
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Muff- Thank you for that list! It looks like more than I am seeing on the US sites. We aren't provided anything here either, so I feel like I need a giant suitcase vs a tiny overnight bag! haha. I've been gaining about 1kg(2.2lbs) a week lately. My doctor only asks how much I've gained, but I'd feel too guilty lying so I always hate that question. It's been a really big adjustment for to have gained this much weight. I don't really *feel* like a look bigger, but I am definitely seeing it in my thighs and calves! yikes.

AMC- I have been having that pain for a few weeks now. It's mainly when I am getting out of bed or turning over in bed- it's not fun. I am getting more used to it and now just say "ow, my vagina bone hurts." haha. I had to use really basic vocab the first time I was trying to explain it to DH and it kind of stuck.

Missy- Glad you're still around. How many weeks are you again?

MP- I'm so sorry about your coworker, I really have no words... As for you, embrace the bump! I feel like I've had a relatively easy pregnancy too. None of the "pains" are anything unbearable- just different. I then accept them and move on as if it's normal. I sometimes catch myself asking DH if he ever feels ___ or asking why he doesn't feel tired, heavy, etc. It's been odd accepting that the pregnancy is the reason for the changes/pains. :wacko:

QUESTION: I finally got around to asking my mom when my siblings and I were born. She said I was 5-6 weeks early (siblings were 3 wks and 2 wks early- both younger than me). That means my mom went into labor about 34 weeks with me, which is what I am now! I remember Kunzite saying she was born early and O was born early. Is there anything genetic to it? Is there a chance I could go into labor early since my mom did?
PetitePoire|1337101523|3195744 said:
QUESTION: I finally got around to asking my mom when my siblings and I were born. She said I was 5-6 weeks early (siblings were 3 wks and 2 wks early- both younger than me). That means my mom went into labor about 34 weeks with me, which is what I am now! I remember Kunzite saying she was born early and O was born early. Is there anything genetic to it? Is there a chance I could go into labor early since my mom did?

My brother and I were both born at 32 weeks. I asked my doctor about it and she didn't seem too concerned. My mom is also much smaller than I am (she's 5'4 and petite, whereas I'm 5'7" and have a much bigger frame), so I'm wondering if that had something to do with it. She is also very type A and can't sit still or maybe that had something to do with it as well. With me, she was on bedrest after 5 months or so, but I really doubt that she followed orders well.

Also- vagina bone, hahaha!!
Amc, I was 8 pounds when I was born and DH was 8 pounds 8 ounces! So I know for sure this is going to be a huge baby. The thought of him coming out is already scary! :errrr:

PPM, it's great that school will be out soon and you'll be able to relax.

Missy, it must be so cool to be able to see the baby every week!

Muff, you're getting so close to the end now that I wouldn't worry about the weight gain. And thanks for the hospital bag list. It's quite comprehensive.

Petite, I get a four day hospital stay too. At first I thought it was great, now I'm thinking that maybe I would prefer going home sooner...

Sunnyd, it's so cool that you felt movement on mother's day!

MP, yay for having a bump!

Monarch and China, any babies yet?

AFM, I'm leaving tomorrow to go home! I'm excited but also a bit nostalgic about leaving our home for so many months. In terms of symptoms, I hardly slept on Sunday night because of a really sharp pain on the upper right side of my uterus. No position made me feel better. In hindsight, I should have just taken some pain killers but I didn't think of it at the time. Anyway, we saw the doctor yesterday afternoon who checked the baby's heartbeat and my BP and said that everything checks out and it was probably a muscular/abdominal issue. By the time we saw the doctor I was feeling better and had considered canceling, but then I thought that I really don't want to fly without getting this checked out. Anyway, I won't be able to update for a few days since I'm traveling tomorrow and will take some time settling in but I look forward to coming back on and hearing that we have some new babies! In the meantime, here's an early bump pic for tomorrow from 31w6d. I'm wearing a non-maternity shirt which I'm spilling out of... :lol:
Yes, weekly ultrasounds! Most of them are just AFI ultrasounds, which checks the amniotic fluid level. I guess they don't want my level to get too low or they'd have me deliver early. First level was 9.4 and last week was 10.0 so they're happy with it for now. Next week I'll have a growth u/s along with the AFI u/s too. Oh and not sure if I mentioned this here or not. I had to be tested for Group B Strep last week and it came back positive, not a huge deal. She said it's pretty common. I'll just have to have antibiotics in the IV while I'm in labor so the GBS doesn't pass on to the baby.

