
Are you worried about the Coronavirus?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
We're hanging in there. I'm still coughing and tight in the chest, but no worse than bronchitis I have had before. DH is doing a bit better today than yesterday. Just very tired and limited energy to focus the brain. We're just taking it easy for the rest of the day since my exam is over.
You guys take care and get well soon... :appl:[/QUOTE]


Jul 13, 2007
I think CA is also having issues with adhering to social distancing. Why aren't people being more proactive. I watch this one youtube channel about birds, but she keeps having her friends over, and one has a child. But I bet she won't end up sick and some of the rest of us who are in isolation will, right?


Aug 6, 2014
Whohooo! No new cases where I am today! And the presumed cases are still limited only to travel related cases, not community transmission! Fingers crossed that early social isolation/social distancing policies are working!!!

Hope everyone is well!


Sep 17, 2008
Palm beach county cases are spiking. No surprise there.


May 23, 2016
I had to laugh when I saw this in today’s paper or I would have cried. Whichever editor thought this was a good idea on page 3 of the paper in the present circumstances needs talking to - the secret of happiness is the one thing the whole nation is being told not to do! Brilliant timing for a national morale boost, or maybe not...



May 23, 2016


Oct 18, 2015
Just random updates:
Our city had a bad domestic abuse incident. The attacker beat his wife with a keyboard and a heavy pc. In front of an open window. While the police and the entire neighbourhood were there. I can't imagine what is going on behind closed doors. Both Italy and France have said that domestic tensions is a valid reason to leave the house. With financial/health uncertainty, already strained relationships are going to snap. I made the mistake of watching the video and it was chilling.

Our Swiss hospital runs with many French employees who are facing lenghty lines at the border as they go to and from work (every identity has to be checked now, where before it was an open border). Only essenital travel is allowed. They have asked people living nearby to open their homes to hospital workers. We can't as our home litterally only had doors on the bathrooms. Wish I could be useful.

In happier news, we decided to loan out one of our cats to their previous owner (she gave them to us as her husband died and travelled a lot for work, but always takes them back for when we go on vacation). She will wfh for the forseeable future and we thought she could use the company. We were worried separation would cause anxiety. Our cats are sisters. Together every day of their 8 years since day 1. Did either of them care? Did either act at all distressed at being separated? Nope. Not one little tiny bit. They both seem happy to have their own space.

I really like the bling community on here; it is such a diverse group for amazingly supportive and entertaining men and women. The internet has become even more hostile lately and this little corner of the net is still courteous and kind. Hope everyone is keeping safe!


Sep 1, 2009
Just random updates:
Our city had a bad domestic abuse incident. The attacker beat his wife with a keyboard and a heavy pc. In front of an open window. While the police and the entire neighbourhood were there. I can't imagine what is going on behind closed doors. Both Italy and France have said that domestic tensions is a valid reason to leave the house. With financial/health uncertainty, already strained relationships are going to snap. I made the mistake of watching the video and it was chilling.

Our Swiss hospital runs with many French employees who are facing lenghty lines at the border as they go to and from work (every identity has to be checked now, where before it was an open border). Only essenital travel is allowed. They have asked people living nearby to open their homes to hospital workers. We can't as our home litterally only had doors on the bathrooms. Wish I could be useful.

In happier news, we decided to loan out one of our cats to their previous owner (she gave them to us as her husband died and travelled a lot for work, but always takes them back for when we go on vacation). She will wfh for the forseeable future and we thought she could use the company. We were worried separation would cause anxiety. Our cats are sisters. Together every day of their 8 years since day 1. Did either of them care? Did either act at all distressed at being separated? Nope. Not one little tiny bit. They both seem happy to have their own space.

I really like the bling community on here; it is such a diverse group for amazingly supportive and entertaining men and women. The internet has become even more hostile lately and this little corner of the net is still courteous and kind. Hope everyone is keeping safe!

I love the kitty loan! That is so sweet. Glad the cats are taking it well.

People have been sharing the memes about baby boom in 9 months. Every time I see that, I think about how many people are barely holding on and are now going to be shoved together 24x7 in horrible stressful times. I'm sorry to hear something like that happened near you. I hope the woman is able to find safety now that it is public.


