
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


Dec 16, 2007
Sabine in the interests of promoting labour I will suggest that sex in the method of the canines can be comfortable in the end of pregnancy, and since the belly is away from the man he may not get freaked out by movement!

How is Robbie doing? We haven''t seen her around on the newborn thread. I hope she is ok!


Feb 12, 2006
Date: 7/22/2009 11:46:37 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Sabine in the interests of promoting labour I will suggest that sex in the method of the canines can be comfortable in the end of pregnancy, and since the belly is away from the man he may not get freaked out by movement!

How is Robbie doing? We haven''t seen her around on the newborn thread. I hope she is ok!

LOL! I''m so using this terminology. It''s hilarious. Thanks for the laugh :)


Sep 13, 2008
Date: 7/22/2009 3:07:06 PM
Author: cellososweet

Date: 7/22/2009 11:46:37 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Sabine in the interests of promoting labour I will suggest that sex in the method of the canines can be comfortable in the end of pregnancy, and since the belly is away from the man he may not get freaked out by movement!

How is Robbie doing? We haven''t seen her around on the newborn thread. I hope she is ok!

LOL! I''m so using this terminology. It''s hilarious. Thanks for the laugh :)
HAHHAAHA ...i stopped to laugh a minute


Jun 27, 2007
Thanks for your comments on DH and ''the belly''. I hope my DH comes around a bit more, like some of your DH''s have done. He''s already started touching the belly more, but I''m still not sure how much of a connection he feels to it. Anyway, we have our 20 week ultrasound (eek!!) coming up on Saturday. Hopefully, he''ll feel more connected once he gets to see the little one. We''ll see!

Sunkist, I didn''t realize we''re about the same stage. Did you say you were about 5 months? I''ll be 20 weeks tomorrow. That''s 5 months right? Did you have your gender scan earlier? I think I read you''re having a boy right?

About labour/delivery - I''ve been thinking about who I''d want in the delivery room too. I know my mother would want to be there but truthfully, I think I would feel a bit strange having her there looking up my ''hooha''.
Is it just me? I''ve never been one to really ''expose'' myself infront of my my mommy. DH I think woud probably be more than a little freaked out, but would probably be there if I asked him too. I think I''d feel really comfortable with my two good gilfriends there, though. One of them is pregnant right now, and the other has major baby fever. I think it''d be a good learning experience for them, and I feel very comfortable around them too. I really don''t want much of an audience, though. I hate being in the spotlight, like most of you mentioned.

I always wonder how the women on a ''Baby Story'' (TLC) feel with all those people in the delivery room, and CAMERAS, shooting live footage right up the vajajay. Especially the episodes where the woman is spreadeagled with one person holding on to one of her feet, and shouting PUSH!! while everybody stares expectantly at your vagina. That''s scary!! I''m really private and would be vey freaked out by that.
Is that how it''s really going to be?? Is this another thing we just have to get used to as women??


Apr 26, 2007
Date: 7/21/2009 10:53:33 PM
Author: qtiekiki
DH and belly

DH didn''t care too much about touching my belly the first time around, so I am pretty sure it''ll be the same this time. When I said to him ''don''t you want to feel her kick'', he responds with ''I did already''. He told me he didn''t feel a bond with the baby when I was PG. It wasn''t until she was reacting (probably around 6 months) to him that he really feel the bond. It''s really interesting how moms and dads are different.

Changing body

I am taking it harder this time, and think that I am showing already. I think I''ll feel better when I have a real bump. A few weeks ago, DH actually said that if someone didn''t know I was pg, then they will probably think I am chubby. He realized he was being insensitive and apologized. Ever since that time, he''s been good at telling me I was great.

DH and delivery

DH was totally grossed out during the delivery. He is totally opposite of Amber''s DH, and is not into all those medical things. He had mentioned being grossed out quite a few times b/c of how messy the whole process was (mostly the iodine the nurse used while massaging the perineum), but not of the actual process (did that make sense?). It did change his view of me but in a positive way; I think he was amazed by what my body can do. It hasn''t affected our relationship.

Who will be in the labor room?

Will be just us again. The ILs are retired and live with us, so they were around the whole time when I was laboring at home. And obviously they know when we headed to the hospital, but they didn''t asked to be there. We called my parents after we got to the hospital (my parents live 300 something miles away). I gave birth at 2:30am, so no one visited until the next morning around 11am.

qtiekiki, I love your format, and am stealing it! Whenever I come onto this thread after a long trip or work jag, I always scan back 5 pages or so and see so many comments I want to respond to ... and that I get blurry on if I don''t take detailed notes while I''m reading ... and that makes me feel hideously rude. Rough gleaning? Orbaya, CONGRATULATIONS!, Anchor, soooooo with you on the touching (I am going to react so badly if people do this to me as I get further along, I can''t even think of it), Cello, you are my gender-identity hero! But I''m sure I''m scanning over about a zillion smart comments. This is such a clever way to get the gist of on-topic things!

