
Head Table? Sweetheart Table?

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Oct 12, 2006
Hi Ladies?

What are you all considering for a head table? sweetheart table? Reasons? Pro's/Con's?

Also...have you heard of or are considering having parents at the head table?

I am just beginning the seating chart NIGHTMARE.. any input would be fabulous.. and MUCH appreciated!

and another thing.. why is it that weddings bring out the "best" in people?

ETA: OOOOPS.. that is supposed to read "Head table... " duh!
we had a sweetheart table and it was perfect for us. while we spent much of the meal walking around and talking with our guests it was nice to have a table to go back to that was only for the two of us. it was kind of like a little oasis in the middle of the party. head tables seem a little more complicated to me. if you include the bridal party then their dates end up sitting alone. and i think often parents would rather sit with their siblings/friends/guests. it just seems like head tables can get a little large and out of control. i''m sure it''s different with different size weddings. ours was only ~45 guests.
We had a sweethart table. We were able to have little moments to ourselves, not to mention our bridal party wanted to sit with their significant others. Plus, our parents definitely wanted to sit with their family members.
I''ve wondered about this too. My parents are separated, and I don''t want them to be at a small table together. I really have no idea. I''m off to check out those threads...
Like FG has shown there has been many threads on this subject. It is a pretty emotional question I have found. People seem to be very for or very against either option. What feels right to you?
Thanks ladies for your replies...

Tacori: I would like a head table... and my bridesmaids and groomsmen have all said its ok for their significant others to sit elsewhere... but yesterday I got into an argument with my mom because she wants to sit at the head table... in order to avoid having to choose whether to sit with her father (my grandfather) and his wife... or her mother (my grandmother). She feels she is going to get a lot of crap from her mom if she sits with her father.. and I dont feel its fair for my grandfather to sit anywhere else than with her.. especially because he is officiating the ceremony! My FI and I both come from broken families.. so if we add my mom and step dad to the head table..we have to add FI''s mom,her new FI, FI''s dad and his date, and to be completely correct my father and his wife... we already have 10 at our head table.. and that would add 8 more? um.. thats not workin for me... If we do that.. we would have to add two more 8'' tables making our head table a WHOPPING 32'' long.. um.. NO THANKS!

I''m tempted to say screw it.. and have a sweetheart table... but then that really wont solve the issue at hand... This really is an emotional issue as you have said...

We''ll see how today goes... maybe she has changed her mind!
I feel for you Jaders...that is a hard decision, and especially hard when you have someone pushing for what they want too...
I haven''t talked to Strm about it, but I would like a sweetheart table..we will be having a private wedding and then kindda like an open house with snacks, so a small table for the cake and then a small sweetheart table for us and then chairs around the room for those who would like to sit for a while. I had never heard of having a sweetheart table until coming here - giggle...oh yes - weddings were always the same ol same ol here when I went to a kindda nice to think I can break the mold and have what I want - giggle :D
I wish you all the best Jaders on your being who I am, I would suggest that you could make one head table and put your mother and her parents and all their other ones together
But I am just that smart aleckie of a person giggle... Dare me, and I am apt to do it :D giggle
I was just at a weddin on Saturday and the couple had a sweetheart table. Their kids were the bridal party so after the ceremony they sat with their respective families. I thought the sweetheart table was a nice idea and one that I would consider.

But Jaders your situation is a bit different. I don''t think I have ever seen the parents sitting at the head table. And like you said if your Mom is there, then what about your Dad and then your FI''s parents? That would be a huge head table if you also include your bridal party! It''s a tough call, but maybe if you continue to explain your feelings and desires then maybe your Mom will come around. In all honesty no one is sitting at those tables at a wedding for very long anyway. It''s maybe 1 or 2 hours out of a lifetime. I think your Mom will be okay if you decide on the sweetheart table.
We got married before the days of sweethearts tables.

We chose to have a head table, but instead of our bridal party, we elected to have our parents and grandparents sit with us to honor our families. Our bridal parties got to sit at a table of their own with their dates.

Everyone seemed to like the way this worked out!
Our head table was actually a round in the center of the room (a little less fish bowl like, more *our* style). On each side was our parents tables with their closest friends/grandmothers/aunts (we basically had them choose who they wanted to sit with) and the other two tables sat our closest friends/dates of wedding party. From there it just expanded out (if that makes sense). None of the dates felt uncomfortable since they knew other people there. Does your mom have siblings/best friends you could seat her with that will make everyone happy? I personally do not like sweetheart tables AT ALL but that is just my 2 cents and is basically worth nothing. I would just do with what you feel comfortable with and what your dream is. This is your wedding. What does your FI want?
at my brothers wedding. a very Italian wedding, we had this.

first as may be usual, the families sit on their respective sides.

there was a head table which had only my brother and bride and then best man and maid of honour. and then right in front of them was a table with the bridal party sitting all together (rectangular table) at the front of the hall.

then my parents, and close relatives (8 in total) sat at one table near the head table just off to the side.

then on the bride''s side they had their mom and dad and immediate family sit in one table off to the side but at the front of all their family.

the center was open for dance room for later on.
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