Jun 27, 2019
I just read a few articles about college spring breakers insisting on traveling to Florida while the Governor drags on his feet on shutting down beaches and just....the sheer selfishness and disregard for others' safety is INSANE. URGH

I really want to punch them.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
This is a serious question. I would like to know what y’all think. Ok, if 56% of my state Is going to get coronavirus, then they will be immune after they get through it. They will be out, eating at chili’s and I will still be locked in my house, terrified. Do you see society having understanding towards the people who still want to stay in or do you see them sort of forcing us outside and getting us sick?


Jan 26, 2003
That's a good question, House Cat. The world is changing so fast that it never even occurred to me. I don't even know what rules will be imposed on people as time goes on. Social gatherings may be regulated by law until there is a vaccine. This is all uncharted territory.

Deb :wavey:

This is a serious question. I would like to know what y’all think. Ok, if 56% of my state Is going to get coronavirus, then they will be immune after they get through it. They will be out, eating at chili’s and I will still be locked in my house, terrified. Do you see society having understanding towards the people who still want to stay in or do you see them sort of forcing us outside and getting us sick?


Sep 17, 2008
@Arcadian , What was Florida thinking keeping the beaches and bars open? They had to know this was a recipe for disaster and they definitely knew it was spring break. SMDH

The Gov actually DID close bars and clubs for 30 days, some defied the order (you know how that goes) Beaches were allowed to stay open for a number of reasons because they are after all, public outdoor space. But as you know, people were not practicing any type of social distancing. Miami, Ft Lauderdale closed first, then Palm Beach and this is because Spring breakers were being stupid. Other mayors decided that they were fine, left the beaches open.

Today the order to close will beaches in Palm Beach County and Broward County will be closing, The order also includes any non essential businesses.

It is unfortunately, a beautiful time of the year here, so I get it. Not too many people want to be stuck inside. But people will do people things, its unfortunate. The cases in broward, miami dade and pbc are doubling every few days now.

There will be a shut down in Florida Keys as well, all rentals and hotels will be closed by Monday.

I worked all night last night, still working again today and my goodness I'm beat. (Sorry I didn't answer earlier, things are really nuts with work)

This is whats coming down the pipeline

Honestly the entire state should be on lockdown.


Mar 2, 2009
This is a serious question. I would like to know what y’all think. Ok, if 56% of my state Is going to get coronavirus, then they will be immune after they get through it. They will be out, eating at chili’s and I will still be locked in my house, terrified. Do you see society having understanding towards the people who still want to stay in or do you see them sort of forcing us outside and getting us sick?

So there's always been some percentage of the population that has had to practice social isolation due to personal health circumstances (people undergoing certain treatments, have very premature babies, etc), and I think many people are understanding of the choices they make. If i'm being cynical, I'd say people don't mind because someone choosing to stay in doesn't directly affect them. So I imagine most wouldn't "force" you outside in a way you weren't comfortable with.

Also I'm hopeful that as this continues, we will gather better and better information regarding prognosis and treatment and understanding of disease course and it won't be the scary thing it is now where medical personnel feel like we are still sorting out what best practices are.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
So there's always been some percentage of the population that has had to practice social isolation due to personal health circumstances (people undergoing certain treatments, have very premature babies, etc), and I think many people are understanding of the choices they make. If i'm being cynical, I'd say people don't mind because someone choosing to stay in doesn't directly affect them. So I imagine most wouldn't "force" you outside in a way you weren't comfortable with.

Also I'm hopeful that as this continues, we will gather better and better information regarding prognosis and treatment and understanding of disease course and it won't be the scary thing it is now where medical personnel feel like we are still sorting out what best practices are.

I worry that employers will require people back out into public, schools too.


Mar 2, 2009
I worry that employers will require people back out into public, schools too.

Ah, yes, I imagine that will be true. Not doing so would likely be too disruptive and catastrophic for economic reasons unfortunately. I do hope though that after this many companies do let more employees work from home. This would be a good time for employees to really show that this can be a viable model! If you're someone who can work from home, then hopefully your employer would let you continue doing if you have health concerns about returning to work in person.

Obviously for things like service industry and other areas, work from home means not being employed, so I do hope for their sake that things will open up again when safe to do so and the government is able to offer some form of safety net until then.


