
Diamond has changed


Apr 18, 2018
This might seem like a very random and unusual question... but please bear with me.

I have noticed over the last three days that my diamond looks different to how it looked before. Specifically the arrows are not lighting up when I twizzle it around. No matter how I angle the stone, it's just not happening.

Other lower facets are lighting up fine, and overall it's just as scintillating as it was before. Just no arrows! They used to light up one by one under the right lighting, like clock-hands, as I rotated the stone.

My diamond hasn't been out of my sight, so I know it's definitely the same stone. The lighting is the same, i.e., same place, same lights.

I've cleaned it thoroughly in an ultrasonic and soaked it in a solution; I've brushed and polished it - but it has made no difference.

I can see the arrows are there, because they show up black when I'm looking down on the stone. They are just not reflecting light.

Has this happened to anyone else?

I'm concerned it might have been damaged in some way (although, I don't know how), but then I can't see anything through a loupe, and I have one that magnifies 10x and 30x.

Could it be a bit loose in the setting?

I feel a bit stupid posting about this, because I know it sounds ridiculous, but I thought I would see if anyone had experienced this before?


Mar 2, 2013
What solution did you soak/wash it in? Some lighting situations don’t favor diamonds, so I would examine it in multiple lighting scenarios to see if that changes things. As far as it being loose, if you tap it with your fingernail, does it feel loose or wiggle in the setting?

Please post pictures of the diamond & setting.


Mar 23, 2018
Would be easier for us if you can you post some pictures and videos to have a look.:mrgreen2:


Apr 18, 2018
What solution did you soak/wash it in? Some lighting situations don’t favor diamonds, so I would examine it in multiple lighting scenarios to see if that changes things. As far as it being loose, if you tap it with your fingernail, does it feel loose or wiggle in the setting?

Please post pictures of the diamond & setting.

I'm at work at the moment, but will post some photos when I get home.

In terms of lighting, I am looking at it in the same lighting as I used to see the arrows in. It's my bedroom light, which hasn't changed. I have also tried it under other lights too, but I can't catch the arrows. I'm so OCD, which doesn't help!

The only way I can get light to reflect off the arrows is if I twizzle it directly under a phone flashlight, but that's pretty extreme.

It used to be quite easy to get the arrows to catch the light.

The solution is a standard solution. I think it's called Equisite Jewel Sparkle by Town Talk. I've used it several times, and it's always been fine.

I just can't fathom it at all.


Mar 2, 2013
@DaytonaG Maybe try soaking it in warm/hot water with plain Dawn dish soap and giving it a gentle scrub on all sides of the diamond, and see if that helps.


Apr 18, 2018
@the_mother_thing I'll try the dish soap method and see how that goes.

I couldn't get any clear photos showing what I'm seeing, but I did find a video I took not long after I got the ring. I've just tried to recreate the video tonight, and it's very obvious there is a difference when you see the videos side by side. It's not just in my imagination.

The video I recreated just now was taken in the same lighting, same phone camera, same seat on the sofa. Everything the same.

I wish I could show you, but I can't upload the files - they are too large.

It looks so bad compared to the first video, especially considering I've only had the ring for two months and I've cleaned it every other day.

I've ordered a diamond tester thermo pen from Amazon, just in case.

I'm panicking now!


Mar 1, 2005
If the dish soap method doesn’t work, take it to a jeweler to be professionally cleaned. I’m pretty certain that there’s just some type of film on it that you weren’t able to get off for some reason.


Apr 18, 2018
@coda72 I really hope it's just that. I've only had it 2 months, so if it is a film, it could have come from the soaking solution?

I'm so fastidious about my diamond. I take it off when moisturising, applying make-up, washing my hands etc. I soak it in the cleaning solution every other day, and brush it with a soft brush all over the stone and prongs.

If anything I clean it too much!

I'll try the dish soap though, as that should break down any residue on the stone. Then take it to a jeweller to see if they can help.

