
Enerchi has a new PUPPY!!

She is precious. We are starting to look for an addition to our family and a lab is at the top of the list along with a shepherd.
Zeus has had a rough day. He basically rested all day except to eat and eliminate. We had an electric heat pad on him for a while, which he enjoyed but I think it's muscle more than a fracture or dislocation. Hope tomorrow s a better day or him

Nonemarie, get a lab! They are so loving and family oriented. I've never owned a German Shepard so can't say about their temperament but labs are wonderful. Obviously I'm biased! They sure do shed tho. According o our breeder, yellows the most, then black then chocolate. We will be able to assess 2 but no idea about the black labs.

We have lily beside us in our room tonight. The breeder says 4 nights max and they bond to the crate not the room, so we are toasting each night!

She snores so sweetly! How come on her it's cute, but anyone else snoring, its not?!? :wink2:
Aww poor Zeus. It took livi about a good solid week before she was ok. She wouldn't get up either except to go pee/poo and even then, she didn't want to. She had a weird look on her face the whole time she was injured tho... Like just wide eyes and gazing into nowhere. It kinda scared me... I've never seen her like that before. I really really hope Zeus starts feeling better. I know how stressful it is when you don't know what's wrong and they can't tell you.
Just too adorable. Our black labbie, Louie, is 10 now and I'd love another, but he likes being an only dog. I remember that puppy smell too.
YT|1357529127|3349203 said:
Aww poor Zeus. It took livi about a good solid week before she was ok. She wouldn't get up either except to go pee/poo and even then, she didn't want to. She had a weird look on her face the whole time she was injured tho... Like just wide eyes and gazing into nowhere. It kinda scared me... I've never seen her like that before. I really really hope Zeus starts feeling better. I know how stressful it is when you don't know what's wrong and they can't tell you.

Just off the phone with our breeder (Lab not airedale, but thinking 'dog is a dog' basically...) and describing what I can observe and palpate... and he thinks its a torn cruciate muscle - like an ACL injury in humans. Thinking perhaps some unique manouevre yesterday to get out of Lily's way, could have done this. The recommendation is to monitor him for a week (Sunday Jan 13) and then assess again then. There should be some improvement if he is just resting and on coated Motrin/Ibuprofin as a swelling reduction medication. Has had it happen in the past with other dogs and it can take WEEKS... min of 8... to show signs of recovery.

I do'nt notice any swelling on his knee joint - or anywhere - and there is no obvious external trauma. So, he's currently on 2 Motrin at the moment, laying comfortably all stretched out on a nice puffy pad, isolated from the holy terror!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he feels some decrease in pain with the meds.

... and maybe a little wish for a sprinkling of PS dust, perhaps??? I know its magical stuff! Zeus could use some magic right now. I'm scared for him - he's 10.5 and a 70+ lb dog. He's my Zoos-a-roos... nothing can happen to him... I'm worried and I'm not a good worrier :blackeye:
Enerchi|1357601882|3349892 said:
YT|1357529127|3349203 said:
Aww poor Zeus. It took livi about a good solid week before she was ok. She wouldn't get up either except to go pee/poo and even then, she didn't want to. She had a weird look on her face the whole time she was injured tho... Like just wide eyes and gazing into nowhere. It kinda scared me... I've never seen her like that before. I really really hope Zeus starts feeling better. I know how stressful it is when you don't know what's wrong and they can't tell you.

Just off the phone with our breeder (Lab not airedale, but thinking 'dog is a dog' basically...) and describing what I can observe and palpate... and he thinks its a torn cruciate muscle - like an ACL injury in humans. Thinking perhaps some unique manouevre yesterday to get out of Lily's way, could have done this. The recommendation is to monitor him for a week (Sunday Jan 13) and then assess again then. There should be some improvement if he is just resting and on coated Motrin/Ibuprofin as a swelling reduction medication. Has had it happen in the past with other dogs and it can take WEEKS... min of 8... to show signs of recovery.

I do'nt notice any swelling on his knee joint - or anywhere - and there is no obvious external trauma. So, he's currently on 2 Motrin at the moment, laying comfortably all stretched out on a nice puffy pad, isolated from the holy terror!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he feels some decrease in pain with the meds.

