
A new project and the garnet and tourmaline on the way for it

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Apr 15, 2007

OK, first a confession. DH and I are big Miami Dolphins fans. We live in Colorado and have season tickets. Right now, we only get to go to a few games a year. But when DH retires in 5 1/2 years, we will relocate to south Florida. I know, it''s crazy to have season tickets when I live so far away. But the longer you hold them, the better your chances of upgrading are. We have pretty decent seats now as it is.

I''ve wanted to build a pendant of their team colors and even bought two stones from Jeff White. For various reasons, I''ve not set those stones and don''t really have the plans to move ahead with a pendant of them together. I will likely do something with them at some point, and in fact, have a little something in the works for one of the stones. Stay tuned for that.

The purpose of this post is to show you two great stones I have on the way from Barry and to get your feedback about how I should set them! I told him of my need to find two stones matching the colors of the team. He found these two and they are on their way to me. Yeah!

The orange garnet is 5.7mm and the teal tourmaline is 6.2mm. He says they are the accurate color and I do trust him. I hope they arrive tomorrow.

In the meantime, I''ve been emailing with Sally of Heart of Water Jewels on Etsy and Donald Pekarek from I contacted many Etsy sellers and most of them don''t work with customer''s gems for fear of breakage. I am totally game to go with either Sally or Don.

Sally is super awesome. I would have her do the pillbox setting. Or maybe the candy bezel or lotus seed type look. Most of her photos of the candy bezel are cabochons, so the lotus seed will give you the idea of what I''m talking about (in sterling silver though).

Don is someone that was mentioned in a thread about stackers, but I''m not sure if anyone has ordered from him. I am drawn to his stackers because he has some samples of a beaded shank and a polished shank. Since these stones will be NFL team colors, I am thinking something like this could be a nice choice. The pillbox might be too frilly and Don''s styles might work better.

Last, I could have Sally do them in lotus seed settings in yellow gold, but DH likes how the rings look in sterling silver, so I''ll be taking that into account. The prices of Sally and Don are virtually the same for sterling, so price isn''t really a factor. I throw this setting in so you can see that Sally''s lotus is pretty close to Don''s style. Who to pick?

Ok, if you are still reading - something for your eyes.


Input and votes please!

First - the stones that Barry says are the right colors:



Apr 15, 2007
Don''s settings: I''d choose one bead shank and one smooth.



Apr 15, 2007
Sally''s pillbox. Would 2 pillbox settings be too much for stackers of 5.7mm and 6.2mm?



Apr 15, 2007
Last, Sally''s plain bezel. But in silver most likely.



Dec 9, 2008
Date: 4/26/2009 4:08:22 PM

OK, first a confession. DH and I are big Miami Dolphins fans. We live in Colorado and have season tickets. Right now, we only get to go to a few games a year. But when DH retires in 5 1/2 years, we will relocate to south Florida. I know, it''s crazy to have season tickets when I live so far away. But the longer you hold them, the better your chances of upgrading are. We have pretty decent seats now as it is.

I''ve wanted to build a pendant of their team colors and even bought two stones from Jeff White. For various reasons, I''ve not set those stones and don''t really have the plans to move ahead with a pendant of them together. I will likely do something with them at some point, and in fact, have a little something in the works for one of the stones. Stay tuned for that.

The purpose of this post is to show you two great stones I have on the way from Barry and to get your feedback about how I should set them! I told him of my need to find two stones matching the colors of the team. He found these two and they are on their way to me. Yeah!

The orange garnet is 5.7mm and the teal tourmaline is 6.2mm. He says they are the accurate color and I do trust him. I hope they arrive tomorrow.

In the meantime, I''ve been emailing with Sally of Heart of Water Jewels on Etsy and Donald Pekarek from I contacted many Etsy sellers and most of them don''t work with customer''s gems for fear of breakage. I am totally game to go with either Sally or Don.

Sally is super awesome. I would have her do the pillbox setting. Or maybe the candy bezel or lotus seed type look. Most of her photos of the candy bezel are cabochons, so the lotus seed will give you the idea of what I''m talking about (in sterling silver though).

