
August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant!


Dec 16, 2007
I have been fortunate enough this week to enjoy the company of two amazing diamonds.

Comparing them is really like comparing two of the finest cars, or two of the finest vintages of wine, or, as my husband says, like comparing Angelina Jolie to Drew Barrymore ;)) Different but equally beautiful! It is an amazing treat to have both of these diamonds in my possession. Alas, I will not be keeping them both.

I took some *very* preliminary photos tonight that I can share with you. I can also share my thoughts on the difference between these two powerhouse cuts, and also the difference between a J colored RB and an M colored AVC!

The diamonds:

  • 1.67ct J VS1 Brain Gavin Diamonds Signature Hearts and Arrows diamond, approx 7.65mm in diameter
  • 1.64ct M SI1 Good Old Gold August Vintage Cushion, approx 7mm square

Some photos first, I will take better ones in the next few days when I have some more time and better lighting, but these are a nice start.

Then I will post my thoughts!
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

OOOOHHHHH where are the pictures??? I have really been wanting to see a M AVC. I think that color would be DEVINE, a nice anitque creamy white.

Can not wait to see.... hurry!!!
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

Refreshing, refreshing, refreshing. :lol:
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

First, an ode to the beauty of the AVC. Photos taken in early evening in indirect light, clear sky.

When outdoors with indirect light, this is what the AVC looks like all the time: Bright, white, pastels. Simply gorgeous.




Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

The first of the comparison pictures.

These pictures were taken under a tree in the same indirect evening light. My goal here was to try to document size comparison as well as the different ways that the AVC and the RB reflect environmental colors.

Regarding size, in my opinion the two look the same size on my hand. Although the RB is larger in diameter than the AVC is in length/width, the surface areas are actually very similar and subjectively, the two look the same sze on the hand to me. My husband thinks the RB looks slightly larger, though it may be a function of color (which I will discuss shortly).




Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

As you can see, both stones reflect the ambient colors, bu the AVC does so in bold chunks and the RB in splinters. In person, the color reflection is more obvious in the AVC because the facets are larger.

Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

Some close ups from the previous to better show the color reflections.




Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

Some fire shots. Taken at sunset!




Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

OK back tomorrow with more impressions and pictures! :wavey:

Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

oh wow! thanks for the pictures...can't wait to hear what you have to say about the comparison!
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

Amazing! It's so unbelievable that it shows so blazingly white in indirect light !

I'm assuming you're keeping it :naughty: Any plans on diving further down in the color spectrum too?
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

DD-I've been waiting for this thread. Can't wait ot hear what you you think/decide-) I know what I would pick ;))

P.S. i don't usually care for the stock tiff-style setting either but that one looks really nice with the claw prongs.
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

I love the AVC, are you getting rid of your RB? Did I miss something?
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

ack!! cliffhanger!!!! :errrr: ;)) :))

i can't wait to hear your thoughts dreamer! and i want to know how you could possibly get any sleep with those two stunning beauties under your roof? :cheeky:
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

These comparison pictures are great - don't know that we've ever seen them side by side like that. Lots of thoughts about them but for now I'll just say they are both beautiful diamonds.

I'm waiting on the next slide show!
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

The suspense is killing me! Awesome photos Dreamer! Can't wait to hear your impressions!
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

nice pictures... can't wait to hear about it!
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

Great pics!! I'm excited to hear what you will ultimately decide!!
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

Beautiful pictures Dreamer. I can't wait to hear more ...
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

I couldn't wait to see your photos Dreamer! I have wondered how a AVC would compare side by side with a round. I am anxious to hear your thoughts and what you are going to do. They are both beautiful stones.
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

Thank you for the pictures! Can't wait for the comparison! :D They are both beautiful! When you are done you may ship either to me, I won't complain! ;) ;) Looking forward to your impressions. :D
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

Glad you like them! I have some more to post, and especially ones to show the color difference which is *very* apparent in most lighting just in different ways. The color grades are real!

Gotta get the kids going, but for now let me add that I have absolutely not decided what I am going to do. Still percolating and getting to know this particular AVC.
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

Dreamer if you get a chance could you also post pictures of this AVC with your dream band? and maybe with your new baby ring?
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

How are you ever going to decide?!
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

AVCs are just so delicious to look at! :love: Both stones are gorgeous! By the way, what setting is the BGD stone in if you don't mind me asking?
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

Thank you for the comparison photos! Can't wait to see more and hear more of your thoughts. I love my I color square radiant but I am lusting after a larger AVC but would probably need to stick with K-M color to fit the budget.
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

slg47|1315237846|3010057 said:
Dreamer if you get a chance could you also post pictures of this AVC with your dream band? and maybe with your new baby ring?

I second this request!!!
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

AVC wins hands down for me :love: :love: :love:
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

Thank you so much for posting this! :)) I am hanging in suspense for more.
Re: August Vintage Cushion compared to a BGD Round Brilliant

Oh, Dreamer!!! You are killing me! It is like showing me my diamond next to a similar sized AVC, which is extremely helpful, by the way! I don't know about M color, but the shape of that AVC is just perfect! :love: