
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


Mar 21, 2006
Thanks everyone for all your thoughts... It is definitely a comfort to be able to type to people in internet land. Though I do find myself wishing that some of my closer friends from my past were not 1000s of miles away. There are some things that are just hard to discuss over the phone or email.

Dreamer, I do think that my analytical side is ... how to say ... not upsetting me any additional amount because its saying 1 miscarriage is totally normal and kind of backing off and letting emotional response be sad but not too anxious or worried because its a normal event. Also I am glad it happened as early as it did and when I was still adjusting to the baby-is-coming idea. It must only get harder, and its hard enough to adapt to being suddenly not pregnant and letting go of the dream of baby due in February.

Lurking for a while has also helped - watching others go through this, especially as miscarriage and particularly early miscarriage are not discussed as much IRL. As has the reassurance of all the lovely ladies (robbie, lysser, radiant whom have gone on to successful pregnancies after initial misses!

Vizsla - I meant to write earlier, in addition to cute midway-through sized belly along with Mandarine, that I was excited to see that you are blond and thus not my boss! OK, it would be exciting if my boss were pregnant but a little weird for us both to be pricescoping and simultaneously on the preggo thread. Though she does not appear to be a diamond person, she has a beautiful vizsla.

NYCSparkle, congrats on your Sofia! Also can''t wait to hear Robbie and Ebree''s birth stories when they get a chance.


Aug 16, 2007
Cara, glad to hear from you and hope you continue to find support wherever you can. Still thinking of you!

Vis, Phoenix, Mandarine, I''ve got a cute dh story for ya! Normally I have to nag him and nag him to do baby stuff for me (like put together stuff), but not only did he have the entire nursery set up for me when I moved, he also did the pnp on his own without me mentioning it! And this past weekend was his last weekend off before starting his intern year. Well, BRU just happened to call to say our rocker/glider was in while we were out at target on Saturday, so I convinced him to pick it up. He got all upset when we got home, asking if I expected him to put it together right away. I decided to back off and say he could do it whenever he wanted. He didn''t do it Saturday, and on Sunday I was thinking to myself that I was a little worried because he is really going to have almost NO free time now. Well, Sunday evening, out of nowhere, I thought he was playing his video game in the other room and I go back to ask what he wants for dinner, and he''s putting together the rocker! I was seriously impressed and happy!

NYCsparkle, you sneaky girl you, CONGRATS AND WELCOME to little Sophia! Can''t wait to see pictures!

LIA, thanks for the opinion on the topical steroids. I will definitely be calling my dr. today...although I can''t decide if I should call my regular doc. or the one at maternal fetal medicine who manages my GD...

Siamese Kitty, congrats and welcome! My ms was pretty constant, but I think it can come and go for lots of people! The first tri is definitely filled with lots of insane worrying. goodness are you getting close! Can''t wait to meet your little girl! How are you feeling?

Lysser, congrats on passing the 3 hour!

China...don''t make me any closer than I have to be....=) No really, I''m definitely getting ready to have this lo! How about you, are you feeling more prepared or panicked as it gets closer?

Radiantgirl, so excited to meet your little boy! How are you feeling?

Sunkist, glad you had fun!

I''m still itching like crazy over here and definitely calling my doctor today. I also survived dh''s first day/night of work (on his first night, he was on call, so he worked from 6 AM yesterday till sometime this afternoon), and he''ll be on call every 3rd night for this rotation which is a month long. I definitely miss him, and our poor pup was so sad looking for him all night. I think it''s just hitting me how hard this year is going to be for dh, and for me being home alone so much with the baby. Not all rotations have this much call, but some definitely do. During orientation they told us to feel free to come visit on the evenings they are on call, bring dinner, etc., but dh literally only had 2 minutes to call me at about 5 last night and then another 5 minutes around 11. Oh well, at least this crazy schedule is only for a year!


