
Disappointed & Confuse

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Aug 2, 2002
Hi! I recently received my engagement ring.
I was content with it when I first got it..but it seems to appear smaller and smaller each day. I know its all in my mind...and I am probably just getting use to the size. Here is the spec on my ring:
Radiant Cut
1.54 / G / IF
Depth: 68.4
Table: 74
Girdle: Med to Thick
No Culet
Polish and Symmetry: VG
No Fluorescence
I also did some research on ideal radiant cut rings, and found out that the dimension of my diamond compare to the ideal depth and table is way too high.
Do you think that is one of the reason why it doesn't appear to look as big as its suppose to be?
I am seriously considering exchanging for a 2 carat radiant. What would be the ideal specs I should look for? Base on radiant diamond being 2 carats with the ideal measurements how much would it cost.
Any suggestion or advice would be appreciated...I don't want to be disappointed again.



Dec 31, 1999

to estimate diamond size.

1.54 carat stone within 1 class would be something like 8.22x5.95x3.78. I.e. it’ll look a bit larger. Area = 49 sq mm.
Now if I increase the weight to 2.0 carat, the measurements would increase to 8.97x6.49x4.12. Area = 58 sq mm.

You'll add 0.5 mm to the length and width; 18% area increase. However, your cost for 2 carat G-IF will be about 85% higher.

So if you only concerned about the measurements you might want to stay below 2 carat but find a spready stone.

Does this makes sense?
:)) [/u][/u]


Aug 2, 2002
Thanks Leonid! Yes, it make sense.
Wow, is it reallly that much more pensive to get a ring .50 bigger?
I guess besides debating whether to upgrade the diamond or not....I also
have to decide if I want to go pass the 2 carat mark. Since the current diamond is a 1.54...I don't want to get another one only slightly bigger...because you probably won't even notice the size difference right?
Thanks again for your help Leonid!

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Because the light return is less in all Radiants (not to mention that yours may not be the brightests radiant in town) they appeaar smaller too.
If you hold your stone beside a well cut round diamond you may find that your best solution is to change shape (rounds cost more than fancy shapes - but guess why:).

if you really like square stones consider a princess cut - read the thread we have running - we have a great new way to get you a good stone, and some top cutters a re experimenting to make some really interesting new diamonds.

There is a new cut that has the same outline as a radiaant - called a spring cut. I have seen Ideal-scope images of them and they look fantastic!
Contact and ask them about it.


Dec 20, 2001
Hi. I don't want to sound mean or rude, but come on! You have a 1.54c rock and you are whining about it being too small???? How incompetent must your fiance feel about now? I am soon to be engaged and I know my man would be crushed to the core if I even hinted that I thought what he chose was too small. My e-ring will be smaller than a carat for sure, probably closer to .75 (or even a little under) but if he gives it to me with those puppy-dog eyes and sincerely asks me if I will spend the rest of my life with him, who cares about how big a little piece of carbon is!! I love this forum and I love seeing other people's buying experiences because I am the bargain shopper. I think people should get the most for their money. I don't think it saves anyone a dime- they go into things knowing they will speng $XXXX. It is a matter of getting the most for that money. I am just floored by the materialistic views. I think if you do "upgrade" if that is what you want to call it, you will never be happy. There is always something bigger and better and what you have will never be good enough. Don't make yourself miserable wishing you had what you don't. Be happy that you have a man that loves you enough to drop that much $$ on something that has no functional value whatsoever.

My 2 cents. I know I probably offended, and I really am sorry!!:wavey:


Jul 22, 2002
On 8/5/2002 8:17:40 AM

My 2 cents. I know I probably offended, and I really am sorry!!:wavey:

Jess, you were a little hard on her....but you verbalized much of what I was thinking. I may be waaaayyy off base here...But, I can't help but wonder if there may be a sort of "buyers remorse" going on here. Buyer's remorse in the sense that maybe whitemist is questioning her engagement situation in general. The ring a manifestation of her disatisfaction.


Jul 22, 2002
On 8/5/2002 8:17:40 AM

I am soon to be engaged and I know my man would be crushed to the core if I even hinted that I thought what he chose was too small. My e-ring will be smaller than a carat for sure, probably closer to .75 (or even a little under) but if he gives it to me with those puppy-dog eyes and sincerely asks me if I will spend the rest of my life with him, who cares about how big a little piece of carbon is!!

Jess, your soon to be finance/husband is a lucky man. You have the basis of solid marriage. I know of which I speak. I have been married/together with my husband for 20 years. Best of luck to you.


