
arg! i'm driving myself nuts... which eternity??

which eternity to go with james meyer 1345?

  • 1. singlestone FRETAP (french cuts & oec)

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • 2. singlestone TR140 (french cuts rec & square)

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • 3. singlestone FRETC6 (all rec french cuts)

    Votes: 23 65.7%
  • 4. singlestone AR948 (all oec)

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • 5. rb eternity (memoire, BGD), paired with 1mm spacer

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • 6. something else entirely

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


May 1, 2007
(pics of the options to follow)

i need input!! i just can't seem to make a decision on which eternity band to go for. it will be 10th anni gift from DH and my ering is an OEC in the james meyer 1345 setting, platinum.

for the price these things are going for, i want it to be *especially special* and *dazzling* and *perfect* both in and of itself and with my ring. that's not asking too much, right? :Up_to_something:

heather at singlestone sent me some great photos of two rings i have had my eye on with a solitaire similar to mine. they give me an idea of what they would look like, but even after seeing them i still can't decide.

also, i have scoured PS for images and descriptions of french cuts (with much help from some great PSers) but i am still a bit fuzzy on what french cuts *do* in terms of light performance. if anyone out there has french cuts (or has seen them in person) i would be tickled pink if you could tell me what exactly they *look* like!

i could save a bundle by going with a BGD shared prong eternity or probably even the singlestone all-oec one. on the flip side, the french cuts could be that something special, in which case, the price might be justified? that's just one of the thoughts clouding my decision....
singlestone FRETAP - french cuts alternating with OECs
singlestone TR140 - all french cuts
singlestone FRETC6 - all french cuts
my ring with a borrowed seven stone memoire (4 pointers i think). i would wear a 1mm spacer if i went the shared prong route.
I voted for the all rectangular french cuts because I think the band will compliment and not distract from your solitaire because it is the least busy.
rainydaze|1307400124|2939277 said:
singlestone FRETC6 - all french cuts

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
Dreamer_D|1307400441|2939284 said:
I voted for the all rectangular french cuts because I think the bank will compliment and not distract from your solitaire because it is the least busy.

I agree, as usual! Although, I haven't seen these in person to really know what French cuts do. My other possible choice is one you don't have listed, and that would be the alternating rectangular french cuts bezeled with rounds bezeled alternating. (Like the second one you posted but with rounds between the rectangles).
Ok, all three of us have said the same ring, but the poll is showing two for the all rectangular french cuts and there is a vote for the french cuts with rectangle and square alternating????
Maybe LGK will see this, she owns frenchies in her ring and also has lots of experience with other diamond cuts.
diamondseeker2006|1307400717|2939292 said:
Dreamer_D|1307400441|2939284 said:
I voted for the all rectangular french cuts because I think the bank will compliment and not distract from your solitaire because it is the least busy.

I agree, as usual! Although, I haven't seen these in person to really know what French cuts do. My other possible choice is one you don't have listed, and that would be the alternating rectangular french cuts bezeled with rounds bezeled alternating. (Like the second one you posted but with rounds between the rectangles).

I like DS's idea...that way you get some french cuts and some bling. I adore the look of french cuts but not really sure
how "blingy" they look.
I voted for the all rectangular french cuts too. I've never seen one in person though but from pictures I think it's divine and would fantastic with your e-ring!!

All FC's will be unique, elegant, sophisticated and look very well with your ER; but not blingy or what I might define as "dazzling". I might like the FC and OEC myself. Do you plan to wear the band alone?

Good luck--your decision is tough!

thank you all so much for taking a moment to give your thoughts! :wavey:

once again you gals brought my own thoughts/feelings right into focus.... i found i was really happy the all FC band was taking the lead. it's the one that has been calling to me even before i posted asking about the memoire/BGD bands, and then heather suggested it when i asked about others on her site, but i kept denying it thinking it wasn't *special* or exciting enough. then i found that i was all :appl: when i saw that it was the one that seemed to be jumping out at most of y'all. so it's not boring after all - it's beauty lies in its simplicity?

would you gals know of, or would you recommend, any other vendors for this type of ring? singlestone has been great so far, it's just the pricing is so high (darn those french cuts!) that i want to explore any options and do due diligence.

canuk-gal - i plan on wearing it with my ering

ETA: ds thank you for those suggestions! what i wonder with that style (as with FRETAP) is whether the FCs get overshadowed by the OECs?
are you only interested in singlestone? I know Victor Canera can get you the french cut baguettes or rectangular french cuts if you were interested and add a little "you" in the ring. Might be an option, I've talked with him a couple of months ago about similar ring designs that you have. Just gorgeous! love the french cut alternating for something so thin, I might be more inclined to add a little bling (of the rounds) and visual interest it won't detract at all so my vote for #1 :love:
Hey rainy!

