
Ask for full refund after waiting a YEAR+ for a setting?


Dec 3, 2011
swtnsxy7|1385254721|3561866 said:
I didn't know that my cell carrier could do that :D I was always under the impression you had to have a court order to get things like that (blonde moment I guess) I'll definitely look into that, between emails and texts I can prove this saga goes back till at least September of last year, and I feel like a year is WAAAYYY too long for this to go on, so I'll use that for now and try to contact my cell provider about the possibility of going back even further! Thank you for you advice!!

You may very well have to get a court order... but it can be done. If this was just a couple hundred bucks, then I'd say don't pursue -- but if Kay will not give you a refund, then a court order wouldn't be that difficult to obtain. It would be worth it to me, if necessary.


Sep 16, 2012
Just wanted to update if there's anyone out there :D We were told we would hear back from the DM by the beginning of the week following when we sent the email (we sent it on Nov. 20th) We waited until today (Dec. 3rd) and when we still NEVER received a response, we filed a complaint with the BBB - we were told it might take up to 30 business days- so FINGERS FROSSED!! :D
I just want this resolved. I found the perfect stone, if I have to repurchase that - so Im just anxious to be done with this diamond drama and finally have a ring on my finger and GET MARRIED to my love!! :love:
I'll update again if/when I hear anything
OH - my diamond FELL OUT AGAIN!!!! This time out of a temp setting (that looked like a paper weight the thing was so goddy) on the 25th - so as of right now the diamond is sitting in a box- uggghhhh - I also wanted the cert on my diamond as they NEVER gave it to me... and I asked for that on the 19th - it's Dec. 3rd and they still can't seem to locate the cert on the diamond. They offered to "send it off" and have the diamond recertified and put back in the temp setting but at this point - it's not worth it - I might try to add that in to my claim if they end up not being able to find it and don't return the money - I'd want reimbursement of the cost to recertify it....
I swear.....


Jan 11, 2006
I hope for the best for you, but I am sure you realize you made a major mistake upgrading that diamond for one you really didn't like. I can see how they may decide to refund you for the setting and not the diamond. Chain stores are obviously not the place to buy antique stones, as I guess you found out the hard way. Wish you had found PS much earlier. Good luck!


Sep 16, 2012
diamondseeker2006|1386088493|3566729 said:
I hope for the best for you, but I am sure you realize you made a major mistake upgrading that diamond for one you really didn't like. I can see how they may decide to refund you for the setting and not the diamond. Chain stores are obviously not the place to buy antique stones, as I guess you found out the hard way. Wish you had found PS much earlier. Good luck!

Diamondseeker2006 I definitely realize quite a bit of our "relationship" with them was a mistake :(sad - I feel the biggest mistake was continuing to use them after the initial 11 stones fell out - we should have asked for a refund then and ran for the hills. :rodent:
- Ive been around PS long enough to know better at least, but to be quite honest, I didn't think I'd ever be able to afford a diamond/setting from a vendor through here. We did however, contact Adam with OWD recently and have made steps towards doing this the right way, if and when we are finally able to do so. :bigsmile:
I know I shouldn't ever have accepted that antique stone I wasn't 100% happy with, but I felt left with no choice. It was an antique that I was 80% ok with, OR a modified cushion brilliant that I would have been 0% ok with - I thought I was at least making the better choice of the 2 - and lets be honest- if they would have gotten the setting done, oh I don't know - A YEAR AGO and the diamond was in the setting, I probably wouldn't mind AS MUCH - but every day I stare at it (when it was at least on my finger in the temp setting) and it drove me CRAZY and reminds me of them and all of this drama. :angryfire: Even my fiancé who had worked in similar companies before felt compelled to have to purchase that stone as they were only offering to exchange the diamond -- they had all our dollars :$$): , so it was choosing the lesser of the 2 evils lol - and more than anything - it's just crappy business - they could have told me from the beginning that they only contracted with one antique vendor and that the chances of finding what I wanted were slim- we could have cut our losses there, sold my initial 1.53 privately and moved on- but instead they assured me time and time again they could find me the perfect stone, which is the ONLY reason we went through with even upgrading. Im sure Im definitely naïve here in thinking they could accomplish the task, but definitely not at fault.
I think it's a realistic request to ask them to return our money after all we've been through with them... do I think it's realistic that they will actually do it, I don't know. Im preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. I mean, I just want a dang ring on my finger so I can walk down the aisle. :halo:
So much for the "happiest time of your life" they are making the ring part a nightmare! :evil:


Sep 16, 2012
Finally A Reply - is it good enough

So, we FINALLY- after 2 emails from me, 1 from the fiancé and a BBB report - we finally heard a response from Kays- they agreed that the setting fiasco was ridiculous and they will return it, but will not return the purchase of the diamond as it was upgraded more than once - but the reason it was upgraded more than once was due TO THEIR LACK OF DIAMOND CHOICES AND PRESSURE TACTICS - so, I ask you PS- is it a good deal, should I just take the refund on the setting, or press on for what I want, as the entire reason Im in this ENTIRE mess is because of the original ring they gave me lost 11 diamonds due to THEIR MISTAKE - what's your opinion?


Oct 25, 2012
stand want to start fresh and run away from Kay get it all back that is BS that you upgraded twice so you can refund. It is their negligance and poor diamond selection and your feeling that you had to settle. stand firm.


Sep 16, 2012
heididdl|1386793097|3572143 said:
stand want to start fresh and run away from Kay get it all back that is BS that you upgraded twice so you can refund. It is their negligance and poor diamond selection and your feeling that you had to settle. stand firm.

Thank you- :bigsmile: That's what I want to do as well... when I even wanted to upgrade in the beginning, the sales ladies told me they knew exactly what I wanted and it would be NO TROUBLE to bring in an antique or antique looking cut- no problem... yea, clearly it was a problem because I was stuck with a modern brilliant cut (no disrespect to those lovers out there) and then had to trade again, for finally this one- we wouldn't ever have traded 2 times if they had brought in what we asked for that was apparently 'no problem' from the beginning!
Thank you! I do feel like I should stand firm, it is after all, the first time they've reached out, after 2 years of this crap- they can give in a little more than just the setting cost- they definitely owe us that for 100% sure, no questions... I think my next step will be to let them know we are not changing our minds, we already decided what we wanted for the time, trouble and problems we've encountered. Not to mention wedding dates we've put off waiting on this ring to someday be on my finger!! Grrrrrrrrrrr :angryfire:


Sep 30, 2012
swtnsxy7|1386793781|3572159 said:
heididdl|1386793097|3572143 said:
stand want to start fresh and run away from Kay get it all back that is BS that you upgraded twice so you can refund. It is their negligance and poor diamond selection and your feeling that you had to settle. stand firm.

Thank you- :bigsmile: That's what I want to do as well... when I even wanted to upgrade in the beginning, the sales ladies told me they knew exactly what I wanted and it would be NO TROUBLE to bring in an antique or antique looking cut- no problem... yea, clearly it was a problem because I was stuck with a modern brilliant cut (no disrespect to those lovers out there) and then had to trade again, for finally this one- we wouldn't ever have traded 2 times if they had brought in what we asked for that was apparently 'no problem' from the beginning!
Thank you! I do feel like I should stand firm, it is after all, the first time they've reached out, after 2 years of this crap- they can give in a little more than just the setting cost- they definitely owe us that for 100% sure, no questions... I think my next step will be to let them know we are not changing our minds, we already decided what we wanted for the time, trouble and problems we've encountered. Not to mention wedding dates we've put off waiting on this ring to someday be on my finger!! Grrrrrrrrrrr :angryfire:
While part of me totally sees the need to stand firm and try to get what you want, the other part of me thinks that you should cut your losses and move on with the rest of your life. Can you plan the wedding and move forwards without the ring that you truly want on your finger? If so, you should keep fighting Kay's (especially since there's nothing more to lose on your part). However, if fighting them is going to delay the wedding even more and you want to get married and move on soon, I'd look for a nice setting for the diamond. I find that a setting can really make or break the the ring.

Do you have any pictures of the stone that you can share?


Sep 16, 2012
sortmon|1386794207|3572167 said:
swtnsxy7|1386793781|3572159 said:
heididdl|1386793097|3572143 said:
stand want to start fresh and run away from Kay get it all back that is BS that you upgraded twice so you can refund. It is their negligance and poor diamond selection and your feeling that you had to settle. stand firm.