Aug 23, 2005
cara - i often get a little freaked out - thinking that someone from work is lurking on here and discovering my identity :razz: i totally get it - i think i'm sooooo anonymous but the world is so much smaller than we think :) however, if i *was* your boss i'd run over and give you a big (((hug))) :)

cc and s kitty... my last post came out wrong... i didn't mean that now if you don't have ms that you should be worried... i should have said that every time my ms went away i worried too. but it would come back etc. and i would welcome it and hate it at the same time
but i concur with cc - nothing to worry about :)

update on paint color no:184,749,830,495 - DH and i got into a total color argument last night (so much for relieving stress). i bought an amy coe bedding set eons ago (b/c it was 75% off!!!) and - luckily - i still love it. my vision has always been a green and brown room. my favorite color is green, our wedding colors were green and brown... and i've yet to paint a wall in my home green! i thought this would be the perfect opportunity, but DH has this grey and yellow vision. in his defense, i do have a knack for picking the exact wrong shade of every color, but i know what i like. however, DH won't let this grey/yellow combo go. i think it's too much with the white trim, brown bedding, yellow and grey walls.. bleh! so while we did measure out the crib, dresser etc. and did some imaginary furniture placement.. we're at a total crossroads for color. here is *my* inspiration :)



May 18, 2008
LittleL-Congrats on passing the three hour! That''s exciting news (even if you did have to drink the juice again

China-There were so many waddling women all over the tour that I don''t think anyone would notice lol. The best part is that there was a family who had a beautiful little girl just two days prior and we got to walk out with them as they were leaving the hospital. She was such a beautiful girl and so tiny.

Cara-You sound very strong and my heart goes out to you.

Sabine-I''m feeling ok. I think the exhausation has really hit hard especially since I don''t sleep anymore. I just take naps. You''re really close too! That schedule does sound hard but a year goes by really quickly. Will he get to choose his own schedule after?


Aug 17, 2007
Radiant- Fun, another boy! I admit I did go check the preggos in waiting list and saw you''re having a boy. Lots of us around here! Any names? And I''m so glad there''s a few more ahead of me than I thought! How are you feeling?

Sabine- I''m not really ready either, still a bit freaked out. It feels like it just came up all of a sudden, doesn''t it? Not being pregnant, I''ve become totally used to that and actually like it, but being this close to labor. It has seemed like this far off thing for so long, and now it''s looming. I''m kinda scared. And I''m scared of the first month. I know it will be ok, I know everyone just does it, and I know it will be worth it- but the unknown kind of unnerves me. That sucks about your DH''s schedule. You will get through it of course, and luckily it''s only a year, but it still sucks. My DH was supposed to start trial 3 weeks before my due date, which would have meant the same thing- I basically wouldn''t have seen him for a few months. Of course he would be there for the birth and a day or two. Now he''ll get to take a week or two off. Of course, it got pushed till October, so I will be commiserating with you then when we''re both home with crying newborns and no daddys in sight.

V- Don''t remember what I said about the ms, but wasn''t responding to you at all, so no worries. I have to say, I''m not quite into the grey and yellow. I really think your green and brown is more soothing, plus you can easily add other accents (pink, blue, lavendar, orange). I love modern color and design, so I see where he''s coming from with the yellow and grey, but I just think it''s harder to work with and you might get tired of it. Then again, yellow can be very soothing if done right. Hmmm. I was going to do a grey crib but once I saw it in person, I really think it''s just too "grey". I was against a white crib, but that''s what we got and I am SO happy we did, it is really crisp and clean in the baby room. Of course, all that being said, if I was having a girl I would do pink and grey. Anyways, put your pregnant wife foot down and tell DH you have to have the baby, you will be spending all your time in the nursery, so you get to choose.
If that doesn''t work, try to cry. Kidding of course (kinda). My DH totally has all of these opinions about the baby room, mostly about the glider, and I''m just like if YOU are going to spend all of your time in this glider, then you can decide but since it will be ME, I''m getting the comfy one.


Mar 16, 2005
Congrats Robbie and NYC!!!!

I had my 9 week appointment today. Okay, I have gained 8 POUNDS already. How in the world does this happen? I have been sooo sick, so I am eating literally half of what I usually eat. I am however, drinking lots of Sprite b/c it makes me feel better, but 8 lbs. worth? Very discouraging....I am really gonna have to watch it. Anyway, all was well at my appointment today. The doc. moved my due date up a week to Jan 25th because I was told after my last pregnancy and complications to never go into labor again. I''m trying to decide if I''m going to get the screenings done. Part of me thinks, well I wouldn''t abort if anything showed up, so why even do it and part of me thinks I would like to know beforehand so I could be prepared. Did most everyone here have the screening? Anyway, hope everyone is doing well!


Oct 18, 2005
steph - 8 pounds in 9 weeks? You''ll have to give me your secret because at 14 weeks I have yet to gain a pound and keep it on! My tummy''s growing nicely though so I''m not too worried. I didn''t have the screening done, I''m afraid I can''t really help you on that one.

