
Cloth Diapers?


Jun 25, 2007
Blenheim, I have a poop question. I'm trying to make this as easy as possible for MIL. We’ve been using gdiapers for a while and she is struggling with the parts. The soaker gets replaced every time, the liner sometimes and the shell rarely so she would struggle with what to put in wash etc. I come home and the nursery is littered with diaper *parts*. I think gdiapers will be back-ups from now on and we’ll mainly use pockets (still trying to decide between snaps and aplix and FB v BG). The great thing about pockets (for MIL) is the whole thing goes in the wash so no deciding what to do with each part. I would like to do all of the poop spraying when I get home so MIL doesn’t have to worry about it. How has this worked out for you with DC? So they just stuff the poopy diaper right in a bag without rinsing and you spray it off when you get home? Does this increase stains since it’s been sitting?


Feb 27, 2006
Pupp - Yeah, that's all that she does. His poo can sometimes be pretty solid and she will sometimes roll it off into the toilet before throwing the dirty diaper in the bag, but that's really just her call. A few of his diaper have some staining, but I think it started before he ever went to daycare and started this routine and so I don't think it's made it worse.

FWIW - Reasons I prefer snaps -
George is able to take off velcro. Snaps are harder and he hasn't managed yet.
Easier to get a good fit if he is crazy wiggly and/or running, as I know exactly what snap to snap each into to get the right fit and don't need to "see" what I am doing as much.
Lasts longer.
No velcro diaper chains in the wash.

Our pocket diaper are repelling. Ugh. We're going to have to strip them this weekend.


Nov 17, 2004
pupp- along the same lines of the two diapers you are trying out, we are considering the Bummis Tots Bots Easy Fit, too. They have more consistently positive reviews than any other diaper I can find. And the cool thing about the pocket insert is that you do not have to remove it. It is attached to the diaper and agitates out in the wash!

We're still in kissaluvs size zero, but I am planning to try the Bummis and just bought a Fuzzibunz one size, as well.


Nov 16, 2008
Hi ladies :wavey:
so id really love to use CDs, but having a hard time getting DH on board with the idea. He is a traditionalist, and really doesn't like doing anything that may be considered "against the grain." Since he hasn't had any friends who use cloth, it seems way too foreign to him.
I've mentioned the reasons I want to use cloth, including cost and environmental concerns. Anyone have more ideas how I can try getting him on board with the idea?


Mar 20, 2003
Hmmm, Charbie, that's a tough one is he wasn't convinced by cost and environmental friendliness!

For me, it was that I had never thought about cloth. We had a friend who had a baby the same time as Claire, and we thought they were a little weird for using CDs. Then my sister got some for my niece who is the same age as Claire, and it didn't seem so weird any more. We didn't start using them until she was 9 months.

Did you mention how they're a lot more sanitary? It's just kind of gross to think about wrapping up untreated waste in a plastic bag and sending that out to the landfill. When you use CD and deposit the poop in the toilet, it gets treated.

As far as cost goes, even if you get more expensive ones like FuzziBunz or BumGenius, you can use them for a second child and they also sell pretty well second-hand.

With CDs, you can't run out of diapers. Sometimes you just don't want to go to the store!

Lazy husbands can just let LO one play in the diaper all day when it's warm. Or is it just mine? Every time he "dressed" Claire, it was just with a diaper. :roll:

CDs also help with potty training because the LO has a better sense of when s/he is wet, and they cause less diaper rash.

If you think about it, the disposable diaper industry has created a need for their product. Outside of crunchier or budget-conscious circles, nobody even thinks of using CDs any more. People think it's weird to do something that is, when you think about it, a lot less weird than creating this chemical plastic crap and then throwing away 10 of them a day.


Feb 27, 2006
Well, you could also make the argument that cloth is the traditional choice, not disposable! Haha.

In addition to all the stuff that PhoenixGirl said -- Does your husband know what modern cloth diapers are like? Some people really don't know and are surprised, and there's also a chance he'd come around if he saw some in person. They are just so much cuter and softer than disposables.


