
Had you ever been banned from PS? If yes, did you know the reason why?


Jun 23, 2005
I was part of a group ban years ago under the old admin. We were all apparently reported for having conversation outside of PS by a popular member that is no longer around. I was never told I was banned - I just couldn't post. I could see and read but not post. Fortunately, that regime finally ended and the new admin. reinstated us. It is very disturbing to not be asked and not be told but to just have your account turned off. It was viewed as petty and very underhanded by all of us involved but thankfully Andrey and Company came along to rescue us!


Jan 3, 2013
Life is difficult enough without adding strife on an Internet forum. I’ve not reported anyone (though my finger has hovered over it once or twice if I am honest) and have never been banned. :)

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
I've never been banned and never reported anyone except those one post scammers. When I have the urge to write something snarky in response to someone's post I take a deep breath and hit ignore. It's only natural that on a large forum there will be people who you don't agree with or don't like. They may be great in real life. It's nothing personal.


Jul 17, 2008
I was warned once on something that I never thought as offensive but times change. The B word is no longer tolerated DF. Get with the times!


May 11, 2012
@mrs-b - similar experience except that I've had one or two posters here reporting me because I have a Esty shop.... which is laughable really because I set up an "Etsy shop" so that a PSer could pay off an item I had listed on LT. I've listed two items in that shop in 7 years both because I was asked to by PSers....

Similarly I have an IG account, I rarely post things on which I occasionally post pics of my own gemstones and things I want to sell or that I've helped PSers sell. I've helped 5 PSers sell their stuff for free without asking or expecting a commission.

And when I do have a gemstone or jewellery purge, which I do from time to time few PSers obviously realise I've been a gemstone and rockhound for many decades, I literally own thousands of loose gemstones that I've collected over the years.

If I wanted to set up a shop, I'd set up a shop and declare myself as trade and do it properly. It sh#*s me to tears that there are a number of other PSers that clearly sell stuff in great volume on places like LT, IG and Etsy, most have been getting away with it for years and yet people have nothing better to do with their time than report you and I.

You like DK, big deal, he's a nice guy with a great bench who makes stuff at fair to good prices, like you, I encourage everyone to use him, anyone who has a problem with repeat business because he provides outstanding service needs to get over themselves.
Last edited:


May 13, 2018
I remember getting a warning from Ella once last year on a Meghan Markle thread. I think it was over me expressing the opinion that English people care about things like class. The term classist might have been thrown around and it got heated in part because that's a stereotype that's of course not true for all English, but neither is classism same as racism.

I don't remember if I've reported anyone unless they were spamming. I'm not the type that sees any post, however offensive it may be to my personal sensibilities, as needing to be removed, unless it was some random --- enhancing product promotion sort of thing. I may have very disparaging remarks and opinions about other people's opinions, but I don't take it up as a cause to judge specific members, and I hate just the attitude or opinion others hold, rather than the person himself/herself/themself.

@arkieb1 I think I am scared about creating an Etsy shop now! I've thought about selling my crochet projects through Etsy. I'd hate it if I couldn't participate on PS because of something silly as that.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
I respectfully disagree as too many people have said they avoided hangout because of the political discussion.
Any PSer can avoid political threads all they needed to do is not to click on the topic. Why take the privilege away from other members?. Should I report every topics that I don't like posted on HO?


Jun 8, 2008
I think I am scared about creating an Etsy shop now! I've thought about selling my crochet projects through Etsy. I'd hate it if I couldn't participate on PS because of something silly as that.

There is no need to worry. Crochet projects aren't bling and if you are in doubt all you need to do is contact one of the administrators and ask them.


Aug 18, 2013
@mrs-b - similar experience except that I've had one or two posters here reporting me because I have a Esty shop.... which is laughable really because I set up an "Etsy shop" so that a PSer could pay off an item I had listed on LT. I've listed two items in that shop in 7 years both because I was asked to by PSers....

Similarly I have an IG account, I rarely post things on which I occasionally post pics of my own gemstones and things I want to sell or that I've helped PSers sell. I've helped 5 PSers sell their stuff for free without asking or expecting a commission.

And when I do have a gemstone or jewellery purge, which I do from time to time few PSers obviously realise I've been a gemstone and rockhound for many decades, I literally own thousands of loose gemstones that I've collected over the years.