By the way...whoever was asking, I'm 36w2d today!

Oh and my Mom came to the house to help me organize the nursery a little last weekend. We can see the floor now!!! Just don't look under the crib :lol: We put the bigger sized diaper packs under there for now. I have a few pics. I tried getting a picture of the whole nursery in one picture, but the room is so small I can't step back enough to get everything in! Kinda wishing we could get that computer desk out of there (3rd pic, dark wood color), but we're limited on space so there's really no where to put it for now! The radio on the bookshelf/clothes shelf will be moved. We want to put a shelf up on the wall to put it on. The blanket in the last picture is homemade from on of our friends. I love it. The green matches pretty well with the rest of the crib stuff, she had no idea what colors we were using! Oh and I :love: the little monkey mobile I found on Amazon!

changing table.JPG

changing table2.JPG


Missy0483|1337108652|3195863 said:
I had to be tested for Group B Strep last week and it came back positive, not a huge deal. She said it's pretty common. I'll just have to have antibiotics in the IV while I'm in labor so the GBS doesn't pass on to the baby.

I tested positive for this at my first OB appointment...not in my hoohoo, but in my pee! Apparently that stuff can get up into your bladder. My OB said that I'd also get the IV. I asked her if I could be retested, and she said even if it came back negative she would still want to put me on the IV just to be safe. Didn't make a whole lot of sense for me, but whatever.

The nursery is looking good! Looks like you're ready for a baby :)

Oh, BTW, we have our first of five Prepared Childbirth classes tonight...looking forward to it!
On the topic of what to pack, there have been a few threads:

And, the related "what to take from the hospital":

Two things I didn't take to the hospital that I wish I had:

1. A pacifier. Not sure why we thought we wouldn't need one, or at least have one so that we could try it? DH bought one from the hospital gift shop!

2. Lactation consultant gave me these in the hospital. I would have liked to have had some more on hand, so I didn't have to send my DH out to get more. These worked really, really well.

PP and Mayerling - Four days in the hospital sounds terrific to me! My labor was rough (almost 3 hrs of pushing!), and it was a good two weeks before I could get my right leg into bed without having to lift it onto the bed with my arms! :eek: My recovery took a long time, and my DH had to do basically everything to take care of the baby and me for the first few days. It definitely would have been nice to have more time in the hospital. Of course, it must depend on the hospital. The nurses at my hospital all get gold stars. They were so kind, caring and compassionate. I loved having them as a resource for baby care questions too!

Mayerling - Have you said before where your home country is?
Muff, my comfiest (not even sure that's a word!) hospital pants were roll down yoga pants. You can sit them wherever you want on your waist and they offer a little support. Besides, they give you the illustion of a *slightly* smaller belly. :lol:
Still here. I've hit a wall, so exhausted. Sorry not commenting on everyone!

39 weeks and counting...I'm 70% effaced and she could feel the baby's head today, so things are progressing. Lots of cramps, but no real contractions yet. Still no name. :eek:

My sister is a week behind me and baby is still breech. They usually turn by now. She is having an external turning procedure done, so I'm hoping that works for her. I know we're going to end up having these babies at the same time.