Jun 25, 2007
Charbie, when my one of my coworkers who I'm fairly close to heard I was CDing, he jokingly asked if I stopped shaving my armpits too! We all got a good laugh out of it but I think that attitude is typical of some people. I have a preggo friend whose husband warned her that they are NOT CDing and she shouldn't get any ideas from me! Anyhow, I digress. DH was on board with CDing BUT since it's my *baby*, I offered to be responsible for making the CDs as easy as possible for him and MIL. So, I do the washing and stuffing (we're using pockets) and the dipeys are in a drawer ready to be slapped on the baby like a disposable! Can you offer a similar arrangement with your DH? There are definitely times that he'll have to help out in that department but it can be your primary chore - if that's okay with you of course! If he's worried his friends will think he's *weird* if you CD, I'm not sure how I would handle that. for us, we're still in our trial period with Jillian's Drawers. So far, everything is good. We haven't had leaks with any of the diapers and MIL has been known to go a while between changes. I'm leaning toward snaps instead of velcro because the velcro seems to be beating up the exterior of some of the diapers - especially the Happy Heiny. I think we'll probably end up going with Fuzzibunz and BumGenius OS.

Icekid, how are the Bummis working out?

ETA - Charbie, you can also tell DH that it's WAY less stinky than disposables. Our diaper pail was in a bad way when we were using disposables. Now that we're CDing, the nursery smells tons better.

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
I bleached my Fuzzibunz! :-o And, they survived! :bigsmile: These FBs were all purchased from one seller on ebay. They arrived in great condition, but I had been wanting to sanitize them nevertheless. I found that it's ok to bleach the inserts once in a while, per the fb site. I also found some moms who reported successfully bleaching the colored shells, so I did it! And, after multiple washes and rinses, they came out fine. I feel much better about using them now. Bleach at your own risk, though, haha.

We have officially transitioned from the nb kissaluvs to the size small fbs for my 3 week-old nearly 11 pound girl. So far so good. I much prefer the inserts to the 2 step process of putting on the kissaluvs and then a cover. The FBs are also quick to dry. I think they dried in 40 mins (I'll try less next time), and they seem like they will dry quickly outside in the spring/summer/fall.

Charbie - Not sure I have much good advice for convincing your DH. My husband agreed right away when I suggested cloth. It wasn't until I started talking about used CDs that he resisted, and then ultimately gave up. ::) He doesn't have a problem with them now that he's seen what great condition they are in and how much we've saved off of retail.

I'd suggest showing him some of the different options. In my mind, fuzzibunz are not much different than disposables as far as putting them on. The laundry is a bit of extra work, but so far, I'm home all day anyway, so it's not hard to get done. Let us know if you have any questions.


Nov 17, 2004
charbie- Hmm, wonder why your DH is so against them. I am really not a particularly "crunchy" kind of girl, but have loved CDing our little guy. They are so much cuter than disposables! And that may be enough reason for me. :bigsmile: In our family, I am the researcher type so hubby had no problem going along with using the cloth diapers. We have not really gotten too many "weird" reactions about the CD; they are becoming much more mainstream it seems. I agree with phoenix- CD makes more "sense" to me than chemical-laden disposables.

LV- I am with you about being happy to lose the kissaluvs and move on to a one step diaper. I am actually contemplating selling our kissaluvs and getting something else when baby #2 rolls around. And good to know that the FBs survived bleaching in case we ever need to go that route! And HAHA, my almost 11 week old Jumper is probably just a bit over 11 pounds and still easily wearing his kissaluvs. S is a big girl!

pupp- The Bummis are great! The velcro is wonderful and the insert really does agitate out. And they are SO trim fitting, which I love. Even on my only 2.5 month old, they don't look much bigger than a disposable. And really cute patterns and colors! I think we are likely to decide on a daycare that says they will CD for us, so probably will do the Bummis for them (with the easier velcro) and Fuzzibunz at home since the snaps seem much more durable.