DH and Belly:

I''d say my husband is pretty much in the middle: he''s not conscientiously avoiding the belly, but he''s not fixating on it, either ... just occasionally cupping it or doing this childlike-wonder exclamation of "Bebbe!" that is very cute. I don''t think either of us has really "bonded" with the bebbe yet - it still seems abstract, kinda. I am guessing it will feel considerably less so after the amnio/when it starts to move around a lot.

Changing Body

Apparently, I was showing at 12 weeks. I thought friends and family were just being encouraging until a guy on the street who was developmentally challenged and in his 40s or 50s started to exclaim with delight over the fact that I was having a baby (and also, offering me a bag of chips he''d just bought, "to feed the baby!", which kind of cracked me up). His sincerity over it all kind of removed any doubt. I kind of like my new shape, honestly: I''ve always been happy with my body, except for my belly. Well, now it''s supposed to stick out! Will see if I still feel like this when I am entering the third trimester, and the center of gravity has shifted.

DH and delivery/Who will be in the labor room

I ... am still torn on this one/both of these. I love my husband, he''s a rock, but I''m not sure if I want him to be there when I am behaving in an undignified fashion (and I have very little doubt that I will shriek and swear and generally behave like a landed turtle, if a landed turtle was also an angry drunk Marine). My BF is wonderful with All Things Baby, and I am pondering the idea of having her act as my birthing coach ... but I don''t know if I''ll regret not having my husband there to share in The Miracle of Birth.

But aside from those two, I think it will be a pretty sparse birthing room. I love my parents, but they are hypochondriacs and worry-warts - I would spend more time worrying about how much they were worrying than about how the delivery was going!

In other news ... at my 15 week checkup, my gyno was pretty sure that it was ... a boy! Do you guys think it''s reliable at 15 weeks? Or should we hold off on getting too excited/buying baby stuff?

And in other, other (much more shallow) news, I am now trying to buy clothing to fit the new shape, and it is an adventure. I started a thread over in Shopping if any of you have any words of wisdom to offer ....


Aug 16, 2007
Was the nursery thread ever reopened? I have pics of mine finally, but didn''t want to flood this thread...oh well, here goes since I''m bored! Sorry I have to do them one at a time!



Aug 16, 2007
Close up of changing table.



Aug 16, 2007
Bookcase...the tv will ONLY be in there until I''m done with middle of the night feedings!



Aug 16, 2007
Closet...we are currently storing our camping stuff in here too...



Aug 16, 2007
I don''t know if you can see the lamp, but it''s from dh''s nursery, and the prayer picture is from mine.



Aug 16, 2007
If anyone has any specific suggestions of things I could hang above the crib, I''d love to hear them! I was going to do a shelf of some sort, but I''m paranoid about anything heavy falling for some reason. I''d love to do decals since we can''t paint, but haven''t found any I like yet.



Aug 16, 2007
And so she doesn''t feel left out, the pup in her favorite spot...sometimes I''ll randomly find her sleeping here on the rug, which I think is so cute!


Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 7/22/2009 4:03:15 PM
Author: Sha
Thanks for your comments on DH and ''the belly''. I hope my DH comes around a bit more, like some of your DH''s have done. He''s already started touching the belly more, but I''m still not sure how much of a connection he feels to it. Anyway, we have our 20 week ultrasound (eek!!) coming up on Saturday. Hopefully, he''ll feel more connected once he gets to see the little one. We''ll see!

Sunkist, I didn''t realize we''re about the same stage. Did you say you were about 5 months? I''ll be 20 weeks tomorrow. That''s 5 months right? Did you have your gender scan earlier? I think I read you''re having a boy right?

About labour/delivery - I''ve been thinking about who I''d want in the delivery room too. I know my mother would want to be there but truthfully, I think I would feel a bit strange having her there looking up my ''hooha''.
Is it just me? I''ve never been one to really ''expose'' myself infront of my my mommy. DH I think woud probably be more than a little freaked out, but would probably be there if I asked him too. I think I''d feel really comfortable with my two good gilfriends there, though. One of them is pregnant right now, and the other has major baby fever. I think it''d be a good learning experience for them, and I feel very comfortable around them too. I really don''t want much of an audience, though. I hate being in the spotlight, like most of you mentioned.

