
Diamond opinions ? Experts pls help


Dec 7, 2016
Hi everyone
I have an update!
My fiancé and I ended up chatting about the ring plan at length this weekend and I’ve made a decision.
Definitely want an ACA with potential to upgrade in years to come.

He wants me to sell my stone and not keep/make pendant.
I’ll have to figure out how to sell it when the time comes this January or so.
May need guidance from u all.

We have wedding and house being built this summer :shock::shock::shock:o_Oso (unless we run into an unexpected sum of money) we are going to save now for the egd and plan to reach out here in December to start my search for a early January delivery date.

I’ll ping wf also.

So, for Right now Id like to find a wedding band and this is where I need your advice as I would like the band to stay with me over my lifetime and work (hopefully) with whatever ering i have at the time so….
1) find a wedding band That can work with current 3 stone ring now
2) one that will also work when I send wf my 3 stone to have new aca placed (similar or maybe bigger if enough $ to gsi1)
3) likely when I turn 50, which is just a few years, we will upgrade the stone again and at that point I am sure ill get a new ering setting as I’ll hope to go bigger then the gsi1 that I’ll get in January

So, my hope is to find a somewhat universal Diamond band that will go with whichever ring I have at the time. I’m hoping that’s realistic?

I like this one - seems pretty and can go w 3 stone or once I switch to another setting (yes sledge, he mentioned that I mine as well get what I want - I just don’t think I’ll have enough $ in 7 month to get aca stone and new setting so may put setting off 2-3 yrs)

Very much looking forward to all this !!
I’ll come back to this thread once I get band, and also in December for my aca search and so on :) lol

I know I’m all over the place but we have so much going on and I want to be sure I do this right.

Any input on the right band knowing all this ?

Thank you again to everyone who commented on this thread. It helped me so much with all of this. I feel good about this plan and I’m glad he suggested we sell the k and not me.
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Apr 23, 2021
This is a fantastic plan...and the Valoria band will pair perfectly with the Valoria setting from WF, if you decide to get a matching band and ring set eventually.


Apr 23, 2018
This has been a rough journey for you thus far. I am glad that you found a little peace and was able to formulate a plan of attack that works best for your situation.

Good luck on the wedding planning and the actual day. While some of those details drove me and my wife a little bonkers, we truly had an amazing day. I wish the same for you and yours!

Also, if you haven’t built a house before, be advised it can be very stressful on any marriage but especially a new one! Often it can be little things like wall colors, fixture types and colors, flooring selections, etc. Builders normally work on expedited time frames and frequently push choice selection to the future owners (as you’d expect) which can be overwhelming when they are forced to decide quickly and often those decisions come with change orders for the nicer stuff. Not only do couples tend to disagree on selections but often the mindset is “we are going to build once, we need to do it right” and can really get your budget out of whack.

If you haven’t already done so it’s normally wise to visit with the builder and ensure his price is based on the build quality of things you guys want. Also to hopefully set a build price below your maximum value so you have some contingency money for stuff you didn’t expect and truly makes sense to do while building vs upgrading later. Some examples from my own experience has been extra insulation for sound barrier in walls, especially in open floor plans. I had a master bedroom where one of the walls was shared with the kitchen. Best choice ever. Or maybe pre-wiring your house with the best ethernet cables for future networking. Often builders use cheapest which means outdated or will be outdated soon. Usually a few hundred bucks spent now saves thousands later. Also, make sure all the runs are independent and drop them in a temperature controlled closet (preferably NOT the master closet) that also has decent ventilation and space. Floor outlets for open living rooms is amazing and not easily added later. The list goes on. My point is you may think of things that cost little to do now and will be expensive later so it’s wise (and reduces the stress level) to have some contingency money.

Again, wishing you much happiness and success in your journey. When you’re ready to start analyzing diamonds again we will be here to help. Good luck!!


Dec 7, 2016
This has been a rough journey for you thus far. I am glad that you found a little peace and was able to formulate a plan of attack that works best for your situation.