Feb 27, 2006
phoenixgirl|1297529943|2850004 said:
Lazy husbands can just let LO one play in the diaper all day when it's warm. Or is it just mine? Every time he "dressed" Claire, it was just with a diaper. :roll:

This weekend, before breakfast. So cute. :D

Diaper n PJs.JPG


Mar 21, 2006
Charbie, I was also worried my DH was going to be resistant to the cloth idea, but I basically convinced him to give them a try. We use a diaper service, so I basically said we'll try it for a few months and if it isn't for us we can just cancel it and switch to disposables. Meanwhile I went about buying all the other stuff you need for cloth (diaper covers, hampers, wet bags, etc.). He relented, and is now a cloth convert! It is a little different if you are going to wash at home in that you should invest in some diapers to have on hand since they aren't available at every corner store, but if you want to do cloth, I would just ask him to keep an open mind and try it for a few months. And maybe concentrate on buying what you would need for the newborn period rather than buying everything for through potty training.

Also maybe ask him what his specific concerns were. Mine wanted to know if cloth diapers were more expensive than disposables, if it was more hassle to change a diaper since we'd be doing it day and night he didn't want any extra hassle, and if it would smell bad. So I basically tried to address those concerns. Its not more expensive than disposables (with a little wiggle room given that we pay for diaper service depending on what price you can get on disposables and what lengths you go to to buy minimal and/or cheaper cloth diaper stuff). I said we don't really know how to diaper any baby, but apparently in the first day we'll do it ten times and be experts! And this is where I made the deal with him to just try it - if it doesn't work for us or its this huge hassle we can go buy disposables at the store. Really. Very funny, when we came home from the hospital we had to watch "how to cloth diaper a newborn" on youtube. Maybe you guys have diapered more babies and are ahead of the game, but either way you will figure it out quick! And don't let your husband off the hook on prefolds, it is really not that hard. Last, on the smell factor, I don't think that he believed me that it wouldn't be an issue at least until solid foods until we actually had the baby. I don't think he believed that poop could be not so stinky. (Well we still aren't getting solid-food poops, so talk to me in a month!) But we got a diaper dekor to hold the soiled diapers rather than a regular hamper, and it has worked great thus far. Except for that one time I forgot to put a new liner in and the dirty diapers went directly into the pail and it had to be scrubbed with all its many nooks and crannies by DH in the shower in the middle of the night because I was feeding the baby. Oops. Party foul.


Mar 20, 2003
People who use One Size FuzziBunz . . . Claire is getting quite rotund in the belly, and the diapers may not fit much longer unless we skip fastening the top inside snap. They are obviously designed to be used this way because otherwise they wouldn't put the outermost female snaps on the front. (I'm sure I am describing this horribly and everyone is confused.) Anyway, if I fasten them like that, then the top inside snap will dig into her, no? Do they make a soft female snap thingy to put on there in this case? Or will she be outgrowing the one size diapers even though she is only 24 pounds? Here is a pic I found somewhere. See the top right male snap on the inside of the shell? That will dig into her skin if the other two are snapped in the outermost spots. (BTW, I checked, and the waist elastic is set on the largest setting.)



Jun 25, 2007
PG, I know exactly what you're saying. So one-half of the snap will be sitting against Claire's skin instead of the diaper? Have you tried shortening the rise elastic so the diaper sits lower? Maybe under her baby gut? N is ROUND - 21lbs at six months and he's definitely not very long and the OS fit him well. Or maybe you can sew a little fleece flap over that half of the snap?


Mar 20, 2003
Pupp, exactly! I hadn't thought of actually trying to get it to sit lower. I'll play around with it and see if it helps.

I have 16 OS diapers and I'm no seamstress, so I don't think I'm going to attempt to alter them, especially since I hope to use them with a future baby. I just wonder why they went with this design; I noticed some of the older (or newer?) OS diapers only have two snaps, so there's no issue (except maybe they don't stay on as snug that way).


