
Final AVR comparison...2.12 and 2.29 I VS1


Jan 11, 2006
I think I may have already said that my husband does not yet know the price difference. I told him I wanted him to see the stones in natural daylight and tell me which he prefers, but that the larger one is obviously more expensive. He said he thought the decision should be made based on which stone is the most beautiful overall, not on the price. I need to appreciate my husband more, because he is the opposite of my father who hated to spend money on anything!!! I will say that when I originally ordered a 1.37 and a 1.63, he chose the larger stone and that is what I got. He did think last fall that the 2.19 (8.2mm) stone was too large in comparison to a 1.9 (but only 7.7mm), so it will be interesting to see if he chooses based on size. My husband and youngest daughter will be the only two people who will see these in person, so I am really interested in their opinions as just casual observers, which is what most people out there are! Visual appearance has to count more than paper!


Apr 6, 2011
Go for 2.12
French cut band! French cut band! French cut band! ::)

If the difference is small, the $ large, and the stone is big in your neck of the woods, you will only get PS DSS not real life DSS.


Jan 11, 2006
backwardsandinheels|1366464935|3431064 said:
Go for 2.12
French cut band! French cut band! French cut band! ::)

If the difference is small, the $ large, and the stone is big in your neck of the woods, you will only get PS DSS not real life DSS.

:lol: Love that differential between PS DSS and real life DSS!!!!

Yes, that french cut band is important!


Jun 23, 2010
I have been following your diamond odyssey, and am so happy you've found two such gorgeous options! You really can't make a mistake, unless.....

What I'm seeing when I look over this thread is your referring back to the price differential, which is not insignificant. I know in the real world that's an important consideration, but since this is going to be The One, I agree that over the course of a lifetime, 5K++++ isn't as huge as it might look at first glance. Several veteran and knowledgable posters have recommended the 2.12ct, and every time you seem to be pushing back a little, and that seems important to me. Are you really wanting the 2.29?

Bottom line: If you are looking at both AVR's, blocking the price differential from your mind, which one makes you happy? Which one do you really, in your heart of hearts want?

Not listening to that little voice several years ago and trying to be sensible is how I ended up with both an AVR and an AVC, so not much money saved there. :cheeky:


Oct 6, 2011
After seeing the links and additional images I still prefer the 2.29 - look at it's AMAZING ASET and DiamXray. I would also love to see Isee2 results for the larger stone.


Jan 11, 2006
Aoife|1366465733|3431074 said:
I have been following your diamond odyssey, and am so happy you've found two such gorgeous options! You really can't make a mistake, unless.....

What I'm seeing when I look over this thread is your referring back to the price differential, which is not insignificant. I know in the real world that's an important consideration, but since this is going to be The One, I agree that over the course of a lifetime, 5K++++ isn't as huge as it might look at first glance. Several veteran and knowledgable posters have recommended the 2.12ct, and every time you seem to be pushing back a little, and that seems important to me. Are you really wanting the 2.29?

Bottom line: If you are looking at both AVR's, blocking the price differential from your mind, which one makes you happy? Which one do you really, in your heart of hearts want?

Not listening to that little voice several years ago and trying to be sensible is how I ended up with both an AVR and an AVC, so not much money saved there. :cheeky:

:lol: Well, my true desire is to also have an AVC, too, if a money tree sprouts up in my backyard! So you are my hero!

Okay, here's the deal. I just took my husband outside and showed him the stones in the most optimal lighting and he said they looked identical to him, and they do to me, too, except for size (and he didn't care about the price but I do!). And he didn't think the larger one was too big, yay! BUT, the larger one just has a little bigger facets and is even better to enjoy the pattern and flashes of amazing pastels! If I were looking at 2 H&A stones right now, I would take a 2.0 ct in a second. I would not even desire a 2.3 ct rb. But with these, they are so captivating because of the facet patterns, and the larger they are, the more there is to enjoy! :love: Ugh!!!! The 2.12 was bigger than the last AVR I seriously considered buying, so it was larger at the time. The key now is to never again look at a larger one so I am not mesmerized by the larger facet pattern! :lol:

But if to get the smaller will result in a later upgrade, then going with the smaller not is pointless and the price on a 2.3 could be even higher, if I could find one with the specs I wanted. So I can truly justify both decisions...the 2.12 because it is a much better value, and the 2.29 because of it's slightly larger, yummy facets. But I am still going to sit outside for awhile today and make sure I see nothing in the facet patterns that makes me prefer one over the other!