Since we have the same ring, and I have tried on all of the mentioned SS bands with the JM, I have to say that the bezeled all oec band really goes the best (imho). Now I love French cuts like nobody's business, but there is something about the softness of the round bezeled oec band that really complements the lilt of the JM. The one I liked 2nd best was the individually bezeled all (horizontal) french cut band. I don't know if you saw pics of that one, but it has a nice quality with the JM ring.

So, if I had to tier it:

1. all oec
2. all horizontal french cut - individually bezeled (over the channel set)
3. alternating french cut


eta: The bands are very delicate in person, and none of them really detract from the JM. This is hard to see in magnified pics, but on the hand it's another story. The only other thing I'd like to mention about the channel set french cut band is that while the french cuts are spectacular-you see a flash of brilliance-the channel walls are a bit stark against the JM, which as you know, has an organic feel. For some reason individually bezeled French cuts don't interrupt that feeling-just wanted to mention. (and the all oec band-is a no-brainer, but the French cuts are unique) Tough choice!

Also-French cuts are quite brilliant-so no worries about the sparkle factor. It's a different sort of brilliance, but I've seen bright French cuts that can rival an oec, miner, etc. These are not to be confused with "carre" or "calibre" cuts-step cuts, which don't have the same brilliance. hth
D&T|1307467808|2939930 said:
are you only interested in singlestone? I know Victor Canera can get you the french cut baguettes or rectangular french cuts if you were interested and add a little "you" in the ring. Might be an option, I've talked with him a couple of months ago about similar ring designs that you have. Just gorgeous! love the french cut alternating for something so thin, I might be more inclined to add a little bling (of the rounds) and visual interest it won't detract at all so my vote for #1 :love:

hi D&T! yes, i am totally open to other vendors. singlestone's french cut rings were the easiest for me to find, and you have to contact them for pricing so that got the ball rolling with them. heather has been very helpful, but i am open to exploring options. plus, i would really like to compare pricing, as singlestone does seem to be on the $$ end of things.

thanks for the suggestion of victor canera! i like the idea of a little 'me' in the ring, too. :twirl:
Tough decision Rainy! I like the all rectangular french cut best.
rainydaze|1307453933|2939742 said:
thank you all so much for taking a moment to give your thoughts! :wavey:

once again you gals brought my own thoughts/feelings right into focus.... i found i was really happy the all FC band was taking the lead. it's the one that has been calling to me even before i posted asking about the memoire/BGD bands, and then heather suggested it when i asked about others on her site, but i kept denying it thinking it wasn't *special* or exciting enough. then i found that i was all :appl: when i saw that it was the one that seemed to be jumping out at most of y'all. so it's not boring after all - it's beauty lies in its simplicity?

would you gals know of, or would you recommend, any other vendors for this type of ring? singlestone has been great so far, it's just the pricing is so high (darn those french cuts!) that i want to explore any options and do due diligence.

canuk-gal - i plan on wearing it with my ering

ETA: ds thank you for those suggestions! what i wonder with that style (as with FRETAP) is whether the FCs get overshadowed by the OECs?

Rainy, I think the Singlestone one had rounds that were too big. If you look at the proportions of the Bev K band, you see the rounds are small and would just add a little sparkle. Because they are tiny I don't think it is necessary for them to be OEC's.
You might also try Jewels by Erica Grace, who I think have started offering a line of rings with french and other special cuts.
coatimundi|1307469205|2939954 said:
Hey rainy!

Since we have the same ring, and I have tried on all of the mentioned SS bands with the JM, I have to say that the bezeled all oec band really goes the best (imho). Now I love French cuts like nobody's business, but there is something about the softness of the round bezeled oec band that really complements the lilt of the JM. The one I liked 2nd best was the individually bezeled all (horizontal) french cut band. I don't know if you saw pics of that one, but it has a nice quality with the JM ring.

So, if I had to tier it:

1. all oec
2. all horizontal french cut - individually bezeled (over the channel set)
3. alternating french cut


eta: The bands are very delicate in person, and none of them really detract from the JM. This is hard to see in magnified pics, but on the hand it's another story. The only other thing I'd like to mention about the channel set french cut band is that while the french cuts are spectacular-you see a flash of brilliance-the channel walls are a bit stark against the JM, which as you know, has an organic feel. For some reason individually bezeled French cuts don't interrupt that feeling-just wanted to mention. (and the all oec band-is a no-brainer, but the French cuts are unique) Tough choice!