Thank you- :bigsmile: That's what I want to do as well... when I even wanted to upgrade in the beginning, the sales ladies told me they knew exactly what I wanted and it would be NO TROUBLE to bring in an antique or antique looking cut- no problem... yea, clearly it was a problem because I was stuck with a modern brilliant cut (no disrespect to those lovers out there) and then had to trade again, for finally this one- we wouldn't ever have traded 2 times if they had brought in what we asked for that was apparently 'no problem' from the beginning!
Thank you! I do feel like I should stand firm, it is after all, the first time they've reached out, after 2 years of this crap- they can give in a little more than just the setting cost- they definitely owe us that for 100% sure, no questions... I think my next step will be to let them know we are not changing our minds, we already decided what we wanted for the time, trouble and problems we've encountered. Not to mention wedding dates we've put off waiting on this ring to someday be on my finger!! Grrrrrrrrrrr :angryfire:
While part of me totally sees the need to stand firm and try to get what you want, the other part of me thinks that you should cut your losses and move on with the rest of your life. Can you plan the wedding and move forwards without the ring that you truly want on your finger? If so, you should keep fighting Kay's (especially since there's nothing more to lose on your part). However, if fighting them is going to delay the wedding even more and you want to get married and move on soon, I'd look for a nice setting for the diamond. I find that a setting can really make or break the the ring.

Do you have any pictures of the stone that you can share?

Do I have any pictures of the stone .... hehehe - but of course! :D I'll upload a trillion right now!! :bigsmile:






Sep 16, 2012
A few more pics- the settings it's been in were the one that broke, the temp setting with bulky prongs and now its loose again as it fell out of the temp setting - but here's a few more pics - I know they aren't great quality, sorry :D






Jan 11, 2006
I would also attempt to get them to take back the diamond. I wouldn't let it drag on forever, but I would try. It doesn't look bad at all in the pictures, but you have nothing to lose to try!


Nov 25, 2002
Re: Finally A Reply - is it good enough

swtnsxy7|1386792718|3572136 said:
So, we FINALLY- after 2 emails from me, 1 from the fiancé and a BBB report - we finally heard a response from Kays- they agreed that the setting fiasco was ridiculous and they will return it, but will not return the purchase of the diamond as it was upgraded more than once - but the reason it was upgraded more than once was due TO THEIR LACK OF DIAMOND CHOICES AND PRESSURE TACTICS - so, I ask you PS- is it a good deal, should I just take the refund on the setting, or press on for what I want, as the entire reason Im in this ENTIRE mess is because of the original ring they gave me lost 11 diamonds due to THEIR MISTAKE - what's your opinion?

I hate to be a downer, but I don't see the diamond refund basis being solid. As a seller, they aren't obligated to carry a certain number of choices in your flavor. They offer what they do, and it's up to you to accept or decline those choices. You made the decision to go forward with that stone (and I know all the reasons you mentioned, but regardless, that decision still was yours).

They cannot return the stone to the vendor at this point, and as they don't stock antique stones, they can't return to inventory either. I'm fairly certain they can prevail on BBB in refunding just the setting cost.


Sep 30, 2012
aljdewey said:
swtnsxy7|1386792718|3572136 said:
So, we FINALLY- after 2 emails from me, 1 from the fiancé and a BBB report - we finally heard a response from Kays- they agreed that the setting fiasco was ridiculous and they will return it, but will not return the purchase of the diamond as it was upgraded more than once - but the reason it was upgraded more than once was due TO THEIR LACK OF DIAMOND CHOICES AND PRESSURE TACTICS - so, I ask you PS- is it a good deal, should I just take the refund on the setting, or press on for what I want, as the entire reason Im in this ENTIRE mess is because of the original ring they gave me lost 11 diamonds due to THEIR MISTAKE - what's your opinion?

I hate to be a downer, but I don't see the diamond refund basis being solid. As a seller, they aren't obligated to carry a certain number of choices in your flavor. They offer what they do, and it's up to you to accept or decline those choices. You made the decision to go forward with that stone (and I know all the reasons you mentioned, but regardless, that decision still was yours).

They cannot return the stone to the vendor at this point, and as they don't stock antique stones, they can't return to inventory either. I'm fairly certain they can prevail on BBB in refunding just the setting cost.
I agree with this. At this point, I think it's about how much goodwill Kay's wants to maintain with you. They are certainly not obligated to give you a refund. FWIW, I think your stone looks lovely in pictures!
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