
Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching?


Aug 14, 2009
I know there are a number of PSers with the Trinity rings :love: can I get some thoughts on the real-world scratching? I know that pieces are bound to get scratched up quickly, with three bands rolling over each other inside and out all day long... how long does the brand new shiny finish actually last? How long does it take to completely "patina"? I don't usually let plain gold pieces patina, they wind up meeting the business end of my Dremel and rouge long before that point - which is obviously not an option!! How often do you wear your piece? How often (if ever) do you have it polished?


Sep 9, 2007
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

I have had the classic for about five years. It lost it's smooth shine within a year. I wear it daily on my index finger, plus I drop it at least once a day because I play with it constantly. It now has a softer glow to it instead of the new hard shine. I've never polished it since I like the patina.


Aug 1, 2012
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

I've had my Trinity for 6 months. Rarely take it off. I do play with it a lot. Rolling it from one ring finger to the opposite ring finger. Dangling it half consciously when focusing on something. I have dropped it many times. No dents. Light surface scratches I guess since it does not have that hard shine and I roll it so much . Nothing I would even notice but a friend just got hers and it was definitely new looking. I would not have noticed if I didn't see hers to compare. I don't think mine needs to be polished yet. It still has shine. Just not the fresh out the box shine.


Nov 11, 2008
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Scratches are not obvious unless it's a dent like mine. However, over time, RG and YG tend to blend and they will only look distinct after a polish. I've no idea why. Initially I thought it was cos RG was coated and lost its coat, just like how WG can lose rhodium plating. However, when I sent it for polishing, I stood in front of the screen and watched him polish. He only polished and didn't re-plate my RG, showing that somehow RG can patina to YG over time. This description sounds off. Hopefully someone with the same experience can put it across more appropriately. I'll be watching this thread to see if anyone can explain why RG looks like YG after a while. I hope my description didn't put you off. It's actually not bad like the precious poster said, as the 3 bands have a softer look when the patina happens. After a polish and you get a different, distinct look again.

What's Dremel and rouge? A DIY polishing kit? Where can I find it?

Logan Sapphire

Sep 5, 2003
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

I've had mine for about 3 years, I think, but I don't wear it daily. I go through spurts ended I wear it a lot and then none at all. Mine is so slender that I don't really notice any egregious scratches, but i do use a polishing cloth (the one that E-Wedding Bands sells) and that removes a lot of tarnish or something and makes it look much better.


Aug 16, 2007
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Mine looked like glorious liquid gold for about three days, lol. I've worn it consistently for a few months and it's very different now. It's almost like a brushed finish. I also would say that the rose and yellow gold do blend together at a certain point. It's the nature of the beast. They don't recommend polishing this ring since the gold does wear down and there's no point really since you'll just scratch it up again.


Jan 24, 2013
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

I've had mine for over 10 years and I've never polished it. I prefer the 'softer' look someone described above and scratches are just part of the patina to me.
The issue with RG is just oxidation/tarnishing of the the copper and potentially other metals making up the formula. Some people seem to have an issue with their RG. Perhaps that's due to body chemistry. I can see the distinct gold colors despite the patina and years of wear.
But if I were really attracted to only highly polished surfaces, I'm not sure I'd choose this style ring.


Oct 20, 2007
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

I've been wearing mine all the time since I bought it a few months ago. It is scratched, but I play with it a lot. It's been polished twice since I've received it, both times just with a silver polishing cloth. It looks best when it's shiny shiny but I can't and don't want to stop playing with it.


Nov 17, 2009
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Mine has the "brushed" look too...The three colors of gold aren't distinctive and indeed sometimes, when the light isn't bright in the room, the rose gold band looks like the yellow gold and vice versa.
I took it to Cartier to have it polished and they told me not to bother, coz i will spend my money and it will go back looking the way it does now, after three or four months of regular wear :errrr: :errrr: :errrr:


Apr 28, 2008
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

I love everyone's Trinity so much, but as someone who hates scratches, I am not sure I would be able to let myself just enjoy the natural wear and tear these rings get. They sure are darn gorgeous though!