Sep 17, 2008
@House Cat The issue is that at this time they are seeing some instances of reinfection. It seems low but does appear to happen. There could well be a secondary and tertiary swarm of this stuff brewing. we don't really know yet, we don't know if it will stick around and mutate either.

But for now, I think that some areas are being realistic and taking it serious.

Kansas has closed schools for the school year. I believe that other states will follow. The way we think as citizens will change as well. "dining out" will change. I think that things that were happening prior, like being able to order directly from a restaurant and have it sent to your house, will be more prevalent. So, who cares who's eating at a Chili's restaurant, it can be delivered to your house!

Grocery stores (at least from what I'm seeing) are giving the first 1-2 hours to those who are immuno compromised, medically vunerable or are seniors which is good. I do hope that continues. I have gotten used to seeing limits in grocery stores in times of emergencies. Its why I try to keep a stocked pantry throughout the year, buy on sale, and try to keep from having to rush to buy anything.

I also believe that if we are able to live though this, life as we know it will be different. there will be a huge paradiam shift in our thought process about our medical needs. There's a huge hole in manufacturing in this country, the fact that it doesn't take place here is what will hinder us the most. I believe that that will change, especially for medical supplies and medicines.

More employers will have more people who are desk jockeys telework as it takes strain off business from providing a desk, a chair, sometimes a computer (depends on the company), and takes stress of the employee to buy business clothes, gas, and sometimes have a car or other transportation. I think that the deskforce in many areas was going in that direction anyway. Fast internet speeds, video conferencing, teams, slack, blah blah all works. In fact already certain companies will tell you that you must have a separate workspace from the rest of your home in order to be considered for a job. If companies beef up their vpn's into their networks and have the right SOPs for the employees, it will work.

I think that the gig economy is going to explode because right now, lots of restaurant employees and hotel employees do not have a job. I think that many of them won't make it anyway and that will be felt for many many years.


Sep 1, 2009
So there's always been some percentage of the population that has had to practice social isolation due to personal health circumstances (people undergoing certain treatments, have very premature babies, etc), and I think many people are understanding of the choices they make. If i'm being cynical, I'd say people don't mind because someone choosing to stay in doesn't directly affect them. So I imagine most wouldn't "force" you outside in a way you weren't comfortable with.

Also I'm hopeful that as this continues, we will gather better and better information regarding prognosis and treatment and understanding of disease course and it won't be the scary thing it is now where medical personnel feel like we are still sorting out what best practices are.

Many people do understand but a shocking number don't. Many people also say all the right things until the ball is in their court and then do all the wrong things. Employers, schools, and even many friends don't respond with compassion and understanding if it gets in the way of what they want. I mean, they try to do the right thing but if it lasts more than a few days or maybe a few weeks, they lose patience.


Jun 8, 2008


Apr 22, 2004
The Governor has announced that all non-essential business MUST be closed by the end of the work day today so although my office is officially closed next Monday, I still have to work at home as usual Sigh!

Grocery stores, pet stores, pharmacies and such are to remain open. We will do a curbside pick up for dinner today as a break from all that cooking this week. I am out of fresh but not frozen food.

Mother arrived late last night and is at home under self quarantine. They are well stocked and are doing fine so far. I am more worried for my father who has compromised lung capacity and hasn't been in robust health the last year. They are "living" on separate floors of the home.


Aug 22, 2012
The Governor has announced that all non-essential business MUST be closed by the end of the work day today so although my office is officially closed next Monday, I still have to work at home as usual Sigh!

Grocery stores, pet stores, pharmacies and such are to remain open. We will do a curbside pick up for dinner today as a break from all that cooking this week. I am out of fresh but not frozen food.

Mother arrived late last night and is at home under self quarantine. They are well stocked and are doing fine so far. I am more worried for my father who has compromised lung capacity and hasn't been in robust health the last year. They are "living" on separate floors of the home.

So glad your mom made it home and hopefully they can keep safe, especially your father.


Feb 24, 2009


Sep 17, 2008
@chrono glad your mom made it home. We're exploring which local restaurants are open around us for business because at the moment, I'm slightly sick of my own cooking I'm dreading the next grocery store trip. I should be asleep as I worked last night and, I just can't.
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