Jun 27, 2006
I would like to try cloth diapers but DH is very against it...First, he thinks it's weird. But mostly, he thinks it's gross that the baby's poo would be inside the washing machine which would then be used on his clothes. He's worried that the poo would contaminate/infect the machine and therefore it wouldn't really be ever clean again. I mentioned diaper service and he said that it was gross to use a diaper that had been used by another baby and washed in water that was a mixture of other babys' poos. I've tried to explain that it's not like there are poo chunks floating around in the wash (right?) but he's not buying it.

I'm sure we'll use some disposables cause some people at work are going to give me their leftovers and we'll probably get some at our showers; but my cousin also offered me her newborn cloth diapers, so I'd really like to try them out. For environmental reasons but also cause if I imagine myself wearing a diaper, cloth sounds nicer!

Any tips on getting DH over his poo phobia?


Mar 21, 2006
Basil sorry about your DH but, if I am reading his objections correctly, they are a little extreme? If the standard is that things that have ever come in contact with poo are gross and must be avoided (and cleaning them is impossible) then life would be difficult. Manure is used as fertilizer, our waste is flushed down the toilet and treated in water treatment plants, and then dispensed into bodies of water where it can be retaken up as a drinking water source. Yes water we drink and vegetables (and animal products!) we eat may at one point have been in contact with poo. I am not a cloth diaper nazi but any means, but lets be reasonable about objections. Disposable diapers are a convenience but they are a big waste.

He should look up standards for diaper service laundry; they have a certain number of wash steps and certain temperatures they must reach for sanitation purposes on a mass scale. Other people have thought about this and come up with non-phobia-based cleaning procedures. As for home laundry, well I hate to break it to him but your child will poo on his/her clothes. These clothes will be washed in the same machine as the adult's clothes. Unless you decide that all clothes are single-use as well! It is just a matter of a ratio change that there will be more human waste with the diapers, so you will need more/better cleaning procedures for them to get properly clean in your home washer. Good luck, but it seems like the biggest thing you will need is to get him to agree to look at this quasi-rationally!


Jun 25, 2007
Basil - sorry your hubby is being so closed about this. To add to what Cara said, breastfed baby poop is water soluble so it literally just dissolves in water. And, yes – your baby will poop on EVERYTHING! Breastfed babies especially have a tendency to *explode* when they poop. On average, N would soil at least one outfit per day. You also don’t put the poop in the washer – your diapers can be rinsed off with a sprayer that attaches to your toilet – which you really should do anyway to avoid staining. Once the baby poops become more solid, you can use a liner to catch that poop then flush it if you prefer.

Now that we’re cloth diapering, not only have I realized that it’s not as gross as I thought, I’ve decided that it’s actually LESS gross than disposables. With disposables, you have a bin of poop sitting in your nursery. Blech!

PG, I'm going to look at my FB when I get home because I was thinking about a stash mixed with BG and FB but now I'm wondering if I should just go with BG OS. The three snap set up definitely means less options.


Mar 20, 2003
Two things regarding poop ~

First, when I was just starting out with CDs, I wasn't getting enough of the poop off (it was not very solid at this point), and I did discover some poop in the ring around the door of my front-loader. So that was gross. I began dunking in the toilet at that point (we haven't gotten a sprayer).

Second, a few months ago I began using Bac-Out with live enzymes on poopy diapers. It smells really nice, and it helps with the stains. I think the enzymes attack the poop. Anyway, I have fewer stains now than I did when the weather was nicer and I got to dry them in the sun. So I definitely recommend it. The smell is really nice and fresh.

FuzziBunz OS ~ yeah, I am wondering if I'll wind up needing to try a different brand or switching to perfect size. I prefer the mediums that I have anyway because I have a lot more leak issues with the OS.


Nov 16, 2008
Basil, if it makes you fell any better, I think the poop is part of what really freaks DH out as well. He hates bodily fluids of all kinds, to the point where if the dogs have an accident at all, I know the chances he will clean it are slim to none.