Jul 23, 2012
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Mine is my w band so I wear it every day but I don't play with it as it's closeted to my finger, so blocked by my e ring.

It doesn't have a shine but not noticeable "scratches" just a patina. It's slightly matte looking from any more than 6 inches away. But still shines.


Nov 11, 2008
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Harpertoo said:
I've had mine for over 10 years and I've never polished it. I prefer the 'softer' look someone described above and scratches are just part of the patina to me.
The issue with RG is just oxidation/tarnishing of the the copper and potentially other metals making up the formula. Some people seem to have an issue with their RG. Perhaps that's due to body chemistry. I can see the distinct gold colors despite the patina and years of wear.
But if I were really attracted to only highly polished surfaces, I'm not sure I'd choose this style ring.

Thanks for the explanation on oxidation of copper. :)) It didn't occur to me that RG has copper and copper can tarnish. I do love the soft look but just wanted to mention the blending in case someone likes their colors distinct.

Logan Sapphire said:
I've had mine for about 3 years, I think, but I don't wear it daily. I go through spurts ended I wear it a lot and then none at all. Mine is so slender that I don't really notice any egregious scratches, but i do use a polishing cloth (the one that E-Wedding Bands sells) and that removes a lot of tarnish or something and makes it look much better.

LS, does polishing with the polishing cloth make the colors distinct? I don't want to send it for professional polishing every few years in case the gold wears away.


Nov 11, 2008
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Laila619|1391783538|3610001 said:
I love everyone's Trinity so much, but as someone who hates scratches, I am not sure I would be able to let myself just enjoy the natural wear and tear these rings get. They sure are darn gorgeous though!

Laila, you should get it as it is still lovely with scratches. In fact, I'm thinking of getting a second one as it's too costly to resize my current one.

Logan Sapphire

Sep 5, 2003
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Ashleigh|1391787431|3610037 said:
LS, does polishing with the polishing cloth make the colors distinct? I don't want to send it for professional polishing every few years in case the gold wears away.

It does help a bit, but since I have the smallest one at 1.5mm, the colors aren't that distinct to me anyway from a distance. I would definitely recommend getting the cloth. I couldn't believe how dirty the cloth got!


Apr 19, 2004
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching


I wore mine yesterday and realized how "shiny" it still appeared! Bright white gold.



Nov 11, 2008
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Logan Sapphire|1391789784|3610057 said:
Ashleigh|1391787431|3610037 said:
LS, does polishing with the polishing cloth make the colors distinct? I don't want to send it for professional polishing every few years in case the gold wears away.

It does help a bit, but since I have the smallest one at 1.5mm, the colors aren't that distinct to me anyway from a distance. I would definitely recommend getting the cloth. I couldn't believe how dirty the cloth got!

Thank you, LS. :)) I will order it now.

Sorry for the threadjack, Yssie.


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Thank you so much for your input everyone! My nerves are getting the better of me... but this thread is reassuring ::)

kitsunegrl - I'm glad to hear from someone who likes the patina! I hope I'm the same way ::) And it's interesting to hear that it took a year to completely lose the shine with daily wear, I actually would have thought it'd take far less time! But my only experience with patina is with platinum and platinum is known to patina more quickly, so...

I'm also glad to hear that you still love it after many years!! The rings are such classics :appl:

hathalove - I'm a 'concentration fidgeter' too, and I play with my rings and bracelets constantly! So there's no question about any rings and bracelets I own not getting scratched up ::) I'm not bad with dropping and whacking though, so I'm generally able to spare my pieces the dents, chips, and grooves... small mercies :bigsmile:

I know what you mean about the 'Not Brand New' look - my rings get that softer shine as quickly as a week after I polish them, but they don't look obviously "scratched" or "brushed".

Ashleigh - thank you for your thoughts! I'm *very* interested to read that over time the RG and YG tend to blend. I was actually curious about that, as in-store the white band stood out most to me even when brand new. Now I'm curious about what alloys they use... I know that I'll have to refrain from polishing like I polish my gold bands, and I don't trust my self-control so I think it's best if I just take a vow of abstinence re. any polishing whatsoever!

