
Anyone with an 8 pronged solitaire?


Aug 18, 2013
Good morning!

I'm looking for examples of solitaires with 8 prong settings. I'm not looking for 4 sets of double prongs - I'm looking for any solitaires with 8 distinct prongs. I've seen it here on earrings, but am wondering how it would play out on a solitaire. I'm looking for a way to keep my new stone extra safe and thought an 8 prong setting might look nice.

Can anyone help? All contributions more than welcome and thank you in advance!
Hi mrs blop. Here you go.
ETA: adding pics with my bands so you can get an idea of how that looks with the 8 prong.



Missy -

That's exactly what I was looking for. Do you mind if I ask what size that gorgeous center stone is?

Thanks so much!
You're very welcome mrs blop and thank you. It's 4.56 carats. Easy to remember lol due to the sequential nature of the numbers. I swear I didn't plan it that way but it is very helpful for someone like me with a poor memory haha.
Here's mine. :)

Turmaline -

Thank you so much! Your ring is gorgeous! All these beautiful big babies in these great settings are just gobsmacking!

Do you have a profile photo I could possibly see, and could you tell me the size of your stone? Do I recall yours being a 5ct stone? Mine is only slightly over 3, so I'm wondering now if perhaps the 8 prongs is overkill. I just think it looks so pretty, so if I know the size of the stones it will give me some idea if this will work for me. I love the look of it - am just concerned that my stone might not be large enough.

Thank you for your help!
Here are a few shots of my 8 prong - slightly rubbish iphone pics I'm afraid but I hope it gives you an idea.

I actually wanted 6 prongs but my local jeweller who set it for me was concerned about the safety aspect and persuaded me to go for 8. They don't bother me too much as it's not my 'forever' setting but overall I think I'd still prefer 6.

Hope the pics upload OK as it's my first time trying to post pictures.



Sparkleaddiction -

Really helpful photos - thank you! Can you tell me what size your stone is pls? It's beautiful and it looks HUGE!
Thank you for your kind words mrs-blop, I love the ring and it's really special to me as the diamond belonged to my late mother in law.

It's a 5.4ct transitional cut, VS2, colour M. It's slightly wonky so my setting is slightly off-kilter too, which drove me mad for a week but now I don't notice it any more!

I spent about six months trawling the SMTB forum looking for the perfect setting (the one I inherited was very tiny for my big fat fingers and quite 70s looking) and in the end I was so overwhelmed by choice I asked my jeweller to put it in a simple setting similar to my engagement ring, just so I could wear it. I am still addicted to SMTB and will probably change the setting one day, but there's no rush :-)

Good luck with deciding on your setting x
Thanks Sparkleaddiction. :)

From what I'm seeing, I think my stone might be too small for an 8 prong setting and I might be wise to stay with a 6. I have a month or a little more to decide what I'm going to do, so I'll give it some more thought, then make my decision.

Thanks, ladies, for your help. :wavey:
Here is mine.

What size is your centre stone? I think 8 prongs look good with stones over about 2.60+ carats upwards.
mrs blop, I wouldn't dismiss getting an 8 prong for your stone just yet. If done right it can be such a delicate look that would enhance your stone so don't just go by our size stones. I wish I could think of someone IRL or here who has a 3 carat with an 8 prong so you can see some good examples closer to your size which is a beautiful and large size in its own right. I don't think anyone would say 3 plus carats is small LOL. I do think it would look gorgeous in an 8 prong setting.
Oh- 8 prong solitaires make me swoon. Thank you ladies, for posting these beauties!!! Wow, wow, wow!!!!

Mrs. Blop- you so convinced me you were keeping the same setting you love! I'm sorry about gushing, it's just- your 3.11- it's just one of my faves of all time- the hues and nuances- I love the setting you have, however, I love 8 prong settings- for OEC's they are just perfection, IMHO.

Erika Winters has a couple 8 prong settings I love- this is her 'Grace' on a 1.47 diamond:

And the link to that thread:

I know there are more... I'll have to have a look around :Up_to_something:

Hi arkieb1 :)

Thank you for sharing your gorgeous ring. What a fabulous cut! My stone is 3.11ct and 9.3mm across. I love the look of the 8 prong setting, and I don't want to EVER lose this baby! So the extra security works for me. That - and the fact that I intend to nail it onto my finger once it arrives! I've had the BGD tapered Tiffany twice before and may well go that route again. I wonder if they're able to put an 8 prong head on it for me? I'll have to ask.

Every time I get a new stone I always want to do a fabulous setting. Nine times out of ten I end up with a solitaire. I'm just drawn to their simple elegance, and I find them relaxing to look at. There's not too much going on, I can visually grasp the diamond, and they go with anything. I'll speak to BGD though about the possibility of an 8 prong iteration of their tapered Tiffany. Might be a nice touch.

And Missy - my stone only looks small when I compare it to the 5ct stones on this site! :love: :love: :love:
mrs-blop|1423316749|3828698 said:
Hi arkieb1 :)

Thank you for sharing your gorgeous ring. What a fabulous cut! My stone is 3.11ct and 9.3mm across. I love the look of the 8 prong setting, and I don't want to EVER lose this baby! So the extra security works for me. That - and the fact that I intend to nail it onto my finger once it arrives! I've had the BGD tapered Tiffany twice before and may well go that route again. I wonder if they're able to put an 8 prong head on it for me? I'll have to ask.

Every time I get a new stone I always want to do a fabulous setting. Nine times out of ten I end up with a solitaire. I'm just drawn to their simple elegance, and I find them relaxing to look at. There's not too much going on, I can visually grasp the diamond, and they go with anything. I'll speak to BGD though about the possibility of an 8 prong iteration of their tapered Tiffany. Might be a nice touch.

