
Cushion with halo or no halo?


Nov 3, 2013
I'm having such a hard time deciding whether I want to go with a cushion with a halo or no halo with something like the Jewels by Erica Grace Sophie Pave setting. We want to stay somewhere around 5k total (setting and stone)- but can be flexible if the right ring comes along.

I've done a lot of research here over the past few weeks, but I'm honestly feeling overwhelmed. I really like the Good Old Gold August Vintage Cushions, which seem to be popular 'round these parts. What do you all think of this particular diamond: ?

Are halos on their way out? Will a cushion without a halo be classic enough to stand the test of time? Any feedback/help is appreciated :)


Jul 27, 2011
i would put the majority of the budget on the cushion and set it in a simple solitaire. If you feel down the line that a halo would suit you better, you can save up for the setting upgrade on an anniversary. That is what my husband and I did. :)


Oct 24, 2012
It depends on what you like. I would really love a halo around a AVC. That's just me. Some people like it as a solitaire. I would go with what feels right with you. :)


Oct 11, 2011
Yeah, if you want to stay somewhere around 5k, I'd put 4.5k into the stone and get a simple solitaire.


Nov 3, 2013
distracts|1383523938|3549758 said:
Yeah, if you want to stay somewhere around 5k, I'd put 4.5k into the stone and get a simple solitaire.

Thank you for your thoughts!

Where would you recommend for a decent stone for that amount and a solitaire setting?

Thanks again!


Nov 3, 2013
To follow up, what would be a more realistic budget for what I want? $7,000 - $9000?


Feb 24, 2008
when you say 'what is a realistic budget for what I want', do you mean for a stone similar to the good old gold diamond specs you posted earlier? :)


Jul 18, 2013
I'm having the same dilemma! (But it sounds like I've been doing my research a little longer)

I, too, started out with a 5K budget, but then fell in love with the custom settings all these lucky ladies are showin' off. :love:

To give you some idea of prices for your budget:

You can get a branded cushion that will be more expensive (but that may appear more sparklier/larger b/c of the ideal cut) from GOG or Victor Canera or a few others. Anything over 1ct. with either of those first two will run you 5K easy, unless you go WAY down in color (which DOES suite the antique cuts better than the modern cuts, imo) or way down in clarity.

If you want a really well cut antique cushion over 1ct., you'll prolly need to bump up your budget a tad.

And to give you an idea of unbranded stones...

Perry (Leon Mege's diamond sourcer) quoted me a price around $7K (total) for a diamond with specs:

1.09 ct. L/VS2 (actually, I'm not sure if this is unbranded, or is a True Antique, Leon's Antique line - but, at any rate, it isn't cut for idea light performance, so is cheaper.) <--- The cut on this is only "Good"


the r6138 (Platinum ring with fishtail pave, cathedral shank, and double claw prongs)


A cheaper halo will cost ~2K, while a hand-made, custom, delicate halo will be more like 4 or even 5K, depending on the jeweler and how detailed you get.

So, I, at least, have found that 7-10K is a more realistic budget for the look I want to get. Whether I go with a smaller stone (under 1 ct.) and halo OR just a larger stone with a well-made, pave solitaire setting. (I want SOME bling, whether it be pave on the band, or a halo - I want some glitter to offset the broad flashes of the antique cut.)


PS. I can't recommend working with Leon Mege, because of experiences I've read about here on PS and on Yelp, but you may want to. If that's the case, feel free to contact Perry about the stone/setting combo he discussed with "April." My understanding is that Leon's fine to work with as long as you're having him do something he's already done. Problems seem to mostly only crop up when people want some control over the design, or when an entire new design is being planned out.


Jul 18, 2013
I just clicked through to the GOG stone you're considering.

Here's a ring that was maybe close to your budget? Anyway, it's a GOG AVC 0.97 VS2 M AGS Triple Ideal, 5.99 X 5.85 with a halo


Novicediamond even as some videos on the second page. She never mentions her rings size, but you may want to ask, for reference..?


Nov 3, 2013


Oct 24, 2012
pecanpie|1383921104|3552715 said:
Well, right now it's a debate between two entirely different styles of ring: this or a rose gold halo with a peach sapphire.

Wondering if I could get your thoughts on this diamond: in this setting:

This gets me right at our budget. Or is it really worth going for nicer diamond at top of budget and plain solitaire?