Don is someone that was mentioned in a thread about stackers, but I''m not sure if anyone has ordered from him. I am drawn to his stackers because he has some samples of a beaded shank and a polished shank. Since these stones will be NFL team colors, I am thinking something like this could be a nice choice. The pillbox might be too frilly and Don''s styles might work better.

Last, I could have Sally do them in lotus seed settings in yellow gold, but DH likes how the rings look in sterling silver, so I''ll be taking that into account. The prices of Sally and Don are virtually the same for sterling, so price isn''t really a factor. I throw this setting in so you can see that Sally''s lotus is pretty close to Don''s style. Who to pick?

Ok, if you are still reading - something for your eyes.


Input and votes please!

First - the stones that Barry says are the right colors:

WOW! that teal tourmaline is TDF!! did he say what "kind" it was - nigerian, etc.?


Apr 15, 2007
Date: 4/26/2009 4:17:50 PM
Author: karee888

WOW! that teal tourmaline is TDF!! did he say what ''kind'' it was - nigerian, etc.?
I didn''t ask him. I''ll have to find out. I have a nambian tourmaline that is green that I got from him that is super duper awesome in that it is the most gorgeous green in every lighting. It is a small one though.

I hope the teal one on the way is as great as my green one.

What do you think of the stacker ideas?


Dec 9, 2008
Date: 4/26/2009 4:21:12 PM
Author: cinnamon013
Date: 4/26/2009 4:17:50 PM

Author: karee888

WOW! that teal tourmaline is TDF!! did he say what ''kind'' it was - nigerian, etc.?

I didn''t ask him. I''ll have to find out. I have a nambian tourmaline that is green that I got from him that is super duper awesome in that it is the most gorgeous green in every lighting. It is a small one though.

I hope the teal one on the way is as great as my green one.

What do you think of the stacker ideas?

I really love Sally''s work. I think they would look nice in there. I think Mochi got some as stackers of the pillbox setting, but I don''t know if she has received them yet. I''m getting a pillbox setting as well, but it will be a stand alone ring, so I have no advice on the stacking situation.

I do like all of her stuff, and she is so nice. I think the others are good too, but Sally is more my style.

I can''t wait to see the finished product!

Someone else you might check out for bezeling, esp. cheap in silver, is kyleanne metals. She is super sweet and will use your stones. I got a quote of ~$25 for an all sterling bezel [6.2mm stone], ~$32 for ss with a white gold bezel, and I went with $105 for an all white gold, matte finish bezel. She''s great! She''s the one who did the recent garnet beaded bezel [although I forget who''s, now...]


Mar 2, 2009
Hehe, Kyleann did my beaded band recently Karee :) I''m glad you like her too though! I can''t wait to see the end product. I''m sure I''ll be using her again (she gives you a 5% discount on the next purchase ;-) )

She has great prices and really fast turn around. Sally does great work as long as you dont'' mind the wait and mailing them to Thailand.


Apr 15, 2007
Date: 4/26/2009 4:26:12 PM
Author: karee888

I really love Sally''s work. I think they would look nice in there. I think Mochi got some as stackers of the pillbox setting, but I don''t know if she has received them yet. I''m getting a pillbox setting as well, but it will be a stand alone ring, so I have no advice on the stacking situation.

I do like all of her stuff, and she is so nice. I think the others are good too, but Sally is more my style.

I can''t wait to see the finished product!

Someone else you might check out for bezeling, esp. cheap in silver, is kyleanne metals. She is super sweet and will use your stones. I got a quote of ~$25 for an all sterling bezel [6.2mm stone], ~$32 for ss with a white gold bezel, and I went with $105 for an all white gold, matte finish bezel. She''s great! She''s the one who did the recent garnet beaded bezel [although I forget who''s, now...]
Funny you should say that about kyleanne. She was in my top three and I narrowed it down to Don and Sally. I really like her and will very likely be sending her some work at some point. I''m going to have to search out that ring of yours as it sounds great for gold and I like the matte finish idea.