Good luck on the wedding planning and the actual day. While some of those details drove me and my wife a little bonkers, we truly had an amazing day. I wish the same for you and yours!

Also, if you haven’t built a house before, be advised it can be very stressful on any marriage but especially a new one! Often it can be little things like wall colors, fixture types and colors, flooring selections, etc. Builders normally work on expedited time frames and frequently push choice selection to the future owners (as you’d expect) which can be overwhelming when they are forced to decide quickly and often those decisions come with change orders for the nicer stuff. Not only do couples tend to disagree on selections but often the mindset is “we are going to build once, we need to do it right” and can really get your budget out of whack.

If you haven’t already done so it’s normally wise to visit with the builder and ensure his price is based on the build quality of things you guys want. Also to hopefully set a build price below your maximum value so you have some contingency money for stuff you didn’t expect and truly makes sense to do while building vs upgrading later. Some examples from my own experience has been extra insulation for sound barrier in walls, especially in open floor plans. I had a master bedroom where one of the walls was shared with the kitchen. Best choice ever. Or maybe pre-wiring your house with the best ethernet cables for future networking. Often builders use cheapest which means outdated or will be outdated soon. Usually a few hundred bucks spent now saves thousands later. Also, make sure all the runs are independent and drop them in a temperature controlled closet (preferably NOT the master closet) that also has decent ventilation and space. Floor outlets for open living rooms is amazing and not easily added later. The list goes on. My point is you may think of things that cost little to do now and will be expensive later so it’s wise (and reduces the stress level) to have some contingency money.

Again, wishing you much happiness and success in your journey. When you’re ready to start analyzing diamonds again we will be here to help. Good luck!!

Hi yes all of that happening now and it’s a lot! We will manage but as u can imagine, we are spread thin. Not to mention this isn’t our first rodeo - we are both mid 40’s.
All your points are great.

Very much looking forward to coming back in dec I’d guess and starting my search again! Hoping I can save a decent amount of $ if I can. Then again like u said things may pop up with house so we will see where I land.

I’ll also try and sell my K then so anything I can get will help.

All good things and can’t thank you all enough!

I’ll keep u posted on which band I pick also :)
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Dec 7, 2016
Hi Everyone
Ok, another question or seeking advice from the group. As you know i am planning a few changes in small steps.

1) buy band now
2) update to aca in Dec/Jan
3) getting larger aca in a few years and repace ering setting at that time :)

So, this is where i HOPE to land when im 50 (with one of these sets and a larger center). Does anyone have thoughts/opinions on if one of these is better than the other.

I am going to buy the band now, so band will be with me long term but i'd like to pick the band that will ultimately be a match for the new setting i'll get in a few years.

These are my two one better than the other for any reason?

my original dream ring since i was very young was a simple 6 prong tiffany. lol.

I am not sure if 'French' set is better, more sparkly, durable, etc.

any experts care to weigh in on what they would choose and why? I would love to hear from those with more experience/knowledge then me!

I can't thank you all enough for helping me get here.....

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!



Apr 23, 2018
I’ve always liked the simplicity and elegance of the Tiffany 6 prong. Since you are looking at the Valoria French Cut as your wedding band, why not couple with the more more simple (and inexpensive) Valoria Petite?

It’s personal preference but I actually kind of like the plain band in the mix as it breaks it up a bit. Also helps keep the center stone the star of the show.

Plus it’s very affordable. Less than $500 for WG. Add $400 for platinum. This makes it reasonable to stretch and do the setting + ACA at the same time instead of having to wait for 50+ when you upgrade.





Dec 7, 2016
I’ve always liked the simplicity and elegance of the Tiffany 6 prong. Since you are looking at the Valoria French Cut as your wedding band, why not couple with the more more simple (and inexpensive) Valoria Petite?

It’s personal preference but I actually kind of like the plain band in the mix as it breaks it up a bit. Also helps keep the center stone the star of the show.

