
A query about H&A cut diamonds

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Feb 26, 2007
I''m confused about H&A cuts. Is an AGS ideal cut as "good" as an H&A cut diamond? Is it a matter of taste? or price? Am I asking an extremely stupid question? I am interested in giving my granddaughter a diamond for graduation. Does anyone have suggestions that will help me make an informed judgement? Thanks in advance, Ladyasterbilt


Nov 19, 2004
Date: 3/6/2007 12:19:25 PM
Author:Lady Asterbilt

I''m confused about H&A cuts. Is an AGS ideal cut as ''good'' as an H&A cut diamond?
h&a only refers to the optical symmetry or a diamond. more here

Date: 3/6/2007 12:19:25 PM
Author:Lady Asterbilt

Is it a matter of taste? or price?
kind of...
top optical symmetry (h&a) is usually a by-product of a great cut. so, if you are looking at ags0 ideal cuts, most likely, you are going to end up with some form of h&a. it is not guaranteed by any means, but possible.

Date: 3/6/2007 12:19:25 PM
Author:Lady Asterbilt

Am I asking an extremely stupid question?
of course not! not asking would be stupid.

Date: 3/6/2007 12:19:25 PM
Author:Lady Asterbilt

I am interested in giving my granddaughter a diamond for graduation.
that is very, very thoughtful of you!

Date: 3/6/2007 12:19:25 PM
Author:Lady Asterbilt

Does anyone have suggestions that will help me make an informed judgement? Thanks in advance, Ladyasterbilt
if you want to get a quality diamond, the easiest thing to do would be to look for an ags0 diamond. you are pretty much guaranteed a great stone. you don''t have to go high color/clarity, as those aspects don''t greatly effect the performance (sparkle!).
also, check this search

best of luck!
if you have any more questions, we''re here to help!


Feb 26, 2007
Thanks so much for your advice. I think I understand H&A much better now. I must say this site has great tutorials! Now I feel stupid for not having done more research on this site before I asked my questions.
As for my interest in giving each of my granddaughters a diamond for graduation, I just feel that if they have something of real worth with them at all times they would be able to withstand the vicissitudes of life with a greater amount of confidence than I did at their age. My quandary is, however, what size diamond to get them, lest down the road some young man might be intimidated by having to compete with the stone that "grandma" gave them. I am thinking of something between a 0.75 and 0.98. But it seems to me that anything under a carat would be rather insubstantial. On the other hand, I don''t want it to be ostentatious, either. Any thoughts? Ladyasterbilt


Nov 19, 2004
you're welcome so much lady asterbilt

there is a lot of information here to digest and sometimes it is easier to ask specific questions, so don't feel bad. we are here to help and give back all we have learned here.
now...back to the diamonds

i was wondering what size you were thinking of! really, only you can decide what is best in your situation. i personally think that the size you mentioned would be perfect.... a very nice gift size indeed! and...if you focus on getting a great cut, it will be that much more spectacular.
you are a thoughtful grandmother and the gift will not only be special for what it represents but also for the time and thought you put into it. i am impressed!


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 3/6/2007 2:35:42 PM
Author: Lady Asterbilt
I am thinking of something between a 0.75 and 0.98. But it seems to me that anything under a carat would be rather insubstantial. On the other hand, I don''t want it to be ostentatious, either. Any thoughts? Ladyasterbilt
First, I echo what a thoughtful gift this is, you are a wonderful gramma!

And to throw my .02 in about size, personally, I would keep it closer to .75. That''s a very nice size, especially for a very young woman. Many guys go for a 1 ct. engagement ring, so it would still be bigger than the one she has, yet won''t break his bank if that''s what he had in mind.

Please let us know what you decide!


Jan 27, 2007
You might also consider getting a cluster setting or a three-stone setting, maybe a tension setting, or something else more ''creative'', leaving things open down the road should a guy want to get your granddaughter a solitaire engagement ring.


Feb 26, 2007
Thank you for all your replies. Your ideas have been very helpful indeed. Now I need to do some serious thinking. I still have plenty of time, but this just gives me the excuse to look at more diamonds.
I am thinking perhaps a Round Brilliant, AGS 0 cut, G, 0.75 to 0.85, VS2 or SI1. I do want it to be of very high quality, not so much as an investment as a guarantee for them. Does it seem reasonable to assume that a quality diamond will keep it''s value? This is the issue for me.
As for the setting, I think I shall take a look at Cartier and Tiffany''s here in Seattle, where, by the way, I have been given excellent service, although I have never bought anything in either store. I just want to get ideas, you understand. I would never buy the finished product there because "putting it together" is so much fun. Besides, having my granddaughters involved in the setting and diamond selection would be half the fun. Thanks again for all you assistance, Ladyasterbilt