If I wanted to set up a shop, I'd set up a shop and declare myself as trade and do it properly. It sh#*s me to tears that there are a number of other PSers that clearly sell stuff in great volume on places like LT, IG and Etsy, most have been getting away with it for years and yet people have nothing better to do with their time than report you and I.

You like DK, big deal, he's a nice guy with a great bench who makes stuff at fair to good prices, like you, I encourage everyone to use him, anyone who has a problem with repeat business because he provides outstanding service needs to get over themselves.

Good lord. A classic example of people jumping in before they know what they're talking about. :rolleyes:

I've also worked - and will work again - with Jonathan Weingarten, Victor Canera, and - most of all - WhiteFlash. I work with them a LOT. I've also worked with BGD, GoodOldGold, Leon Mege, Steven Kirsch, and have plans to work with CvB. I've had diamonds from all over - including (as well as the ones I've already mentioned) Yoram, Ivy and Rose, and various others. I've had colored stones from Finewater Gems, ACStones, ATG Gems, Yvonne and Cecile Raley, RIchard Wise, and MANY others, to say nothing of regular brick and mortar jewelers. For Opals it's mostly, but not only, MSOpalworld and Black Opal Direct. For pearls, mostly Pearl Paradise, tho there's at least 2 other dealers with whom I've worked.

Every single thing I've bought from any of those vendors I could have sourced through DKJ. But haven't. I cast a wide net when purchasing jewelry. Anybody who knows me at ALL would know that.

@arkieb1, it seems to me that some people GENUINELY have nothing better to do with their time than try to be in charge of others' behaviour. Whatever. So long as they keep their noses out of my business, I really don't care.

And - seriously - how very nice of you to do the whole Etsy set-up thing, just to make it easier for some small number of people!! You're a nice women, @arkieb1!


Feb 8, 2014
1,117 seems to me that some people GENUINELY have nothing better to do with their time than try to be in charge of others' behaviour...
These are my thoughts precisely. I have seen a LOT of posts that rub me the wrong way, and I've never reported a one, except for last month against Karl, and I regret that reporting dreadfully now. I have a life. I'm busy, working and solving issues. PS nonsense does NOT figure into my 'to do' lists. In the 6 years I've been on this board, I've never interacted with management directly except at last year's PS/WF lovely event at GIA....other than having @Ella call me an armchair psychologist....

There are a lot of female busybodies on this board, and that's why we can't have political discussions anymore. Even though I don't know who you are, I resent the lot of you for being so absurdly sensitive, and I will now presume that everyone on this board except for those I know are snitches.


Sep 16, 2009
I remember getting a warning from Ella once last year on a Meghan Markle thread. I think it was over me expressing the opinion that English people care about things like class. The term classist might have been thrown around and it got heated in part because that's a stereotype that's of course not true for all English, but neither is classism same as racism.

I don't remember if I've reported anyone unless they were spamming. I'm not the type that sees any post, however offensive it may be to my personal sensibilities, as needing to be removed, unless it was some random --- enhancing product promotion sort of thing. I may have very disparaging remarks and opinions about other people's opinions, but I don't take it up as a cause to judge specific members, and I hate just the attitude or opinion others hold, rather than the person himself/herself/themself.

@arkieb1 I think I am scared about creating an Etsy shop now! I've thought about selling my crochet projects through Etsy. I'd hate it if I couldn't participate on PS because of something silly as that.

I’m surprised that I wasn’t warned on that thread! It’s a topic that really gets to me heated because of my British in-laws.

I think we can all get a bit carried away from time to time.


Jun 8, 2008
;)2 re:the last line, but I agree with the rest!


Haha agree as well. Also with the exception of the last line. Cmon, cyclists are wonderful people. Well some cyclists. Many are really really annoying and obnoxious. :lol: My DH calls them hammerheads.

I agree that in general we are so intolerant of others. I am intolerant of intolerance so does that make me intolerant overall? :lol: Noooooooo. I think being more tolerant would go a long way towards peacefully co-existing with others.
Why can't we live and let live? Love and let love? Just be and let others be. Live in peace and harmony and equality.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Never been banned or received a warning on PS but I find PS really sane and tame compared to some of the other places I frequent!

PS is pretty fair imo. Let's just say there are some really bizzare places out there where the rules are "creative" and make no sense.

I find it really hard but i make a big effort not to swear here - just as well by the sound of it !
I 've heard that in our part of the world we swear more than others

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Do we??? I never knew that!!!