Plus it’s very affordable. Less than $500 for WG. Add $400 for platinum. This makes it reasonable to stretch and do the setting + ACA at the same time instead of having to wait for 50+ when you upgrade.




OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my heart. WOW> I love it. :kiss2:
I truly love the simplicity of this ring. I am "hoping" that we can keep saving a bit on the side and between now and Dec and will maybe have about $14K saved.
I wonder how large I'll be able to go if I have 14k. I would want to stick to the specific proportions you all suggested for an ACA as i dont want to make a mistake so i wouldnt sacrafice cut over size but like anyone, i'd like as large as i can get for the money.

ANYWAY, Thank you for sharing this. i love it,

And you bring up a good point, its 869 wire for the setting and then MAYBE i could get a larger ACA come December.
Get the band now. I am going to ask WF if they have one in stock and can show me pics or video of this setting with the band so i can see them.
Valoria French Cut as your wedding band


Apr 23, 2018
Glad you like that. :cool2:

In regards to stretching your dollars I think you need to really hone in on color that works for you. In your other thread I mentioned those G’s and I think you have set that as your standard.

Here are my concerns. It sounds like they are melee stones. They likely won’t have individual lab reports but may have a group report that says they are G/H color and some range of clarity. My guess is mediocre cut as well.

Not banging on them. Just saying that perhaps your perception of G isn’t solid. Sure it’s better than K but would an H or I be similar to you? The other factor that comes into play is size. Generally speaking larger stones mean larger bodies which is where tint is mainly seen.

What I’d suggest is going to a different jeweler than the one that did your current ring. Look for GIA 3X stones in various colors (F-J) at 1 carat, 1.25 carat and 1.50 carat sizes. Don’t let anyone tell you the colors and then pick what is pleasing to you. To give each stone a fair shake for a decent cut limit the selections to the following properties:

54-57 table
60-62.5 depth
34-35 crown
40.6-40.8 pavilion
75-80 LGF
50-55 stars

For a little wiggle room you could also consider a 41 pavilion but only if paired with 34 crown. And a 35.5 crown but only with a 40.6 pavilion.

Essentially we are trying to make our proportions complimentary. While they don’t ensure a perfect diamond they should be reasonably decent to compare colors.

Let us know where you landed. If by chance you stick to an H or I then you can boost size a little.

Remember at the end of the day, it’s really about 5 C’s and that formula looks like this:

Cost = cut + color + clarity + carat

As you move the 4 traditional C’s +/- your cost will change. Having $14k would yield a bigger stone. Looking at WF’s current inventory I don’t see an influx of H’s but there is a 1.553 H/SI1 that is close to $14k. The screen cap below shows retail price. Wire prices are 3% less, so just a hair under $14,300.



Dec 7, 2016
Glad you like that. :cool2:

In regards to stretching your dollars I think you need to really hone in on color that works for you. In your other thread I mentioned those G’s and I think you have set that as your standard.

Here are my concerns. It sounds like they are melee stones. They likely won’t have individual lab reports but may have a group report that says they are G/H color and some range of clarity. My guess is mediocre cut as well.

Not banging on them. Just saying that perhaps your perception of G isn’t solid. Sure it’s better than K but would an H or I be similar to you? The other factor that comes into play is size. Generally speaking larger stones mean larger bodies which is where tint is mainly seen.

What I’d suggest is going to a different jeweler than the one that did your current ring. Look for GIA 3X stones in various colors (F-J) at 1 carat, 1.25 carat and 1.50 carat sizes. Don’t let anyone tell you the colors and then pick what is pleasing to you. To give each stone a fair shake for a decent cut limit the selections to the following properties:

54-57 table
60-62.5 depth
34-35 crown
40.6-40.8 pavilion
75-80 LGF
50-55 stars

For a little wiggle room you could also consider a 41 pavilion but only if paired with 34 crown. And a 35.5 crown but only with a 40.6 pavilion.

Essentially we are trying to make our proportions complimentary. While they don’t ensure a perfect diamond they should be reasonably decent to compare colors.