So, I had my blood drawn this morning and it went so badly they said they might have to call me back. I drank tons of fluids and even walked part of the way to the hospital to get some blood pumping, but no... I bleed more when I cut myself chopping onions than when they stick a needle in my veins!


Jan 20, 2006
Hi everyone!!!

Viz love the inspiration!!! Sorry about the color disagreement...but I agree that green would be better

LL Congrats on passing!!!!

Steph I wouldn''t worry about the weight if your Dr isn;t concerned! Regarding testing, I did it just to be prepared and have piece of a matter of fact I just got my results today!

So I did the sequential testing (I know for twins is nto always accurate). My Dr assured me they account for the fact that it''s twins when calculating the results. In any case...I went to the Dr today and got the results!. First the Dr just said "negative"...I said...well, what are the numbers!??? (I am an engineer after all!). So it came out to 1/5000 for Down syndorme (range for my age group is 1/530) and I think 1/1600 for neural defects...which are grest results!
. So I am happy

On other happy news, the babies moved a bit to the left this morning (thank GOD!)...they have been mostly hanging out on my right side (both of them) which has been killing my back. Tis morning my belly seemed to be more even, so I think they moved a bit...hopefully that will help!
(DH says they moved because of the "talk" he had with them last night!...hehe)

And to the dreaded "weight"...well..I''m still pretty much right on track!. I''ve gained 24 lbs (22 weeks tomorrow). The specialist wanted me to gain an average of 1 lb per I''m only 2 lbs off (which I gained not this month butthe last after our trip to Chicago...oooops!). So it''s a LOT of weight and I still have emotional issues attached to that (I''m getting better though!), but I''m happy since the Drs are happy and the babies are always measuring ahead



May 18, 2008
Steph-You''re doing great. I wouldn''t even worry about the weight gain. I''ve gained a lot of weight and I''m not worried about it right now. My focus is to get fit after the baby arrives so that I have energy to run after her lol

Anchor-Sorry it didn''t go well. Hopefully they got what they need and you don''t have to go through it again!

Mandy-Yay for the great results
Those boys are doing well!


I''ve been feeling some lower ab cramping but I don''t think its contractions because the cramping won''t go away. I know contractions in early labor is supposed to be anywhere between 30 to 70 seconds but I swear I''ve felt this cramping all day today so I can''t even time it. I think it may just be all the pressure. I guess time will tell


Mar 21, 2006
Sabine- I wanted to say good luck with your DH''s new schedule and that Q3 is oodles worse than Q4. And your DH will learn. He may be more burnt out as the year goes on, but he will be more efficient and smarter and thus the job will not be quite the disaster that is one''s first month on a Q3 rotation. Also for me at least, surviving my husband''s residency was about figuring out how to balance supporting him and supporting myself. Obviously harder when also taking care of a newborn, but your DH is going to have a hard year no matter what and while it may seem counterintuitive, it will be even worse for you both if you also have an awful year trying to support him. When I found myself resentful b/c I had stayed home from a fun event waiting to see him but he was hours late and then useless for human companionship when he did come home, or when I went out of my way to bring dinner to his team only to eat by myself in the call room AGAIN watching everyone else''s food get cold, it was time to pull back a bit from the supporting role. You may not feel excited to go socialize with the other wives this late in your pregnancy, but I am guessing that the connections now will help a bit later when the baby comes and there are just going to be days when your husband is not available, as much as he might want to be. What''s his specialty? And good luck with getting something for the itching - I remember my cousin describing the climbing the walls with the itchy pregnant disease and then being so relived when her doctor finally gave her something - but almost annoyed that she hadn''t gotten anything sooner!


Mar 15, 2005
Coming out of lurkdom for Sabine - I just finished 5 years of anesthesia residency. My first year was a rotating internship year, and I also had some really busy and some really slack rotations. Team medicine sucked - I''m not a fan of internal medicine, and didn''t like the 1-in-3 call. At least I was home by noon the next day. The only thing that made it bearable was that the whole team was on call, so there''d be a senior resident (R2), 3 juniors (one was totally useless), and 1-2 med students. That was the only rotation I didn''t bring my own dinners for call, because we always ordered take-out. I have to say that it was crazy busy, and no one ever had their partner stop by for a visit. Same with General Surgery - very busy call, usually up most of the night doing consults (on my own that time).

