
Can you look and comment? The infamous 35.0/40.8 combo at play?


Apr 23, 2021

Thank you for using the *real* Batmobile instead of one of the knockoffs!

Diamond Cave ...hmmm. I know of someone that lives in some kind of a "crystal palace" that he refers to as a Fortress. He won't be happy when I evict him to commandeer it. Eh, no matter: He's a little flighty anyway.


Google GIA milky whitish hazy graining in diamonds for an old detailed explanation of why and how GIA are not always your friend

Wonderful, thanks again Garry!

For others following this thread, here is a link to one article on the subject; which is a pretty good read!…
ohhhhh…. Here is the full article I think with even more photos and examples…

Of course Google as Garry suggested and you will find additional links and info as well.
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Thank you for using the *real* Batmobile instead of one of the knockoffs!

Diamond Cave ...hmmm. I know of someone that lives in some kind of a "crystal palace" that he refers to as a Fortress. He won't be happy when I evict him to commandeer it. Eh, no matter: He's a little flighty anyway.

I think Garry got there first and already evicted him and took over the suit!… hehehe. I also think I see internal graining on the crystals in the Crystal Fortress!!!! Hahahahaha (me literally rolling on the floor). This has become fun today, thank you for SUPER power and Super Hero themed smiles and giggles today. I feel a lot better! :D

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Apr 23, 2021
I think Gary got there first and already evicted him and took over the suit!… hehehe. I also think I see internal graining on the crystals in the Crystal Fortress!!!! Hahahahaha (me literally rolling on the floor). This has become fun today, thank you for SUPER power and Super Hero themed smiles and giggles today. I feel a lot better! :D


Definitely was SUPER fun!
Glad you feel better!

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Not sure why I am wearing a Super Skirt?
And why beryl aquamarine crystals.
Seriously though, every bit of GIA approach to identifying and grading diamonds based on internal graining is flawed (pun intended).
Seriously: "Obviously, lighting plays a key role in the examination, even to the point that GIA graders work in a room with subdued fluorescent ceiling lights that bring out natural dark/light contrasts within the diamond while keeping surface glare to a minimum and eliminating other extraneous light."
This is just dumb and is why labs would have missed 90% of graining (aside from not noticing the hazy effect when there is blue fluorescence present in natural diamonds).
You need good light to see graining. And you are more likely to see it in the transition zone between a dark facet moving through fire or grey before it turns white.
Ignoring the effect on overall transparency and only considering the inclusion effect has had detrimental impact on millions of diamond owners.


Not sure why I am wearing a Super Skirt?
And why beryl aquamarine crystals.
Seriously though, every bit of GIA approach to identifying and grading diamonds based on internal graining is flawed (pun intended).
Seriously: "Obviously, lighting plays a key role in the examination, even to the point that GIA graders work in a room with subdued fluorescent ceiling lights that bring out natural dark/light contrasts within the diamond while keeping surface glare to a minimum and eliminating other extraneous light."
This is just dumb and is why labs would have missed 90% of graining (aside from not noticing the hazy effect when there is blue fluorescence present in natural diamonds).
You need good light to see graining. And you are more likely to see it in the transition zone between a dark facet moving through fire or grey before it turns white.
Ignoring the effect on overall transparency and only considering the inclusion effect has had detrimental impact on millions of diamond owners.

Oh, that’s Superman in his Crystal Fortress! It was the only online imagine I could find that I could fit your profile pic onto with my zero graphic arts skills. Anyway… it was meant as a fun compliment. Today DejaWiz played the role of Batman (as I had put out a bat signal to him specially for help) and I was appropriately depicted as a Looney Tune, but wearing my Diamond. :lol:

And “here, here!” to this statement.
Ignoring the effect on overall transparency and only considering the inclusion effect has had detrimental impact on millions of diamond owners.


Oct 16, 2020
ELJ i just wanted to give you a hug and tell you that you came to the right place and I think all of us have gotten to an extreme level of obsessing over a particular piece of jewelry at one point in time. You’re in good company and I’m so glad you’re feeling better. I remember your set- it’s absolutely stunning. #goals


@Karl_K , Do you mind taking a look at the photos I posted at the beginning of this thread along with the the GIA specs?

I am wondering if the low contrast I am seeing is a result of a possible “high crown cut” issue? I am still sort of confused on how the 35/40.8 combo falls into everything.

I appreciate all the nice comments here, I don’t disagree that it has a lot of beauty. But I have continued to try to get nice photos of this stone, even tried a black phone case, the toilet paper tube, and I still can’t seem to get a nice ideal looking photos. I just really want to understand what this stone is exactly and how it might be categorized based on how it is acting/showing up. Does this stone show the “ring of death” that I am now reading about?