Also, my diamond tester is on its way from Amazon now - I panic bought within about 1 second after comparing the two videos. At least that might give me some peace of mind (hopefully!).


May 20, 2016
Stop panicking. There are a very few things that can cause such a change. Do you have hard water? Or a water conditioning system? Both can be bad for diamond surfaces. Some products marketed as cleaners can build up and make the stone look bad.

So, go old school. Do you have dish-washing liquid with no conditioners, like green Palmolive or blue dawn. I'm talking simply cleaning stuff nothing with fancy scents or ingredients or disinfectants. Take very hot tap water and mix in a small amount of dish washing liquid. Set your ring in that solution for a few minutes. Take a soft toothbrush, scrub thoroughly...especially the underside. Rinse with warm water. Repeat this several times. Get a magnifier and look at the diamond surface. Do you see any residue or oilyness or water spots? If so, repeat again.

If you may have used hand sanitizer, set the whole ring in rubbing alcohol. Soak, scrub. Soak scrub. Dry with a soft cloth.

The only other things that could cause what you are seeing would be major damage (which you'd remember because your hand would likely also have road rash/damage) and the diamond would be chipped. That is not what you are seeing.


Aug 10, 2005
Are you wearing lighter colored shirt than before? Try wearing a black shirt or with a dark object behind you. Also try viewing in your laundry room or any room under a florescent light.


Nov 7, 2015
Remember that the arrows reflect light from high angles (75 or higher). You mentioned that the arrows appear black. Your head or camera is blocking incoming light or the diamind is not facing the light source directly. 1 or 2 degrees of misalignment or viewing the diamond couple inches too close can make the arrows go completely dark.


Jan 16, 2018
Stop panicking. There are a very few things that can cause such a change. Do you have hard water? Or a water conditioning system? Both can be bad for diamond surfaces. Some products marketed as cleaners can build up and make the stone look bad.

So, go old school. Do you have dish-washing liquid with no conditioners, like green Palmolive or blue dawn. I'm talking simply cleaning stuff nothing with fancy scents or ingredients or disinfectants. Take very hot tap water and mix in a small amount of dish washing liquid. Set your ring in that solution for a few minutes. Take a soft toothbrush, scrub thoroughly...especially the underside. Rinse with warm water. Repeat this several times. Get a magnifier and look at the diamond surface. Do you see any residue or oilyness or water spots? If so, repeat again.

If you may have used hand sanitizer, set the whole ring in rubbing alcohol. Soak, scrub. Soak scrub. Dry with a soft cloth.

The only other things that could cause what you are seeing would be major damage (which you'd remember because your hand would likely also have road rash/damage) and the diamond would be chipped. That is not what you are seeing.

Agreed, I wouldn't worry about it. I think it's likely a thin film. Some so-called "jewelry cleaners" are actually pretty terrible at cleaning diamonds, as they leave a thin film of gunk that doesn't come off with rinsing.

As @rockysalamander said, old school is best. Since you have an ultrasonic, I would recommend sticking with that, but using plain dish soap with no conditioners as follows:

1.) Fill the ultrasonic bath with warm tap water and a few drops of plain dish soap. Put the ring in and run for 2-3 minutes.

2.) Rinse the ultrasonic bath and ring with tap water under the faucet. Then fill the ultrasonic bath with ONLY tap water and run for another 2-3 minutes.

3.) Take out the ring and dry with a completely clean microfiber cloth (like the kind used for camera lenses)

The extra run through the ultrasonic with plain tap water will help to remove any film that was potentially left by the soap (although with blue Dawn or green Palmolive this shouldn't be too much of an issue). If your tap water is particularly hard, then it may be worth doing the final water-only run in the ultrasonic with distilled or deionized water. That would eliminate any problems with hard water film.

This should take care of your problem if the problem was indeed a film left by the jewelry cleaner you were using.
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May 28, 2017
If your jeweler is nearby, they can clean it well for you too. There is no chance your diamond has actually changed. If it is set well and hasnt chipped or cracked it is just dirty.