Dec 10, 2004
missy|1366462586|3431047 said:
CharmyPoo|1366461727|3431042 said:
Did you check out the ASET's Charmy? I thought that was interesting.

No I didn't but I should and see if it changes my mind. I find that lately ... I have been trying to avoid using ASETs and making a judgement with my eyes and loupe. Perhaps, it is because I have been buying up true antique stones and the ASETs don't matter so much. The thing I find with old stones (even newly cut old style stones) ... I care more about the overall look and personality over performance perfection. I can live with a level of less than perfect these days.

I really hate to admit it but I have been wearing my 1.7 ct OEC on one hand and my 1.7 AVC on the other. Obviously, my OEC is not cut as well as the AVC but I am more attracted to my OEC and like the way it looks better. It could be the shape it could be the amazing colors it throws .. who knows. I can't wait to get my big OEC back as I know it performs far better than my smaller one and is much whiter.

I guess my strange point to all this ... for OECs, I don't care about the ASET but I find the eye and taking the diamond to as many different environments is more important. I may be off base here but I just feel the ASET doesn't predict the overall performance mixed with OEC personality for me. I have no other way to describe this :razz:

But with these two stones ... I don't see a wrong either way. I would be very happy with either stones.


Jan 11, 2006
two_little_birds|1366465887|3431077 said:
After seeing the links and additional images I still prefer the 2.29 - look at it's AMAZING ASET and DiamXray. I would also love to see Isee2 results for the larger stone.

Yes, it is perfect like my first 1.63 H&A stone was. There is something mentally appealing about that to me (as well as the fact that I think the cutter is a master), I have to admit, but the other stone does look as good in reality. So the differences in those ASETs are pretty minute in normal viewing. I am betting the ISee2 would be even higher on the 2.29, but both scored very high on the brillance-scope thing.


May 23, 2012
I know this is a wonderful dilemma to have but honestly I'm a little nervous for you! It's a really tough choice. I hope one captures your heart today in a way that makes the decision obvious.


Dec 10, 2004
I don't think it will ever be big enough!! In a few years, no matter which one you choose will look not as big as it used to. I don't even have my 2.5 ct OEC on my finger yet and I am already thinking it is too small. I tried on a 3 ct and 3.8 ct yesterday and the size did not look too big to me (although my husband thought it looked really stupid big).

Plus, I think part of the fun for us is also looking and buying a diamond. Planning for an upgrade is a good thing. I guess I am giving you a few more food for thought items.


Jan 11, 2006
Rosebloom, thank you!!! It is hard!!!! :confused:

Charmy...yes, I do think that is the only downside of the 2.12. Now I have tried a larger one and like the size, so that is causing me conflict in my brain! My frugal side says, no way is the other stone worth that much more!!! My diamond loving side says, oh, the 2.29 has even more area to love (and my husband did not say it was too big)!!! I probably shouldn't even go to Vegas because I will see all those huge rocks and it may ruin me for good! :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
Charmy I agree. My oec is not perfect but I love it. You cannot capture its personality on an ASET. You really have to see it IRL in many different viewing environments. Fortunately DS has that opportunity so she can make the best choice for her.

And I also agree that the search is fun in itself and I sort of miss that now that I have my hg oec. But I can still enjoy helping others search!


Jan 18, 2004
I can't say I prefer one over the other. In some pictures, I prefer the 2.12 and in others I prefer the 2.29. Putting aside visual preferences, I do think the mind clean issue is a very important one here. One of the reasons I adore antique stones and jewelry is that I can accept them much more readily, warts and all, without feeling I am sacrificing anything in terms of beauty. If I were purchasing a newly cut antique stone, however, with all the bells and whistles and the premium that comes with them, I would likely strive for "perfection." My experience over the years has taught me that it's best to get what I want at the outset (assuming I can truly afford it). I think if at all possible, it would be good to put aside the issue of the price difference for now and figure out which stone you truly want. If money were no object, which would you choose?