I always wonder how the women on a ''Baby Story'' (TLC) feel with all those people in the delivery room, and CAMERAS, shooting live footage right up the vajajay. Especially the episodes where the woman is spreadeagled with one person holding on to one of her feet, and shouting PUSH!! while everybody stares expectantly at your vagina. That''s scary!! I''m really private and would be vey freaked out by that.
Is that how it''s really going to be?? Is this another thing we just have to get used to as women??
Short answer is YES... but, you really won''t care that much by that point I can tell you. I don''t know about in the USA, but here they do try to allow you a few vestiges of dignity - ie not using stirrups and only doing the minimum number of internals during labour. But when it comes to the pushing part you will use everything there is - I actually wanted the stirrups at that point as it was something to push against.

Once the OBs turned up to find out why the baby wasn''t descending all dignity went out the window though, but if you end up needing stitches and have some guy sitting there sewing your vajayjay back together for 45 minutes, well... lets just say that pap tests will be a breeze after that.

I wanted my DH there with me, but frankly before I got the epidural I had no real concept of who was there and after I got it I just sat and chatted like I normally would. Our feeling was that we both wanted to be there when she was born - and thank goodness he was as he had to look after her for the first hour or so as I was pretty much unconcious.


Feb 27, 2006
On husbands and bellies - my DH first felt the baby move a good couple of weeks after my best friend did, as whenever I''d ask him to try to feel he''d say "Oh, I''m sure I''ll feel him eventually." And then we got in a fight on the day that George was born because DH kept hanging out in the other room playing video games, because (he said that) he knew that he''d have to spend a crazy amount of time tending to George eventually so he wanted to get his fun time in while he could. But they''re best buddies now. It''s frustrating when they don''t connect the way that we do, but I really wouldn''t worry.

On people in the room and telling people - I''m really glad that it was just us for the vast majority of labor and just us and the middies for the rest, although I think next time my mom''s going to be invited so that she can watch George and we can concentrate on me. But at the same time I was fine with a midwife I''d never met before helping to catch George. I didn''t care at all that they saw everything - the emotions in the room were much more important to me than the physical and visual aspects of what was going on, and everyone was very supportive and grounding and patient.

We didn''t tell anyone other than the middies, a couple of colleagues (I missed work, so I had to), and some of the grandmas with samples at Costco that I was in labor. And PS, of course.
It felt a lot more private to me, and like I wasn''t under anybody''s clock. I actually stopped posting on PS not because I was in that bad of pain or anything, but because I felt like I wanted to retreat from everyone. Kind of like animals do when they go into labor and find a dark corner to hide in, I suppose. We sent a picture message to all our parents about an hour after he was born, once we had decided for sure on his name. We thought it would be the most equal way possible of letting them know - my parents are divorced and my dad can get kind of competitive. I didn''t realize that it''s hard to get picture messages on iphones, though, so my dad didn''t end up knowing until I called him the next morning! I tihnk that Robbie might have found out before he did, as she texted me to see what was going on.

Sabine - ditto what DD said about positions. And very cute nursery!


Sep 13, 2008
SABINE- loooove your nursery! its absolutely beautiful! and the doggie on carpet pic is priceless


Jan 20, 2006
Hello girls! Sorry I''ve been MIA!

Sabine, love the nursery!!!...I hope the little on decides to come soon

I won''t even attempt to catch up because I will fail miserably!! I had a friend visiting for the past week so it''s been hard to keep up!

Regarding the belly rubbing. I really haven''t had any complete strangers grabbing the belly I don''t know how I would act (I most likely I would actually just smile and back away slowly!). I actually don''t mind people that I know rubbing my belly, but do appreciate the advance notice "can I touch?" or something to that effect

I''m doing really good! Went to an ultrasound this past Sunday and the babies are growing strong!

Baby A is 1 lb 12 oz and Baby B is 1 lb 11 oz :)

That was at 24 weeks 4 days, so they''re measuring way ahead of the average, which is great!. The peri is also really happy with how I''m if the specialist is happy, I''m happy!

I got some stuff from Etsy and will post pictures once we have it up! I am dying to finish the nursery ASAP...I''m just getting so big I''m afraid I will start getting very uncomfortable very soon!. At the Dr''s appointment they measured me and I measured 31 weeks!! (so over 7 weeks ahead!

Good night everyone! I promise to do better at catching up next time



Jan 20, 2006
and here is a pic from a couple of days ago...

ETA: Sorry that's kind of tiny!!



Dec 9, 2008
Sabine- love the nursery! You did a great job!

Mandarine- you look absolutely fantastic!


Nov 18, 2004
Love your nursery Sabine... looks great!!

Mandarine, look at you!!! You look terrific... So cute!!!! How are you feeling??


Apr 26, 2007
Sabine, your nursery is delightful (and the "doggie rug" is so cute it is ridonkulous)!

Mandarine, your belly - gorgeous! I love seeing belly shots ....


