
Amethyst Spider Ring


Jan 6, 2016
I am wanting to have a spider ring made. I have a 33.35ct amethyst and I would like to have a spider on top and the legs holding the stone. I would like the spider body to be rococo pearl and the head to be a paraiba tourmaline. I want the basket to look like a web. I am not sure if anything like this can be done. I have contacted several jewelers and no one will get back with me. I am guessing it is a busy time of the year. Do any of you know if this can be done? I am starting to loose hope due to a lack of responses.



*UPDATE* The jeweler whose work I LOVE said they do not "renovation and re purposing existing pieces." I guess they do not work with loose stones or basic ideas they can run with :wall:
It could certainly be done, but I'd be concerned about wearing such a large, unprotected stone on my finger. It wouldn't take much of a slip to ruin the stone, IMHO. And... are you sure that's an amethyst?

Anyhow, you might try posing your question in the colored stones forum. (You can also ask the admins to move it there by using the "report concern" feature.)
It is an incorrect name. I call it a green amethyst, but it is really a green quartz. I have noticed some places call it green amethyst to try and sound fancy. Sorry if I posted this in the incorrect place. I thought the jewelry thread might be able to help with construction. Thanks for the help!
It's not that this isn't "the correct" place, it's just that the colored stones forum gets more traffic than the jewelry pieces forum. ;) I forgot all about "green amethyst" I do think it would be a very cool ring, especially if worn on the middle or index finger, but I'd be concerned if either of those pointed ends extends beyond either knuckle.
Made you a super quick sketch, this should solve the uncovered pointy ends problem :D
Btw, for a more realistic look I didn't use symmetry when doing the legs- this is a black widow spider. I did not use any proportions when drawing the stone, front is longer than the back for artistic reasons.
VRBeauty I was concerned about that too. I am pretty easy on my rings but still that is a large, not too hard stone. I am not sure if having a thing bezel around the entire stone would keep the edges safe(er). I am worried if it has too much structure around the stone you will not be able to appreciate the cut and color.
Gloria27 that is brilliant! I was not sure how to make the spider look more like an actual spider and I want something that is macabre. Do you mind if I send that picture to the jewelers I am trying to have make it? I have fallen in love with MySacrum on etsy. What do you think as far a metal? I am leaning twards silver or gold since I want it to have a mourning ring feel.
Vesper|1453382540|3979035 said:
Gloria27 that is brilliant! I was not sure how to make the spider look more like an actual spider and I want something that is macabre. Do you mind if I send that picture to the jewelers I am trying to have make it? I have fallen in love with MySacrum on etsy. What do you think as far a metal? I am leaning twards silver or gold since I want it to have a mourning ring feel.
You can use it no problme since I made it for you :)
I'd go for oxidised sterling silver and tahitian green (green colour may suggest poison )pearl but near the pearl I would use a bit of yellow gold to create a contrast with the blackened silver.

Forgot to mention this: to create some realism and perspective I would not center the spider, I would make the front legs longer and move the spider a bit further from the center of the stone towards the back, just a bit (I did it in my sketch).

my inspiration:
Have you tried contacting Green Lake Jewelry Works? They have made a lot of nature inspired rings, and they are wonderful to work with. They have done a spider ring before, though very different from your design. Might be worth contacting them.


Gloria27 I really like the idea of the oxidized silver! A green pearl would look nice with the stone. I have bought several in different shapes and colors, mostly lavender and black and want to see what will complement the color of the stone... but now I will have to keep an out out for a green one. That photo is perfect since the web is the same shape as the stone. I was bit by a spider this year in my sleep and it was quite the ordeal. I have never been that sick. I really fell in love with that stone because it looks a little like a casket (not to be too morbid) but I feel like I cheated death so I want to flaunt it.

picante27 thank you so much for your suggestion. Their work is stunning and it looks like they are willing to make whatever you want. I had no idea how hard it would be to find someone to make a ring. I will contact them. Thanks again!
Gloria27|1453381558|3979025 said:
Made you a super quick sketch, this should solve the uncovered pointy ends problem :D
Btw, for a more realistic look I didn't use symmetry when doing the legs- this is a black widow spider. I did not use any proportions when drawing the stone, front is longer than the back for artistic reasons.

This is amazing. Gloria, are you an artist by trade?
Vesper|1453387160|3979052 said:
Gloria27 I really like the idea of the oxidized silver! A green pearl would look nice with the stone. I have bought several in different shapes and colors, mostly lavender and black and want to see what will complement the color of the stone... but now I will have to keep an out out for a green one. That photo is perfect since the web is the same shape as the stone. I was bit by a spider this year in my sleep and it was quite the ordeal. I have never been that sick. I really fell in love with that stone because it looks a little like a casket (not to be too morbid) but I feel like I cheated death so I want to flaunt it.

picante27 thank you so much for your suggestion. Their work is stunning and it looks like they are willing to make whatever you want. I had no idea how hard it would be to find someone to make a ring. I will contact them. Thanks again!

We think alike! Actually I thought of the lavender colour minutes after I wrote my message (but did not edit), it would complement the stone nicely and I too did think the stone looks like a casket :))
Sorry to hear about your spider bite! Never been bit by one, thank God...

pregcurious|1453387953|3979058 said:
This is amazing. Gloria, are you an artist by trade?

Yes :)
I love Gloria's inspiration and green lake could do an amazing job
Gloria that is incredible! Maybe you could start a career here designing jewelry lol!!
pregcurious|1453387953|3979058 said:
This is amazing. Gloria, are you an artist by trade?