Dec 20, 2001
Thank you, fire & ice. I know I was a little hard. I guess it just infuriated me when I read it. I could have her all wrong, and I hope I do. Not that anything I posted before has changed, but I guess I shouldn't have gotten mad. It is her life her ring, and her situation. I hope all goes well.


Aug 2, 2002
Jess, you are a little quick to judge.
There is no reason for you to be "angry". I didn't judge you and you don't judge me, because you don't know me.
It is my personal preference for a bigger diamond.
I just like the "bigger rock look". I never said I was ungrateful for what he has given me. I think everybody has their own personal taste. Nor should they be judge by it, because there is no right or wrong.
I did tell my bf that I was not 100% satisfied with it, he was find with either getting it reset or getting a bigger diamond. He was not crush. Ofcourse I did not say it in a way that would hurt his feelings!
We've been together for 7 years and been through enough that something like this is not going to effect our relationship (so you think). We have always been honest with each other and we do not hold back anything.


Dec 20, 2001
I am sorry for seeming judgemental. You are right. I do not know you or your situation. Like you, I have been with my boyfriend for a very long time and we have been through a lot, but it would crush him in the same situation. People are different. I see an e-ring as a gift and a symbol, not something you have a choice in exchanging, but if that is the agreement with you, so be it. I hope things go well for you!


Sep 8, 2001
Each time you upgrade, it costs you money because you'd have to change prongs too. If u are lucky, vendor would find nothing wrong with your stone. If not, store shall say there is a chip,etc. etc. and discount $ on your stone.

I already laser inscribed my 2.16c round stone when I first got it thinking this is size I want then now I want to upgrade to 3c, I'd lose $250 for the upgraded GIA cert and inscription, plus changing the setting too because old setting probably wouldn't fit a 3c prongs. Total, I'd lose about $500 for setting plus 250 for the GIA cert and inscription.


Sep 3, 2000
This is a really sad thing. There are so many good ways to shop for a diamond BEFORE you get one and feel let down. I hope that others learn to be better shoppers from reading this thread.

While you can always change a diamond for another, it will cost you dearly unless you are very fortunate not to have a done deal yet with the source of the diamond that you don't really like. Taking the time necessary to shop carefully is an essential to all major purchases, not just diamonds.


Aug 2, 2002
Jess, I do agree with you that the e-ring is symbolic and has alot of sentimental value because I feel the same way. But I will have to disagree when you say it can not be changed.
If your significant other buys you a e-ring you absolutely hate it, something
you would never pick out in a million years. Granted that he bought you the ring and it is a symbol of his commitment and love..but on the other hand you know he spent alot of money on it, but the money he spent doesn't make you love the ring any more because its just not your style. I would think he rather you be 100% happy with the ring, since you are the one that has to wear it forever.
We have been living together for 7 years and I was honest enough to tell him how I feel. He was more then fine and wanted whatever that makes me happy.
As an FYI (I just got back from the Jewelers)because I am a sentimental person I decided to change the setting (the old setting was a plain plat. lucida setting, the new one has 2 emerald cut side stones. The contrast brought out my radient diamond) instead of upgrading to a bigger rock.
I am perfectly happy with it now. And if you think I am materialistic for wanting to enjoy and be 100% happy with my diamond then so be it.

MBN, are you serious? Did they really considered your inscribe GIA number as a flaw? I have heard of that....but couldn't believe it was true.


Sep 8, 2001
No, the inscription is not considered a flaw. First I got a 1.52 princess cut thinking it's big until I found out that diameter is smaller than same 1.52c round and still looked small, so I traded up for 2.16c round. In process, original seller did not have 100% trade up policy, and didn't want to sell me H/SI clarity stone, but H/VS2 stone. I figured LA store is cheaper, and found stone with diameter I wanted; both stores take off 30% of what I paid for my diamond in first place, so I ended up selling stone back to original store, and bought 2.16c from LA store. I Lost $2100 trading up.

It's hard to make decision because at the time, I thought 2c is it, big enough, then i got it inscribed, set and wore it, it didn't look as big as I wanted it to look, but I already spent $ on upgrading GIA cert and incription and setting, so I am reluctant to trade up now. LA store did not reply to my request for quote on 3 carat, so I take it store is not as interested in taking back stone for upgrade since it's big amount to take in, upgrade fr. H/VS1 2.16c to H/SI 3c, I'd spend about 4K more, not much for LA store to make profit on taking original stone for upgrade, so I did not hear from them yet.