May 3, 2001
Date: 3/6/2007 2:35:42 PM
Author: Lady Asterbilt
Thanks so much for your advice. I think I understand H&A much better now. I must say this site has great tutorials! Now I feel stupid for not having done more research on this site before I asked my questions.
As for my interest in giving each of my granddaughters a diamond for graduation, I just feel that if they have something of real worth with them at all times they would be able to withstand the vicissitudes of life with a greater amount of confidence than I did at their age. My quandary is, however, what size diamond to get them, lest down the road some young man might be intimidated by having to compete with the stone that ''grandma'' gave them. I am thinking of something between a 0.75 and 0.98. But it seems to me that anything under a carat would be rather insubstantial. On the other hand, I don''t want it to be ostentatious, either. Any thoughts? Ladyasterbilt
You are a lady after my own heart. My mother gave each of her grand daughters an item of jewelry with a cost basis of $1,000 at birth, to be kept and cared for by their parents until either the age of 18 or until the parents felt the grand daughter was competent to care for the item, which ever was longer.

Most of the items were worth many thousands of dollars by the time they were actually given to the girls. I can not say what size you should give, but I can say that if they are as well received as my mother''s gifts were you will have some VERY happy grand daughters regardless of the size.



Feb 26, 2007
Wink, What a great story. And what a wise grandmother. Had I been able to afford a diamond at the birth of each of my granddaughters perhaps I would have thought of it then, but now that I can afford it, I am looking at it as a form of insurance. Hopefully they will never have to "hock" the diamond, but at least they can always feel secure in the fact that they something of worth. Ladyasterbilt

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
From what I've read here, resale value on diamonds is not great, you'd probably get around 50% back at best. You can get deals with some vendors for upgrades etc but I don't know if that includes buy back. A name like tiffany or cartier would also help as they are more sought after.

If I wanted a gemstone as a serious investment I wouldn't choose a diamond. They aren't rare, and they are somewhat overpriced. A great unheated, untreated ruby or sapphire would probably do better in the long run.

If you are talking about a really huge stone or a top natural coloured diamond they will do better due to rarity value.


Mar 24, 2007
Honestly, to me, .75 - .85 would be rather large and SO comparable to an engagement ring...If I were getting something for grad I think I would prefer it to be something a bit different (maybe a ruby in a halo setting or an eternity band). But that''s just me! I come from a circle of friends who all have less than .75 stones on their engagement rings.

I''m sure that no matter what you get though, your granddaughter will love it! Do you have other grandchildren too?


Nov 25, 2002
I think the size range you''ve mentioned is perfect, but I''d likely suggest setting in a pendant or even a solitaire bangle bracelet instead of a ring.

You didn''t specifically mention what type of piece you had in mind, but I know ring jumps to mind with most folks. If you opted for a ring, I''d go way away from anything even resembling a ''solitare''-y ring and go for a unique style RHR. However, I think getting a diamond ring would possibly dim the novelty of receiving one from a potential lifepartner later.

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Date: 4/14/2007 4:09:18 AM
Author: aljdewey
I think the size range you''ve mentioned is perfect, but I''d likely suggest setting in a pendant or even a solitaire bangle bracelet instead of a ring.

You didn''t specifically mention what type of piece you had in mind, but I know ring jumps to mind with most folks. If you opted for a ring, I''d go way away from anything even resembling a ''solitare''-y ring and go for a unique style RHR. However, I think getting a diamond ring would possibly dim the novelty of receiving one from a potential lifepartner later.
Lady A, Al and others are right - rings are not your domain as gifts. Especially not diamond rings because they so strongly symbolize love between man and women.

People who advise that diamonds are not rare and therefore they will not retain their value often have a sense of values not shared by many others. Diamonds are the only real ''market led'' gemstone. Rubies and other colored gems are mined by less organized companies and the cost between rough and the final product you will buy hev been marked up many times more than diamonds, which by comparison are rather transperent.

A 3/4ct pendant, or a 1ct total ct wt pair of earrings?


Feb 26, 2007
Thanks for all the input. All of your suggestions are interesting, and I must admit I had not thought of some of your ideas. However, I have been looking at other gem stones lately. I had not thought of a gem stone for my granddaughters but maybe a combination of the two might be the perfect thing. I am open to any other ideas as well. Also, any suggestions as to the best vendors for gem stones? And do you have them sent to appraisers as you do diamonds? And assistance would be appreciated. And by the way, Sbee, I have only the two granddaughters. Lady Asterbilt


Jul 27, 2005
Lady Asterbilt-
I think it''s wonderful that you are planning on giving your granddaughter such a wonderful gift!

My parents gave me a diamond solitaire necklace for my 19th b-day & I still wear it more a dozen years later. I think it''s about .40 cts- but set in a bezel so when I was 19 it was quite impressive.