+1! Wow, Gloria this is incredible! I am very impressed and think this is a lovely design!
soberguy|1453389860|3979083 said:
Gloria that is incredible! Maybe you could start a career here designing jewelry lol!!
I agree.

Your spider sketch reminds me of the art in Masters of Dreams. It's a film about the making of jewelry that was recommended on PS. Here's a promo trailer:
soberguy|1453389860|3979083 said:
Gloria that is incredible! Maybe you could start a career here designing jewelry lol!!

lovedogs|1453391222|3979092 said:
pregcurious|1453387953|3979058 said:
This is amazing. Gloria, are you an artist by trade?

+1! Wow, Gloria this is incredible! I am very impressed and think this is a lovely design!
pregcurious|1453391396|3979096 said:
soberguy|1453389860|3979083 said:
Gloria that is incredible! Maybe you could start a career here designing jewelry lol!!
I agree.

Thank you all for your kind words!

I'm happy to have been able to help but gems are just a hobby for me, one that I enjoy very much yet I really cannot betray my current (artistic) path (that I also love).
Gloria, fantastic drawing! I really like this!

OP have you tried DK for this type of ring? he may be open to it.
Arcadian I have e-mailed DK and have yet to hear back. I have heard that he is a little slow to get back with you. With the volume of work he does I can see why! Also, what kind of stone is in your icon picture?
Does it have to be a ring?

I just think this will be really cool, I'd hate to have the stone damaged and then boom, can't wear it anymore. Maybe a pendant is more practical?
Beautiful stone Vesper :love:
I am so amazed by Gloria's design!!

I would indeed suggest either Green Lake Jewelry Works or David Klass. David is quite the PS darling so give him some time to respond or try to call him.
Niel I was thinking about a brooch but I am rather stuck on the mourning ring idea. I have seen some stunning mourning brooches. I have limited use of my hands so I am abnormally easy on rings as a result and suspect that I would only wear it once a year or so. I am quite torn. I am in love with the idea of a ridiculous, impractical ring, but I also do not want to bee too ridiculous and impractical :lol:

Acinom thank you. I was not on the market for a stone but when I saw the cut and the paraiba like color I had to have it. I am no longer allowed on ebay.
Vesper|1453398313|3979165 said:
Niel I was thinking about a brooch but I am rather stuck on the mourning ring idea. I have seen some stunning mourning brooches. I have limited use of my hands so I am abnormally easy on rings as a result and suspect that I would only wear it once a year or so. I am quite torn. I am in love with the idea of a ridiculous, impractical ring, but I also do not want to bee too ridiculous and impractical :lol:

Acinom thank you. I was not on the market for a stone but when I saw the cut and the paraiba like color I had to have it. I am no longer allowed on ebay.

I think a pendant that could be converted to a brooch would be cool.

I just think , this will be cool. And some money. Do you really only want to wear it once a year?
Wow, just wow. Gloria, your drawing (not to mention your talent) is wonderful! I'd pay you to design something for me some day!

I admit to being skeptical at first, but with Gloria's drawing, I get it now and think it will be an awesome (albeit large!) ring. I suggest, though, that you be careful of mixing greens, as unless the pearl is just the right shade of green, it might end up competing with the prasiolite and taking away from the stone. In keeping with your somber/morbid/sinister tone, I would go for more of a straight dusty dark grey, or charcoal Tahitian. Like the kind of mourning clothes one would see in the Victorian era. This ring is going to be a masterpiece!
Niel maybe twice! I only ever wear rings once in a blue moon. To be honest it is quite silly I have spent any money on rings at all with my hand issues, it just makes me feel so *giddy* when I actually can wear them that I want them to be over the top. I was thinking a GIANT ring with a spider might be striking. But I would get much more use out of a brooch. Humm... I guess I could even put it in a halo of black spinel if I went down that path.

minousbijoux Gloria nailed what I had in my head but could not quite process. I have picked out several pearls and will post them once they come in. I do like your idea with the charcoal color being like morning clothing.
Vesper|1453400439|3979206 said:
Niel maybe twice! I only ever wear rings once in a blue moon. To be honest it is quite silly I have spent any money on rings at all with my hand issues, it just makes me feel so *giddy* when I actually can wear them that I want them to be over the top. I was thinking a GIANT ring with a spider might be striking. But I would get much more use out of a brooch. Humm... I guess I could even put it in a halo of black spinel if I went down that path.

minousbijoux Gloria nailed what I had in my head but could not quite process. I have picked out several pearls and will post them once they come in. I do like your idea with the charcoal color being like morning clothing.

I hope I don't sound like I don't like the ring idea. It would be a lovely ring. I'm just suggesting you consider which is the best use of this design. If you'll wear it more with a brooch but you'll love it more as a ring, go for the ring ::)
Niel Not at all! You are helping me process what I want to do! It is a good thing.
Gloria - your concept drawing is absolutely incredible! I'm so glad you found a way to make Vesper's dream work!

Vesper -Gloria's design provides some of the protection needed to make the ring viable from a durability standpoint. I'm going to make up some terms here since I'm not sure what these would be called - but I'm thinking that a thin "under-bezel" - a band of metal that just hugs the outer edge of the underside of the stone, maybe extending up to the girdle - could provide additional security without ruining the view of the stone. I can see where this wouldn't be an everyday ring, but I suspect that once you see the finished ring, you'll be wanting to wear it more than just once a year!
Unique for certain!

DK :))
Wow, what an amazing design! You sure do have a knack for design. Can't wait to see the finished piece.

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