Let us know where you landed. If by chance you stick to an H or I then you can boost size a little.

Remember at the end of the day, it’s really about 5 C’s and that formula looks like this:

Cost = cut + color + clarity + carat

As you move the 4 traditional C’s +/- your cost will change. Having $14k would yield a bigger stone. Looking at WF’s current inventory I don’t see an influx of H’s but there is a 1.553 H/SI1 that is close to $14k. The screen cap below shows retail price. Wire prices are 3% less, so just a hair under $14,300.


Hi there
thank you. i am taking notes. i agree, i would suspect my G's aren't the greatest cut and perhaps an H with ideal proportions would be 100x better then my G's. Is that what you mean here?
I appreciate this. I also really love the simple setting and am going to go with it. I just love it. SUPER happy you sent this to me as 1)its what i always wanted and 2) also it allows me to spend the resources saved on the best ACA i can.

I'll see if i can get to a local place to look at stones the only hiccup with that is I truly doubt anyone "local" will have stones with the proportions you all recommend. I'll see -

Thank you!

I have to admit, i am very excited to come back in December and start this search :)
And now, i have shifted to being able to do it all then instead of waiting another few years for 50.

What a roller coaster this all is but its a great one at that :)


Apr 23, 2018
Color is a really finicky thing. You have different grades. Then it’s graded by humans so it’s subjective. And there are ranges in each color grade.

Then you have to consider the preferences of the individual. Some love tint. Some hate it. There isn’t a right or wrong answer as long as it’s what you like. However, the market has determined less tint is more rare and consequently more expensive.

So often a good compromise is finding that balance point where someone isn’t bothered by the tint. For some that may be K, J, H, G or whatever.

Some typical rules is that women more easily see tint than men. This is called sensitivity. However, simply having the ability to see tint isn’t the whole story. Some people see it but isn’t bothered by it. This is called tolerance.

A prime example is I bought my wife an H/VS2. It’s super ideal so cut is good but she still sees tint. She can easily see tint in most diamonds. However she isn’t bothered by it. She just notices it.

Many people find G or H to offer a good bang for the buck. In my wife’s case when we eventually upgrade her I want to get her a D/E color because we both really like icy white and also because I better understand her sensitivity. Of course this will come at the expense of dollars and I’m aware. She isn’t really into having a massive rock (at least yet, lol) so the color is an area I’d like to splurge for her.

Back to your situation maybe a G or maybe an H will work. I don’t know. You just need to spend a little time comparing and learning. If you find you can tolerate/like an H then it’s a way to stretch dollars. If not that’s understandable too.


Dec 7, 2016
Hi eveyone

Can u help me decide on which band to get?
The plan is to change my setting and upgrade to ACA in dec/January…..
With the Valeria petite 6 prong solitaire setting :kiss2:

Now which band will compliment and go better with it that setting?

French or petite?

I’m assuming either can work w my 3 stone for now but not sure if one is more comfortable or will complement the new setting better ? Any thoughts?


Jun 23, 2005
I would honestly ask Becca for her opinion. It is hard to choose without being able to see these bands. I assume that the Petite band has bigger diamonds as it has fewer diamonds. That may or may not be your choice. I also don’t know if some of their other bands might be recommended too since you are going with the plain band engagement ring. They have had the ability to see some of these bands up close and in person.


Apr 23, 2018
I do like the profile of the petite better myself. The bigger stones don’t give it as much as a crushed ice look. And I think it will compliment the plain solitaire nicely. Also I don’t see the point of going 3/4 around. Seems like that could be uncomfortable with diamonds rubbing on adjacent fingers.

Keep in mind I’m a guy and don’t wear this stuff so this is just me trying to logically approach it. Others that wear them may have better/different input.

One thing you should note is the plain solitaire is a 6 prong which I like aesthetically, for additional security and also it helps keep rounds looking round (whereas 4 prongs can give a “square” look).