Nov 15, 2005
Date: 7/22/2009 11:45:24 AM
Author: AmberWaves
Eeee, don''t remind me! We have done NOTHING in the storage room we''ll use as a nursery! We haven''t picked out the paint color, nor have we registered. Eeeeeeeeeek.

Well at least you have a name for the bebe! (And a very cute one too!) We have nada


Jan 20, 2006
Thanks guys!!!

Thanks!!! I''m feeling really good!. Just some back pain but that''s pretty much about it. I really can''t complain, the boys are being good to me!



Apr 12, 2006
Hi ladies! Sorry I have been MIA for a while now. I do have some news though...

Adam was born on his due date 7/19/09 at 8:28 p.m. via emergency C-section. I''ll post my birth story later, but he was 7 lbs 8.9 oz, 20 inches long. I couldn''t believe his size especially since I am so small, but we are both totally in love with our little man. We just made it home from the hospital yesterday and the recovery for me has been pretty tough. Luckily my husband and mom have been a great help so far. My milk have finally come in today, so we''ll see how breastfeeding will go for us. I''ll post a picture of him up soon.

I hope everyone is doing well with your pregnancies.


Feb 27, 2008
Hello everyone... today is my husband''s birthday and last night he got an early present.... a BFP :) I posted the story in the TTC thread but let''s just say that although we were TTC we thought we had missed it this month due to me being OOT.

I need some quick "just found out" advice from you ladies.... should I go ahead and call my Dr. to make my first appointment? How far along am I considered? My period was due today (CD31) and I ovulated on CD 15. I guess my confusion is from the whole 4 weeks (date of last period) versus 2 weeks (date of ovulation)... which is the most common measurement?

I''m feeling pretty crampy today but I know that some of that is normal....I''m not really feeling sick yet or anything but I have had moments during the past week where I did feel somewhat sick but it passed. It was enough to make me wonder "what if" but i really didn''t think there was a chance. This was our 2nd month trying. I spent Friday evening at happy hour (3 beers over a couple of hours) and Sunday at an amusement park riding roller coasters. I''m hoping that it was all too early to do any damage...obviously I won''t be doing either of those things from now on.

This whole thing just feels unreal at this point... we were TTC and so we were wanting this but now that it''s happened we are a little shocked. I''m sure it will start to sink in during the next several months but right now I''m going back and forth between excitement and panic
I don''t want to get too excited because I know it''s still very very early and you never know what may happen.

Congratulations radiantgirl!!!


Oct 6, 2004
Congratulations radiantgirl! I am so happy for you! Welcome Adam! I can''t wait to hear your birth story and see pictures!


Jan 20, 2006
Congrats Radiant!!! Can''t wait to see the little one!!!

Apple, congrats again!!!
. The most common measurement is last missed period. I found out we were pregnant on Saturday and had my first appointment on Tuesday
. They didn''t do much, other than pee on a stick again, get some blood and talk to the Dr. Re alcohol, I wouldn''t worry about what you had in those very very early days!...and don''t worry about the roller coaster either!. My sister did scuba diving and bumjee jumping (sp?) before knowing she was pregnant...and my nephew is a handsome healthy 6 year old


Mar 22, 2008
I liked the way my husband and I planned out the first doctor visits.

We went to our regular doctor (GP) for the pee test about 1 week after the hpt.

But we waited a while to go to a pregnancy doctor, I thought I was 9 weeks along by the time we saw the new doctor and when we had the u/s you could actually tell it was a baby and not just a blob. I wound up being really 10 weeks along.


Feb 27, 2008
Thanks! I decided to go ahead and call the Dr''s office since I''m sure they get these sorts of calls all the time. The appointment is Aug. 5. She said they like the patient to be around 6 weeks.

The freaked out feeling is already fading and the excitement is kicking in
I''m just so afraid that something will happen... I know the statistics on early miscarriage and I want to be realistic about it.


Jul 23, 2007
Congrats, Applequeen! My first appt. was also at 6 weeks. Basically, I just met the doctor, peed in a cup, and gave a blood sample.


Feb 27, 2008
Date: 7/23/2009 9:43:51 AM
Author: Mandarine
Congrats Radiant!!! Can''t wait to see the little one!!!

Apple, congrats again!!!
. The most common measurement is last missed period. I found out we were pregnant on Saturday and had my first appointment on Tuesday
. They didn''t do much, other than pee on a stick again, get some blood and talk to the Dr. Re alcohol, I wouldn''t worry about what you had in those very very early days!...and don''t worry about the roller coaster either!. My sister did scuba diving and bumjee jumping (sp?) before knowing she was pregnant...and my nephew is a handsome healthy 6 year old
BTW...thanks for putting my mind at ease about the drinking and rollercoasters. I guess this explains why I felt a little sick after riding a few (I never get motion sickness)

Congratulations on the twins! I have a special fascination with twins being one myself
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