Apr 18, 2018
Thank you for the reassurance! I'm going to try the dish soap this morning in work. They have some basic stuff for me to soak it in.
They also have alcohol based hand sanitizer so I'll try that too, and thenbgiving it two goes in the ultrasonic when I get home. I'll throw the kitchen sink at it (literally, if it doesn't get back to normal soon!).

@flyingpig I've tried all angles, backgrounds and lighting, replicating the exact same conditions as usual, and the arrows are not reflecting in the way they used to. My reference to black arrows was only to reassure myself that they are still there, by looking down on the stone.

Of course there is a possibility it's a Cz. That would be terrible! I'll have to check when my tester arrives, just so I've covered all bases.


May 20, 2016
They also have alcohol based hand sanitizer so I'll try that too,
I probably stated that poorly. Hand sanitizers can leave a seriously thick and yucky build-up. Once dried, they are awful. So, I was wanting you to use alcohol to help dissolve the build-up from any sanitizer. Don't dip the ring in the sanitizer.:mrgreen2:

I also think scrubbing with a toothbrush will be critical to getting any gunk off.


Mar 13, 2018
Being new to all this diamond stuff, shortly after it was delivered I looked at our new ring with an old dirty loupe (her 33-year-old son had worked at the mall briefly after high school.) It was beautiful and looked so clean. Then I thought about what some folks had said about daily cleaning.

I opened a new toothbrush and gently brushed the diamond with a drop of Dawn and warm water for maybe 20 seconds, rinsed it and blotted it with a paper towel.

HOLY COW !!!!! (Okay, that wasn't what I said.) :love:

I admit it, I used to think some members were just being a bit obsessive with their cleaning.


Mar 2, 2013
I admit it, I used to think some members were just being a bit obsessive with their cleaning.

:wavey: Welcome to the clean diamond OCD club!

I have taken to the habit of - each time I wash my hands (with regular hand soap) - also hitting just my ring with the little cleaning brush I keep at the sink with Dawn/Palmolive Oxy just so the moisturizer in the hand soap doesn’t build up on my diamonds. A clean diamond is a happy, sparkling diamond. :dance:


Apr 18, 2018
I probably stated that poorly. Hand sanitizers can leave a seriously thick and yucky build-up. Once dried, they are awful. So, I was wanting you to use alcohol to help dissolve the build-up from any sanitizer. Don't dip the ring in the sanitizer.:mrgreen2:

I also think scrubbing with a toothbrush will be critical to getting any gunk off.

Glad I read this before I started on the sanitizer :mrgreen:. I misread your original post.

@Johnbt I too am an obsessive OCD cleaner. I'm not going to use the pre-made solutions anymore though!


May 20, 2016
If you examine the ring surface after all this cleaning and scrubbing, and it still looks like there are spots or residue, I'd guess it is mineral deposits. For that, you need an acid like white vinegar. Let the ring soak in vinegar for a few minutes. Scrub. Repeat. It might take quite a bit of work to get to the underside. You might find an inter-dental tool helpful for that.


Mar 2, 2013
If you examine the ring surface after all this cleaning and scrubbing, and it still looks like there are spots or residue, I'd guess it is mineral deposits. For that, you need an acid like white vinegar. Let the ring soak in vinegar for a few minutes. Scrub. Repeat. It might take quite a bit of work to get to the underside. You might find an inter-dental tool helpful for that.

Do you happen to know - can vinegar be used on any metal (gold, platinum, silver, etc) or is it safe to only use vinegar on platinum? I recall a few folks commenting in other threads that they use rubbing alcohol as well, but that it wasn’t safe for some metals. :confused:


Feb 14, 2014
Take a screenshot of your video - before and after. Then post those pics here.

Your diamond didn't turn into a cz. Lol. Does it have an inscription on the girdle? (Like GIA, etc.). If so, have you looked for it with your loupe? Sometimes a regular loupe won't focus on it (too small); but a jeweler with a microscope would be able to.