That said that extra prong protrudes from the side and may cause interference with a wedding band. You kind of see it in the “set” pictures on WF’s site but it isn’t as pronounced with the 4 prong. If you look at the solitaire set it shows it a little better but has a plain band. Also it appears the bottom is tucked in closer than the top to help lessen the effect. You want to be careful the diamonds from the wedding band don’t rub against your solitaire.

There are a few drivers going on that will determine the effect. Stone size is one. Larger stones will naturally need to extend out further to wrap around a larger stone. But also the angle which the prongs leave the base. The exact height of the wedding band. And if the wedding band is set on an angle/taper like I mentioned earlier.

Becca should know what we are saying and able to answer and guide you with those concerns so it all fits perfect.








Dec 7, 2016
HI i did a call with Becca today and told her my thoughts and she said any diamond band can work.
She sent me some photos of the Elena with a 3 stone and the Elena with a Valoria Solitaire.
She doesn't have the french one or the petite in stock to show me what they would look like with my 3 stone or the solitaire.

I also did this photo to see and now i am torn again........... ughhh

This is so hard without being able to see them and hold them and try them on. haha.

Looking at this photo makes my brain hurt.


Dec 7, 2016
These are all with the Elena as she could not show me the french or petite.

Sigh...... I feel like i have to order one of them blind unless i just get the Elena.

WIll any of these 3 rings scratch up my 3 stone or new potential setting?


Jun 23, 2005
These are all with the Elena as she could not show me the french or petite.

Sigh...... I feel like i have to order one of them blind unless i just get the Elena.

WIll any of these 3 rings scratch up my 3 stone or new potential setting?

Again, this is a question better answered by Whiteflash. The Elena is pretty and looks to have larger diamonds. It looks as though it has a channel of metal on the top and bottom which would prevent the diamonds from scratching an engagement ring setting. However, I would refer back to Whiteflash for confirmation on it. I have never seen any of these bands in person and just wouldn't want to give you erroneous information.


Dec 7, 2016
Again, this is a question better answered by Whiteflash. The Elena is pretty and looks to have larger diamonds. It looks as though it has a channel of metal on the top and bottom which would prevent the diamonds from scratching an engagement ring setting. However, I would refer back to Whiteflash for confirmation on it. I have never seen any of these bands in person and just wouldn't want to give you erroneous information.

Thank you. The other thing sledge mentioned in comfort. I do plan to get the band engraved so can't make a mistake. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: Oh man. :)
She did say the Elena has a bit of metal on top and bottom, i wonder if that would help with comfort and scratching, not only my other fingers but the ering next to it.

I'll ask her again. When we spoke she just said any diamond band will go with 6 prong. I'll send her these specific questions.


Jun 23, 2005
Thank you. The other thing sledge mentioned in comfort. I do plan to get the band engraved so can't make a mistake. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: Oh man. :)
She did say the Elena has a bit of metal on top and bottom, i wonder if that would help with comfort and scratching, not only my other fingers but the ering next to it.

I'll ask her again. When we spoke she just said any diamond band will go with 6 prong. I'll send her these specific questions.
Ask her if the band could be sent back for engraving. If you have any hesitation at all about the band, I wouldn't make it so that it couldn't be returned - I am assuming it is returnable if not altered in any way?


Dec 7, 2016
Hi so I’m going back and forth.
I like the Elena but worry about scratching, she said it doesn’t scratch or bother her but everyone is different- lol
She also said I could buy a spacer if I’m worried about it scratching ering.

Then I saw this on their site and I fell in love with this pairing

Legato sleek line

So I sent fiance both Elena set (cuz it’s also lovely) and this legato to see if he likes one over the other. I like both :kiss2:

What do u all like better?

I think if we go with legato then I don’t need to worry about scratching-

Would u agree?


