
"Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold halo


Sep 20, 2008
People are always talking about "stop light red" so I thought I'd describe my new garnet at "go light green." That's really the best way I can describe it as it glows this green color that is just amazing. My jeweler weighed the stone in at 4.06 carats, but when I bought it, I was told it was 4.02 carats, not that it makes much of a difference. The setting is a lanbo customized setting, and my jeweler did an awesome job setting it. Love the setting, but it's the stone that really shines. This first group of shots were taken in sunlight. This is one of the most brilliant stones I own. It is a light show.




Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Incandescent light at McDonalds. It was my day off today and I was there with the kids.



Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

I am dying of jealousy here. Seriously. Just dying of jealousy....

Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Oh my gosh, that is insanely GORGEOUS!!! Wow! :appl:
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Wow wow wow!!! You could dive in & get lost in that.

--- Laurie
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

TL, you are the queen of colored stones! This is gorgeous!!!
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

GOrgeous, gorgeous stone GL
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Gorgeous! I especially like the "happy family" photo! :appl:
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Totally green with envy. =) It's very easy to forget that it's cut into a heart shape. :D
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Beautiful green!!! :love: :love: Love your Rings!
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

WOW, what a beautiful GREEN :love:
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Goodness gracious!!! that looks even better than I thought it would and I was really ambitious with the heart shape thoughts to begin with.

GREAT job on picking out the setting and the stone is just yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :appl:
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

L O V E! :love: GORGEOUS color green!
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

definitely go-light-green! love the color :)
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal




That is beautiful TL!! I love that shade of green and what a perfect setting for that awesome stone. Heart stones are really starting to grow on me.

I just went to the Intergem show in MI this past weekend and Vance Gems had some mint merelani garnets for sale. I have never seen any of those stones in person before and I just fell in love. What a gorgeous green!
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

OMG !!!! That is especially delicious !!!!!
And when you put them all together ~ WOWSERS !!!! :love: :cheeky: :love: :cheeky:

I just want to know how you get those sparkles to come out in your pictures, I can't capture that !!!!!


Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

I love it! You have such great luck (well, more skill than luck, I suppose!) at customizing lanbo settings. They always look great!
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!! I hope I get to seem some of these beauties in person someday!! :love:
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

I couldn't help but laugh out loud at the "go light green". I LOVE go light green and I often want something that's similar in color! That green garnet is REALLY something else!
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Hi, TL :wavey:

Wow, that green is heaven-ly!!! :love: That setting is enough to make a person re-think heart shaped gems!

What a great addition to your ring treasury.., enjoy!

~ faegrace
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Fortekitty - Thank you!! I'm getting even for all the gorgeous gems you have that I covet!! ;)) :twisted:

Laila619 - Thank you!

JewelFreak - Thank you! This is a dangerous ring to drive in traffic with as you can get lost in it. I agree!

RubyShoes - You are too kind, thank you!!

VapidLand - Thank you!

Aofie - Thank you, and I always like to get in a family shot. :bigsmile:

Brandy_z28 - Thank you. I'm not keen on heart shapes either, but yes, you do forget about it with this one.

ZestfullyBling - Thank you!! Very sweet of you to say so.

BrightIce - Thank you!!

FallenRox - Thank you, yes, "the curse of the heart shape" didn't ruin this setting - phew!! I purposely did a halo also
as I think halos work so well with medium light and lighter toned stones. They help bring out the facet pattern too!

Drillsgtsgem - Thank you!! I love your pink spinel ring!

slg47 - Thank you!! I kept looking at traffic lights today to compare. LOL!

Stargurl78 - Thank you! When I went to Intergem, I wasn't planning on buying a tsavorite, let alone a mint merelani, but I never know what I end up with when I go there.

ooo~Shiney - Thank you!! I can't get sparkle with all gems, they have to be very brilliant. For example, I can get it with diamonds, my chrysoberyls and some garnets, like this one and my other pear shaped tsavorite. It helps if the stone is medium light in tone or lighter, but it's more difficult with a stone that is less brilliant (lower RI) and/or just poorly cut. I just focus in on the stone and then move it so that the sun is hitting it just right to get that blind-inducing sparkle. This gem is very easy to get the sparkle on. I wish I could video it and upload it here. It literally glows, it's so brilliant. Oh yes, and I take the photos using auto (double flower) macro mode. I get clearer shots that way.

Jstarfireb - Thank you!! I actually email him a photo of the setting I like with the measurements and the specs on it. I think it helps. My jeweler did say it was a tight fit, but the key is also to have a good jeweler. He took a long time to set it. With this one, I also emailed lanbo a photo of the stone with the measurements on it. I wonder if he shrunk down the photo to the exact measurments because it fit like a glove. Even the little "heart humps" and the cleft were exact.

Erini - Thank you!!

Frekechild - Thank you!! I was going to tell you to duck and cover because it was your favorite shape. . . NOT!! A heart!! LOL!

Facegrace - Thank you!! It was hard finding a nice heart shaped setting, and so I opted to customize a setting for a pear. I actually have this same exact setting for a pear shaped stone, and I loved it so much, I asked him to do a heart.

Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

That green is so "go light green" bright that it even blows away the rose gold (good choice by the way :bigsmile: )! Boy do I love mint merelanis...
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Not a fan of heart-shaped cut gemstones... But this one is tooo beautiful to resist!!!! :love:
Definitely my favorite mint garnet jewelry here in PS. Congrats TL! :appl:
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

TL said:
Stargurl78 - Thank you! When I went to Intergem, I wasn't planning on buying a tsavorite, let alone a mint merelani, but I never know what I end up with when I go there.

How funny, I didn't even realize you bought it from Vance Gems until I saw your comment and checked out your thread on the loose stone! Vance Gems did have some very pretty green garnets. I think there is another show here at the end of August, so I might have to start saving up them dollars :Up_to_something: I did purchase a sleepy peachy-pink spinel from them that I need to post pics of...
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

minousbijoux - Thank you!!

Blithsome - Thank you!!

stargurl78|1309318566|2957634 said:
TL said:
Stargurl78 - Thank you! When I went to Intergem, I wasn't planning on buying a tsavorite, let alone a mint merelani, but I never know what I end up with when I go there.

How funny, I didn't even realize you bought it from Vance Gems until I saw your comment and checked out your thread on the loose stone! Vance Gems did have some very pretty green garnets. I think there is another show here at the end of August, so I might have to start saving up them dollars :Up_to_something: I did purchase a sleepy peachy-pink spinel from them that I need to post pics of...

Actually, I didn't get that stone from Bill Vance, but I have purchased a stone from him in the past, and I always browse his gem booth.
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

I am almost speechless... The nicely saturated, med-light toned bluish green mint garnet is fantastic! The setting compliments it nicely and it's HUGE :) your collection never ceases to impress TL, hearty congrats!! :appl:
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Congrats on another stunner TL!! That garnet is to die for, and the setting is one of the few heart settings that is ornate without being cheap looking. I just love the cutting on your eBay stones...they always sparkle so much!
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

What a mint garnet and it's huge too. It's not often one sees a well saturated light green gossular garnet that isn't almost colourless, too yellow or corpse like, not to mention they are often smaller sized stones.
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

:love: :mrgreen: :love: :mrgreen: :love: :mrgreen: :love:
TL it is sooooo stunning! The colour is incredible, and the setting is just the perfect perfect compliment! :appl:
Congrats on such a gorgeous piece- I love that you took it to McDonalds!
Re: "Go Light Green" garnet (mint merelani) in rose gold hal

Very very nice! Now I want a stone in heart shape as well!

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