Ladies, I love all the suggestions, and im using them as my weapons when telling DH this isn't up for debate, we are using cloth and that's just too bad if he doesn't like it. He actually said, "well then fine. Ill use disposable and you can use cloth." :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: right. Bc that is even remotely feasible. He finally has succumbed the the pressure and said we can "try" it but he will not be enthusastic about it. I told him I don't expect him to get excited over diapers anyways. I just don't think he realizes what he is in for with either type of diaper.
So the plan now is that ill investigate newborn cloth diapers, and once he gets used to the idea (bc he will just have to) ill get more. Ive told him his arguments don't hold any weight, and he has shown me no benefits to using diaposables, and so this is just one parental decision we are going to have to agree to disagree and use the route I want to take since I will be the one birthing this child and changing the majority of the diapers in the first 3 months anyways. Im not going to just give in, and said it wasn't fair for him to even expect me to.

So :tongue: to him! Haha! And thank you all sooooo much. And blen...the little baby bottom pic is too cute. Lil G is so big!


Feb 27, 2006
Charbie, thanks! Is he able to articulate any reasons as to why he wants disposable? Other than it's "normal"? I say go ahead and order the newborn diapers. The most common reaction I get to pockets/all-in-one styles is "THAT's a cloth diaper!?" (good amazement!) and I have a feeling he may come around to them if he actually sees them and feels them. They really are a ton softer than disposables.

Basil - Big ditto to what Cara said! Poo is just going to be a part of life. It is going to get into your washer regardless.

Phoenix - Ok, we had issues last week that may actually help you out. G is in his FB OS mostly at daycare, and she had mentioned that they've been leaking lately. I ended up calling the company we bought them from for help, and evidently we had the leg elastic WAY too loose. WAY. He's about the height of an average 2.5 year old, which seems like a reasonable age to start potty training (and thus lose the diapers), and so I thought the leg elastic should be out quite a bit so that he'd have that rise that's probably right for a kid that's about to "grow out of" the diapers. Um, no. She said that you should have to work a little to get your pinky in the leg hole when they are on (shouldn't just slide right in, but shouldn't be terribly constricting either). This comes out to the 4/4 markings being just visible for him. He has skinny little thighs, so your mileage may vary with actual settings. She said that most people keep theirs much looser than they're supposed to. This was all last week, by the way. He's had no leak problems in the past week now that we've adjusted things. What I would do is to keep adjusting the leg elastic to get to the point that she was talking about. This may help with the leaks, and also bring the belly part enough under her belly that you can bring it in a little tighter and avoid the snap issue. Of course, you may have yours better adjusted than we did, but this really helped us a ton.

When we were testing all of the diapers for fit, we realized that two of our really old hand-me-down diapers have shot leg elastic. I ordered some BG OS AIO "Elemental" diapers to replace them, and they came in the mail today. Evidently I need to go through all that nonsense about washing them 6 times to prep them -- it's been a while since I've bought new diapers -- but I am excited to try them out.


Jun 25, 2007
Here's my update. So we tried Grovia AI2s and BumGenius, Fuzzibunz, Smartipants, Thirsties and Happy Heiny pocket diapers.

We didn't have any leaks with any of them. I think N's chubby thighs help with that.

BumGenius - like them. Definitely prefer snaps over aplix but only because it became obvious that the aplix would really wear over time. I also didn't love the look of the aplix. I don't love the snap down rise because it adds bulk but it wasn't a deal breaker for me. They're great for night time stuffing because the pocket is very roomy. For night, we stuff them with both the adjustable insert and the newborn insert. Sometimes, we add one of the Grovia hemp boosters. It makes for a bulky diaper but it works. I like the flap at the back the folds over the insert BUT sometimes poo gets in the pocket. About 1/3 of my stash will be BGs.