Jun 23, 2005
So the Legato ering is being shown there with a channel set band. If you enlarge my avatar picture, you can see that I have a channel set band. There are two definite ribbons of metal on either side. One of this ribbons (top) touch the metal of my three stone. That means that the diamonds in the wedding band can’t harm the setting of the three stone. Exposed diamond girdles (edges) can literally saw through metal. A channel set band is also smooth to the touch as there is no prong work. Mine is an eternity band and I have no scratching of my fingers with the diamonds. You may be familiar with all of this but I am just trying to explain the difference. I think Whiteflash makes a channel set band called the Honey band I believe. As long as there are no exposed diamond edges on the Elena, there would be no damage to the Legato ering. The point is just that the Legato ering in the picture is paired with a channel set band and with the channel set band, you have no issues with the diamonds. If you went for the Elena band and discovered that there was scratching happening to the ering, you would need to get a thin spacer band to absorb the scratching instead of the ering. Hope this all makes sense and if you were already aware, excuse the novel - lol!

There have been several here through the years that went with the Legato setting. They have liked that the shank in the engagement ring is pinched in toward the diamond making it appear to pop a bit more. Just bear in mind that it is four prong and not six.


Dec 7, 2016
So the Legato ering is being shown there with a channel set band. If you enlarge my avatar picture, you can see that I have a channel set band. There are two definite ribbons of metal on either side. One of this ribbons (top) touch the metal of my three stone. That means that the diamonds in the wedding band can’t harm the setting of the three stone. Exposed diamond girdles (edges) can literally saw through metal. A channel set band is also smooth to the touch as there is no prong work. Mine is an eternity band and I have no scratching of my fingers with the diamonds. You may be familiar with all of this but I am just trying to explain the difference. I think Whiteflash makes a channel set band called the Honey band I believe. As long as there are no exposed diamond edges on the Elena, there would be no damage to the Legato ering. The point is just that the Legato ering in the picture is paired with a channel set band and with the channel set band, you have no issues with the diamonds. If you went for the Elena band and discovered that there was scratching happening to the ering, you would need to get a thin spacer band to absorb the scratching instead of the ering. Hope this all makes sense and if you were already aware, excuse the novel - lol!

There have been several here through the years that went with the Legato setting. They have liked that the shank in the engagement ring is pinched in toward the diamond making it appear to pop a bit more. Just bear in mind that it is four prong and not six.

Hi thank you.
Yes. I seem to be torn on the 4prong vs 6 prong.

I’m torn on a lot of things. I wish I could go to wf and try them ALL on. Haha

She did say I can order and engrave and send back if it doesn’t work within 30 days.
So, I think tomorrow I’ll order Elena and see.
Also not sure on spacer but I could get later if needed.

I still wish I could got the gsi1 now. And had it put in my 3 stone. But with the house and wedding happening literally in next few months, I really should wait.

And god knows I’ll probably change my mind ten times between now and then on so I just swap my k and start small.

Then wait until the next upgrade to switch the setting all together - and so on.


Thank you! Will keep you posted on Elena order. I hope it’s not uncomfortable.

Thanks For being with me on this ride :)


Dec 7, 2016
Hi Everyone
just a quick update. I ordered the Elena band and that is on its way to me. YAY
I also reached out to the original jeweler again and asked them nicely if they would refund me the $5100 for my K. They said no but insisted they want to help me be happy with my ring. So, i sent them the proportions you all sent me and i guess i'll wait and see what they come back with.

Ideally, being able to use the 5100 to a new stone would be the top choice in all this.

I'll keep you posted.

Excited to get the Elena.

Oh, speaking on the Elena, if i need a spacer, does it "have" to be platinum like both rings or can i just get a silver or wg?

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jun 23, 2005
Hi Everyone
just a quick update. I ordered the Elena band and that is on its way to me. YAY
I also reached out to the original jeweler again and asked them nicely if they would refund me the $5100 for my K. They said no but insisted they want to help me be happy with my ring. So, i sent them the proportions you all sent me and i guess i'll wait and see what they come back with.

Ideally, being able to use the 5100 to a new stone would be the top choice in all this.

I'll keep you posted.

Excited to get the Elena.