All my call was very unpredictable. The only rotation I think DH was ever able to come by with takeout and have a hope of eating with me was during my pediatric anesthesia rotation, where there wasn''t often much action after hours. There also weren''t any ward patients to look after, nor were there many consults to do. It''s very difficult to have any quality time on call, and I felt mighty guilty when he''d come over and I''d have 10min with him before my beeper went off and I''d have to run. Most of my rotations, I''d be able to have a 5-10min chat with him at night, but even that wasn''t always the case.

So I''m going to bet that your DH will probably have to fend for himself as best he can, even if you want to be the fantastic wife and look after him on call. What I really loved was that DH always let me take whatever dinner leftovers we had to work, whether I was on call or not, because a hot home-cooked meal in the middle of the day or night could always lift my spirits. This final year with me studying like mad for my exams, he took over a lot of the housework and cooking, and brought in take out a lot of the time. I couldn''t have survived without him.

So be sure to check with him whether a visit is a good or bad thing - it might just add to his stress levels on certain rotations, and fuel the guilt that he''s not at home with you and baby. What he''ll really be grateful for is a few hours of peace and quiet to have a nap post-call and some tasty food to eat, if he''s anything like me.

Sorry to ramble. It''ll be tough, but you''ll get through it! The final exam year will be the worst, with a young child needing attention, and him needing a lot of time to study. My classmates'' kids all survived it though, and it hasn''t taken too long to get back to normal. (And the one of them was married to another doctor doing her exams at nearly the same time - not fun!)



Feb 12, 2006
Damn! I hit the back button on accident before I hit submit. Argh!

Anywho. . . ANCHOR. . . .

My Mum has bad veins from chemo and she not only drinks a lot of water, but also puts heat directly on the area that she is going to have her blood drawn from. The heat helps a bunch. She just uses the reheatable heating pad things.

I feel for you, you poor thing. It''s always so sad to see her get her blood drawn because it''s always so difficult. The heat seems to really help.


Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Anchor - I have the same problem with my veins, but they nearly always manage to get somewhere using the veins in my hand and a tiny needle with a tube thing on it. Torniquets plus heat helps.

I just have a horrible time because EVERYONE who tries to take blood from me is convinced that they will be able to
; end result: Pandora looks like a pincushion and has bruises for days...


Nov 20, 2006
steph the weight gain is fine, don''t be discouraged. and remember, this isn''t your first go at it. is you bump coming out yet? i did do the screenings, only because it was mandated in CA, and you''re basically doing it, unless you opt out of it. it was seriously non-invasive at all, the NT scan anyways. i hope you start to feel better!!


Mar 20, 2003
Steph, I had gained 7 pounds by week 9 (but the doctor doesn''t know . . . shhh . . . since that was my first appointment at the ob/gyn). I''m getting weighed for my 24 week tomorrow appointment tomorrow (gulp), and I''m guessing it will be about a pound a week for me (gawd I hope it''s not more!). I had gained 19 pounds at 20 weeks, but 8 of them were in four weeks prior, and if I have gained 8 pounds again I will . . . ok, I will try to remain calm. I''m trying not to freak out and to eat healthy and exercise to a reasonable degree. The cruel joke is that every time I do my workout, it gets harder as I get bigger and heavier. I feel like there should be a Greek myth about a woman who tries to maintain her health and yet gets larger and clumsier each day . . .


Nov 14, 2004
Date: 6/30/2009 5:37:37 PM
Author: puffy
steph the weight gain is fine, don''t be discouraged. and remember, this isn''t your first go at it. is you bump coming out yet? i did do the screenings, only because it was mandated in CA, and you''re basically doing it, unless you opt out of it. it was seriously non-invasive at all, the NT scan anyways. i hope you start to feel better!!

Ditto. I am only doing it b/c it got mandated in CA. I didn''t do for the first pregnancy. I guess it''s good to know, but like everything baby, it''s probably not something you can totally be prepared for. Good luck on deciding.


Aug 17, 2007
MRS- That website is hysterical, and right up my alley lately! Thanks!

Steph- You know this, but don''t worry about the weight gain. Some gain a lot right away and then slow down, while others don''t gain any at first and then pack it on later. Remember, your body is just doing what it needs to do. Has this pregnancy been different from your first so far? As for the testing- I did the NF test at 12 weeks but didn''t do anything further. I had just assumed I would do the amnio since I am 35, but doing the NF test first was my compromise and the numbers were good enough I didn''t choose to do the amnio. It is nothing, you get an u/s and have some blood drawn. A lot of people don''t do it though.


Jan 20, 2006
I''m super excited!!!!!!!!!!

