
Does anyone have an antique wedding set they'd sell?


May 11, 2009
I am very thankful to have the chance to be part of such a lovely gesture. Thank you to the ladies who did the organizing and planning - your efforts are very much appreciated. DS, it all looks perfect; you did an excellent job. I'm excited to see what they think if it all! :bigsmile:


Jan 9, 2006
Eeeeeeeeee!!!! So exciting!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:


Dec 29, 2006
I just caught this thread and I'm so glad that everything's working out, VL. Best wishes to your father and his FI!

PSers' generosity is amazing, isn't it?


Jan 23, 2008
Ivana said:
Reading this thread makes me smile so much every time :)

I am really happy I could be part of this and I can not wait to hear about their reactions and the wedding. :) Their wedding date is 2 weeks before mine. =)

diamondseeker2006, special thanks to you for coordinating everything. :love:

Ivana-Thank you so much :) I look forward to your wedding thread and I'll post as soon as I hear about the package being delivered :)

Enerchi said:
Wow - what a wonderful community of caring people on PS! I just read thru this thread - very emotional. I hope the new bride and groom have a wonderful life full of happiness together.

You guys are so amazingly caring and compassionate! I applaud you all! :halo:

Enerchi: I couldn't agree more! Diamondseeker went above and beyond and the packing along is amazing (let alone the contents!). It's very emotional for me too and I'm dying to hear about the package being delivered!

canuk-gal said:

How this has unfolded!!!! :halo: If this isn't goodness, kindness and generosity--then I cannot imagine. :saint: :))


angeline said:
DS - awesome job! I'm so excited to hear about their reactions.

I love the card that you got and the wrapping paper and everything. It's all those extra touches that show such love and care. The rings look beautiful.

VL - congratulations! Your love in reaching out is what started this ball rolling. I can't wait to hear of how they are when they unwrap everything.

Good job Pricescopers! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Starzin said:
VL: This thread is an absolutely emotional lump in the throat/teary eye in the very nicest way :)) Your love and excitement for your Dad and his lady are palpable and I'm so happy for you that reaching out to the awesome PS community has had such an fabulous result - looking forward to the updates and (hopefully) pictures.

DS: Thank you for following through and buying this lovely set that day when providence tapped your shoulder and then for keeping it safe till needed...I'm a great believer in "stranger things"... ;))

Yaay to everyone involved!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Your caring, generosity and thoughtfulness sends this gift into its new life with so much love I'm sure it will always wrap its new owner in a warm cloud of joy.

Blessings to all.

justginger said:
I am very thankful to have the chance to be part of such a lovely gesture. Thank you to the ladies who did the organizing and planning - your efforts are very much appreciated. DS, it all looks perfect; you did an excellent job. I'm excited to see what they think if it all! :bigsmile:
DandiAndi said:
Eeeeeeeeee!!!! So exciting!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Zoe said:
I just caught this thread and I'm so glad that everything's working out, VL. Best wishes to your father and his FI!

PSers' generosity is amazing, isn't it?

angelline, starzin, justginger, zoe:
Thank you all so much for your kind words and generosity. This indeed turned out much differently than I originally had anticipated but this is truly a blessing to my father and his bride to be and I have no doubt that the love, kindness and compassion that has been extended to them will be paid forward-not only by myself but by them as well!

The package doesn't have tracking-insurance with delivery confirmation. It was shipped on Friday and was expected to be delivered today-but I called the local post office and gave them the number and it hasn't arrived at the post office yet-so even if it gets there this afternoon they won't have it out for delivery until tomorrow. I'll be calling to check again tomorrow morning so I can get ahold of them to make sure they are home to sign for it. I'm so excited! For some reason their answering machine isn't working correctly for the last few days so I haven't been able to leave a message letting them know a package is on it's way. My dad works from 9-11 tomorrow (but his fiance is home) and I'm hoping if it DOES get delivered she waits for him (I'm sure she will though).

I'm SO EXCITED GUYS! Thank you all so much for taking the time to contribute to this thread.

I'll keep you all posted as soon as I have information!

On another note-still exciting-WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!!!!! We do the inspection tomorrow and close March 16th :appl:
It was a bank foreclosure and it's only a 5 minute walk from a beautiful fresh water lake here in Ontario. It's similar to an A-frame and has a master loft with a balcony and HUGE stained glass windows (about 4-5 feet) in the master loft with a sun room and pine floors. It needs a lot of TLC but that's right up our ally and we are so excited! We feel like the blessings are just pouring out and I want to thank PS so much for all the love and support though out the years! :appl: :appl:

(PS. I'll post a couple of pics of the house after the inspection and we wave our conditions. Don't want to go posting pictures and find out it's got something horrible with it-although we do have A LOT of work that needs to be done-and brought my father in law how's renovated his house from the 1880's so we know what we are getting into already-so we aren't expecting any surprises that we aren't aware of already). ::)


Oct 4, 2011
a HOUSE!!!???? Sooo exciting!!! congratulations! hope the inspection goes well. Fresh water lake in Ontario ? Are you up north??

