
Doggie dust - rapid weight loss

How frustrating! :angryfire: I hope they get back with you soon. Waiting is tough. :wall:
Oh no, what a terrible time for something like this to happen, when you're so anxious - hoping this is straightened out quickly and you get some answers soon puppmom. Sending hugs and good thoughts.
Hi Puppmom,

Just thinking of you and Hollis. So frustrating that they lost his x-rays. Hope he is doing well and in good spirits
Puppmom, sending you and Hollis healing vibes and lots of good luck PS ***DUST***. I hope things improve and that sweet Hollis recovers fully. I am so sorry you and your family and dear Hollis are going through this and wishing you a happy and successful resolution. And (((HUGS))).
After much confusion and frustration, we received a call on Saturday that the specialist sees no abnormalities in Hollis' x-ray. :appl:

I will speak with our vet today as the possibility of a "focal spot x-ray" was mentioned. Since he's acting well, eating and gaining weight I think we'll hold off on any further testing. It's possible the vet will tell me something today to change how we feel about that. I'm just relieved that the broad view showed nothing.

Thank you all for your dust! Dare I say it worked! :dance:
Great news pupmom - thank you for the update. :appl: :clap:
Glad to hear the update. Great news! :appl:
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