I would definitely get the diamond, even if smaller than you would eventually want to settle down with.
If you think you will want to upgrade your stone in the next several years, I would max out on the stone with a vendor with a great upgrade policy and a simple setting. Then wear you ring for a couple years and see how you like the solitaire setting and how it fits into your lifestyle. Then when you upgrade or get closer to your final stone size, then sink your funds into a gorgeous, pricier setting. This is only from my experience going through an upgrade and new setting, and discovering how quickly person's tastes can change.


Nov 16, 2003
LLJsmom|1383924085|3552755 said:
pecanpie|1383921104|3552715 said:
Well, right now it's a debate between two entirely different styles of ring: this or a rose gold halo with a peach sapphire.

Wondering if I could get your thoughts on this diamond: in this setting:

This gets me right at our budget. Or is it really worth going for nicer diamond at top of budget and plain solitaire?

I would definitely get the diamond, even if smaller than you would eventually want to settle down with.
If you think you will want to upgrade your stone in the next several years, I would max out on the stone with a vendor with a great upgrade policy and a simple setting. Then wear you ring for a couple years and see how you like the solitaire setting and how it fits into your lifestyle. Then when you upgrade or get closer to your final stone size, then sink your funds into a gorgeous, pricier setting. This is only from my experience going through an upgrade and new setting, and discovering how quickly person's tastes can change.

Excellent advice!


Jul 18, 2013
I'm still relatively new to all this, so I can't really give much feedback on the stone you linked to, especially with no image of the actual stone. But I WILL say that I don't like its L:W ratio. Anything over 1.1 or 1.2 starts to look TOO long to my eye. (The AVC you linked to is 1.12 ratio) THIS diamond is a 1.84.

Also, and this may just be me, but I really only look for cushions with vendors like GOG and James Allen, where you can see actual images of the stones. Cushions all just look so different from one another. It's one thing if all you're after is the cushion outline and you don't care much about what's going on inside the diamond, but if you DO care, images are a must.

I posted my own thread for advice and also got a LOT of PS'ers telling me to go with larger/better quality stone + simple solitaire. The only problem is I've never been drawn to simple solitaires. ;( Trust me, I'd love it if I DID like that look - it would make my decision sooo much easier (and more practical).

Not that I don't appreciate the advice. It does make a lot of sense to put most of your money into something you're going to be able to trade in later for full value (if your vendor has a good policy). I think it's important to take this advice into careful consideration, because it's coming from experience. But in the end only you know where your priorities lay. I know I want to have a ring where the WHOLE thing sparkles, not just the center stone. And that's a personal priority of mine.

Another option for you is to get that peach sapphire (or morganite or any gem, really) in the rose gold halo, since it has the look that you want now, then get a real diamond ring as your upgrade ring in 2, 3, 5 years when you and the DH are more settled and established and can better afford the whole look you want. At that point, you have the original to still wear as an alternative ring or as a travel ring (I don't know about you, but I travel a lot, and I don't want to have to worry about a real diamond ring when I'm adventuring.)

Another thing to take into consideration is ring size. If finger coverage is something you care about, the smaller your finger, the easier I think it is to opt for a solitaire (if a solitaire isn't what you're drawn to in the first place, which for many people, it is!). I find it relatively easy to listen to this advice and consider going the solitaire route because I wear a size 4. But if my finger were much larger, I think I would opt for halo at the expense of the center stone. I'd rather have a better quality, smaller center + halo, than lower quality, larger solitaire (that most likely STILL won't even give you the same finger coverage as the halo option.)

All that to say.... listen carefully to the wise PS advise, but only you know your personal priorities! You definitely wouldn't want to go with a more expensive diamond in a cheaper solitaire setting if every day you look at it and just feel regret. Be practical, but also be romantic. This ring should make you happy! :love: :love: :love:


Nov 8, 2013
I have been shopping cushion diamonds too, and that is a really nice looking diamond you linked to. It all comes to a personal preference but for me I tend to dislike halo rings. I think that they can take away from the beauty of a nice quality center stone. I also think that they can look a little gaudy. I guess its just my conservative nature though. No doubt halo settings are a great choice for some but for me a ring that lets the center stone speak for itself is the best.


Jul 18, 2013
mtb357281|1383956752|3553098 said:
I have been shopping cushion diamonds too, and that is a really nice looking diamond you linked to. It all comes to a personal preference but for me I tend to dislike halo rings. I think that they can take away from the beauty of a nice quality center stone. I also think that they can look a little gaudy. I guess its just my conservative nature though. No doubt halo settings are a great choice for some but for me a ring that lets the center stone speak for itself is the best.


