
Engagement Ring “downgrade” in size “upgrade” in specs

Lucida says Lucida is TDF always especially with that size & color :appl:Go for it if you love it & cost isn’t an issue.

P.S. I always love Lucida hence the username :D
Great find :twirl:
I traded down in size from 2 cts. I-color to 1 ct. F color and was much happier.

So happy to know I have company.
The heart wants what the heart wants!
Also, the whiter colour may make it appear slightly larger than a lower colour of the same size.

I think that E color does explain why it appears almost the same size.
Now I know why Tiffany advertisements say it will be noticed across a room!
I just did it. 3.04 K to a 2.47 E (still have the K, but not wearing it for the moment). No regrets.

Even more company!
Let’s start a thread....
Lucida says Lucida is TDF always especially with that size & color :appl:Go for it if you love it & cost isn’t an issue.

P.S. I always love Lucida hence the username :D
Great find :twirl:

is your avatar really after the Tiff Lucida? Awesome!!
It’s a Tiffany Lucida 2.34 carat E color VS2.
The icy whiteness just captivated me along with the cut and honestly it didn’t feel all that much smaller.
Would my fellow PS-ers think I’m gaga nutty to, “down” in size for a Tiff?

You should totally trade if you love the Tiffany.

But curious if you have a side by side pic of the two rings together?
You should totally trade if you love the Tiffany.

But curious if you have a side by side pic of the two rings together?

For some reason I did not.
I will be in the store again this week (hopefully) and will get some pics then.
I’m currently working on seeing if I can let something else go so that I could possibly keep my original e-ring stone.
After sleeping on it I’m getting weirdly sentimental.
Tiffany Lucida Tiffany Lucida Tiffany Lucida Tiffany Lucida!!

ooops so sorry...for going nuts over this.

How dare you post this without posting MORE closeup photos.... ppppplllleassse!! :kiss2:
Tiffany Lucida Tiffany Lucida Tiffany Lucida Tiffany Lucida!!

ooops so sorry...for going nuts over this.

How dare you post this without posting MORE closeup photos.... ppppplllleassse!! :kiss2:

I know. My bad.
Here you go!
Sorry, it needs to be resized. Can’t fit on my size 6.25 finger...6285671E-F642-47C8-91BD-ADC3993C6745.jpeg


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For some reason I did not.
I will be in the store again this week (hopefully) and will get some pics then.
I’m currently working on seeing if I can let something else go so that I could possibly keep my original e-ring stone.
After sleeping on it I’m getting weirdly sentimental.

If there is any way you can swing both, I'd do it. I'm super sentimental too.
If there is any way you can swing both, I'd do it. I'm super sentimental too.
If you did swing both—how likely are you to wear both? Or will you just be sinking money into a sentimental piece that ends up in your safe? These are 2 expensive rings that you can’t comfortably leave at home when not wearing one. Insurance adds up especially for both. I personally don’t want another ring to outshine my one ring to rule them all! That’s why my rhr’s are typically smaller so that I can wear them comfortable with my ering. Just something to think about bc you are talking about a lot of money.
If you did swing both—how likely are you to wear both? Or will you just be sinking money into a sentimental piece that ends up in your safe? These are 2 expensive rings that you can’t comfortably leave at home when not wearing one. Insurance adds up especially for both. I personally don’t want another ring to outshine my one ring to rule them all! That’s why my rhr’s are typically smaller so that I can wear them comfortable with my ering. Just something to think about bc you are talking about a lot of money.

Good point Nala.
Im using today to think a lot about what’s best for me.
This is such a safe forum to honestly say things out loud that perhaps we may not to say to our family.
So in my case, the sentiment of the original e-ring is really all with my husband.
I know he would be hurt if I sold it or traded it.
That said, he probably won’t notice the new ring or if he did notice he would be ok with it so long as I still have the original e-ring.
I was in a similar boat! I wanted something different to wear as a wedding set. I didn't want to spend a boatload of money on new rings, but all of the sudden, the thought of losing my old set made me sad and sentimental. So I ended up buying a Van Craeynest set that has a much smaller center stone than my current set. I have plans to reset the center stone in the VC set eventually. But for now it's wearable. And I still have the option of selling either set in the future if need be.

So tl;dr, personally, I would see if there's other pieces I'd be willing to let go (and not regret selling) in order to keep my original e-ring.
@Efleon I know this is not a Lucida or an E but I thought of you when I saw it...

@Efleon I know this is not a Lucida or an E but I thought of you when I saw it...


Thank you.
And hey everybody, if you know of someone I can reach out to regarding consignment or straight up sell, I do have a piece that is gorgeous but just doesn't get any wear.
I glanced at SinCityFinds but her IG site doesn’t mention selling to her.
I was in a similar boat! I wanted something different to wear as a wedding set. I didn't want to spend a boatload of money on new rings, but all of the sudden, the thought of losing my old set made me sad and sentimental. So I ended up buying a Van Craeynest set that has a much smaller center stone than my current set. I have plans to reset the center stone in the VC set eventually. But for now it's wearable. And I still have the option of selling either set in the future if need be.