I got a 1.13c princess that I wanted to trade up before, store opened prongs found chip in corner, so I'd lose too much $ trading up, so i decided to keep and make stone into a beautiful pendant.

so, story is that even though store said 100% trade up policy, it's not what it seems, and you lose $ somehow, and time, and effort.


Aug 2, 2002
MBN, oh I see now! Yes, I guess its best to be 100% sure that it is the rock you want before investing more money into it, inscribing it etc..
But I can see how that can happen too. When you first get think it is big enough. But after awhile you get use to it and it appears smaller you would want a bigger one. I had felt the same way. But luckily I was able to enhance the stone by adding side stones. So I am happy with it now.
I can't understand why the jeweler is reluctant to upgrade your stone? Just because he is taking back the 2 are still purchasing the 3 caret from them. So in the end they would stil make money! It would be whatever the value is for the 2ct and put that credit towards the 3ct. It sounds simple enough...but there are other considerations we don't know about???


Sep 8, 2001
I am guessing that store is reluctant to take back 2c and have it sit in there inventory until it's sold. It's $ sitting idle.


Aug 2, 2002
A 2ct sitting idle is better then a 3ct sitting around in inventory. Ofcourse unless they don't have one available.


Sep 8, 2001
I am thinking maybe I should just keep the 2c since it's big too although not as big as the 3c, but is it worth the hassle of trading up.

I think 2c is very popular size because on QVC where they sell cz in real gold settings, most 2c solitaires are on waiting list. Only 3 rings in 3 carat size listed.


Sep 8, 2001
also, I think it's hard to get around the trade. When I first call LA store asking for trade-in of my 1.52c princess cut stone, they asked for spec and price i paid. they said i wouldn't lose lot of $ only few hundred. I got there in person, they didn't like faint flourescence, it's a princess cut not as valuable and popular as round, didn't buy fr. their store, so I lost more $ trading in my stone.

I am very suspicious if I don't lose $ somehow trading up my 2c stone recently bought fr. there, we'll see. I am afraid to find out.

I think buying on internet is good bc good return policy and selection. Only thing is if you want to change or trade up, you have to ship stone back and forth, etc. etc.not as convenient. I change my mind a lot unlike someone who does not, so I think 2x about buying on internet; otherwise, i like buying online more convenience.


Aug 2, 2002
When you traded in your 1.52 princess cut, why didn't you go back to the jeweler you orginally bought from? You probably won't have lost money on it to upgrade to a 2 carat.
If the 2ct is more in demand then a 3ct. They should be more then willing to upgrade for you. Because not that many people can afford a 3ct and should jump at the chance if you want one.
Yesterday when I was at the jeweler getting the new setting..he showed me a 3ct radiant. I tried it much as I like is too big on me. :(
I love shopping on the internet as well. And I know what you mean about return and shipping it back and forth as a hassle. Alot of time when I do not like something when it arrives....I am usually too lazy to return and just keep it laying around somewhere. But ofcourse I can't do the same with a diamond! But I still wished that I found this site before purchasing my diamond. Just to gain more knowledge and such.


Sep 8, 2001
Whitemist, what size is your finger? a radiant diameter is smaller than round for 3c, so shouldn't look that big if solitaire setting.

Nope, the original jeweller said 10% lost of I change shape or another diamond, and 20% if I sell. then when i came back to sell, she subtract 30%, I asked her why she said 20% lost if change, and 30% sell, so I no longer trust that jeweller. When you buy everything is nice and dandy until u got to change. most jewellers like to u to buy instead of trade in or trade-up.


Aug 2, 2002
My ring finger is a size 4.75. I am about 5'2. So a 3ct looks overwhelming on me. But I don't mind a 2ct. :)

Jewelers are such rats sometimes, they tell you one thing to get you to buy from them...and once its a done deal. They turn into monsters.
I guess you have to really trust the people you buy from.
It almost sounds like purchasing over the internet is a better deal. At least it sounds like they are more flexible. Maybe you should looking that route. Doesn't hurt to try.


Sep 8, 2001
I like buying over internet but i am bound to local store bc i want to trade-in my stone. since i already spent so much $ on 2c stone, I can't put out full amount fr a 3c stone.

at least internet vendor give u sarin reports, I can't get any of local jewellers to provide me with the info except what's on the cert.

I am 5ft3, finger size 4.5, but somehow 2.16c does not look big on me looks more like 1c to me, diameter of stone is 8.5m; to me before, this size seems adequately big, not after the 6-prongs were put on stone. I tried on 3c cz ring, looks very very nice and big, and I decided more than anything this is the size I want for life, then no more headache with diamonds or losing $ on setting or trading up.
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