Definitely a good perspective to consider. Each person has their own tastes as far as halos go, and I'm only considering one IF I go with VC for his delicate Emilya halo. But even then... I worry that too much of the diamond is covered. OP, have you seen any nice solitaire settings in real life? I've been on the look out ever since I started doing research, and I HAVE actually seen some that make my heart pitter patter. It's mostly the ones that show as much of the side of the diamond as possible. It's quite beautiful, to be able to see so much of the diamond like that, and I think that people new to the diamond world (like myself) don't even realize there is much value in the profile view of the diamond. We tend to get lost in comparing "face up" dimensions.


Jul 18, 2013
whoops, to correct my comment above, the cushion you linked to has a 1.184 ratio, not 1.8!


Nov 3, 2013
I actually tried on a couple of solitaire settings I really liked. Not sure of all the technical terminology, but the ones I tried on had micropave and were beautiful and really highlighted the stone. I actually really liked that type of setting with princess cut diamonds, surprisingly, but then I tried on a cushion halo and loved the cushion cut. I just have had a hard time finding cushion solitaire settings with micropave on the sides surprisingly. Any suggestions?


Jul 18, 2013
There are plenty of solitaire settings out there with diamonds on the side! (The only issue may be price) The first one that comes to mind is my dream setting. It's the rose gold ring featured on Victor Canera's website. There's micropave on the cross-bars/basket, AND on the prongs. I never thought I liked the "diamond encrusted" look until I saw it on Rose Gold. Holy cow, does the RG make a difference! VC also has a version of this ring called the Alaria, which is in RG and only has melee on the crossbars.

The Mark Morrell Petit Torchiere solitaire comes to mind for a more classic-looking "blingy soitaire." Here's a video:

You can choose to have the side diamonds in the lower portion of the crown, as in the video, or in the upper portion.

This Vatche is plain everywhere, with pave prongs (and can be customized to fit a cushion, I believe):

This has a plain shank and micropave crossbars:

Here is a Brian Gavin with plain solitaire + melee on crossbars:


Nov 3, 2013


Nov 3, 2013
I think I'd like that ERD cushion with that Whiteflash setting. It looks so nice, but is the band too thick? I feel like the thinner the band, the better since the stone won't be huge.

Just want to thank you all for your help by the way. I'd be totally lost in my search without you guys :)


Mar 30, 2010
I have one of each. If your budget is $5000.00 then go with the halo. The setting shouldn't cost that much more and you will get lots of finger coverage and sparkle with the extra.


Nov 3, 2013
pixgirl|1384140741|3554125 said:
I have one of each. If your budget is $5000.00 then go with the halo. The setting shouldn't cost that much more and you will get lots of finger coverage and sparkle with the extra.

That was part of my thought process. If I'm getting a stone at or under 1 ct, I feel like a nice, simple halo will give it a little extra oomph! 8-)


Jun 17, 2009
pecanpie|1384181572|3554287 said:
pixgirl|1384140741|3554125 said:
I have one of each. If your budget is $5000.00 then go with the halo. The setting shouldn't cost that much more and you will get lots of finger coverage and sparkle with the extra.

That was part of my thought process. If I'm getting a stone at or under 1 ct, I feel like a nice, simple halo will give it a little extra oomph! 8-)

I agree with pixgirl - I just think a halo is a nice way to add finger coverage - I can only speak from my own personal experience but I found a halo to be a great way to add some hand presence and a little extra sparkle - and I think cushions look really lovely in halos!


Apr 19, 2010
I think cushions look better in halo settings than solitaires but it really is just a matter of personal preference. Halo gets my vote though!


Jul 18, 2013
Does anyone have examples of some well-done cast halos? I haven't been looking at cast halos, so I don't have any links/info to share. Besides knowing generally that ERD and IDJ are generally spoken well of...? Also, GOG has a settings gallery:

I'm not the best at reading stats on a diamond and knowing how to translate those into light return, so I can't comment on that ERD diamond, but I will say I prefer one of the top two of the other three. I don't like the third down at all. Cushions are hard to read from stats. :/

Maybe one of the pros will help you find a good stone if you start a new thread with something like "help find me a cushion!" They can do these diamond searches in their sleep it seems like! :snore:

Just include the C's you're looking for and your budget.

You could also start a new thread asking for input from those who HAVE cast halos as their setting. That'll probably be the best option for finding out who has the best/best-value cast halos.
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