Oh, speaking on the Elena, if i need a spacer, does it "have" to be platinum like both rings or can i just get a silver or wg?

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you could pair a white gold spacer with platinum. There may be a color difference as white gold is generally whiter in color than platinum. Also, white gold has to be rhodium plated every so often. At any rate, the spacer is generally so small that it won’t be readily visible. If there wasn’t a substantial price difference in a small spacer band, I would probably choose platinum. May not even be an issue with the band so wait and see.
Keep us posted with everything!
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Dec 7, 2016
Hi Everyone,
So, things have changed a bit over here and I may be in a position by the end of the month to change my K!! i am so excited and thinking positive so doing some early shopping to scope out my options. Fiance is 100% on board with this also.

I am still waiting for local jeweler to pull me some stones with the specs i gave them but they are slow to respond so i am not hopeful and/or sure i want to move forward with them or if wf is better as they have the lifetime upgrade option.

I will have about 10k to spend in total.:kiss2: I am looking at WF as this 10k has changed things a great deal and i actually think i can get something even better than the .95 gsi1..............would you agree?

I asked WF about sizes for my setting (which i am going to keep for now) and she said we'd need to stick within the ranges of 6.31mm-6.65mm or so.

That being said, I wanted to ask you all. If you had 10k max to spend, what is the best performing stone that you would pick to go in my 3 stone?

I saw a few in my cart but wasn't sure if you all would agree with these?

1) this one is 6.68 but hoping they can make it work?

2) not sure if the table is too much at 57.8?


Can the experts please tell me what they would pick if in my shoes?

Thank you so much!


Jun 23, 2005
Exciting stuff! Off the top of my head, I am going with the 1.16 because of the size. You wanted a larger stone and this is larger than your current diamond. You can also ask Whiteflash to do a video of all three to see if one speaks to you more than another.


Dec 7, 2016
Exciting stuff! Off the top of my head, I am going with the 1.16 because of the size. You wanted a larger stone and this is larger than your current diamond. You can also ask Whiteflash to do a video of all three to see if one speaks to you more than another.

Thank you for responding! thats what i was thinking too!!!! Would you agree that this one is as good/if not better then the gsi1? i think it is but just making sure i am not missing anything?!

SUPER EXCITED. Hoping by end of month to have this done!

ps. band is also all set, money wired and is in the works so lots happening :)


Jan 23, 2023
Hi Everyone,
So, things have changed a bit over here and I may be in a position by the end of the month to change my K!! i am so excited and thinking positive so doing some early shopping to scope out my options. Fiance is 100% on board with this also.

I am still waiting for local jeweler to pull me some stones with the specs i gave them but they are slow to respond so i am not hopeful and/or sure i want to move forward with them or if wf is better as they have the lifetime upgrade option.

I will have about 10k to spend in total.:kiss2: I am looking at WF as this 10k has changed things a great deal and i actually think i can get something even better than the .95 gsi1..............would you agree?

I asked WF about sizes for my setting (which i am going to keep for now) and she said we'd need to stick within the ranges of 6.31mm-6.65mm or so.

That being said, I wanted to ask you all. If you had 10k max to spend, what is the best performing stone that you would pick to go in my 3 stone?

I saw a few in my cart but wasn't sure if you all would agree with these?

1) this one is 6.68 but hoping they can make it work?

2) not sure if the table is too much at 57.8?


Can the experts please tell me what they would pick if in my shoes?

Thank you so much!

Have you checked out this E color and this F color at Whiteflash under 10k? 6.63x6.66mm and 6.64x6.66mm.

Table under 55:

Table at 56:


Jun 23, 2005
Thank you for responding! thats what i was thinking too!!!! Would you agree that this one is as good/if not better then the gsi1? i think it is but just making sure i am not missing anything?!

SUPER EXCITED. Hoping by end of month to have this done!

ps. band is also all set, money wired and is in the works so lots happening :)

Better inasmuch as it is a VS2 instead of a SI1. Visually you might not see any difference but it is a step up.
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