So tl;dr, personally, I would see if there's other pieces I'd be willing to let go (and not regret selling) in order to keep my original e-ring.

I’m thinking I gotta keep the original even though it’s kinda silly.
I think it’s the only way I won’t feel guilty.
If you did swing both—how likely are you to wear both? Or will you just be sinking money into a sentimental piece that ends up in your safe? These are 2 expensive rings that you can’t comfortably leave at home when not wearing one. Insurance adds up especially for both. I personally don’t want another ring to outshine my one ring to rule them all! That’s why my rhr’s are typically smaller so that I can wear them comfortable with my ering. Just something to think about bc you are talking about a lot of money.

This is all absolutely true, and definitely something to think about. I have 2 main diamond engagement/wedding rings, and I never wear them at the same time. Both are insured, and both are expensive. My husband has often suggested having one bigger ring, but I like to switch up with different styles. Perhaps one day I'll change my mind. To each her/his own.
It is beautiful. If you love it I would buy it.
If you strip away sentimentality and guilt, which ring makes your heart skip a beat?
I don’t know you or your husband and sentimental attachment is fine, however, if your husband is causing you to have the guilty feelings I would talk about it. If you can swing having two e-rings, great, but if you traded it for the Tiffany Lucida it still represents your union. Marriages grow through phases and a new ring can represent that beautifully.
Good luck with your decision, the Lucida is gorgeous!
Thank you.
And hey everybody, if you know of someone I can reach out to regarding consignment or straight up sell, I do have a piece that is gorgeous but just doesn't get any wear.
I glanced at SinCityFinds but her IG site doesn’t mention selling to her.

Doesn't hurt to ask. I believe Diana from SinCityFinds helped another PSer sell a toi et moi ring if I'm not mistaken. And Alex from ParksFineGroupInc also helped a PSer sell a stone within 5 min.
If you strip away sentimentality and guilt, which ring makes your heart skip a beat?
I don’t know you or your husband and sentimental attachment is fine, however, if your husband is causing you to have the guilty feelings I would talk about it. If you can swing having two e-rings, great, but if you traded it for the Tiffany Lucida it still represents your union. Marriages grow through phases and a new ring can represent that beautifully.
Good luck with your decision, the Lucida is gorgeous!

Excellent advice.
Giving that advice a very long think because after all, why should I let the old stone just sit there?
On the other hand, I may regret selling it.
Toughie for sure.
Doesn't hurt to ask. I believe Diana from SinCityFinds helped another PSer sell a toi et moi ring if I'm not mistaken. And Alex from ParksFineGroupInc also helped a PSer sell a stone within 5 min.

Thank you!

Am curious.. Is this the same cutting as Tiffany Lucida? I wonder how it really looks like x40 closeup since I never get a chance to see one in real life.
I know. My bad.
Here you go!
Sorry, it needs to be resized. Can’t fit on my size 6.25 finger...6285671E-F642-47C8-91BD-ADC3993C6745.jpeg

Thank you! It is so breathtakingly beautiful

Am curious.. Is this the same cutting as Tiffany Lucida? I wonder how it really looks like x40 closeup since I never get a chance to see one in real life.

Oooooo that looks so pretty!
if you traded it for the Tiffany Lucida it still represents your union. Marriages grow through phases and a new ring can represent that beautifully.

This is how I feel about the ring I wear on my wedding finger.

The Lucida is breathtaking.

Sorry if it's already been suggested, but if you can swing it financially, how about resetting your original diamond as a pendant? That way you can wear both without them "competing" or having to choose.
This is how I feel about the ring I wear on my wedding finger.

The Lucida is breathtaking.

Sorry if it's already been suggested, but if you can swing it financially, how about resetting your original diamond as a pendant? That way you can wear both without them "competing" or having to choose.

Love that idea!
I finally decided to confide in my husband. I honestly thought he would say yea ok whatever.
instead he got really angry and said absolutely I should not tradein my e-ring.
It got pretty emotional.
I will admit to you lovely kind PS-ers that I am very sad about it.
I feel differently than he does about the ring and don’t see a problem from a symbolic point of view with trading it in but at least I feel good that I was open and honest with him.
Thank you for all your input and I certainly learned a few things along the way.
I wonder if you were to purchase a much smaller Lucida in a high colour whether that would make you happy without creating issues with your husband or possible financial issues?

The way I see it, your current ring is a certain “look” - it is a big stone, ~2.85ct right, and an MRB, and in the “nearly colourless” category, unbranded. Perhaps if you get a stone that is much smaller, but a very high colour (D or E) and a Tiffany, you will have the best of both worlds (like a 0.5 or 0.75ct size, so significantly smaller), and a different cut to the MRB (which is what I believe the Lucida is). Then you can have 2 rings, and wear them as per your mood. Maybe even suggest to your husband that you get the smaller Lucida as a way to mark a significant anniversary or birthday, so he isn’t upset if you wear it instead of your ering. And this way you will have a smaller ring for when you are in places you don’t want to be as “showy” while still having the look and the colour that you love in your alternate ring!