I came across that some people with steep/deep combos have opted to have re-cutting done. I don’t have a steep/deep combo… but maybe I do have a “high crown cut” that might be affecting the light performance and giving me what I see as lack of a stronger contrast in the arrows?

I can’t return the stone at this point, but I am financially invested into it enough that it matters to me to fully understand it.

Would absolutely appreciate your input and what you see?

Many thanks!

- Jo

For others following this thread who have similar questions or “wonders”, attached is a photos from a video I watched online about high crown cut issues. My 35/40.8 seems to fall right in-between the two examples given… and to my eyes, it doesn’t look exactly like the left example or exactly like the right.



Aug 14, 2009
Can you post a picture of the type of photo that you’re trying to take? What’s an ideal “good photo” outcome for you?


Aug 14, 2009
You’re never going to get the example on the right from your stone. Look at the listing video - the arrows don’t all obstruct face-up even in that sterile and fully-controlled lighting environment. And yeah, the stone is tilted ever so slightly here, but across the wrong axis to “fix” it.

But no, your stone doesn’t have the “ring of death”. That happens when the lower halves are so steep in combination with the crown that they stop being able to return a significant amount of light face-up. We know that your stone doesn’t have this issue because we’d be able to see it in both the listing photos and yours. But if you want extra reassurance you can always buy an idealscope and look for yourself!

Your stone doesn’t show the full circle of black arrowshafts face-up because the mains are on the steep end of “perfectly fine” in combo with your crown, and your stone’s optical symmetry is imperfect. If your stone was on the shallow end of “perfectly fine”, you might still get a full circle of arrows despite imperfect optical symmetry, but you’d probably have unwanted obstruction somewhere else as well, and you wouldn’t get as much coloured light return in different lighting environments. You’re going to compromise somewhere.

… Gonna be honest, seems like you’re just searching for things to worry about at this point. If you want to get a specific type of photo - I recommend asking for help with that, try SMTB or Hangout, and there are plenty of folks who can help/explain. :))
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Aug 4, 2008
Ok here goes:
a: there is nothing seriously wrong with the stone.
b: 35/40.8 has the potential for some issues with short lgf%, here the gia rounding is total bs so the numbers are useless.
c: the 360 video link is coming up infected and blocked by my anti-virus. I don't need it.
d: The other images are not showing any serious issues.
e: some combos "pop" the arrows and some don't.

Specifically what kind of pictures are you trying to get?
I believe e: may be part of the issue.



Thank you!

Inspiration photos of other people’s stones attached. Most are from this sight, but I just took screen shots and don’t have the names of exactly who they all belong to. So, sorry for not giving credit to the owners. But these are all stones I like/admire.

@yssie wrote: “Gonna be honest, seems like you’re just searching for things to worry about at this point”.

Yup… yup, yup. Searching for perfection in a stone that isn’t ideal/perfect. But, before I put it to bed fully in my mind, I just wanted to seek out every nook and cranny and make sure nothing was inherently wrong. It continues to sound like nothing is wrong and that I simply have an angle combo that maybe just doesn’t pop the arrows, like Karl suggested.

No ring of death. Good! No serious issues. Wonderful! No serious light leakage. Hooray!

So, I think what is going on is that my previous diamond of 12 years was just different. It gave up the arrows with no effort at all. I could snap any photo, anytime and those arrows were there and they were darker/more contrast. But that was a 34.5/40.8 angle and 14.5% crown height. Different. If ”arrows that don’t pop” isn’t a negative defect or issue, and doesn’t effect the balance of the light/sparkle/fire… etc, etc, then I can be at ease.

I just needed to confirm from all angles that nothing was seriously wrong... because if it was, or if it could be improved upon, then I would consider those options... such as looking into re-cutting services (Look at these results! Wow!

OCD, absolutely! But, just because I feel like I have one shot at this (due to high price tag of the item… sure, less than earth mined diamonds, but still a decent amount invested) and I want my experience and outcome to be right (to my mind) and feel confident.

In the greater scope of life and the world, yes, this is a very small, very insignificant issue. This is a luxury, a privilege. However, I still hope to get it right and have the experience that I was hoping for.

Many thanks again for your good replies, guidance, suggestions and help. =)2

Inspo photos below (not my ring, for those following)



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Aug 14, 2009
Nope nothing “wrong” with your stone for not showing arrows as easily as your other diamond. Just a different flavour. Chocolate and strawberry ice cream! Recutting means risk and size reduction.

See my post #25 -
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