Will keep you posted. Hope you ladies are hanging in there!!!
Still here! :wavey: Like ChinaCat, I am starting to feel pretty exhausted and I just haven't felt much like posting the past few days. Still reading along though, enjoying hearing about everyone else's journeys. I've been running around like crazy wrapping up loose ends and trying to get all kinds of things squared away, plus still working full time and trying to get everything there in a place of order, and on top of all that I've got a couple projects going that I probably should've done weeks ago but wasn't feeling inspired. This baby is just going to have to stay in the oven for a few more weeks, that's all there is to it. The past couple nights I've had terrible heartburn again even though I've been taking my OTC Zantac, and I've been waking up around 4 a.m. with um, the opposite of constipation. Allegedly that is one sign that labor is imminent but nothing is happening yet.

Happy belated Mother's Day to you all. My husband thinks it counts if you are pregnant, so he got me a cute little indoor garden box and a matching card with a butterfly on it. He was super proud of himself and I have to say it was a very sweet gesture! In lieu of a bump pic tonight, here's one of the plants/flowers. I'll try to post a bump pic later this week.

China, how exciting that you and your sister are due so close together! I wish her luck getting that baby to turn. I'll be keeping an eye out for your birth announcement. :))
China - Whoa 39 weeks! So you aren't dilated yet? I read somewhere that second time moms usually dilate first, then efface? And first time mom's efface first. Who knows. I guess since you aren't having contractions, that makes sense then. I was told I was 25% effaced last week, no dilation. Hope it's getting close for you! And how exciting that your sister is right there with you going through the same thing!

Monarch - That was really sweet of your DH! My DH didn't say a word about Mother's Day. I guess he doesn't think being pregnant counts because a couple months ago he said "You won't get Mother's Day this year, but I'll get Father's Day as long as you aren't overdue!" Oh well!
Missy, I was dilated 1 cm as of last Thursday and he didn't say anything about effacement so I don't know how that works. :confused:

Your husband is funny--he gets Father's Day, huh? I would be like, oh good, you can babysit all day and enjoy being a Daddy while I go get my nails done! Ha!
AMC- thanks for the info. I had my appointment today and mentioned my question to the doctor and he said he didn't make a difference, so that's good. I am petite, so she run out of room and want out sooner anyways! have fun at your class. I've found it's more informative for DH as everything they say is everything I've read online. I'm just waiting for the tour of the maternity!

Mayerling- great pic! Have fun back home. You're really brave (and must have tons of energy) to go so close. The thought alone makes me sleepy.

Missy- glad your nursery is all ready for baby! I feel so unprepared compared to you ladies! It looks great!

LV- thanks for those links! Your amazing! I was apprehensive at first about the 4 days in the hospital, but now I am realizing it's the best place I could be should I need assistance.

Chinacat- glad you're doing well. Sorry to hear about your sister. I ran into a friend today, who is do about the same time as me, and her baby is breech too. It's amazing how different each pregnancy can be. Can't wait for your baby's arrival. I hope you're able to think of a name soon!

Monarch- thanks for checking in! I'm only 34 weeks and the fatigue has kicked back in. It does t sound like it's going to lift so I guess I should adjust. Aren't you supposed to get a burst of energy just before labor? Hopefully that happens to you soon and your baby arrives!

AFM- 8 month appointment today. I am effaced?, but I'm not sure by how much. He just said that it had shortened, but i was not dilated. He seemed very happy with that and said everything (positions, etc) is just perfect. I'm so relieved and pray it stays that way. I feel so blessed. That was my last appointment with this doctor and next month I will have an appointment with the doctor at the hospital I want to deliver at. That appointment in the beginning of June will be my LAST appointment until I deliver! No weekly appointments here! I'm really surprised they don't do that here, but I guess as long as everything continues to go well that's ok. I'll just become attached to my heart monitor to check on her. Other than that, I'm extremely tired and my naps have started again!
Well, we had or first childbirth class last night. We were the immature ones who couldn't stop giggling at everything. Like when the instructor said that amniotic fluid smells like semen...Lord....And then we got down on the floor to do breathing/relaxation techniques, and of course the baby started to go crazy. DH had his hand on my stomach and was cracking up...because of course he picked relaxation time to go nuts. I didn't learn a whole lot but I think DH did. We "get" to watch a birth video next week, so that ought to freak me out! Oh, and there were 8 couples there (well, 6 couples and two ladies there with a female relative) lady is due 2 weeks after me, the others are all at least 3 weeks ahead of me...and I was the biggest one. Nice.