Could I request a photo showing the patina'd RG and YG after some time, if you have one?

A Dremel is a rotary tool and they sell a variety of attachments including polishing wheels that you can use with jeweller's rouge to polish at home:
I don't do anything complicated with it though, and I don't do any home-repair work at all on anything I couldn't replace if I screw up!

LS your ultra-slim ring + three-stone combo is one of my absolute favourites!! It looks fabulous on you (even if you don't always agree :devil: ) I'm liberal with my polishing cloths as well, I just wish they lasted longer - the compound embedded goes black so quickly! I see what you mean re. band width also making a difference in how clearly you see scratches and patina, and I'm sure also how clearly you differentiate the three colours too...

Asscherhalo_lover Ahh three glorious days indeed of liquid gold glory indeed! :bigsmile: And then that first heartbreaking scratch... LOL! I tend to prefer extremes, so I actually think I'd be perfectly happy with either brand new or completely patina'd - it's the in-between time that I'm worrying about. I completely agree and I hope I come to love the patina because the alternative (frequent polishing) is not an option!


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Harptertoo, can I bug you for a photo? I'd love to see what ten years of love looks like ::)

I'm not sure where I fall on the polish spectrum - I was just writing to Asscherhalo that I like extremes but I'm not usually particular about which extreme it is, so I'm hopeful I'll feel that way about gold and patina too - that I'll love the soft patina as much as I know I love the new high polish...

I do love the Trinity style. I'm at the reconciliation stage now, I think, between style and reality :bigsmile:

Rhea - well, it sounds like the scratching is in fact exactly as inevitable as I figured it'd be :sun: Do you think you'll ever take it in to a boutique for a full polish?

Naty I remember your happy acquisition!! It's very interesting that so many people have noticed the same lack of distinction between the RG and the YG, especially when patina'd! Do you feel that way about other 18k RG and YG pieces worn together? I'm wearing a 14k RG ring next to a 14k YG band and there's no mistaking one for the other in any type of light, but I think 14k RG is generally "cooler" and pinker, so it's probably not a good comparison :sick:

I laughed out loud at your SA's comment - yeah, after reading about everyone else's experiences I sure believe it!

Laila Hah, I'm no help, I've been dithering for half a year :halo: but I do think you should make a trip to Cartier to try them on and see what you think in-person, just in case they woo you after all ::)

Sharon I LOVED the ceramic in-person!!! The white and black combo is so dramatic :love: I was honestly amazed by how different the same ring design in the same size could look in different colours!! What I wouldn't do for a money tree...


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Ashleigh|1391791885|3610084 said:
Logan Sapphire|1391789784|3610057 said:
Ashleigh|1391787431|3610037 said:
LS, does polishing with the polishing cloth make the colors distinct? I don't want to send it for professional polishing every few years in case the gold wears away.

It does help a bit, but since I have the smallest one at 1.5mm, the colors aren't that distinct to me anyway from a distance. I would definitely recommend getting the cloth. I couldn't believe how dirty the cloth got!

Thank you, LS. :)) I will order it now.

Sorry for the threadjack, Yssie.

Not at all! I've seen 14k RG tarnish but I don't own any 18k RG... I suppose I'd best just hope I have relatively inert skin and stock up on polishing cloths :bigsmile:


Apr 28, 2008
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Yssie, I have been thinking, with this piece, I almost feel like I should buy a preloved one, because then when it's scratched, it's already "broken in" and I won't be as worried or as anal about it, lol.


Nov 17, 2009
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Yssie|1391801305|3610234 said:
Harptertoo, can I bug you for a photo? I'd love to see what ten years of love looks like ::)

I'm not sure where I fall on the polish spectrum - I was just writing to Asscherhalo that I like extremes but I'm not usually particular about which extreme it is, so I'm hopeful I'll feel that way about gold and patina too - that I'll love the soft patina as much as I know I love the new high polish...

