
Friend loves ring from Kays, find a similar one?!


Dec 12, 2009
So my best friend fell in love with a ring from Kay's, and I'm trying to save her fiance from making the awful mistake of paying so much for a low quality ring. I've done some searching, but since the design of the ring is a bit, dated... I haven't had much luck finding similar settings. Her boyfriend wants to have a larger center stone, if that makes a difference. He also would like to try and avoid the custom process. Any help would be very much appreciated!|10101|10001|-1|940038200|15051|15051.15057
wow - that vintage one is size 2 ?!!!!! I'd see what whiteflash could do custom. You might be surprised!
ditto...that design looks a bit dated to me. However if that's what she wants then by all means she should get it!

I certainly think that style could be done in a more elegant and refined me it looks a little 'blocky' and looks like there are some weird gaps between the center stone and the band.

I will try to look for some inspiration pictures!
That design is so popular. At pawn shops around here I could pick one up for $200 to $500 depending on the TCW. White or yellow gold. I would highly suggest pawn shops and then taking the ring to a local jeweler for any necessary work and polishing. Never pay pawn sticker price. Start low and offer them 60% of the price (usually I end up buying for 70%) of what they are asking. Make sure to know what your looking at and don't be afraid to walk away.

It's not an antique style and I would not lean that way at all. This is one of my favorite styles btw and flows nicely IRL - no funny gaps :)
I agree that it looks dated. I wonder if he would have any luck purchasing a solitaire and then purchasing a wrap that she likes for the wb?
Wow, I am astonished at the number of replies I have received- thank you all so much for your time! I truly appreciate it.

Some things I probably should have clarified at the beginning are that she really has her heart set on a marquise center stone. Also, her boyfriend got a quote from Kay's for his preferred upgrades for around $6000 and was happy with that price, so we definitely have some room to work with. So far, it is looking like a custom ring will probably be his best bet. I will have to see what I can to do open his mind up to the idea.
You have a very very lucky friend.

For that style in a marquise I'd be toooooooooootally checking out eBay, Craigslist, swap meets and pawn shops.
Those are sooooooo far out of style you should be able to pick one up for next to nothing.
In fact I cannot image any other design or cut that is more out of style.

Still whatever she likes is whatever she likes and is in NO way inferior.
She's just lucky, as are the folks who actually prefer white diamonds in the M, N, O + color grades.

If you buy such a style and cut new you'll be probably spending 5+ times more than you have to, and even new diamonds are billions of years old. :wink2:
hmm, since that setting is easy to come by at such low prices and secondhand, 6k would go a looong way towards a killer marquis. get him to PS so he can do some research and spend that 6k wisely! i know he doesn't wish to go custom either, but that might allow him to give her the style she likes, with a bit of IMO much-needed updating.

someone posted a gorgeous marquis setting recently that might fit the bill... but it's more timeless and really beautiful! let me see if i can find it....
IMO the ring is WAY over priced for what it is. After taxes and everything (even wo the upgrade to make it 6k total) it's not worth the 2800.00 + fee for the lifetime policy that they get you on (every 6 months you have to get your ring checked).

The style is very easy to find second hand (for a lot less) or with his 6k budget that leaves him a lot of options. The engagement ring itself could be a solitaire and she can get a wrap that gives it that same look, but much higher in quality and a much better cut center stone. Here are a few stones at GOG to check out. Marquise are difficult and you really need a trusted vendor who knows what to look for. Bow-ties are very common and affect the over all light performance of the stone (meaning the bow tie makes it sparkle less).

ETA: you should do a search for marquise on here and show her the different options. This is one of my favorite ones I've ever seen.

Another beautiful one set east to west and bezeled

The options are endless. There is one by greenlake that appears to be's beautiful!