Also-French cuts are quite brilliant-so no worries about the sparkle factor. It's a different sort of brilliance, but I've seen bright French cuts that can rival an oec, miner, etc. These are not to be confused with "carre" or "calibre" cuts-step cuts, which don't have the same brilliance. hth

hi coati! :wavey:

jackpot!! ok, i am completely green with envy that you got to try on all these rings yourself! of course, i am totally benefitting since you so kindly shared your experience, so i guess i'll put the green monster back in its cage now....

man, this was so helpful i don't even know where to begin. i was actually worried about the channel aspect to the all frenchie band - i don't usually care for that style and prefer less metal over more. however something about it with the FCs, it looked clean and refreshing. 'course, that's all well and good but if it isn't the best-looking with the james meyer then it's a moot point. i did see the all-FCs with individual bezels band - ok, so that's worth considering if i do go the FC route. good to know!

all that said, knowing that you tried on the all-OEC band with the james meyer and it looked great, well, hmmm.....

i've got some questions for you if you don't mind? how would you say the all oec band compares to an all round brilliant band? was the metal subtle or quite present? were the OECs well matched? can i ask what you think of singlestone's work? oh - do you know which one you tried on (one has .80 ctw and the other is 1.20 ctw i think)?

phew! sorry for the barrage... :loopy:
diamondseeker2006|1307479937|2940092 said:
rainydaze|1307453933|2939742 said:
thank you all so much for taking a moment to give your thoughts! :wavey:

once again you gals brought my own thoughts/feelings right into focus.... i found i was really happy the all FC band was taking the lead. it's the one that has been calling to me even before i posted asking about the memoire/BGD bands, and then heather suggested it when i asked about others on her site, but i kept denying it thinking it wasn't *special* or exciting enough. then i found that i was all :appl: when i saw that it was the one that seemed to be jumping out at most of y'all. so it's not boring after all - it's beauty lies in its simplicity?

would you gals know of, or would you recommend, any other vendors for this type of ring? singlestone has been great so far, it's just the pricing is so high (darn those french cuts!) that i want to explore any options and do due diligence.

canuk-gal - i plan on wearing it with my ering

ETA: ds thank you for those suggestions! what i wonder with that style (as with FRETAP) is whether the FCs get overshadowed by the OECs?

Rainy, I think the Singlestone one had rounds that were too big. If you look at the proportions of the Bev K band, you see the rounds are small and would just add a little sparkle. Because they are tiny I don't think it is necessary for them to be OEC's.

great point ds - i felt like something was off and you nailed it. i wish i were that observant! yeah, that really makes a lot of sense, even when applied to the channel set one i posted as one of the choices. having them right next to each other, i dunno, my eye keeps getting distracted by the OECs. but in the bev k, you're right, it's much more balanced....
rainydaze|1307400124|2939277 said:
singlestone FRETC6 - all french cuts

This is my vote, I like the clean simple lines to go with your JM bezel.
rainydaze|1307482117|2940132 said:
hi coati! :wavey:

jackpot!! ok, i am completely green with envy that you got to try on all these rings yourself! of course, i am totally benefitting since you so kindly shared your experience, so i guess i'll put the green monster back in its cage now....

man, this was so helpful i don't even know where to begin. i was actually worried about the channel aspect to the all frenchie band - i don't usually care for that style and prefer less metal over more. however something about it with the FCs, it looked clean and refreshing. 'course, that's all well and good but if it isn't the best-looking with the james meyer then it's a moot point. i did see the all-FCs with individual bezels band - ok, so that's worth considering if i do go the FC route. good to know!

all that said, knowing that you tried on the all-OEC band with the james meyer and it looked great, well, hmmm.....

i've got some questions for you if you don't mind? how would you say the all oec band compares to an all round brilliant band? was the metal subtle or quite present? were the OECs well matched? can i ask what you think of singlestone's work? oh - do you know which one you tried on (one has .80 ctw and the other is 1.20 ctw i think)?

phew! sorry for the barrage... :loopy:

Nice to see ya rainy!

Ok, well I'm green with envy that you are actually going to get one! I just tried them on. (still "need" a diamond band for the JM :Up_to_something: )

I don't usually care for channel style bands either-though I love bright cut pave, which has walls, but actual pave setting, A totally different look. (That's another type of band you might want to consider!)

I have an absolutely horrible/blurry iphone picture of my JM with the 1.20 oec band if you want to see, though I'm embarrassed to post it! It really does not show detail, but I thought I'd mention...