I have to say that I prefer it to any of the gemstone pieces that I was given and I like it more than any jewelry I was given before then and for several years after. It truly stands out as my nicest piece from that time of my life, along w/ my good strand of pearls. Granted I don''t know the cut quality of this stone but it''s lovely and was such a nice gift and I remember thinking what an amazing gift it was and how lucky I was to have it. I am still grateful for it.

Even though I love it, I don''t have nice diamond studs and I have since then taken a larger stone from a ring I inherited and put it in a halo pendant, so I thinking about finding a twin for this stone and having studs made- even if I do that I will still view that pendant as a fabulous gift, one that made my yet-to-be made diamond studs possible.

Have you considered diamond stud earrings? they are so classic- like a strand of pearls.

While a diamond ring would be great I think that the symbolism of a diamond ring as an engagement ring is v. strong.


Feb 17, 2007
I think it is a fantastic idea to give your granddaughters diamonds, very generous. However I don''t think I would go into it thinking it will be an investment. Most likely it won''t at that size. If you want something that will make them "feel secure" you''d be better off giving them some kind of savings bonds or maybe some very safe (as possible...) mutual funds.

I would think of a diamond as more of a fun purchase rather than an investment because it is often hard to resell a diamond especially if it isn''t something big and rare. Just my .02.


Apr 30, 2005
Just chiming in to say welcome LA

I too think this is a wonderful gift idea for your Granddaughters, very thoughtful, special and generous. I also agree about keeping the size under a carat so the diamonds chosen wouldn't compete with their future engagement rings. I also think Aljdewey is right by saying not to set the diamonds into a ring, a pendant would be more appropriate as a diamond in a ring should rightly come from their life partners. Bear in mind too that diamonds are not good investments, with reselling it is often hard to find a buyer and indeed, you may be lucky if you even get back 50% of what you paid. You can't guarantee that a 'quality' diamond will keep it's value unfortunately, it is less likely with a pendant, but diamonds can and do chip or break. The only real investment quality diamonds were D VVS / IF/ F etc which were for the most part never worn, so I think it is best to appreciate a diamond as a lovely gift and thing of beauty, but not something which will necessarily hold it's value or be easy to resell. The best way to get back what you paid with a diamond is to purchase from a company with a lifetime trade in policy, but this won't get you cash if you are relying on the diamond to do so.

But in doing this you will be gifting your Granddaughters with a very special keepsake as a permanent reminder of the beautiful relationship they have shared with you.


Feb 26, 2007
Very nicely said, Lorelei. I have seen some amazing pendants here on PS. So I will be paying more attention now. Do any of you have ones you would like to share photos of? I really love looking at everyones beautiful diamonds. Lady Asterbilt


Apr 9, 2007
Lady Asterbilt,
You didnt specify what kind of graduation (college? HS?). I just graduated from college....and I dont know their taste but maybe you should look at this?

I think it is stunning! Someone from PS has one and their pics are even better. And I think the others are right, you dont want to intimidate a future fiance! A beautiful stone in a pendant can always be reset into a ring if needed.Whiteflash pendant


Apr 5, 2007
I''m not sure the age of the girls graduating but what about a .50ct three-prong set solitaire on a dainty platinum chain? That size looks substantial without being overtly large and will carry them through life and be appropriate in both casual and formal situations. I''m sure they''d get alot of wear from that. Or, you could get them 1.00ctw ear studs. The half ct each ear is a very wearable size.


Nov 19, 2004
Date: 4/16/2007 9:18:20 PM
Author: Miscka
Lady Asterbilt,
You didnt specify what kind of graduation (college? HS?). I just graduated from college....and I dont know their taste but maybe you should look at this?

I think it is stunning! Someone from PS has one and their pics are even better. And I think the others are right, you dont want to intimidate a future fiance! A beautiful stone in a pendant can always be reset into a ring if needed.Whiteflash pendant
you have excellent taste miscka!

a close up


dangling in the sunlight


neck shot


all about it and more pics here


Apr 9, 2007
It is such a gorgeous pendant, thanks for posting the pics!


Feb 1, 2007
I think diamond studs, a solitaire pendant or even (don''t flame me, fellow diamond lovers) a classic watch will make great graduation gifts!

when i first graduated and started my career, i decided that i would work my way up my list of essential items (diamond studs, solitaire pendant, good watch). unfortunately i got a bit distracted and bought 5 watches and plenty of RHRs but i''m almost completing my essential collection!


Apr 9, 2007
OK, so Belle, I just figured out that maybe you designed this? Haha, I saw the pics from the "hardware party" and I figured it out...I am showing my newbieness! It is amazing though, hope you and Irina are proud of it!!
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