Start a new thread vintagelover, so we can ooh and ahh over it properly :bigsmile: You don't want something like that to be lost in another amazing thread... :wink2:


Jan 11, 2006
VL...I put his name on the outside of the box since we didn't know her last name. The card inside has both names, but hopefully she wouldn't open it without him there since his name is on the outer address.

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Great job everyone- especially DS.

Can't wait until they get it!!!


Sep 26, 2011
A house! Near water! HOW EXCITING!!!!! My dream :)) Congratulations VL :appl: Hope everything goes smoothly and do post a new thread with pics when you can.


Jan 2, 2008
PSers are amazing! I can't wait to hear your father's and soon-to-be-step-mother's reaction when they receive the package. :naughty:


Jan 11, 2006
Thanks, Amy!

I have had one more donation offered, so I will be sending an extra surprise gift later this week! :D


Jan 23, 2008
Enerchi and starzin: Thank you! We are in southern ontario and the inspection went as expected :) I don't want to start a new thread though since I don't want all this attention on a jewelery forum-I hope you understand and are okay with just a few photos on this one :) We are THRILLED!!

Diamondseeker: That's okay if it's just in his name-I'm sure they'll get that the rings aren't for him :cheeky: I don't know her last name either but I do know what it will be after the wedding :bigsmile:

chel180 & Amysbling: They are going to be extatic! I'm so amazed by how everything unfolded but can't really say I'm shocked anymore because when I think about it PSers are loving and amazing-and this just goes to show how far they'll go to share their love with others. The gift is very generous and it's very much needed and I'm so happy that diamondseeker and angeline were so willing to help.

Diamondseeker: ANOTHER DONATION!? That's AMAZING! Whoever you are THANK YOU. This is such a needed blessing in their lives-so many bumps they've endured to be together and I'm so happy and in awe (as they will be) how this has all transpired.

I've called the post office (since it only has delivery confirmation) and it hadn't arrived at the post office yesterday. I called again early this morning and they were still sorting packages-the lady said she'd call me back but I guess she forgot-so I'll call again tomorrow and see where if it's gone though the sorting process. I'm so anxious to have this all unfold! It's worse than waiting for my husband to propose and he had the ring for a YEAR!? :lol: :appl:

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I'll keep everyone posted!!!


Oct 20, 2007
It's a bit nerve racking since the package with that high of a value of contents, at least $500, didn't have insurance. I hope it gets there! I'm sure they're going to love it :)


Oct 21, 2004
What a beautiful story....such kind, thoughtful and generous hearts here at PS. DS, and others.....brava, brava!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Best wishes to the future bride and groom!!


Jan 23, 2008
Addy: it does have insurance :) it's just it has delivery confirmation and insurance but that doesn't allow for tracking-although you'd think it would-so we are safe! It was just shipped Friday so I'm not worried :) it's priority mail so I think by the end of this week it should arrive ;-)


Oct 20, 2007
Oh! I'm so glad I misunderstood! I was getting slightly worried there!

Delivery confirmation numbers usually tell you where the item is, like when it arrives in a sorting office and is out for delivery and all of that info.


Jan 23, 2008

I'm on the phone right now and it arrived yesterday and it fits (a bit snug) so she is getting it sized today. They have been busy (and over whelmed) and had planned on calling me today (my dad has some weird phone phobia until you get him on the phone-then he talks fine-it's the picking it up and worrying about what he's going to say that the issue :loopy: ) but I bet him to it and called this morning.

She's bawling right now and said she's going to send thank you cards out (so diamondseeker it should probably be coming in the future)

My dad and her don't quite understand the diamond forum member thing (they really haven't ever used the internet) but are so grateful for all the donations and the wedding set was PERFECT! She said if it had a little yellow gold on it she would be okay (the head is white gold) and when she saw it she broke down in tears and just bawled. My dad loves the camera and will figure out how to use it and they feel so blessed by this. She told me that nothing like this has ever happened to her and couldn't quite crying ;(

I told them that money was donated from all around the world-from Australia to China and they are beyond touched at the out pouring of love that complete strangers have shown them. It is well received and much needed (as I said very expensive unexpected costs came up-about 1400.00 worth and so my dad couldn't have afforded this set any other way). She kept going on and on that I was her angel (more like you PSers are! :saint: ) and that it was perfect and that the diamond is beautiful. She's a very simple girl but she said it couldn't be any more perfect and it was just what she wanted.