Apr 28, 2008
Now based on what you're saying, I think you should get the 2.29!! Yes 5k is a lot of money, but obviously you and your DH can afford it. In the grand scheme of things, it's not that much really. It sounds like you do like the 2.29 a tiny bit more, so I'd say go for it!


Jan 11, 2006
Demelza|1366468499|3431093 said:
I can't say I prefer one over the other. In some pictures, I prefer the 2.12 and in others I prefer the 2.29. Putting aside visual preferences, I do think the mind clean issue is a very important one here. One of the reasons I adore antique stones and jewelry is that I can accept them much more readily, warts and all, without feeling I am sacrificing anything in terms of beauty. If I were purchasing a newly cut antique stone, however, with all the bells and whistles and the premium that comes with them, I would likely strive for "perfection." My experience over the years has taught me that it's best to get what I want at the outset (assuming I can truly afford it). I think if at all possible, it would be good to put aside the issue of the price difference for now and figure out which stone you truly want. If money were no object, which would you choose?

I was hoping you and Dreamer would see this, too, Dem! I think you do understand my thinking because of the perfection of your H&A stone and buying an AVR is like that.

"If money were no object, which would you choose?"

Easy...the 2.29. It is a beautiful size, perfect ASET, etc., master-cutter Yoram/DiaGem. I have always wanted a stone cut by him, but I could later get an AVC cut by him if I didn't this time.


Jun 23, 2010
diamondseeker2006|1366469417|3431100 said:
Demelza|1366468499|3431093 said:
I can't say I prefer one over the other. In some pictures, I prefer the 2.12 and in others I prefer the 2.29. Putting aside visual preferences, I do think the mind clean issue is a very important one here. One of the reasons I adore antique stones and jewelry is that I can accept them much more readily, warts and all, without feeling I am sacrificing anything in terms of beauty. If I were purchasing a newly cut antique stone, however, with all the bells and whistles and the premium that comes with them, I would likely strive for "perfection." My experience over the years has taught me that it's best to get what I want at the outset (assuming I can truly afford it). I think if at all possible, it would be good to put aside the issue of the price difference for now and figure out which stone you truly want. If money were no object, which would you choose?

I was hoping you and Dreamer would see this, too, Dem! I think you do understand my thinking because of the perfection of your H&A stone and buying an AVR is like that.

"If money were no object, which would you choose?"

Easy...the 2.29. It is a beautiful size, perfect ASET, etc., master-cutter Yoram/DiaGem. I have always wanted a stone cut by him, but I could later get an AVC cut by him if I didn't this time.

There you go then!

This is what I was trying to get at in my rambling post. This preference is clear every time previous posters recommended the 2.12.


Jan 11, 2006
Haha, well, money is just such an inconvenient factor! :lol: You read me correctly, though, Aoife!


Jan 18, 2004
diamondseeker2006|1366469417|3431100 said:
Demelza|1366468499|3431093 said:
I can't say I prefer one over the other. In some pictures, I prefer the 2.12 and in others I prefer the 2.29. Putting aside visual preferences, I do think the mind clean issue is a very important one here. One of the reasons I adore antique stones and jewelry is that I can accept them much more readily, warts and all, without feeling I am sacrificing anything in terms of beauty. If I were purchasing a newly cut antique stone, however, with all the bells and whistles and the premium that comes with them, I would likely strive for "perfection." My experience over the years has taught me that it's best to get what I want at the outset (assuming I can truly afford it). I think if at all possible, it would be good to put aside the issue of the price difference for now and figure out which stone you truly want. If money were no object, which would you choose?

I was hoping you and Dreamer would see this, too, Dem! I think you do understand my thinking because of the perfection of your H&A stone and buying an AVR is like that.

"If money were no object, which would you choose?"

