
Does anyone have an antique wedding set they'd sell?


Jan 23, 2008
I know there are gifts coming in that people aren't sharing who they are on here and to you all I want to say THANK YOU so much. I'm trying hard not to ball my eyes out right now. I'm so honored and humbled by this. Thank you all so much-you know who you are. Bless you all so much. You have no idea what this means not only to me-but what it will mean to them.


Oct 20, 2007
I'm impressed by the way this thread has turned out!

I do need say to no gift comes without strings...we demand photos when your father and his wife receive it!


May 11, 2009
Just sent a message to you, angeline. Sorry for the delay - am in Australia and it seems like I'm either asleep or at work when all of the good PS stuff is happening! :twirl:


Jan 9, 2006
justginger|1327055145|3107291 said:
Just sent a message to you, angeline. Sorry for the delay - am in Australia and it seems like I'm either asleep or at work when all of the good PS stuff is happening! :twirl:

Hehe same here! :bigsmile:

I have also sent you a message on DB, angeline.


Jan 2, 2008
This treat is one of the reasons why I love PS. I hope your dad and new wife will be super happy with their new rings. :D


Jan 23, 2008
Addy|1327054538|3107287 said:
I'm impressed by the way this thread has turned out!

I do need say to no gift comes without strings...we demand photos when your father and his wife receive it!

Addy: I am too! I can't even think about it without tearing up. I really had NO idea that it was going to go in this direction. The outpouring of love has humbled me to my core. There aren't enough thank you's in the world for everyone who's taken time to contribute to this thread (and not just gifts-I mean the love being shown)I had planned on speaking to him after he gets the package and making sure at least one photo is taken. If I have to get my Grandma involved I will 8) I know for a fact he doesn't own a camera (or cell phone that takes pictures) and uses disposables that never get developed :rolleyes: But my Grandma does have a digital one that she got for a gift (not that great of quality) so there won't probably be any detailed hand shots-probably just the 2 of them together. My Grandma doesn't have a computer either so it will have to be printed and sent up here and then scanned in at my husbands work-so it might be a while but it will get done :bigsmile:

DandiAndi said:
justginger|1327055145|3107291 said:
Just sent a message to you, angeline. Sorry for the delay - am in Australia and it seems like I'm either asleep or at work when all of the good PS stuff is happening! :twirl:

Hehe same here! :bigsmile:

I have also sent you a message on DB, angeline.

DandiAndi & justginger: Thank you BOTH so much for taking the time out of your day to contribute to this thread and to share with my dad and his wife to be. It means so much to me and I know it will mean the world to them. I'm so humbled by this whole experience. I love PS so much and I'm so grateful for everyone who has helped out. The rings won't be done until next Thursday so we have plenty of time to figure out just the right way to surprise them with this! It's such a blessing!

chel180 said:
This treat is one of the reasons why I love PS. I hope your dad and new wife will be super happy with their new rings. :D

chel180: I've loved PS for a long time-the community that brings people together in all walks of life is just amazing. There has been some crazy political threads-some drama off the boards but all in all everyone loves and respects one another-even if they don't always agree. My dad and his wife to be will LOVE the set-I have no doubt. I know they'll love it even more when they find out the out pouring of love that the PS community has extended to them. I know every time she looks at her set-not only will she love how beautiful and perfect it is and what it symbolizes-but also the love and generosity that the PS community has shown them. And I know without a doubt that THAT makes them irreplaceable and more valuable than anything in the world.

Thank you all so much! Diamondseeker/angeline and myself are all communicating off the boards to get all the gifts sorted out and the details with the jeweler and shipping. If anyone wants to contact angeline yet the ring probably won't be shipped off until next Friday-although please don't feel any obligation to do so!