I do love the Trinity style. I'm at the reconciliation stage now, I think, between style and reality :bigsmile:

Rhea - well, it sounds like the scratching is in fact exactly as inevitable as I figured it'd be :sun: Do you think you'll ever take it in to a boutique for a full polish?

[b]Naty I remember your happy acquisition!! It's very interesting that so many people have noticed the same lack of distinction between the RG and the YG, especially when patina'd! Do you feel that way about other 18k RG and YG pieces worn together? I'm wearing a 14k RG ring next to a 14k YG band and there's no mistaking one for the other in any type of light, but I think 14k RG is generally "cooler" and pinker, so it's probably not a good comparison :sick:[/b]

I laughed out loud at your SA's comment - yeah, after reading about everyone else's experiences I sure believe it!

Laila Hah, I'm no help, I've been dithering for half a year :halo: but I do think you should make a trip to Cartier to try them on and see what you think in-person, just in case they woo you after all ::)

Sharon I LOVED the ceramic in-person!!! The white and black combo is so dramatic :love: I was honestly amazed by how different the same ring design in the same size could look in different colours!! What I wouldn't do for a money tree...

Yssie, once i tried on my finger my mom's rose gold band with my tiffany notes YG ring. Both of them are 18kt gold. I thought that they looked quite different BUT the Tiffany band hasn't been worn as much as my mother's band. Maybe, in order to make a totally objective comparison,i'd have to wear two rings that have been worn equally and have equal scratching and patina.
I just want to add, that regardless of the issues discussed above, i totally LOVE my trinity ring and it gives me a great pleasure to wear it. I don't regret at all buying it!


Sep 16, 2007
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Ashleigh|1391754729|3609845 said:
Scratches are not obvious unless it's a dent like mine. However, over time, RG and YG tend to blend and they will only look distinct after a polish. I've no idea why. Initially I thought it was cos RG was coated and lost its coat, just like how WG can lose rhodium plating. However, when I sent it for polishing, I stood in front of the screen and watched him polish. He only polished and didn't re-plate my RG, showing that somehow RG can patina to YG over time. This description sounds off. Hopefully someone with the same experience can put it across more appropriately. I'll be watching this thread to see if anyone can explain why RG looks like YG after a while. I hope my description didn't put you off. It's actually not bad like the precious poster said, as the 3 bands have a softer look when the patina happens. After a polish and you get a different, distinct look again.

What's Dremel and rouge? A DIY polishing kit? Where can I find it?

I'm so glad to hear someone else with this issue! I've only had mine for a few months (but it is a vintage piece) and I thought I was going crazy because all the bands look the same color to me now. I don't even wear mine that often because I'm not crazy about it.

ETA: Mine is scratched. It's not horrible, but it is not in pristine condition. Occasional wear, minimal fidgeting.


Nov 11, 2008
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Yssie, I sent it for a polish and haven't been wearing the ring as it's too large for me now. Hence my ring is in nearly new condition with the colors distinct. And I didn't take any photo of the patina-ed ring prior to polish. Sorry I'm no help with the photos.


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Laila619|1391802208|3610249 said:
Yssie, I have been thinking, with this piece, I almost feel like I should buy a preloved one, because then when it's scratched, it's already "broken in" and I won't be as worried or as anal about it, lol.
Y'know that's a really good point - definitely a mark in pre-loved's favour!!

I have to be honest though... I rarely choose branded pieces and I'm having a really hard time with the "mind clean" issues of not being 100% sure secondary market pieces are authentic. There are SO many fakes on the secondary market :sick: I'm actually looking at the bracelet, not the ring, and I need a specific (unpopular, of course) size, so... well, odds of satisfying all those requirements - especially the "mind clean" hangup - aren't so good :(sad

natyLad said:
Yssie, once i tried on my finger my mom's rose gold band with my tiffany notes YG ring. Both of them are 18kt gold. I thought that they looked quite different BUT the Tiffany band hasn't been worn as much as my mother's band. Maybe, in order to make a totally objective comparison,i'd have to wear two rings that have been worn equally and have equal scratching and patina.
I just want to add, that regardless of the issues discussed above, i totally LOVE my trinity ring and it gives me a great pleasure to wear it. I don't regret at all buying it!