To answer your questions:

The all oec bands display more fire and chunky sparkle than rb bands I've seen. RB bands will have a more uniform sparkle, but won't have the same character as an old cut band. It depends on what you want-sparkle wise. The oec bands have a tad more metal to them than the French cut bands, so if you want minimal metal, then that is something to consider. They also have larger-scale millegrain, though I imagine you could ask for less metal and smaller millegrain.

The oecs are well matched for what they are, but remember, they are bona fide old cuts, so each will have a bit of character. I like that, because it complements the nature of the JM. If you want perfectly matched, then modern rbs may be for you.

I have tried on both the .80 and 1.20, and they both look nice. The 1.20 is just more substantial-that is the one I would've gone for, but I like wider wed bands with thinner e-ring shanks like the JM. Just me, but I'm not keen on matching shank width with wed band width, as I prefer contrast. Also, my stone is a 1.85, so the scale will be a bit different.

It all depends on your taste. Are you shooting for a blingy substantial look? Subtle row of sparkle? Delicate?

hope this helps!

ps-that alternating French cut band is really delicate, and would provide a cool non-matchy look. You know what also looks great with those bands? A slim 22k gold hammered band stacked between-gives a rustic artisanal look-if you want to go outside of the box a bit. :))
Dreamer_D|1307481222|2940112 said:
You might also try Jewels by Erica Grace, who I think have started offering a line of rings with french and other special cuts.

good idea Dreamer!
rainydaze|1307484968|2940186 said:
Dreamer_D|1307481222|2940112 said:
You might also try Jewels by Erica Grace, who I think have started offering a line of rings with french and other special cuts.

good idea Dreamer!

Yes, someone recently posted one with all rounds with the milgrain bezels. It was a larger size, but you could get an idea. I'll see if I can find it.

Yep, hers is with rose cuts. I doubt JBEG is less expensive than Singlestone, though.

"""Nice to see ya rainy!

Ok, well I'm green with envy that you are actually going to get one! I just tried them on. (still "need" a diamond band for the JM :Up_to_something: )

I don't usually care for channel style bands either-though I love bright cut pave, which has walls, but actual pave setting, A totally different look. (That's another type of band you might want to consider!)

I have an absolutely horrible/blurry iphone picture of my JM with the 1.20 oec band if you want to see, though I'm embarrassed to post it! It really does not show detail, but I thought I'd mention...

To answer your questions:

The all oec bands display more fire and chunky sparkle than rb bands I've seen. RB bands will have a more uniform sparkle, but won't have the same character as an old cut band. It depends on what you want-sparkle wise. The oec bands have a tad more metal to them than the French cut bands, so if you want minimal metal, then that is something to consider. They also have larger-scale millegrain, though I imagine you could ask for less metal and smaller millegrain.

The oecs are well matched for what they are, but remember, they are bona fide old cuts, so each will have a bit of character. I like that, because it complements the nature of the JM. If you want perfectly matched, then modern rbs may be for you.

I have tried on both the .80 and 1.20, and they both look nice. The 1.20 is just more substantial-that is the one I would've gone for, but I like wider wed bands with thinner e-ring shanks like the JM. Just me, but I'm not keen on matching shank width with wed band width, as I prefer contrast. Also, my stone is a 1.85, so the scale will be a bit different.

It all depends on your taste. Are you shooting for a blingy substantial look? Subtle row of sparkle? Delicate?

hope this helps!

ps-that alternating French cut band is really delicate, and would provide a cool non-matchy look. You know what also looks great with those bands? A slim 22k gold hammered band stacked between-gives a rustic artisanal look-if you want to go outside of the box a bit. :))[/quote]""""""""

ETA: whoa, not sure what i did wrong with the quoting there. sorry! my response below:

um, HECK YEAH!! i would love to see that photo! :naughty:

ok, so the OECs are real antiques (not sure what else they would have been, but you never know) and i'm glad to hear you felt they were well matched. yeah, something about the memoire i borrowed with my ring just isn't right.... like you say, it's lacking that character, that antique charm. i am loving that they have 'more fire and chunk sparkle' like their larger counterparts!

i don't want subtle or particularly delicate - i think the sweet spot for me is 'almost-delicate, not-really-substatial, blingy-is-good'. :loopy:

i like your last suggestion, i bet that looks gorgeous! of course, i remember that phenom 1.85 of yours and the beautiful, long, slender, model-fingers you have too! sadly, i do not have such fingers and i start to get panicky when i put too many rings on my finger and it starts to disappear into a sea of squishiness...