Here's my 27 week picture!!

week27 shirt2.jpg
amc, oh boy, there is no way my husband will be able to handle any prenatal classes! Everybody keeps telling me that we HAVE to take classes, but I'm a little hesitant because I feel like it is just going to be information overload. I would like some of the information on what to expect after the baby arrives and breastfeeding and to get a hospital tour, but I do not want anyone to make me get on the floor and simulate labor breathing or see a birth. I figure there is really no way to prepare for all of that and everyone gets through it because you have no choice, but what do I know. Also, I think your belly looks great! You carry very cutely :)

PP, I sort of think all of the appointments we have over here are a bit excessive and probably unnecessary to a certain extent. Thank goodness for dopplers though. I woud be out of my mind if I didn't have the security of listening to our little one every few days.

Missy, funny about your DH. My DH wanted to define what technically counts as the first Mother's Day a few weeks ago and was relieved when I said we'll count next year as our first. I think he was worried I was expecting a present or something. Such a romantic :) I'll probably still get him a daddy-to-be card or something on Father's Day. Your nursery look great BTW!

China and Monarch, I'll be thinking of you as your big days approach!

AFM, nothing new. Still hanging in there and still waiting on those elusive baby movements. But I have a question. I saw a story on the news this morning about how baby stores and bedding manufacturers are contributing to the disinformation regarding crib bumpers and how some cities and states are banning the sale of them. I assumed it was common knowledge that bumpers, pillows and toys in a crib are a no-no, but apparently the word is still not getting out to everyone. The question I have is that I've noticed a lot of people on here have bought bedding with bumpers and put them in the crib for pictures. Is there any purpose for a bumper at all, in other words, when the baby is older, is it a good idea to have one, or is it better to just not get one at all? I'm inclined to just skip getting one altogether, but I was just curious what others think. It's a pity they always make the bumper the cutest part of any bedding.
monkeyprincess|1337188580|3196629 said:
The question I have is that I've noticed a lot of people on here have bought bedding with bumpers and put them in the crib for pictures. Is there any purpose for a bumper at all, in other words, when the baby is older, is it a good idea to have one, or is it better to just not get one at all? I'm inclined to just skip getting one altogether, but I was just curious what others think. It's a pity they always make the bumper the cutest part of any bedding.

My set came with a bumper. I think our plan is to leave it on for now and remove it when the baby can squirm/roll. Then we'll stick it on again once the baby has the "I can't breathe, I'd better move" thing under control.

monkeyprincess said:
amc, oh boy, there is no way my husband will be able to handle any prenatal classes! Everybody keeps telling me that we HAVE to take classes, but I'm a little hesitant because I feel like it is just going to be information overload. I would like some of the information on what to expect after the baby arrives and breastfeeding and to get a hospital tour, but I do not want anyone to make me get on the floor and simulate labor breathing or see a birth. I figure there is really no way to prepare for all of that and everyone gets through it because you have no choice, but what do I know. Also, I think your belly looks great! You carry very cutely :)

Oh, take the classes! It's sort of surreal being'll feel like you're in a movie. My class is a 5 week series, with a hospital tour being the final class. Then you also get two additional classes for free- a breastfeeding class and an infant care class. I will admit that I felt a little ridiculous during the exercises. I mean at one point she read this poem, something about a beach, that was supposed to help...but it just made me want to laugh. The instructor did bring up a good point- this class is as much for your husband as it is for us. We read the books and know what's going on, but DH may not. And since he's the one who will be there with you, probably a good idea if he's up to speed.
Missy- I have no idea the correlation b/w dilation and effacement- but yes, I'm dilated (only about 1 cm I think) as well. Which is more than I ever was with O, so I'll take it! This one was breech until 36 weeks, so it's common. Most babies turn on their own.