Thank you again Naty!! That's a great idea - I'll have to do some comparison pics over time. I did a "photojournal" series with my first platinum setting and it was nifty to watch the light scratches intensify into patina over the months, and it'd be excellent motivation to eschew unnecessary polishing :devil:
I'm so happy that you love your ring!! And it looks beautiful on you - definitely no regrets!!! :appl: :bigsmile:

liaerfbv said:
I'm so glad to hear someone else with this issue! I've only had mine for a few months (but it is a vintage piece) and I thought I was going crazy because all the bands look the same color to me now. I don't even wear mine that often because I'm not crazy about it.

ETA: Mine is scratched. It's not horrible, but it is not in pristine condition. Occasional wear, minimal fidgeting.
You mentioned in another thread that you weren't totally sold on your ring :sick: I'm sorry. I shouldn't think you'd have too much trouble selling it if you decide to let it go, at least. May I ask what you don't like about it? The fit, the colours, the scratching, something else?


Nov 11, 2008
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

natyLad|1391802903|3610263 said:
Yssie, once i tried on my finger my mom's rose gold band with my tiffany notes YG ring. Both of them are 18kt gold. I thought that they looked quite different BUT the Tiffany band hasn't been worn as much as my mother's band. Maybe, in order to make a totally objective comparison,i'd have to wear two rings that have been worn equally and have equal scratching and patina.
I just want to add, that regardless of the issues discussed above, i totally LOVE my trinity ring and it gives me a great pleasure to wear it. I don't regret at all buying it!

First hand experience: Tiffany RG and YG don't patina to same color but Cartier's do. But the blending gives a softer look and it's nice.


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Ashleigh - Oh no!! I've heard that they're all but impossible to resize :(sad Do you have any plans to replace it with another of the proper size?


Nov 11, 2008
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Yssie|1391805477|3610302 said:
Ashleigh - Oh no!! I've heard that they're all but impossible to resize :(sad Do you have any plans to replace it with another of the proper size?

I called Cartier and they can resize it for me but it's too costly. I intend to get another one and keep the current one in case of weight fluctuations. No point selling and having to rebuy the same size in future when the price keeps increasing.


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Ashleigh|1391805797|3610307 said:
Yssie|1391805477|3610302 said:
Ashleigh - Oh no!! I've heard that they're all but impossible to resize :(sad Do you have any plans to replace it with another of the proper size?

I called Cartier and they can resize it for me but it's too costly. I intend to get another one and keep the current one in case of weight fluctuations. No point selling and having to rebuy the same size in future when the price keeps increasing.

I have also heard that Cartier's servicing is pricey! Lucky you, two Trinity rings ::) So will the new one be a different style or width?


Jan 24, 2013
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Here's a few pics of my vintage ring! (Like cars after 10 yrs it's officially vintage, right!?)
And Yssie I don't mean to dissuade you -- I love the ring! (The bracelet is also Cartier RG for reference.)





Sep 16, 2007
Re: Cartier Trinity owners - talk to me about The Scratching

Yssie|1391805148|3610297 said:
You mentioned in another thread that you weren't totally sold on your ring :sick: I'm sorry. I shouldn't think you'd have too much trouble selling it if you decide to let it go, at least. May I ask what you don't like about it? The fit, the colours, the scratching, something else?

Objectively, it's a beautiful ring. I don't feel like it's my "style" if that makes any sense. I'm also not sure if the gold tones flatter my skin. I have higher kt gold jewelry that is much more flattering on me. The fit is fine, it's very comfortable to wear, and the scratching doesn't bother me at all - but when I look at it on my hand it does nothing for me. It was an anniversary present that I wanted, picked out, waited for, so I have mixed feelings about letting it go (even though DH has told me several times to sell it and move on). I keep wearing it hoping my feelings will change! Hopefully you love yours if you end up getting one!
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