My sister is throwing my shower and is keeping everything a surprise!!...Today she finished the invites and sent me a picture so I see them before the guests do...


I''m so grateful to her...she''s putting so much thought and effort into this

What do you guys think??



Nov 18, 2004
those invites are just adorable!
such a nice and thoughtful sister you have to put so much effort into your shower.


Nov 17, 2004
Date: 6/30/2009 8:07:11 AM
Author: Sabine
I''m still itching like crazy over here and definitely calling my doctor today. I also survived dh''s first day/night of work (on his first night, he was on call, so he worked from 6 AM yesterday till sometime this afternoon), and he''ll be on call every 3rd night for this rotation which is a month long. I definitely miss him, and our poor pup was so sad looking for him all night. I think it''s just hitting me how hard this year is going to be for dh, and for me being home alone so much with the baby. Not all rotations have this much call, but some definitely do. During orientation they told us to feel free to come visit on the evenings they are on call, bring dinner, etc., but dh literally only had 2 minutes to call me at about 5 last night and then another 5 minutes around 11. Oh well, at least this crazy schedule is only for a year!

Delurking for a minute- UGH Sabine, I feel for you and your hubby. Q3 is heinous
(Think I have two months worth this year.) I was an intern last year and probably MUCH less busy than your hubby is going to be. And my husband only came to the hospital ONCE and had lunch with me. It''s just so difficult to plan down time, make your family drive all of the way there, and then be pulled off into patient stuff. But it will get better as the year goes on, like cara mentioned. He will become much more efficient and then he will be able to call you for 10 minutes
Speaking of your poor pooch, my dog is taking an extended vacation with my parents because my working so much has given her severe anxiety. The joys of medicine......Hang in there- it sounds like you two are in for a wild ride this year with the baby coming!


Nov 15, 2005
Date: 6/30/2009 6:57:11 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Date: 6/30/2009 5:37:37 PM

Author: puffy

steph the weight gain is fine, don''t be discouraged. and remember, this isn''t your first go at it. is you bump coming out yet? i did do the screenings, only because it was mandated in CA, and you''re basically doing it, unless you opt out of it. it was seriously non-invasive at all, the NT scan anyways. i hope you start to feel better!!

Ditto. I am only doing it b/c it got mandated in CA. I didn''t do for the first pregnancy. I guess it''s good to know, but like everything baby, it''s probably not something you can totally be prepared for. Good luck on deciding.
I didn''t know the screenings were mandated in CA. My doctor gave me the choice and I opted not to have them! I guess it''s probably too late now. I didn''t want the worry. I figured if everything is going well in the pregnancy, we''ll be fine. Do you know when it was mandated and what tests?


Nov 14, 2004
Date: 6/30/2009 8:33:37 PM
Author: sunkist
Date: 6/30/2009 6:57:11 PM
I didn''t know the screenings were mandated in CA. My doctor gave me the choice and I opted not to have them! I guess it''s probably too late now. I didn''t want the worry. I figured if everything is going well in the pregnancy, we''ll be fine. Do you know when it was mandated and what tests?

I think the state is calling it 1st tri screening, which consists of the NT scan and two corresponding blood tests. It was mandated this April, I think.


Aug 16, 2007
Anchor, sorry to hear about not having luck with the blood draws!

Steph, definitely don''t worry about the weight gain. Have you seen one of my bump pics? I''m HUGE, and baby is measuring 2.5 weeks ahead, but I''ve only gained about 20 lbs total. The actual numbers don''t mean much.

Mandy, adorable invites!

Thanks to Cara, Dr. K, and Icekid for chiming in about dh''s schedule! Unfortunately, although I am confident this year will get better as he gets used to it, I have a feeling this year will be better than the next few to come! Because he''s in the Navy, after doing his transition/intern year this year, instead of finishing his residency in radiology, he will be doing Navy specific work in either flight medicine, undersea medicine, or just being a general physician on a boat for 3-4 years, punctuated with periods of him being deployed and us moving as much as every year. THEN he will do the rest of his residency... People have said we''re crazy for starting a family this year, but we figured this year would be our best option once we decided that there was no way we were waiting until he was done with all the Navy stuff, so anytime it gets tough, I''ll just need to keep telling myself that if I wasn''t doing this I would have had to be childless for 4 more years.

And if I haven''t been complaining enough lately, I think I''ve developed a SECOND rash that is different from PUPPS. This one is on my hands, feet, and arms, and consists of small, not very red bumps that are itchy and spreading, but not nearly as blotchy as the PUPPS rash, and anti-itch cream does help. The nurse finally called me back and said the dr. wants to refer me to a dermatologist, which I think is probably the best thing right now.