You all are the best. I know I am repeating myself a lot here but it's really how I feel. I read the thread last night and I couldn't believe how generous everyone is being-there are so many of you who've posted and gifted to help someone you don't even know and it's awe inspiring. Please know that it's not one sided and they are a couple who indeed will pay it forward. Perhaps not in monetary value-but in love and a helping hand to anyone in need. This is such a blessing for them and I'm so happy that their new life is starting off like this-it just confirms that this woman is the spark my dad needed to live life again! (For a while there every time he called it was to tell me another friend of his had passed. He even used to sit me down when I would be on a short visit and talk to me about how he's got all his funeral plans arranged and he's ONLY IN HIS 50's! So hearing him SO happy and knowing how much they love each other just makes me SO happy for them. And it takes a burden of worry off of my shoulders knowing that he has someone there for him and that I won't be getting a phone call from my Grandma with bad news. It was an AMAZING phone call to find out he had a girlfriend who was good for him).

I hope I haven't over shared-I just want you all to see how much it really does mean and how much she means in his life.

Thank you all so much!


Aug 14, 2009
What a lovely turn of thread :bigsmile:
I hope they love their rings, I'm looking forward to hearing about it!!


Nov 16, 2011
I know you found the rings and it seems to be covered, but I'd like to chip in too if that's ok. :)
I don't know if I am late?

I have never used DB before but I'll register now and contact angeline. =)


Lol, I had to fake my country because it's not on the list. :lol: I registered as ivanavie because min. numbers of characters allowed is 6 so it would not let me use Ivana.


Jan 11, 2006
It is not too late! We plan to not only send the rings, but a gift certificate or money order to help them with their small wedding! This is a situation for which I am convinced there is real need and the recipients will be very blessed by this surprise!

We thank all who have participated so far and I can probably still accept donations towards the gift through next Wednesday!

Thank you all!


Jan 23, 2008
Yssie|1327080422|3107496 said:
What a lovely turn of thread :bigsmile:
I hope they love their rings, I'm looking forward to hearing about it!!

Ivana said:
I know you found the rings and it seems to be covered, but I'd like to chip in too if that's ok. :)
I don't know if I am late?

I have never used DB before but I'll register now and contact angeline. =)


Lol, I had to fake my country because it's not on the list. :lol: I registered as ivanavie because min. numbers of characters allowed is 6 so it would not let me use Ivana.

Yssie & Ivana: Thank you both SO Much! I really do appreciate everything that all of you are doing for my family. I spoke to my dad the other day and I'm SO grateful for the gifts you all have contributed-his circumstances had changed and the very limited funds he has shouldn't have been used to buy a wedding set-there are other expenses that they should have gone for. And because of the generosity of PSers he no longer has to worry about it. I haven't told him ANYTHING about any of this-I just told him that even though there are things that are happening that are bringing him down (when it rains it pours!) to keep on doing what they are doing and sooner or later it will all come back around. Little does he know just how soon it will be and how awesome it will be. They both will be so over whelmed and won't even know what to say.

Thank you all SO MUCH! And we'll continue to update the thread with info as we get it. :appl: :appl: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :love: :love:


Aug 8, 2005

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Angeline- I just sent you a message through DB under the name of sparklybling. please let me know how to proceed with the paypal :)

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
diamondseeker2006|1327109041|3107907 said:
It is not too late! We plan to not only send the rings, but a gift certificate or money order to help them with their small wedding! This is a situation for which I am convinced there is real need and the recipients will be very blessed by this surprise!

We thank all who have participated so far and I can probably still accept donations towards the gift through next Wednesday!

Thank you all!

glad to hear this. I messaged angeline today.


Aug 14, 2009
DS I hope you see this - can't get to my email or DB right now for some reason!

I'm going to mail to you tomorrow USPS priority with delivery confirmation unless you recommend signature confirmation or a different carrier, if you could reply here or to one of the non-gmail addresses in my email signature?



Jul 23, 2006
Yssie, I just emailed DS to alert her to your post!


Jan 11, 2006
Hi, Yssie! I hate it when email doesn't work! But Angeline alerted me to your post!