... and maybe a little wish for a sprinkling of PS dust, perhaps??? I know its magical stuff! Zeus could use some magic right now. I'm scared for him - he's 10.5 and a 70+ lb dog. He's my Zoos-a-roos... nothing can happen to him... I'm worried and I'm not a good worrier :blackeye:

im not sure if you saw my post on the prior page. same thing happened to my pooch. lots and lots of dust to you and Zeus!
LLC!! yes! I read that yesterday and that's what prompted me to call the breeder today - and without seeing him, but based on his years of experience with labs over 20+ years and having seen this many times before, that's what he diagnosed it as. Sounds like Bella had quite the time of it - but totally fits with what I heard on the phone today. He told me about this website, which I'm going thru now:

I'm hoping he shows some improvement by the weekend - but breeder thinks closer to 2 weeks to at least notice slightly less favouring. Thank you again for mentioning your story! I'm glad your million dollar pups are ok!!
And just to have a more positive spin to the day... here are some pics that DD took today with DH home at lunch... OMG!! that is one SUPER CUTE PUPPY!!!




GAHHHH i want the puppy...

and ava...and all of your labs! :love: :love: :love:

im the crazy person who follows about 15 labs on instagram...and multiple times a day i have to check my photo feed to see what they are all up to. Yea, im awful haha. I follow dogs on facebook too!

i hope zeus rests up! did you get all the labs from the same breeder? they are all absolutely gorgeous!
JewelFreak said:
Cutest thing on earth, Enerchi! I'm impressed by your "show dog" pic of her sitting -- she has beautiful traits for the ring. Born to it, you might say. Hope all are learning to coexist peacefully -- usually pups aren't a threat to already-in-residence dogs, sometimes give them a new lease on youth. That has happened several times here, at least.

Maise -- :saint: :saint: to you for loving Blossom! She looks like a sweetheart who loves you back, with good reason!

Elisa, what a fabulous darling puppy! How old is your son? Sounds like he's still at home -- is college in the cards eventually? What will happen to the pup then? I don't mean to be a downer, but in a long life of doing rescue, I've learned that college is not a good place for dogs; rarely does it not end tragically. Anyway -- she is a joy for you all, how adorable!

--- Laurie
Laurie- thanks for the love. Actually son IS home and going to college. He is at the local CC for the first 2 years. We will cross the going away bridge when we have to;) .
Actually the rescue card has already been played in our home. Oldest son went away to FSU 15 years ago, acquired Dre( lab/ pit mix) actually cool story, mom gave birth to a litter in the house ( he was living off campus with friends) and Eddie was only one home, Dre was last born and mom pushed her around then pushed her aside . eddie realized she was not breathing, he massaged his chest and did some other stuff and he started breathing....and the rest is history. Dre now 11 lives with us, as DS lives in NYC in an apartment with a crazy work schedule that is not dog friendly, so we have custody of Dre. He does go bananas when Eddie walks in the door on visits and flings his 80 lb body on him like he is still a puppy climbing up into his arms. It's hysterical.
Enerchi, as if you don't have enough to do already, but you need to bring yourself and your furry babies over to the Furbabies thread! :appl: :appl:
minousbijoux|1357679292|3350532 said:
Enerchi, as if you don't have enough to do already, but you need to bring yourself and your furry babies over to the Furbabies thread! :appl: :appl:

DONE!! Zeus, Ava and Lily are now 'visiting friends' in the furbaby thread!! :D
Awww, does Lily have one of those gorgeous puppy pot belly tummies? Does she have puppy smell all over?!! :love: :love: Love that puppy smell!
Ohhh I LOVE Lily! And your other doggies of course. Our black lab was that small and slept that much for about a week - I swear we came home one day and he had completely outgrown his crate overnight! Enjoy it and take tons more pics!
I'm back to see more cutiewootiepuppy pics! So adorable! You are smart to get pics, they grow up so fast!!

I think your other dog is fine. When I pay a lot of attention to one of my dogs, the other one will suddenly develop a limp. She's a scammer and wants attention. Hopefully, that's all it is. (She can't quite work out "fetch", but she can act like an Oscar winner. She's also a huge drama queen at the vet, btw. She's lucky she's cute. :D )

Wait . . . there was that time one of them had a tiny sliver of glass in a paw pad. I didn't see it until I got out the big flashlight and saw the sparkle. Or, another time one of mine had a tiny pebble in between her paw pads and limped all day.