Fuzzibunz - my fav! They have a very tidy look to them. I prefer the one-size to the sized. The rise was a little high on the Mediums and N is big so I didn't want to have the possibility of needing size Large later. I would say these run a little smaller than the BGs but overall they fit nicely. The pocket doesn't *close* but I prefer that to the flap in the BGs because no poo can get into the pocket. I also prefer the fleece to the suede cloth. I find it to be softer and it cleans better (as in doesn't stain). It took me a bit to get the hang of the triangle snap pattern but now I know exactly where to snap. Oh, and not the best for night time because there's not a ton of room for extra stuffing.

Happy Heiny - I really LOVED this diaper but it became apparent pretty quickly that the aplix just wouldn't last. The tabs didn't always stay closed in the wash and the diaper started to pill a bit from the aplix rubbing on it. MIL really like this dipey because the velcro overlapped and was very neat. I could see how this could fit for a long while. N is big and we had the tabs overlapped almost completely so lots of room to grow. I just wish I knew it would hold up.

Smartipants - this one was actually surprisingly nice and MUCH cheaper than the others. The pocket opens at both ends which made stuffing really easy. There's only one row of snaps and the tabs don't stretch so getting the perfect fit wasn't possible but still no leaks. Ultimately, I didn't buy these because I just really loved the FBs. If you're on a budget, I would say these are definitely a good dipey.

Thirsties - I just didn't like them - the material on the outside didn't seem comfy at all. The double gussets are probably nice for some kids but not necessary on a kid like N with large thighs. Also, this dipey is huge - by far the biggest and just had way too much extra fabric. Also, the inserts on this take a long time to dry but they are much trimmer than the BG or FB inserts. Again - we had no leaks.

Grovia - we didn't really give these a chance to be honest. We have 3 Grobaby's that we'll use as backups but they're too difficult for MIL. She gets confused about what needs to get tossed in the laundry and what can be reused. She likes that she can just throw the whole pocket diaper right in the laundry.

Last - we had really positive experiences with Jillian's Drawers and JD talked to me on the phone for 20 minutes trying to figure out what dipes to put in my trial since I knew that I didn't want to use pre-folds. They really were just very pleasant. was also awesome. We had a credit there so we ordered a handful of FBs. There was some mix up and the FBs came with two small inserts instead of one small and one medium/large. I emailed them and they sent me 6 (I only needed 4) medium/large inserts overnight and sent me a handwritten letter apologizing. I just ordered some dipeys from because they had 15% off for President's day so I'll let you guys know how that works out.


Feb 27, 2006
Pupp - thanks for the reviews! For what it's worth, we have a couple of Happy Heinies with aplix, and while they don't fit him all that great (not the best for skinny thighs), the aplix is still plenty sticky. We were not the original owners and they've been in OUR rotation for 22 months now, and so I think they've held up really well for aplix.

We did have two diapers die (one ancient hand-me-down with elastic that's shot, and one newer Rocky Mountain pocket where the water-proof layer of the outer liner pulled off from the fabric part and then got all holey - it was odd), and so we decided to get two BG OS elemental all-in-ones as replacement just for something different. We went with snaps. I really like them for the most part - super easy to use (no stuffing!) and instead of having all of the absorbant stuff just sewn into the diaper, they have layers that can come loose in the wash and dryer so that the dry-time is less than most AIOs. On the negative side, all of the layers means that it's harder to spray poo out of them. So a little more work on that end, but no stuffing. They're also absorbant enough, which was one of my big concerns.


Jun 25, 2007
Blen, good to know about the HH! Maybe I'll buy a few. MIL loves those because they're so easy. They have such cute prints too!


Nov 16, 2008
Pupp I could just kiss you right now! CDs are so overwhelming since there are so many options! Thank you for the reviews...they will help immensely!


May 17, 2009
We tried out our second hand FB last week and we had leaks :knockout: Does anyone have a tried and true stripping method? We tried running them through four hot cycles and that didn't work. I think we'll try RLR next but I'm curious what works for everyone.


Feb 27, 2006
Kunzite, having recently gone through leak issues with FB - the cloth diaper store employee who I talked to on the phone said that the most common reason is fit, but that most people jump to stripping and it is usually not the way to go. (I admit that this was me the other weekend.) Most people want to put on cloth diapers too loose. You want to be able to work your pinky finger into the leg holes, but not super easily. I had to adjust our FB elastic way more than I would have thought, given G's size. Have you verified the fit?