Nov 15, 2005
Date: 6/30/2009 8:49:08 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Date: 6/30/2009 8:33:37 PM

Author: sunkist

Date: 6/30/2009 6:57:11 PM

I didn''t know the screenings were mandated in CA. My doctor gave me the choice and I opted not to have them! I guess it''s probably too late now. I didn''t want the worry. I figured if everything is going well in the pregnancy, we''ll be fine. Do you know when it was mandated and what tests?

I think the state is calling it 1st tri screening, which consists of the NT scan and two corresponding blood tests. It was mandated this April, I think.

Ohhh. Huh, I guess I just missed that then, and that''s fine with me! :) My first appt was before then and I had already opted out.

Mandy your invites are soooo cute! Love the birdies! Your sister did a great job.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Steph - seriously don''t stress on the weight gain! In the UK they don''t bother weighing us at all as it causes anxiety and nothing else.

Other than when I had severe m/s I ate the same as usual - and the same as I do now and I managed to gain nearly SEVENTY POUNDS - starting out at 134lbs and 5ft 10". Most of it went on in the last 6 weeks - it was scary - and I think was almost all water since I lost nearly 50lbs in 10 days after the birth...

Six weeks post-baby and I''ve got 6lbs to go and I''m back in all my pre-preggo clothes (apparently I look like I used to although now with rather bigger boobs - could they be the extra 6lbs???
) and that is with zero exercise...


Oct 19, 2005
Mandarine, those are the cutest invites! Your sister did a great job!!

Sabine: You sure are suffering! It sounds a lot like this:

Prurigo gestationis

Another harmless but potentially annoying pregnancy rash is called prurigo of pregnancy, or prurigo gestationis, which appears as many tiny bumps that look like bug bites, usually on the hands, feet, arms and legs, although they can develop anywhere on the body. Prurigo of pregnancy can occur any time during your pregnancy, but it is more common during the second half and affects about 1 in 300 pregnant women. Although there is no cure for the condition, the itching can be relieved with topical cortisone or antihistamines and the rash usually resolves soon after delivery.

I did the first tri screening, a bunch of worrying that went with it. Honestly, I would have worried if I didn''t have them done! I''m such a worrier.

LL: Yay on passing the 3 hr!!

Fiery: hi!!


Mar 16, 2005
Thanks for all the encouragement regarding the weight gain, guys. It''s not that I''m really that worried about it, it just puzzles me how I could have put on so much weight already when I am eating so much less. Oh well, I am eating 3 healthy meals a day, so I am doing what''s right for the baby and that''s all that matters.

Thanks also for all the responses/opinions on the tests. I am still mulling it over, but as of right now, I think I am going to not do the test. It just seems like added stress right now. The doctor said they will look for abnormalities at my 20 week ultrasound anyway, so I think I am good with that. Thanks again!

I am up at midnight tonight because of sever heartburn. I was so sick, the only thing I ate for dinner was a bowl of chicken soup, so I don''t know why I would have it so bad....yuck. I was just just laying there listening to hubby snore away, so I came in the office. Sorry I''m having a downer of a day, but between the sickness and the heartburn and lack of sleep, it makes it tough. 30 more weeks seems like a long ways away from now! Goodnight everyone!


Aug 16, 2007
Steph, I forgot to add that I opted out of the test as well. I went through the same reasoning you did...we knew we wouldn''t terminate, but were thinking, do we want to know so we can prepare ourselves, or do we just not want to know? I probably would have gone overboard in worry mode if I had done the test, and dh was pretty much against it, so that made the decision easier. Sorry to hear about the heartburn. I''ve found that all food, not just typical ones, can give me heartburn, but taking some tums usually does the trick for me, so I have a container by my bed, in my purse, and basically all over the house.

Amber, thank you so much for the info. on my other rash! I hadn''t really found anything and was starting to worry, but hearing that it''s just another annoying pregnancy thing that doesn''t really mean anything really helps ease my mind. How have you been feeling?


Oct 19, 2005
Hey Sabine! I''m glad I could help! I''m going well, just waiting for that big ultrasound on Tuesday. I still don''t think I''m feeling movement, which is a little weird, but all in all- I''m good! I hope you feel better soon- it sounds like you''re really getting hit with all the crummy pregnancy issues, you poor thing.
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