Hmmmmm . . .

Reading this through, I'm thinking my dogs are a pain in the a$$. :rolleyes:
So adorable! Eye contact will get you every time!
Enerchi... what a cute puppy!

Can't help but wonder where you live... the snow outside looks a lot like my Canadian city. :lol:

:(sad I want summer.
Louie had the cruciate ligament surgery at age 7. (He's 10 now) It was a big surgery since he's 100 pounds of labbie. He needed a plate.

The recovery was hard because he was supposed to be completely still. I'm glad we did it-he made a complete recovery. But I'm not sure I'd do it to a 10.5 year old dog.
Ohmigosh!! So freakin adorable!!! Squeal!! :rodent:
Zeus has a whole new athletic future, apparently!!! He is up, jumping around, running to go pee, playing with Lily --- what happened??? It was like a switch went off and now he's walking on all 4's in the house, no limping.... whatever it is, we are NOT taking him for walks yet, leaving him as alone as we can away from Lily and just letting him be his own guide. Fingers crossed whatever happened, has "un-happened"!

And as for little Miss Mischief... look at what my DD took today - soooooo darn cute!!! whooozafuzzywuzzybabypuppygirl??? WhooozasmooshywooshyLilypad? There was a lot of rough and tumble play apparently - DD is exhausted by the time we walk thru the door! She just goes upstairs to rest and get away from Lily!




Ahhhh!!! I wanna squish her squishy face all over!!!!!!!!!
Can I fly to Ontario just to see Lily?

Alright, I guess I will hang out with you too Enerchi.
Sorry about the sporadic posts. But I also wanted to add that I'm sooo glad Zeus is feeling better!!
YT|1357766511|3351535 said:
Can I fly to Ontario just to see Lily?

Alright, I guess I will hang out with you too Enerchi.

YES YES YES!!! come on up!!! Bring your mukluks and parka!! (mind you, we are headed for a thaw and RAIN this weekend! :twirl: )
Adorable! Is she bitey yet? I spent Xmas with my family and my brother's new bitey puppeh. :)
Had to share some more of my little Lily!!!
Webdiva - she IS bitey!! YIP! When she nibbles at us, we yelp and then she stops and licks to apologize. Once we get thru the biting stage, we are also going to discourage the licking. One of her relatives (can't remember which one) was such a bad licker they had to replace furniture she licked thru!!! um... no!

Bladder infection seems to be subsiding (thank heaven's for medication!) and she is really looking longer and taller (ok, in 2 weeks, how much growth is really likely... but we notice it!)

She spends a lot of time sleeping - and not alone! She will crawl onto whatever pad one of the others is on... must be a 'pack' thing. Ava is fine with it, Zeus --- will have nothing to do with her, yet that's the dog she goes to first! Funny - she must sense he is not a fan and is trying to use her charm to get him to like her!




Adorable!!! Look at how long her legs have gotten! She's no longer a stumpy little baby!
Oh my goodness- she's adorable! I bet she has the sweetest disposition too! Those eyes!
Lily had her 16 week shot and in 2 more weeks, she's on board for her Rabies vaccination. Post snow storm, we had her outside and she just LOVES the snow! I hope she'll be as excited for the summer and to play in our backyard and pool, as she is with the snow! Thought I'd post a few more pics of our little puppy growing up... oh, they DO grow up so fast!!




Enerchi|1360458553|3376421 said:
Lily had her 16 week shot and in 2 more weeks, she's on board for her Rabies vaccination. Post snow storm, we had her outside and she just LOVES the snow! I hope she'll be as excited for the summer and to play in our backyard and pool, as she is with the snow! Thought I'd post a few more pics of our little puppy growing up... oh, they DO grow up so fast!!

OMG!! I'm in love with your darling doggies Enerchi!!! Lily is so adorable and precious and so are Ava and Zeus!!. I just want to give her a huge hug and lots of kisses!!! Please bring them on your USA adventure!!! Pullleeeaase!!!! :appl: (Or at least lots and lots of pics!!!)