Monkey- Most of the crib sets come with bumpers. I think we left ours on last time until he could move/roll over, and then removed it. This go round I didn't buy a set so I'm not getting the bumper. Our labor class didn't have us do any exercises or anything. It's really helpful though- just learning about the different states of labor, what to expect, what your options are, etc. Also lots of post-delivery info that I had NO idea about. Check around- we didn't do ours at the hospital but at a local motherhood center that also has lots of other services for pregnancy and beyond. Also, ours was just one Saturday for 3 hours.
My set came with the bumper also, not sure if we'll keep it in or remove it yet. And the stuffed animals are just kinda hanging out for the time being until baby arrives, we'll take them out then! 2 of them can be attached to the crib and play music/noises/heartbeat sound, so we may keep them in.
Just heard from my OB regarding the blood work I had done last week. I passed my glucose test, yay! My iron is a little low, as I suspected...I've been craving (and eating) cup fulls of ice, and that's usually a good indicator of when my iron is low. I'm sort of impressed that I've made it this far considering my prenatals don't have iron in them. Also tested positive for HSV-1 (cold sore virus), which I knew. She has me on anti-viral for the remainder of the pregnancy. Tested negative for HSV-2 (um, not that I was expecting a positive!). Still waiting on my Rh antibodies...but she said if I don't hear from her then it's negative.

Happy everything came back basically as expected. I have my next appointment on Tuesday, at which time I get to get the lovely Rhogam shot. Have any of you had that thing? I had to get one after my chemical pregnancy/early mc and that shot hurts! Shots don't normally phase me at all, but that one did not feel good.
amc80|1337209995|3196873 said:
Just heard from my OB regarding the blood work I had done last week. I passed my glucose test, yay! My iron is a little low, as I suspected...I've been craving (and eating) cup fulls of ice, and that's usually a good indicator of when my iron is low. I'm sort of impressed that I've made it this far considering my prenatals don't have iron in them. Also tested positive for HSV-1 (cold sore virus), which I knew. She has me on anti-viral for the remainder of the pregnancy. Tested negative for HSV-2 (um, not that I was expecting a positive!). Still waiting on my Rh antibodies...but she said if I don't hear from her then it's negative.

Happy everything came back basically as expected. I have my next appointment on Tuesday, at which time I get to get the lovely Rhogam shot. Have any of you had that thing? I had to get one after my chemical pregnancy/early mc and that shot hurts! Shots don't normally phase me at all, but that one did not feel good.

I'm glad everything came back how you expected. What is the doctor having you do about the iron? At my appointment Wednesday the DR said my iron was low (7), but he didn't tell me to do anything!? I was also never advised to take prenatals, so have only taken them randomly...

Also, I had the rhogam shot. It was in my bottom, a bit below my waistband line. The nurse came to my home, so I didn't have any anxiety about it. He just said turn around (while standing), cleaned the area, and gave me the shot. I felt a sting, but it wasn't bad. In fact, I thought he was finished and tried walking away with the needle still in. Ha. It wasn't even too sore after. I try to keep in mind during the shots or bloodwork that labor is going to be MUCH more painful so I need to suck it up now. :cheeky:
Hi ladies!!

Just wanted to check in, how is everyone today?? I had my anatomy scan yesterday, and everything is looking great so far!!! We are so happy! Both my Mom & Dad came (they are just so excited) and were in awe seeing the baby on the ultrasound. It was really nice. I felt so bad, the tech and then the doc were trying to get good pics of the baby's face, but he/she kept both hands in front like an "x" across the whole face!! Can you believe that?? Figures, my kid!!! So my doc/friend told us to come back in a few weeks just for fun to see if we can get a few better pics. All I wanted to know was that he got all the images of the things he really needed to see and that the babe looks good, which he did, so I'm totally stoked. We still are holding out on finding out the sex (lets see how long this lasts, lol). In reality though, I really have no preference for gender.... I just want healthy!!!!! I still haven't felt movement, but I have an anterior placenta and I'm only 18+ weeks, so my guess is I wont be feeling it for a few more weeks.