I know I swear a fair bit but I thought that was just me......

Lucky Bruce Springsteen swears a lot too so i don't have to worry over there
I can make an entire paragraph just out of the F word - infact once at work some co-workers had a bet between themselves how many Fs i would say in a sentence after one of them had wound me up - all in good fun of course

Then of course there are words that are perfectly acceptable even my old grandmothers here but are a no no else where
Back when Racheal Hunter was married to Rod Stewart she got in a bit of bother on the bbc after she called her husband an old bug**r


Jul 9, 2020
I was banned shortly after I joined because I didn't realize that the rules for trade were so strict.

It was 100% fair and warranted, PS is a great community and it needs to be kept safe from becoming a garden of spam.

That said, it would be nice to be able to link to informative articles on my website (or elsewhere), but I understand that moderators aren't paid for the most part, so policing SPAM is difficult.


Jun 27, 2014
I find it really hard but i make a big effort not to swear here - just as well by the sound of it !
I 've heard that in our part of the world we swear more than others

Daisy, you'd fit right in in New England- we elevate swearing into art. :lol:

* I've reported only once, and that was Nida of the many carats for spamming the entire forum.


Mar 31, 2018
I’ve never been banned or reported anyone except for I think two creepy vendors that signed up just to sell their wares. I read a lot of things I don’t agree with. I just don’t respond...People have opinions that may be different then mine but it doesn’t make me mad enough to get angry over it and report them. That seems crazy to me..


Jun 8, 2008
I’ve never been banned or reported anyone except for I think two creepy vendors that signed up just to sell their wares. I read a lot of things I don’t agree with. I just don’t respond...People have opinions that may be different then mine but it doesn’t make me mad enough to get angry over it and report them. That seems crazy to me..

Joanne, I agree with you but I understand why some people get heated. We are discussing important topics that mean life and death really. I mean how unfair are things in the world? It is enough to drive people crazy. The unfairness of it all. If I were a member of a targeted group that were subjected to abuse for centuries I wouldn't be so calm either. Heck what is happening in the world affects all of us. Not just the group of people it directly affects but should matter to every single one of us.

We all have different ways of handling things for sure and there is no one right way. But I am just saying I definitely see all sides and can understand why some get so upset. It is upsetting. And while I am a peaceful person sometimes my ire is raised. Does that make sense?

Of course I feel we should all be polite and respectful but I can see how in the moment some people can lose their cool.


Mar 31, 2018
Joanne, I agree with you but I understand why some people get heated. We are discussing important topics that mean life and death really. I mean how unfair are things in the world? It is enough to drive people crazy. The unfairness of it all. If I were a member of a targeted group that were subjected to abuse for centuries I wouldn't be so calm either. Heck what is happening in the world affects all of us. Not just the group of people it directly affects but should matter to every single one of us.

We all have different ways of handling things for sure and there is no one right way. But I am just saying I definitely see all sides and can understand why some get so upset. It is upsetting. And while I am a peaceful person sometimes my ire is raised. Does that make sense?

Of course I feel we should all be polite and respectful but I can see how in the moment some people can lose their cool.

@missy I definitely understand why people get upset...People are actually shocked when they see me get fired up about something. Everyone has their triggers..If something was said that I took offense to I would speak up...and let them know right away..I most likely wouldn’t report them though...


Jun 8, 2008
@missy I definitely understand why people get upset...People are actually shocked when they see me get fired up about something. Everyone has their triggers..If something was said that I took offense to I would speak up...and let them know right away..I most likely wouldn’t report them though...

Ditto. The only person I ever reported was myself lol.
And you are the sweetest, kindest person. I can’t imagine you ever upsetting anyone. ❤️


May 11, 2012
I find it really hard but i make a big effort not to swear here - just as well by the sound of it !
I 've heard that in our part of the world we swear more than others

Most of the Aussies that grew up in the outback like I did swear like troopers, I swear a lot and generally make no apologies for doing so, I'm also brutally honest to the point of offending people. :lol:

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Most of the Aussies that grew up in the outback like I did swear like troopers, I swear a lot and generally make no apologies for doing so, I'm also brutally honest to the point of offending people. :lol:

Im assuming you are familiar with a certain Kevin Blo**y Wilson song about the little country boy who starts school ;)2
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