I've used Dawn before (wash in kitchen sink and scrub the inside liner some with a brush) when his diapers did go through the dryer with some dryer sheets, and that took care of that problem. But if you do indeed need to strip, I think that the stripping method is dependent on what caused the build-up, and that may be hard to determine w/ used diapers.

Good luck!

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Kunzite, Your question is timely as I had a FB leak right after a change into a cute outfit this morning! I'm sure it's from build-up on the diaper because I changed her immediately and saw drops of moisture rolling on the surface of the diaper. Not good.

I have also had what Blenheim mentions above happen because I am notorious for loose fits, whether it be a diaper or a swaddle, so I'm going in one more on the FB snaps.

I found this

Q. My FuzziBunz® are leaking even though the insert is hardly wet. What do I do?

A. Leaking is often a result of diapers repelling moisture. Repelling occurs when there is residue build up from soaps, detergents, ointments, or hard water that can build up on the fleece. This is often (but not always) caused by improper care of the diapers. We recommend you do the following to resolve any repelling issues:

* First, run a cold rinse or soak cycle with no detergent.
* Second, run a hot cycle with no detergent and add 4-5 scoops of Oxiclean regular detergent (powder form).

You made need to do this 2-3 times depending on how bad the build up. That is: wash-dry, wash-dry, and wash-dry.

If you are still having problems, use a capful of a water softener, such as Calgon. Continue washing on hot and rinsing on cold until all the suds run clear. Hang dry

********* Previously on that page, they mention "oxiclean versatile powder (not the free version)". *********


On another note, I wanted to share that I noticed Target is now selling FBs and BGs on-line in 2 packs, for $35.99. With a target credit card (5% off), 3% back from upromise and free shipping for purchases $50 and over, I think that's the best deal out there for new FBs at least. I haven't looked at BGs very much. Can you tell I like a bargain? :cheeky: :rodent: :appl:


Nov 17, 2004
Loves Vintage|1298848701|2860744 said:

On another note, I wanted to share that I noticed Target is now selling FBs and BGs on-line in 2 packs, for $35.99. With a target credit card (5% off), 3% back from upromise and free shipping for purchases $50 and over, I think that's the best deal out there for new FBs at least. I haven't looked at BGs very much. Can you tell I like a bargain? :cheeky: :rodent: :appl:

Oooh good target info, LV.

Another tip- if you receive any baby magazines in the mail, namely Parents, Parenting the early years, American baby and such they have Amazon coupons lately. Some are $10 off any baby product and some are 20% off diapers (works on cloth!) And- the two coupons stack. So I have been stacking them and buying our Bummis Tots Bots Easyfits from Amazon for around $13 each (steal!!!) when they retail for a pricey $24 each.

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Thanks for that info, Icekid!! I just signed up for several of those magazines for free. It looks like the March issues of those magazines have the coupons. I should be able to pick up one or all of them when I go see my doctor this week. Wow, very timely info. Woo-hoo! I've been placing orders on Amazon all weekend! Love, love, love Amazon.

Another thing I learned about Amazon this week -- if you put items in your shopping cart (not on a wish list, but in the cart itself), and you leave them in there (you can elect to purchase only one or some items in your cart and leave the remainder in there for a future purchase), Amazon will automatically tell you each time there's a price adjustment. For one item (an extra car seat base), I noticed a super-cheap price at like mid-night, so I added to my cart and intended to do more shopping in the am. In the morning, the price had gone up and I just left my computer. I came back maybe eight hours later and the price was reduced back down again, so of course, I jumped on it then. I just thought it was interesting that the prices changed that regularly! You would think maybe once a week, but not 2X in less than 24 hours. Just thought I'd share in case anyone didn't know already. :halo:


Jun 25, 2007
Anyone have a swim diaper recommendation?
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