Easy...the 2.29. It is a beautiful size, perfect ASET, etc., master-cutter Yoram/DiaGem. I have always wanted a stone cut by him, but I could later get an AVC cut by him if I didn't this time.

I was talking about this perfection issue to Dreamer just yesterday. I still can't decide whether I want to sell my H&A because I like the IDEA of having a "perfect" stone even though I NEVER wear it and vastly prefer the optics of my OEC. The mind is a tricky thing. Anyway, you've done the hard part -- you know which stone you want! As for money, only you know what you can afford, but I will say this -- if you were going to spend the 5k savings on a french cut band, you could just as easily spend it on this diamond and put off getting a band until a later date. For me personally, I think having a main diamond I absolutely love and about which I have no regrets trumps bands or RHRs.


Jun 23, 2010
diamondseeker2006|1366470204|3431108 said:
Haha, well, money is just such an inconvenient factor! :lol: You read me correctly, though, Aoife!

:lol: I'm always happy to spend other people's money!

On a more serious note, you have to ask yourself if after falling in love with the 2.29, would you really be happy with the 2.12? Or would you eventually be on the hunt again?


Oct 6, 2011
Demelza said:
If I were purchasing a newly cut antique stone, however, with all the bells and whistles and the premium that comes with them, I would likely strive for "perfection.


Plus keep in mind, if someone else was posting the same dilemma - what would you recommend to them? Take a step back today, have a glass of wine (or 2), play with those 2 beauties and see which one speaks to you more. I too also think you have already made a decision, it's just getting your head and heart to the same place now.


Jan 11, 2006
Dem...I actually had found a little antique band as my inspiration for a newly made French cut band, and it is not full eternity which lowers the price. I may do it regardless, but the only think that makes me nervous is buying a band when the diamond may not be in a permanent setting. But I believe that I am leaning towards a relatively simple one like yours if I ever change it. But I agree with having the ONE e-ring diamond you love. I don't wear RHR's daily. I have thought a lot about a second diamond ring (AVC), but I guess it makes more sense to get one that is perfect rather than two smaller ones since the wedding set is the one thing I always wear, along with earrings and a watch!

Aoife...yes, that is why I love RT...spending other people's money is SO easy! I would probably love the 2.12 after the other one was gone and I'd probably be fine with the size. One thing that slightly worries me is that I wonder when I actually had the larger one on my finger and out of the house, would I feel like it is too large? Nah, probably not! haha!

two little birds...oh yes, a couple of glasses of wine makes spending money fairly painless!


Dec 10, 2004
Now that I am reading and actually awake (I was posting in the middle of the night) - I am thinking a bit differently. I just noticed that the 2.29 was cut by DiaGem. I assumed that the 2.12 was as well but it doesn't seem like it. I think you are attracted to a DiaGem cut stone and if he is no longer cutting at the moment (heard something to this effect from others but don't knkow the truth in it) ... then perhaps this is the one opporuntity to snatch this up.

I know the never ending search for perfection far too well. But for me perfection includes "cheap deal" which makes it all the harder.


Jan 11, 2006
CharmyPoo|1366473672|3431127 said:
Now that I am reading and actually awake (I was posting in the middle of the night) - I am thinking a bit differently. I just noticed that the 2.29 was cut by DiaGem. I assumed that the 2.12 was as well but it doesn't seem like it. I think you are attracted to a DiaGem cut stone and if he is no longer cutting at the moment (heard something to this effect from others but don't knkow the truth in it) ... then perhaps this is the one opporuntity to snatch this up.

I know the never ending search for perfection far too well. But for me perfection includes "cheap deal" which makes it all the harder.

Trust me, I love cheap! :lol: I am going shopping today to try and pick a Coach bag because Macy's is having 25% off next week! I never pay retail!!! But as envious as I am of you, FK, Dreamer, Dem, and others that found outstanding stones for bargain prices, I just don't have the time and energy to do that kind of hunt, and my color preference on rounds will make it even harder, as you probably know as well as anyone. Vendors of antique stones are too close to the prices of the AVR's, so I don't find going that route as being all that money saving.