Hope you all are feeling/doing well!!! :))
Dani - YAY for holding out!!! Team Green is fun :bigsmile: Glad your ultrasound went well. I was so sad that ours only lasted about 5 - 10 minutes long. Our baby was really cooperative and our tech wasn't very fun about it, so she didn't give us a fun show. Oh well! I've been having weekly ultrasounds since 32 weeks, so I've been able to see him/her more often. It's getting cramped in there, so it's been hard getting good pictures at this point!

I have my ultrasound scheduled today at 4:15pm ET, then OB appt at 5:15, then NST at 6:00. We'll see how that goes!
Dani, glad to hear the scan went well! That's fun you get to come back in again to try to see the little face. And that gives you another opportunity to find out the gender if you change your mind. :naughty: Just kidding. It will be a fun surprise. Post some pictures when you get a chance, so I can live vicariously through you. I still have to wait more than two weeks for mine! Can you believe we're almost halfway there?!

Missy/amc, I totally understand setting up the whole crib before the baby arrives if the bumper came in the set. The women on here are well-read and pretty savvy when it comes to baby safety, and I know they'll make informed decisions. I'm just annoyed with the bedding manufacturers for including bumpers in the sets without a warning because there are a lot of women out there who have no idea there is a possible danger and just put it in the crib because it came with the set.
MP - I agree. And the sets are so freakin expensive to me. They cost more than I paid for the bedset for DH and I and ours is bigger and has more pieces! So crazy!
PetitePoire|1337253120|3197229 said:
I'm glad everything came back how you expected. What is the doctor having you do about the iron? At my appointment Wednesday the DR said my iron was low (7), but he didn't tell me to do anything!? I was also never advised to take prenatals, so have only taken them randomly...

They told me to get iron supplements and to make sure it is the "Slow" type. Apparently it's supposed to be easier on your bowels that way.
amc80|1337269558|3197367 said:
PetitePoire|1337253120|3197229 said:
I'm glad everything came back how you expected. What is the doctor having you do about the iron? At my appointment Wednesday the DR said my iron was low (7), but he didn't tell me to do anything!? I was also never advised to take prenatals, so have only taken them randomly...

They told me to get iron supplements and to make sure it is the "Slow" type. Apparently it's supposed to be easier on your bowels that way.

I'm anemic and got the same advice- slow release iron. Also, liquid iron is supposed to have fewer side effects than pill-form, so says my midwife. I still haven't taken mine, as the nausea/constipation warnings scare me :errrr:

Dani: Glad you had a great u/s and baby looks well and wonderful. Did they put the baby's sex in an envelope or did you just not want to know, period?

China: Still around? How fun your sis is due around the same time. I'll think positive flip-baby thoughts for her.

Hellllloooo to everyone else! Tomorrow is Friday and then one more week until summer vacation! I need a backflip emoticon, that's how excited I am! Other than that, 3rd tri exhaustion is hitting hard. Wowee... It reminds me of being ~9 weeks pregnant.
Hello! Still here, had a great weekly checkup today and ran a few errands of the tying-up-loose-ends variety plus got a pedicure. My doctor congratulated me on having a great pregnancy and attitude, and he spent a good amount of time talking with my husband and me about epidurals/pitocin/birth plans/natural birth/etc. He has turned out to be a really great doc. Baby is still head down and waaaaayyyy down there. No internal today but will have one next week.

Quick bump pic, and my apologies for not having the energy to say hello to everyone.

Monnie--When I grow up and become very prego, I want to look as good as you!
Seriously, woman, could you look any better?
Monnie, you look AWESOME!!! Sounds like you had a good, productive day. Enjoy that pedi, you deserve it.

Here I am at 31 weeks... So funny to think that at 20 weeks I felt like I had popped. Not compared to now! Baby hasn't grown much since week 26, but the bottom portion of my abdomen is filling out more. I think it may be a result of shifts in position and the fact that she has supposedly gained over a pound.

Hi ladies! Just a quick post to say I got back home okay and will be catching up with all of you as soon as I've settled in a bit. :)