Aug 14, 2009
@DaytonaG -
You don’t specify where you acquired the diamond from.
Does your diamond have a report? Or, if not, do you have a sales receipt?
Were the terms “fracture filled” or “clarity enhanced” used at time of sale?


Aug 10, 2005
Of course there is a possibility it's a Cz. That would be terrible!

That's a peculiar thing to say about a stone that has never been out of your sight. Was this a gift or an engagement stone?


May 20, 2016
Do you happen to know - can vinegar be used on any metal (gold, platinum, silver, etc) or is it safe to only use vinegar on platinum? I recall a few folks commenting in other threads that they use rubbing alcohol as well, but that it wasn’t safe for some metals. :confused:
Most metals are exposed to strong acid in the processing of forming the ring as they often need to be placed in "pickle" solution to remove copper oxides and residues from the heating/soldering process. So, all the precious metals will be fine in dilute vinegar solution. Maybe not every day for hours, but certainly for a soak to remove hard water. Don't mix silver or copper jewelry with your gold or platinum as it can transfer under certain circumstances. All precious metals are also fine in alcohol. All precious metals hate salt and chlorine. I actually use salt on silver to make a chemical reaction that I retain as a "patina". Salt will pit silver, which you can see on old sterling salt spoons.

Gems are another matter. Organic gems (opals, pearls, amber, coral, jet, etc.) should never ever be placed in acid. Pearls are fine in alcohol, but most porous gems like emeralds or high water content gems like opals are not ok with alcohols.


May 3, 2001
Just a thought. Since you are trying to clean your diamond and you are not seeing an improvement, think about taking your ring to a well respected jeweler in town. (Google them, the bad ones will have lots of negative comments!)

Ask them to look at the diamond and show it to you under a microscope. Then you will be able to most likely see any build up. Even if you do not see any build up or coating, ask them to clean your ring thoroughly. The ultrasonic soaking and steaming of your ring will most likely be all you need to restore your diamond to its former glory.



Feb 29, 2012
If you get a cheap loupe off eBay, you will probably see the gunk. I tend to believe it’s just stubborn oil and dirt mashed up on the diamond.

My appraiser uses 140 degree F water with Mr clean citrus and runs two ten minute cycles and then rinses and blows dry.

Once I realIzed my asscher didn’t look the same and it legit took me 2 days to get it all off.


Apr 18, 2018
That's a peculiar thing to say about a stone that has never been out of your sight. Was this a gift or an engagement stone?

No, it wasn't an engagement ring - I bought it myself!

I am just in panic mode at the moment, wondering why it has changed (cz deteriorates over time? What if I've been ripped off etc.). The stone is laser inscribed and GIA certified - I can see the inscription through my loupe. I know it can't really be a Cz but as I said I'm in a spin!

@ringo865 I know it can't turn into a Cz :mrgreen:lol.

I tried to upload two videos yesterday, but the files were too big.

The dish soap didn't work unfortunately, so it's now in the ultrasonic again.


May 28, 2017
Take it to your jeweler. They can get it like new!


Jan 16, 2018
No, it wasn't an engagement ring - I bought it myself!

I am just in panic mode at the moment, wondering why it has changed (cz deteriorates over time? What if I've been ripped off etc.). The stone is laser inscribed and GIA certified - I can see the inscription through my loupe. I know it can't really be a Cz but as I said I'm in a spin!

@ringo865 I know it can't turn into a Cz :mrgreen:lol.

I tried to upload two videos yesterday, but the files were too big.

The dish soap didn't work unfortunately, so it's now in the ultrasonic again.

Please don't panic. If it's GIA certified and you bought it from a reputable dealer, then it is not a CZ.

As @Wink suggested, the next step would be to take it to a trusted local jeweler. They can take a look at it for you and let you know if the diamond looks "normal," and they can also give it a deep cleaning and verify that nothing is coating the surface of the stone. At the very least, it will ease your mind that a.) It is a real diamond and b.) Nothing is physically wrong with it.

Deep breaths. Everything is going to be OK. :)
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