Hmmm, I will have to ask Jon about DiaGem. I know that he has two cutters for the AVR's. The other cutter I am sure is excellent. I just happen to have seen amazing stones come from DiaGem and I know he cuts to perfection. So there is added value to having a stone cut by him, yes. But that added value is to me, and not necessarily to anyone else!


Jan 30, 2013
Hi DS! I think you WANT to want the 2.12, but you seem enchanted by the 2.29 and I don't think it's just because of the size. You listed all the other things that make that stone feel special to you (having the stone cut by Yoram, etc.) and I think these things are important! I think you will be satisfied with the 2.12, but I think if you go for the 2.29 you will feel in your heart like you have a very special that can't be topped. Just my two cents! Gosh they are both so beautiful!!! Good luck with your decision. :D

BTW, I have two AVRs with me this weekend because after seeing your posts I felt like they were a missing piece to my puzzle. They are stunning!


Jan 11, 2006
valmanin|1366476569|3431150 said:
Hi DS! I think you WANT to want the 2.12, but you seem enchanted by the 2.29 and I don't think it's just because of the size. You listed all the other things that make that stone feel special to you (having the stone cut by Yoram, etc.) and I think these things are important! I think you will be satisfied with the 2.12, but I think if you go for the 2.29 you will feel in your heart like you have a very special that can't be topped. Just my two cents! Gosh they are both so beautiful!!! Good luck with your decision. :D

BTW, I have two AVRs with me this weekend because after seeing your posts I felt like they were a missing piece to my puzzle. They are stunning!

Oh, how exciting!!! I do hope you'll post some pictures! :appl:

I think your assessment is right. And thank you!!!


Jan 30, 2013
diamondseeker2006|1366477161|3431153 said:
valmanin|1366476569|3431150 said:
Hi DS! I think you WANT to want the 2.12, but you seem enchanted by the 2.29 and I don't think it's just because of the size. You listed all the other things that make that stone feel special to you (having the stone cut by Yoram, etc.) and I think these things are important! I think you will be satisfied with the 2.12, but I think if you go for the 2.29 you will feel in your heart like you have a very special that can't be topped. Just my two cents! Gosh they are both so beautiful!!! Good luck with your decision. :D

BTW, I have two AVRs with me this weekend because after seeing your posts I felt like they were a missing piece to my puzzle. They are stunning!

Oh, how exciting!!! I do hope you'll post some pictures! :appl:

I think your assessment is right. And thank you!!!

I will post some pictures as soon as LO goes down for a nap and I can snap some good ones. ;-)


Jan 11, 2006
Great! :appl: I never tire of seeing them!


Oct 25, 2012
DS I just wanted to chime in here and say I understand the frugal money side (I never pay retail) . But you know how hard these stones are to come by. The 2.12 is amazing but the 2.29 seems to be calling you. You keep referring to the master cutter of the stone, and the amazing facets.

I am only 5' tall 108 lbs with tiny fingers and my 3.66 does not look huge on me. I get complements and requests to try her on every day. (although the $750 a year insurance does ouch a bit)

Go for the 2.29 it is a magnificent stone you get the fun of dressing her in a beautiful setting.

we always have the next project on our minds.

enjoy the time you have with these two exquisite stones but let that 2.12 find a new home and love the 2.29 just my HO



Jul 7, 2004
Ive held off on posting in hopes that there would be a posting by you that really made it clear...and you finally did make the one I think that tells me everything. The money being no object, and cut by Yoram, that makes me say 2.29. If you can afford it, get it. It might be more on the front end but it sounds like it would be worth it.


Apr 6, 2011
Keep looking in all of the different lights as we all help. Or, keep the 2.12 and commission the french cut band of your dreams, or get the big honker and enjoy a leisurely search with all of your invisible friends for a beeeaaautiful vintage French cut band that will fit you. I hope you get to keep and compare these pretties long enough to make the best choice for you. This is a great conundrum to have. You sound like you're thinking everything out right and left brain- nice! And DH is on board with any of it so that helps a lot too. Sometimes constraints make things easier than having everything open to you.
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