They couldn't believe the money order, the camera AND the set all came from strangers who were willing to share their blessings with them and they wanted to say thank you so much-and they can't believe it has happened. Their reaction is on par with what I expected and just like mine was-PS is such a great community and I am so happy to be apart of such a loving and generous community.

Thank you all so much-I'll tell Dad to print out a picture of them to send in the thank you card (hopefully sizing the ring doesn't take to long) and hopefully DS has a scanner that she can post the picture in. If they send one to me I'll get my husband to scan it in-it might be a while but when we get it we'll get it up here.

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. This will be paid forward and I have no doubt that PS is a very blessed community and will continue to be that way.

Thank you. THANK YOU. THANK YOU!!!!!


Sep 26, 2011
So pleased it arrived and they like everything :appl: :appl: :appl:

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Soo happy it worked out and that they are happy :)


Jul 23, 2006
That's so sweet, I'm very happy :D :D :D :appl:


Jan 11, 2006
;( So sweet!!! This was just one of the best threads ever!!! :appl: If they send a note, I will definitely post it here for everyone to see!

(And yes, it definitely had insurance that required a signature!)


Oct 4, 2011
How wonderful! I'm so happy your father and future step mom are so happy - congratulations to such a caring group of people on PS! Wonderful wonderful wonderful.... :appl: :appl: :appl:

Such a great story. Much happiness wished to them both - and to vintagelover and DS for spearheading the donation :halo:


Oct 23, 2009
This is one of the most touching stories *here* or *elsewhere* that I've had the honor of reading! VL - many congratulations to your dad and his bride-to-be. The rings are beautiful! What an awesome group of people!! :appl:


Nov 16, 2011
I am so happy I could participate in this! :appl:

Can't wait for the pics! :appl:


Aug 5, 2010
You know, it just goes to show how generous human nature truly is if we make real and human those in need. Typically, we talk about the elderly/poor/disabled as statistics and how many of them are well below the poverty line. But its just numbers. When it touches us as real people with real stories, when it becomes Vintage Lover's Dan and soon to be wife, it becomes so real and we can't help ourselves but want to make it better. If we could tap this on a bigger level, we as a nation would be so much farther along in helping those in need...

VL: Blessings on your Dad and his fiance! You have created a community around yourself here which wasted no time in coming through for you.

DS: Thank you for all the coordination and behind the scenes work you've done. You have very good Kharma. :appl:


Dec 29, 2006
VL -- I'm reading your update and I have goose bumps all over. I'm tearing up also. I'm so, so, so happy this worked out the way it did, and I'm still amazed at the generosity of people all over the world. :appl: :appl:


Jan 9, 2006
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

I can't wait to see that pic!!!!!!


Jan 23, 2008
Starzin|1328110021|3116357 said:
So pleased it arrived and they like everything :appl: :appl: :appl:
Amys Bling said:
Soo happy it worked out and that they are happy :)
angeline said:
That's so sweet, I'm very happy :D :D :D :appl:
diamondseeker2006 said:
;( So sweet!!! This was just one of the best threads ever!!! :appl: If they send a note, I will definitely post it here for everyone to see!

(And yes, it definitely had insurance that required a signature!)
Bella_mezzo said:
Enerchi said:
How wonderful! I'm so happy your father and future step mom are so happy - congratulations to such a caring group of people on PS! Wonderful wonderful wonderful.... :appl: :appl: :appl:

Such a great story. Much happiness wished to them both - and to vintagelover and DS for spearheading the donation :halo:
SparklyOEC said:
This is one of the most touching stories *here* or *elsewhere* that I've had the honor of reading! VL - many congratulations to your dad and his bride-to-be. The rings are beautiful! What an awesome group of people!! :appl:
Ivana said:
I am so happy I could participate in this! :appl:

Can't wait for the pics! :appl:
minousbijoux said:
You know, it just goes to show how generous human nature truly is if we make real and human those in need. Typically, we talk about the elderly/poor/disabled as statistics and how many of them are well below the poverty line. But its just numbers. When it touches us as real people with real stories, when it becomes Vintage Lover's Dan and soon to be wife, it becomes so real and we can't help ourselves but want to make it better. If we could tap this on a bigger level, we as a nation would be so much farther along in helping those in need...

VL: Blessings on your Dad and his fiance! You have created a community around yourself here which wasted no time in coming through for you.