I think USPS is fine. I am usually home during the day other than running errands and rarely ever have a problem with the mail. So I think delivery confirmation is fine, although insuring the package usually is the safest thing, at least to me. Thanks so much!


Aug 14, 2009
Thanks angeline, DS ::)


Jul 2, 2010
I just wanted to add my .02 here. ( and then some,my donation is on its way) but I am so touched by what transpired with this thread. I have not been a member long but lurked quite a bit before chiming in. I have seen some crazy threads with people heatedly posting, defending one point or another , but it is always with a sense of respect for each other. this is an example of the best of the Internet. It truly is a global community reaching out to touch someone in ways we could never have done before. It has made the world a smaller place. I am in awae! This is one of those examples of paying it foward, I am sure the recipients or VL will have a chance to pay it foward sometime in the future!!


Jan 23, 2008
Amys Bling|1327261170|3108906 said:
Angeline- I just sent you a message through DB under the name of sparklybling. please let me know how to proceed with the paypal :)

Elisateach said:
I just wanted to add my .02 here. ( and then some,my donation is on its way) but I am so touched by what transpired with this thread. I have not been a member long but lurked quite a bit before chiming in. I have seen some crazy threads with people heatedly posting, defending one point or another , but it is always with a sense of respect for each other. this is an example of the best of the Internet. It truly is a global community reaching out to touch someone in ways we could never have done before. It has made the world a smaller place. I am in awae! This is one of those examples of paying it foward, I am sure the recipients or VL will have a chance to pay it foward sometime in the future!!

Amys bling and elisateach: Thank you both so very very much :) I am continually amazed by the love being extended to my father and his fiance. I am SO excited for the rings to be picked up on Thursday and to see them all cleaned up and reshanked! Every bit has helped go a long way and I have no doubt that when they receive the package they will be speechless. I found a copy of the three little kittens from the 1950's which is the only memory she has of her mother before she passed (at 4 of cancer ;( ) and it's on it's way to my dad's right now. I asked them if they can be around for a package and so I'm sure he knows *something* is up-but I'm hoping that the book will come soon and throw them off a bit-so when the ring package arrives they will be stunned. Thank you both SO much for your gift. They will appreicate and love it.

Yssie: THANK YOU SO MUCH! I hope my dad can figure out how to use it-I'll talk him though it over the phone and send my brother who is there for an extended visit to help him figure it out. If you want to share it yourself I will let you share your gift-if not I totally understand and I want you to know that they will appreciate that wonderful gift and be just as overwhelmed with that as the wedding set :appl:

Again thank you to everyone who has helped so far. It's such an amazing experience to see the out pouring of love and kindness being extended. My father has never been one to accept hand out's and has always helped anyone and everyone in need-he's always felt there is someone who needs it more and so I have no doubt that he will be shocked to have this type of love and generosity shown to him and his soon to be wife. I'm far more grateful than anyone will ever know-thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU! :loopy:


Jan 23, 2008
I just got off the phone with my dad's fiance and they've picked a month-JULY! They haven't set a date yet but that is what they are aiming for. My dad and her went to goodwill in town and they had just put out a rack of brand new wedding dresses and she found the PERFECT one new with tags for 17.00!! When she was telling me about it on the phone (she's in her 50's and hasn't ever been married) she was bawling tears of joy. She described it as a white strapless gown with some beading and is full length and is princess like. :appl: :appl: :love: :love: Her family is so excited for her and also are helping out with food/decor and her younger sister is going to be her maid of honor. I'm having SUCH a hard time not spilling the beans on the rings since she said she would let me find them for them-but she was tempted to go out looking for herself. I told her not to and to give me a few more weeks to hunt and to see what I could come up with :loopy:

Thanks everyone so much! I can't wait to see the reshanked wedding band tomorrow and the e-ring all cleaned up. My grandma has a yellow gold band for my dad (that may need to be sized) but they are well on their way to having everything they need for the big day! Thank you all SO MUCH! :appl: :appl: :appl:


Jan 11, 2006
UPDATE: The gifts were mailed today!!! Many thanks to all who contributed to the gifts for VintageLover's father and his fiancee!!! Enclosed in the box were a digital camera, the box with the two rings, and a card with a gift of $250 (money order) to help with their wedding!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: The wedding band had it's shank replaced and sized to her size. It looks perfect now! Here are pictures of the rings and the items before they were packed in the box. The camera is in the wrapped box. This has been such a special project, and I have to say, it makes me very happy and proud to be a member of this community!!!




