercise. A food journal helps me stay on track; did you see this thread for recipes?

For snacks it depends. For something crunchy when I am just bored; I like cucumbers, carrots, celery, jicama and brocolli. I like to have a few almonds if I need something to make me feel full or avocado on a boca burger, or low fat Trader Joe''s cheese stick. Maybe others will chime in. For chocolate I like the WW ice cream treats or the Jello 60 calorie pudding snacks.
I went to a birthday party tonight. They fixed pork which I can’t eat so I had some carrots and a baked potato. Yes, I did eat one cupcake and loved every bite of it. This is the best I’ve been on a weekend in a long time so I hope to lose another pound this week.
Muse, I am glad you survived another session with your trainer.
I think everyone’s body has some oddities to it – my list is long and varied. As long as it works it’s probably no big deal.
Steph, good luck with your cupcake business. It sounds like a great idea.

Skippy, it’s raining and thundering right now so I hope that’s done by the time I go to bed. I am sure your pizza was great tonight.
That was sweet of your sister to get you some roses.

Haven, I am so sorry to hear about your parents. Sending you a big hug. They have 100 calorie microwave popcorn bags, pretzels and snack mixes. Those are all salty. Like Skippy I eat raw veggies and almonds for snacks too.

Take care and have a great week.

Hey! We had a very nice day. It was a little overcast this morning, so it was cooler on the terrace for breakfast. Lunch was, yep, you guess it, Panera, then coffee under the oak. We hit the gym around 2:45 and we worked out really hard. I''ve been finding that taking a couple day break between workouts is actually helping my muscles grow better. Dinner was grilled Filet for me and fresh Tilapia for Charlie with fresh steamed veggies. I haven''t had a steak in a looong time, so it was a real treat for me. We went to Sbucks (such a surprise??!! - LOL) for a cup of decaf and we split a donut for dessert. We just finished watching the Vampire show (True Blood) on HBO. It really is a such a cool show! No workout tomorrow night as it''s Monday, and we''re meeting DeeJay and her husband Bill for Sushi at favorite sushi place #2. We''ll probably go for FroYo afterwards then coffee under the oak, if time permits. I''ll take my carmera and try to take a couple pics to post........

Thanks Skippy. Of course I can totally still see the car scratch and it will always bother me, but it is at least less noticeable this time. Little details like that annoy me, but Charlie? Not so much. He keeps reminding me it''s just a car. I wish I was less bothered by little things........I''m glad you had a great walk with your cousin this morning. Send some of that cooler air our way, would you? We''ve had enough of summer already........

Marcy, I hope you get some sleep with Marty away. I don''t sleep that well when Charlie''s gone either. I think I would have loved both comments, but the you look younger one would have probably make me the happiest!! People think I look much younger since I lost a lot of weight too!

Yay for a nap and lounging Kimberly!

Yay for surviving your second training session museikchik!! Sorry I can''t help with your hip question. Maybe you could ask her to take a picture for you, so you could see what she was describing?

Hey Cupcake Steph! So Mara''s cupcakes thread sounds like it''s changing your life? I haven''t had a cupcake in eons, but you''re sure making me want one! Glad to see you and hope you''re back more often.......

Hey snack of choice, though I don''t think it''s too indulgent, is fresh raw almonds and plump raisons. I also make sure I do my hear a favor and have two pieces of 70% pure cacao dark chocolate virtually every day. The flavonoids in the dark chocolate are a very heart healthy snack! The chocolate thing requires restraint as you can over do it and you have to be able to limit yourself to just two (maybe 3) pieces. I am very sorry to hear about your parents. I''m sure it''s very disappointing for you.

OK......That''s about it and it''s now time to head to bed and start another ''uber'' long week. See you in next weeks thread.
Marcy sweet dreams, and hope you sleep well!

Rod, can't wait to see the pictures tomorrow; yay for a fun evening!!!

Sweet dreams all

Rod, have fun visiting with DeeJay and Bill tomorrow evening.I’ll be looking forward to your photos.That’s great you get compliments saying you look younger.I’ll always like a comment like that.I am glad you enjoyed a steak for a change.

Skippy, I am going to start getting ready for bed now.If I don’t get distracted (which I admit is very easy) I should make it to bed an hour early.Woo hoo.

I already weighed out all my food for tomorrow’s breakfast, lunch and dinner so all I have to do in the morning is stick things in my bag or cooler.

Happy Sunday night!

Pretty uneventful weekend. We''re still digging out from our bike trip, but I did manage to get in two five-mile runs over the weekend. I''m still sucking serious wind about three miles in, but hoping to regain my conditioning soon!

Dee*Jay, yay for a great workout! I turn SUPER red after I run. (I also have very thin skin, which doesn''t help.) A friend/nurse said I looked like I was about to have a heart-attack.

Museikchik, glad the muscles are feeling better! I find that a workout can help with soreness, too. Something with lactic acid build-up or something? Try not to let your trainer''s comment on your form freak you out too badly. Is she talking about a slight twist to your hips? If so, I think that''s pretty common.

Kimberly, I''ve never played bunco but have been really curious about it! Sounds like you had a blast with your friends.

Rod, thanks for the diet suggestion for my headache. I''ll have to pay more attention to things I may have added. I''m curious about the fact that it''s an afternoon phenomenon. Maybe lunch is the culprit? Glad you got the scratch fixed! Nicely done!! Have a great time with Dee*Jay and Bill.

Skippy, thanks for the kind words on my pendant! I''ve long admired your collection. Kudos to your sister for her loss at WW!! Can you remind me how long you''ve been doing WW? So nice about the roses!!

Marcy, I love getting new makeup! Hope the feel of the foundation grows on you. Sounds like a busy but fun weekend!

Steph, so cool about the cupcakes!! Makes me hungry just thinking about it!
Well done!!

Haven, so sorry about your folks. Hugs to you. That would definitely trigger emotional eating for me. Glad you''re keeping up the exercise. Great for stress.

Sweet dreams everyone!
Kathleen, I did weight watchers probably about 5 years ago and kept it off for 3 years and then gained it back traveling all over for work. Then just in March I got serious and lost 19.5 lbs so far; I was at a stand still in July sort of yo yoing and then buckled down again in August and Sept. I do like Weight watchers for me; it keeps me accountable. hehe thanks for asking! Yay for your super runs!!! Awesome!!!!
Thanks for your support everyone. So I goggled my hip issue and found that whatever it is, it is fixable. It is just a matter of developing the muscles on the other side so they even out. I know everyone has a uniqueness about them so I guess for me, it is my lopsidedness (totally a word).
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