And Missy - my stone only looks small when I compare it to the 5ct stones on this site!
:love: :love: :love:

I think (I know) your gorgeous stone can and will hold its own to any stone out there! Go with the setting your heart wants. I hear you on the solitaire. As much as I LOVE all the intricate and delicate halo settings etc on PS my heart always goes back to the elegant and classic solitaire. Something about it really tugs at my heartstrings.
Missy - thanks for your encouraging words. I want to act with restraint on this. I know if I fly off down a tangent that really isn't me, I'll regret it.

The other setting I'm considering is *this*. I have loved it since I first saw it:


I *think* somebody else recently got this in either white gold or platinum. Any idea who that might have been?
My diamond is 5.01cts, but I love 8 prong settings no matter the size of the diamond! Here are profile shots of mine.


Tourmaline - hot dayummmm!

And Apacherose - I promise I'll come up with something you love. :) Still leaning towards the same BGD setting so far - tho maybe with 8 prongs.
mrs-blop|1423318214|3828715 said:
Missy - thanks for your encouraging words. I want to act with restraint on this. I know if I fly off down a tangent that really isn't me, I'll regret it.

The other setting I'm considering is *this*. I have loved it since I first saw it:


I *think* somebody else recently got this in either white gold or platinum. Any idea who that might have been?

It was KristyDarling:

Can't wait to see what you decide mrs-blop--I always love a blingy solitaire! :sun:
I absolutely love 8-prong settings!!! If I ever get another upgrade (would probably have to win the lottery or something like that!) I would choose a detailed basket-like setting similar to the Grace design posted earlier here. My current stone is 1.03 and I was worried I would get DSS way too soon, so opted for a halo instead. :angel:

Oh, gosh, wanted to mention.... the rings on this thread are all to-die-for in my book. I love all of them! Bling at its best!
m-2-b|1423321313|3828745 said:
mrs-blop|1423318214|3828715 said:
Missy - thanks for your encouraging words. I want to act with restraint on this. I know if I fly off down a tangent that really isn't me, I'll regret it.

The other setting I'm considering is *this*. I have loved it since I first saw it:


I *think* somebody else recently got this in either white gold or platinum. Any idea who that might have been?

It was KristyDarling:

Can't wait to see what you decide mrs-blop--I always love a blingy solitaire! :sun:

m-2-b - thanks so much!

and SparklySoprano - I hope your ring dreams come true one day also. :wavey:
Mrs-Blop, You are so sweet. Thank you! :))
~ Sparkly

Oh, I wanted to also add that I looked at the link you posted and I really like that setting a lot, as well. Can't wait to see what you decide.
Valmanin's and KristyDarling's setting is one of my favorites to look at. I have them bookmarked when I can finally pull the trigger on an OEC. But I have to say all those huge stones in the 8 prong settings are simply beautiful.
ming|1423339645|3828954 said:
Valmanin's and KristyDarling's setting is one of my favorites to look at. I have them bookmarked when I can finally pull the trigger on an OEC. But I have to say all those huge stones in the 8 prong settings are simply beautiful.

Ditto all of that, Ming! That ring is just so elegant and lovely.
mrs-blop--I'm going to be consigning my VC 6 prong platinum solitaire setting soon. Just giving you a heads up if it fits the bill! ;))
m-2-b -

I'm about to head out the door for the evening, but I just saw your comment and I will be looking up your setting AS SOON as I get home! Do you have a link to a thread, by any chance?
mrs-blop|1423355293|3829094 said:
m-2-b -

I'm about to head out the door for the evening, but I just saw your comment and I will be looking up your setting AS SOON as I get home! Do you have a link to a thread, by any chance?

I'm not sure what your finger size is or if it will still fit your new stone? I'm probably going to sell the setting w/ the spacer as a set:

I think a colored stone would also look great in it! :naughty:
Mrsblop, I just read where you are getting the 3 ct AVR! Very exciting! Just wanted to warn you about one thing. Whatever setting you get, it is important that you can access the sides of the stone for cleaning with a brush. I have learned that the larger facets make it easier to see when they are dirty, and an ultrasonic alone does not get them clean. I have to use a brush on the sides of my stone and I do have access in my current Tiffany 6 prong. As much as I love a setting like Valmanin's, I could not choose it because it looks like you could not access the pavilion of the stone to clean it. There is another option besides 8 prongs that works for antique settings, and that is 6 prongs where they are positioned at around 11:00, 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, and 9:00 rather than having a top prong at 12:00. Does that make any sense? I am still undecided how I want to reset mine, but that is a requirement of any setting I choose, to be able to access the pavilion for cleaning.

Good luck and I hope this stone is finally going to have a forever home!
m-b-2 - Your ring is gorgeous!

It would be perfect for me except that I'm looking for a yellow gold shank. It's a very elegant design tho; there's solitaires...and then there's solitaires, aren't there? In my experience, not all solitaires are equal! Yours is about as good as it gets tho.

My understanding, also, is that Victor won't work with GOG stones, so I'm out there also. One day, perhaps.... :)

Diamondseeker -

YES! Finally that gorgeous stone is getting its forever home! my understanding is that it's had at least one or two false starts - and that at least one person on PS had temporarily owned it. Not sure why they returned it, but I think we can assume it won't be escaping my clutches any time soon!

Thanks for the advice re setting. It would bother me if I couldn't get my ring completely clean, and I can see what you're saying about the different cut affecting that. Have you made any progress on your reset plans? I'd happily pick your brain on this!