
Found out what she likes, take your final vote

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May 25, 2009
If you kept up with my other topic I was searching for the best cutter, well honestly I realized there isn''t one specific BEST cutter, they all have there advantages and disadvantages...

Turns out she wants a pink stone not an amethyst.

She said my best bet was to ask you guys again haha, so here I am..

So Pink tourmaline was the only stone in my price range that fit the budget I have...

Here are the final stones that will be in the competition

Gary''s 6.8x6.8 pink to peach color changing round tourmaline (looks great) I would like to see pictures of them to see what they look like he told me there were some to look at here. (I couldn''t figure out how to post the pictures he gave me on here but they looked great and she liked them).


Richard''s 7.1X7.1 pink tourmaline (heated) originally $800

I am leaving room for Gene as well, he has been really helpful
Excuse me not Gary, but Barry... somehow I always them mixed up
Ask Richard if the pink tourmaline is also irradiated. Sometimes they''re both heated, and then irradiated. I wouldn''t want to pay all that $$$ for an irradiated stone.
Ryon, did you ask her how she likes the look of a concave cut?
$320 for a pink tourmaline cut by Richard Homer? That''s a steal. Have you asked her if she likes concave cutting though?
I wasn''t able to find the Barry B stone you were referring to. That Richard Homer tourmaline looks like a real beauty!
Date: 5/26/2009 10:14:56 PM
Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl
Ryon, did you ask her how she likes the look of a concave cut?
Yeah. Big question to ask right here.
I''d also want to make sure she actually saw a concave cut IRL, not just in a photo. The way they handle light is very different from traditional, flat facet cuts. I''d also suggest you check (in case you haven''t) pink spinels; they''re more durable than tourmalines and don''t cost much more. Here are a few that I think are nice, and all are untreated:



#3 - my favorite; a bright color and a very good cutting for a native cut


Off course, neither has a designer cutting, but they''re nice in their own right.
Oops, I thought 800$ was your budget so I suggested some more expensive stones - sorry! But you can still find nice pink spinels in 1-2 ct sizes for around 300$.
Well I love that Richard Homer concave stone. It is awesome. But she may prefer the standard cutting of the other stone. And if the pink one is irradiated, that may not be something to consider as well. I think I would get that stone! BUT, I sure would like to see the Barry stone as well.
I like RH''s tourmaline, but I also like Barry''s stones. Maybe show her both andlet her decide?
Date: 5/27/2009 4:08:15 AM
Author: ma re
I''d also want to make sure she actually saw a concave cut IRL, not just in a photo. The way they handle light is very different from traditional, flat facet cuts. I''d also suggest you check (in case you haven''t) pink spinels; they''re more durable than tourmalines and don''t cost much more. Here are a few that I think are nice, and all are untreated:



#3 - my favorite; a bright color and a very good cutting for a native cut


Off course, neither has a designer cutting, but they''re nice in their own right.
Mr. ma re, I would love to see the stones you posted but when I click on your links, it says "invalid server".
Date: 5/27/2009 12:55:10 PM
Author: Cind11
Mr. ma re, I would love to see the stones you posted but when I click on your links, it says ''invalid server''.
Happens the same when I click - suppose there''s a problem with their server or something (I added links like many times before and they should work fine). Anyway, they''re all from, so anyone interested can browse their website.
Date: 5/27/2009 12:55:10 PM
Author: Cind11
Date: 5/27/2009 4:08:15 AM
Mr. ma re, I would love to see the stones you posted but when I click on your links, it says ''invalid server''.

It looks like is down, so we can''t check those spinels out.
I got to see the spinels earlier, but didn''t have time to post, they looked nice, but yeah way outta my price range..As for everyone asking the question if she likes concave, I showed her pictures and she loves it (actual real life pictures of the stones). She loved most of the cuts I showed her and the real preference is just finding pink and not getting a dark stone, she hated anything really dark.

The two stones listed were her favorites, but she is worried about the look of the peach color..
Richard is doing a diamond show in Vegas so it might be a while before he gets back to me

Trying to figure out how to post these pictures still

Well that worked heres the peach aspect of the stone

Love Barry''s stone :)
That Barry stone is a winner. If she doesn't like it when she gets it in, he has a return policy. Otherwise, that is an awesome stone. What's the size of it?
Date: 5/27/2009 1:23:44 PM
Author: stepcutnut
Love Barry''s stone :)
It is really nice, and everyone who buys from him on here seems to buy again and again and again and again. So obviously he is pretty good.
Date: 5/27/2009 1:28:23 PM
Author: Ryon
Date: 5/27/2009 1:23:44 PM

Author: stepcutnut

Love Barry''s stone :)

It is really nice, and everyone who buys from him on here seems to buy again and again and again and again. So obviously he is pretty good.
Yes, I have many stones from Barry and have been really happy with each of them!
Date: 5/27/2009 1:28:08 PM
Author: cinnamon013
That Barry stone is a winner. If she doesn''t like it when she gets it in, he has a return policy. Otherwise, that is an awesome stone. What''s the size of it?
Thanks that is a good thing to think about, it is a 6.8x6.8
Her ring size=4
So im guessing it would look really great, not overwelming, and not small
also 1.23 ct if that is what you mean''t
Sounds like a very nice size for her finger. I too can vouch for Barry. I have 5 stones from him counting 2 on the way.
I personally prefer the Barry stone, not to mention it is a more classic cut - the concave, while gorgeous, does not sparkle the same way.
Barry is amazing! I have two of his stones and plan on getting more eventually.
Well I guess this isn''t even a competition at all haha, Im still asking Barry for more info on the stone and if he has anymore close to it..
Add me to the Barry Fan Club....I have lots of his beautiful stones, too!

I guess I must be the only one who likes the pink tourmaline. I think the colour is very saturated, the tone just right and the hue quite pure, not to mention a great value when you consider the expertise and fame of the cutter.
Date: 5/27/2009 4:28:33 PM
Author: Chrono
I guess I must be the only one who likes the pink tourmaline. I think the colour is very saturated, the tone just right and the hue quite pure, not to mention a great value when you consider the expertise and fame of the cutter.
Oh no Chrono - I would take that RH stone for sure! It would look lovely in a ring! It is a very romantic looking stone.
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