
Alexandrite: Please help me source my engagement ring!


I cannot wait to see your treasure. What a dream!

RE: Richard Sherwood

If you're going to send a stone, be sure to contact him first to get a timeline. He's got a stone of mine, and from the emails I've been getting, currently backed up, so just an FYI. He's got someone to help him but is ramping them up he says, so in the meantime, I'm waiting for my stone as I have a June deadline.

Also he's not an independent appraiser, so be sure if that matters to you or not.

I just wanted to update everybody on the alexandrite:

I have received the stone in the mail and have attempted to photograph it for everybody but have been having extreme difficulty in doing so. For example, to my eye it has a nice deep green but on my camera it turn up blue.

As a verbal description (until I can find a way to photograph the stone adequately) I'd say that the stone (compared to my profile pic) is a more ideal oval shape (slightly longer). Furthermore, it is a little bit darker but a truer green rather than a bluish green in daylight (although I can see come bluish hues in bright white fluorescent light), and in incandescent/candle-light it is also a little bit darker but much more of a pure purple then a reddish purple. The pavilion is nearly perfectly symmetrical and centered to the eye, and to my eye, I cannot see any inclusions--I can only see a slight haziness on one side but only when looking at it very closely and only at certain angles (I spent several minutes looking for the haziness in the stone when it arrived before I was able to find it). I think I'm going to continue looking at and ponder over the stone this weekend and make a final decision at the beginning of the week.

Thanks for everybody's help!
Hello again everybody,

I have a very sad update to my story:

The alexandrite which I purchased (and is my avatar/icon under my screen name) is absolutely marvelous, and the few close friends to whom I have shown it all think so as well. Unfortunately, life has thrown me a curve ball out of nowhere, as the woman to whom I was planning on proposing and marrying has suddenly and unexpectedly ended our relationship. There is no way that I could ever sincerely give this stone to a future woman, and thus I am looking to sell it and recuperate as much of the cost as possible. I contacted David Weinberg about a possible late return given the circumstances and he doesn't have 24 grand on hand as he used the money to buy more stones. He has no concern about it not selling well, and so he has put me in contact with one of his customers who is looking for such a stone. I really do hope I can recoup all or almost all the money as this was a very large purchase for me, as large as my automobile purchase from 5 years ago. So I hope this customer David Weinberg put me in contact with will want to purchase the stone and won't try to push the price too far below what I paid for it. If anybody has any suggestions, please let me know. I have again attached the information about the stone (AIGS report, GIA report, and Multicolour report).

AIGS Certification.jpg


I'm so sorry :-( I don't have any advice for you, just lots of cyber luck.
Morbus|1309098922|2955365 said:
Hello again everybody,

I have a very sad update to my story:

The alexandrite which I purchased (and is my avatar/icon under my screen name) is absolutely marvelous, and the few close friends to whom I have shown it all think so as well. Unfortunately, life has thrown me a curve ball out of nowhere, as the woman to whom I was planning on proposing and marrying has suddenly and unexpectedly ended our relationship. There is no way that I could ever sincerely give this stone to a future woman, and thus I am looking to sell it and recuperate as much of the cost as possible. I contacted David Weinberg about a possible late return given the circumstances and he doesn't have 24 grand on hand as he used the money to buy more stones. He has no concern about it not selling well, and so he has put me in contact with one of his customers who is looking for such a stone. I really do hope I can recoup all or almost all the money as this was a very large purchase for me, as large as my automobile purchase from 5 years ago. So I hope this customer David Weinberg put me in contact with will want to purchase the stone and won't try to push the price too far below what I paid for it. If anybody has any suggestions, please let me know. I have again attached the information about the stone (AIGS report, GIA report, and Multicolour report).

Awww, Honey......
I am so at a loss for words.
No Meaningful Avice, Many Hugs
I am so sorry to hear your sad news.

On a practical front, have you asked David whether he would sell it for you via his website and then perhaps take a commission? That way, if it sells, you both benefit. The only thing I would say is that you may have to take a small loss (i.e. David's commission and perhaps also try to sell it for $1-2k less).

I'm not sure what other gem vendors would help but it may be worth a call to Pala and a few others.

Good luck and I hope it sells.
I wish you lots of luck in selling the stone and one way or another, know it will work out for you. As for the bigger issue, I am so sorry to hear the end of the story. You did not owe us anything, and yet you came back to update us. You have many PSers thinking about you and wishing you well. I think you are a very thoughtful person to have taken the time to find something as unique as this stone.

I wish you the best,

There are no words that are adequate. I'm so very sorry that this has happened. We are all wishing you the best from cyberspace.

When it comes to the smaller problem of the stone, I believe it will be good to ask your original vendor who is an expert in these stones to assist you with a comission based sale. If you are not in a hurry, you might ask him what kind of consignment fee he would accept (it would probably be close to his usual margin) and both of you would be better off than going on other routes. The silver lining is that this is a rare enough stone that it might suit someone well and they will probably come across it if they were looking specifically for an Alexandrite.

Again, so very sorry
I'm so sorry this happened to you!

Best of luck selling your gorgeous stone
by LovingDiamonds » 24 May 2011 21:18

Written by Pandora » 24 May 2011 00:28:I've always been told that alex has to have a chromium chromophore otherwise it's just a CC chrysoberyl as they say here. You can easily see that using a Chelsea filter and/or taking a spectrum. I'm presuming that by 'crossed filter' they intend 'Chelsea filter'?

Can you explain what you mean by fluoresce? Do you mean under SW/LW UV or under a Chelsea filter?

I mean using my little backlight pen (not sure whether it's SW or LW) but not together with a Chelsea filter. Apologies but I get very confused with SW and LW. Here's a fluor photo of the Alex pear pictured above. You can see that the fluor is bright red - thankfully no yellow halo or orange! It's a while since I checked but I'm pretty sure my Alex show red under the Chelsea filter also. Will check later!

By the way, I was sold a vanadium chrysoberyl that seemed to change colour - very odd. I got the backlight on it and voila, red fluor! I asked David Weinberg about it and he said that it was definitely an Alex with vanadium rather than a Chrysoberyl and the distinguishing factor was the fluor! Attachments When i saw the bright red flourescence from the uv light i saw many red flags that put ur 3.06 alex in another catagory-possibly not alex-maby garnet or sapphire-do a little more homework-i have been questioning ur stone since u flashed it a year or so before-i have have referred the pic to gia & several appraisers who also said ur stone might have issues-steve...

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