DS: Thank you for all the coordination and behind the scenes work you've done. You have very good Kharma. :appl:

Zoe said:
VL -- I'm reading your update and I have goose bumps all over. I'm tearing up also. I'm so, so, so happy this worked out the way it did, and I'm still amazed at the generosity of people all over the world. :appl: :appl:

DandiAndi said:
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

I can't wait to see that pic!!!!!!

Thank you all SO MUCH for EVERYTHING. I really had NO IDEA that this thread was going to turn out this way-and when I saw the first offer to help "increase" the budget I was so surprised and didn't really know how to handle it-and then the second offer-and so on and so fourth. I realize many people on PS aren't religious at all-but my family is (based on our life history and the things we've endured and come though despite it we really can't be any other way). I prayed that the right wedding set would pop up (to purchase though-not expecting it to be like this) and the very next day diamondseeker posted that vintage wedding set-and I knew it was the one. And within 48 hours I had found out that it was paid for-I couldn't think about it or visit the thread without crying and being so humbled by you all. The love shown was an answer to a prayer. And the donations kept pouring in-and I kept bawling. I was in AWE of how my prayer was not only answered but it was answered in such a above and beyond way that I couldn't help but feel the blessings and the love in such a direct manner. My father has struggled most of his adult life-some his owe doing but a lot of it being unable to handle the damage from his childhood. He's been sober many years but still battles other things in his life (such as OCD/other affects from abuse) and his fiance had a very rough childhood as well but now volunteers at the salvation army working with the kids and just shares the love that she has (despite her difficult life) with everyone around her. I've only ever spoken to her over the phone but the kindness, love and genuineness of her spirit pours out though the phone. She was an answer to a prayer in a way I never thought would happen.

I agree that if this type of love was shown thoughout the world it would indeed be a much better place today. But it all starts with one act of kindness and selflessness such as this-and then everyone pays it forward. My husband and I work very hard for what we have but we also just began sponsoring a child in Indonesia-an 8 year old boy named Jhon (pronounced John). That wasn't even 2 months ago and now this has happened-we both have been SO humbled by this experience and I know that my dad and his fiance are so touched that every time she thinks about it she breaks into tears.

Thank you all so much. Thank you diamondseeker for getting everything together-thank you angeline for helping organize the payments and thank you all who donated not only their time to this thread but also to those who shared what they had to those who didn't have as much. My dad is pretty speechless (not only by the ring but also by the camera and the money order) and they are both so grateful for all that you have done.

I'll continue to check in on the thread as I can (which should be often for a while) but we are going to be moving out at the end of March and have a lot of packing to do and lots to do at the new house (cleaning and picking up stuff that the previous owners just destroyed) and so I won't have nearly the time that I have had in the past few years to post. But please know that you all are in my thoughts and prays ALWAYS and PS has educated me far more on diamonds and jewelery. It has taught me that no matter where you are in life, where you come from, different races, backgrounds, religious/political/personal beliefs that anyone, anywhere at any time can teach you something about life in a way you had never saw it or thought about it before. You all have a very special place in my heart now-forever and always. It has been a great privilege getting to know you all though your posts on and off line and it's been such an honor to be apart of the PS community. I look forward to many more years together. I haven't been able to work the past 2 years due to immigration and PS has kept me great company and now the next phase of my life I can go into with all the wisdom that I have absorbed from all of you. For that I am forever grateful!

I've added a couple of pictures of the house. These are the most flattering photos :) There is much work to be done (the basement sup-pump broke and we have mold to clean and to gut the rest of the once nicely finished basement) as well as a kitchen that needs redone-new roof since the garage is leaking and now also has mold and needs to be gutted-grading that needs to change-windows that all need replacing-the bathrooms need redone and the master loft is a hot mess as well. But I wanted to share our new home with the wonderful community who has been there from my horrible break up to meeting mr. wonderful who I didn't think existence-though the craziness of a long distance relationship and though the up's and down's of waiting for a proposal-though the wedding planning and now onto the next phase of my life. I turn 24 on leap day and I never in a million years would have though I would ever be this happy, fulfilled and loved (and a good cook I might add to beep my own horn-making stock from scratch!? Who would have thought!?)




Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Congrats on the beautiful home VL!


Nov 16, 2011
VL, you're very welcome. =)

Oh, that home is gorgeous..! :love: :love:

I am very interested in your story now, is there a thread where I can read about the "horrible break up to meeting mr. though the craziness of a long distance relationship"? We have a long distance relationship too, has been so for 5 years and even though we are planning a wedding now, it will be another two years until I get my M.A. and a green card. :mrgreen: I am very interested in your story and how everything happened :)
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