
Diamond studs


Deactivated member 42515

Oh how exciting! I was also perusing the sale and wanted to get some studs! When do you get them! :appl:


Aug 10, 2012
YayTacori said:
Oh how exciting! I was also perusing the sale and wanted to get some studs! When do you get them! :appl:
I picked 2 day shipping and it's just a stock setting, so hopefully sometime this coming week! I've been wanting a pair of studs for awhile and I was hoping to catch a post-thanksgiving sale of some sort :) I'll post pics when I get them!
monidda said:
Well done, I need a pair myself
04diamond<3 said:
Yay!!! Can't wait to see them! Congrats on the new studs!!!
two_little_birds said:
Can't wait to see them on you! :)) Lucky girl!
Thanks, I'm super excited!!
Rhea said:
Does the colour that you see bother you or can you just see it? I have low colour old cut diamonds and can see the colour too, but it doesn't annoy me, especially on my ears!
I think it's that the diamond looks slightly darker than the melee in some lighting, so it's more that I can see color, not the actual color (which is a really faint taupe color). I went with I color studs, so I don't think those will bother me. I do love my OEC-the faceting, the pretty colors it sends off in the sun, but if I had my druthers, I'd like more colorless diamonds for future projects!

Last but not least: lizzyann, stargurl78, Loves Vintage, DiamondSeeker2006, MC, distracts, milton333, Enerchi, bastetcat, ponder, - Thank you so much for all of your advice and links to your earrings and others' earrings. Everything you all have said has been really helpful and I truly appreciate it. I think the 3-prong martinis will be a nice look and let the great diamonds stand alone. I do plan to upgrade to larger stones when it makes sense financially, so I think sticking to a simple, inexpensive setting is a good idea on that front as well (I hadn't thought of this, so thanks again!). I'll post pics, hopefully later this week!


Mar 1, 2011
Hi there! Congrats on your new BGD studs! I, too, chose the stock 3 prong martini settings for my 1st pair of studs so I think you will love them also!


Aug 10, 2012
mom2boys said:
Hi there! Congrats on your new BGD studs! I, too, chose the stock 3 prong martini settings for my 1st pair of studs so I think you will love them also!
I absolutely LOVE your current studs. They're amazing and gorgeous! Aspirational piece for me, for sure :)


Oct 4, 2011
alisonia333|1353722304|3313732 said:
Thanks everyone for your help! I pulled the trigger on the 0.64 ctw BGD stones in a 3 prong martini WG setting, which was free with the $175 off promo. I love the 8 prong look, but on a smaller stone I think the prongs might be a little overwhelming. I also like the diamond floating on the ear appearance a 3 prong martini gives, and last but not least, the price was right. I also got the 10% off the stones, so I saved about $240 total and came in DUN DUN DUN DUHHHHH: 8 bucks under budget! I'm SUPER excited for my first pair of diamond studs. I'm only 27, so I have plenty of time for upgrades, and I'll post pics when I get them in a few days. :appl:

WOO HOO!!! What a super shopper you are - congratulations and I'm sure you will love love love the studs when they arrive! Even before upgrading, when you decide you want a larger look, you could also add the IDJ jackets that are so super popular and that gives a huge visual impact! That's how I seem to be wearing mine all the time now :bigsmile:

Excited to see the upcoming glam shots and then your ear shots!


Aug 10, 2012
Enerchi|1353859682|3315045 said:
alisonia333|1353722304|3313732 said:
Thanks everyone for your help! I pulled the trigger on the 0.64 ctw BGD stones in a 3 prong martini WG setting, which was free with the $175 off promo. I love the 8 prong look, but on a smaller stone I think the prongs might be a little overwhelming. I also like the diamond floating on the ear appearance a 3 prong martini gives, and last but not least, the price was right. I also got the 10% off the stones, so I saved about $240 total and came in DUN DUN DUN DUHHHHH: 8 bucks under budget! I'm SUPER excited for my first pair of diamond studs. I'm only 27, so I have plenty of time for upgrades, and I'll post pics when I get them in a few days. :appl:

WOO HOO!!! What a super shopper you are - congratulations and I'm sure you will love love love the studs when they arrive! Even before upgrading, when you decide you want a larger look, you could also add the IDJ jackets that are so super popular and that gives a huge visual impact! That's how I seem to be wearing mine all the time now :bigsmile:

Excited to see the upcoming glam shots and then your ear shots!

Thanks Enerchi!! I have a halo ering, and I love that look, so jackets are definitely on my radar :naughty: I emailed Lesley yesterday with two questions and she already responded (on a Sunday!). She said they may be able to do little claw prongs for me, but that the prongs are really tiny so she wasn't 100% on that and that they got TONS of stud orders and they will be setting all week and send my glamor shots as soon as they're ready :love: I'm glad everyone shares my excitement, it makes it really fun! And last but not least, off topic: I LOVE your OEC in its gorgeous new setting, I'm not sure if I commented on your post, but I certainly followed the whole story and it's just so gorgeous. Take care :)


Oct 4, 2011

Awe, that is so sweet of you, Alisonia! Thank you! It was a very exciting journey - purchase/rebate/setting selections in NYC - and I am thrilled with it! Thank you so much :halo:


Feb 27, 2007
They will be very pretty. I can't wait to see them.


Aug 10, 2012
Should get my new studs on Wednesday, maybe Thursday, so I will make a new post in smtb then, but I just got my glamour shots and had to post them somewhere! I asked them to do claw prongs, and Lesley said that they would do their best because they're very delicate prongs on that setting size and I got the claws!! Excited!! :appl: :appl:


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