Jul 2, 2010
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: This is so great!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
I am so pleased with how this all turned out. Now we wait for the big day and pictures.
The rings look fantastic!


Jan 23, 2008

She received a book that I got her yesterday (three little kittens and their mittens or something like that-published in 1951 in great shape from ebay and it was her only memory/gift from her mother before passing away at 4) and she just FREAKED by such a small gesture of a book-so I have NO DOUBT that she's going to break down and cry again-she bawled when the book arrived) from this WONDERFUL gift.

Thank you ALL SO MUCH for everything. My dad is going to have a heck of a time figuring out how to use that camera but I'll talk him though it-thankfully there is a setting and he can just point and shoot so hopefully it won't be to difficult.

The rings are AMAZING and the box is ADORABLE! You all put so much time/effort/and thought into it and I LOVE THE BRIDE AND GROOM CARD ;( ;( :appl: :appl: :love: :love:

I can't wait until Monday/Tuesday of next week! I'm so giddy-thank you all so much for sharing what you have with my family. It means the world to me and I know that they are going to freak out about the gift.

She loved the book so much she's sending a thank you card to the address that the package was sent from (the ebay seller) telling her thank you. So diamondseeker don't be to surprised if you put a return address if you get a thank you card from her as well.


I'm SOOOO EXCITED!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

ETA: I think they've set the wedding date too! I believe it's July 7th! They are probably getting married by an old family pastor they've both known their whole lives and then having the reception at a club that holds the NA meetings downtown (it actually used to be an old mission that the same pastor used to run-ironically). It's only 50.00 to rent the room which is very big and you are able to cook in it and so her family is going to help out with food and everything.

I'll keep everyone posted though! Thank you all so MUCH!!!


Nov 16, 2011
Reading this thread makes me smile so much every time :)

I am really happy I could be part of this and I can not wait to hear about their reactions and the wedding. :) Their wedding date is 2 weeks before mine. =)

diamondseeker2006, special thanks to you for coordinating everything. :love:


Jan 11, 2006
I am excited, too!!! It was a pleasure for me to be a part of this! :D


Oct 4, 2011
Wow - what a wonderful community of caring people on PS! I just read thru this thread - very emotional. I hope the new bride and groom have a wonderful life full of happiness together.

You guys are so amazingly caring and compassionate! I applaud you all! :halo:


Apr 19, 2004

How this has unfolded!!!! :halo: If this isn't goodness, kindness and generosity--then I cannot imagine. :saint: :))



Jul 23, 2006
DS - awesome job! I'm so excited to hear about their reactions.

I love the card that you got and the wrapping paper and everything. It's all those extra touches that show such love and care. The rings look beautiful.

VL - congratulations! Your love in reaching out is what started this ball rolling. I can't wait to hear of how they are when they unwrap everything.

Good job Pricescopers! :appl: :appl: :appl:


Sep 26, 2011
VL: This thread is an absolutely emotional lump in the throat/teary eye in the very nicest way :)) Your love and excitement for your Dad and his lady are palpable and I'm so happy for you that reaching out to the awesome PS community has had such an fabulous result - looking forward to the updates and (hopefully) pictures.

DS: Thank you for following through and buying this lovely set that day when providence tapped your shoulder and then for keeping it safe till needed...I'm a great believer in "stranger things"... ;))

Yaay to everyone involved!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Your caring, generosity and thoughtfulness sends this gift into its new life with so much love I'm sure it will always wrap its new owner in a warm cloud of joy.

Blessings to all.
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