Dec 9, 2008
Date: 4/26/2009 4:29:50 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade
Hehe, Kyleann did my beaded band recently Karee :) I''m glad you like her too though! I can''t wait to see the end product. I''m sure I''ll be using her again (she gives you a 5% discount on the next purchase ;-) )

She has great prices and really fast turn around. Sally does great work as long as you dont'' mind the wait and mailing them to Thailand.
:) there are so many gorgeous rings on here, i lose track of who''s whose!
i love the way yours turned out.

i sent kyleanne my tourmaline from barry - i love this stone. I should be getting it sometime next week. her grandma was sick and she was out of town for a bit, but she''s back now! and i can''t wait!!!


Apr 15, 2007
Date: 4/26/2009 4:29:50 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade
Hehe, Kyleann did my beaded band recently Karee :) I''m glad you like her too though! I can''t wait to see the end product. I''m sure I''ll be using her again (she gives you a 5% discount on the next purchase ;-) )

She has great prices and really fast turn around. Sally does great work as long as you dont'' mind the wait and mailing them to Thailand.
Your ring from Kyleann was really the reason I looked at her work so much. I''m going to check out Karee''s ring as well too.


Dec 9, 2008
Date: 4/26/2009 4:32:12 PM
Author: cinnamon013
Date: 4/26/2009 4:29:50 PM

Author: MakingTheGrade

Hehe, Kyleann did my beaded band recently Karee :) I''m glad you like her too though! I can''t wait to see the end product. I''m sure I''ll be using her again (she gives you a 5% discount on the next purchase ;-) )

She has great prices and really fast turn around. Sally does great work as long as you dont'' mind the wait and mailing them to Thailand.

Your ring from Kyleann was really the reason I looked at her work so much. I''m going to check out Karee''s ring as well too.

i wanted a matte finish so it would look more "white" against the tourmaline. and then it wouldn''t be shiny and take away from the kick @## stone. :) i won''t be able to post pics for a bit, because she is sending it to me in the netherlands [she won''t be done before i leave next wednesday]. but i will be sure to post as SOON as i get it!!!


Apr 15, 2007
Date: 4/26/2009 4:26:12 PM
Author: karee888

I really love Sally's work. I think they would look nice in there. I think Mochi got some as stackers of the pillbox setting, but I don't know if she has received them yet. I'm getting a pillbox setting as well, but it will be a stand alone ring, so I have no advice on the stacking situation.

I do like all of her stuff, and she is so nice. I think the others are good too, but Sally is more my style.

I can't wait to see the finished product!

Someone else you might check out for bezeling, esp. cheap in silver, is kyleanne metals. She is super sweet and will use your stones. I got a quote of ~$25 for an all sterling bezel [6.2mm stone], ~$32 for ss with a white gold bezel, and I went with $105 for an all white gold, matte finish bezel. She's great! She's the one who did the recent garnet beaded bezel [although I forget who's, now...]
Is this a ring you have already or the one you have ordered? If you already have it, please post a photo in this thread.

ETA: I just saw your post about not having it yet.


Dec 9, 2008
Date: 4/26/2009 4:35:26 PM
Author: cinnamon013
Date: 4/26/2009 4:26:12 PM

Author: karee888

I really love Sally''s work. I think they would look nice in there. I think Mochi got some as stackers of the pillbox setting, but I don''t know if she has received them yet. I''m getting a pillbox setting as well, but it will be a stand alone ring, so I have no advice on the stacking situation.

I do like all of her stuff, and she is so nice. I think the others are good too, but Sally is more my style.

I can''t wait to see the finished product!

Someone else you might check out for bezeling, esp. cheap in silver, is kyleanne metals. She is super sweet and will use your stones. I got a quote of ~$25 for an all sterling bezel [6.2mm stone], ~$32 for ss with a white gold bezel, and I went with $105 for an all white gold, matte finish bezel. She''s great! She''s the one who did the recent garnet beaded bezel [although I forget who''s, now...]

Is this a ring you have already or the one you have ordered? If you already have it, please post a photo in this thread.

it''s the one that will be arriving soon. she sent me some pics of the work in progress, and i think it looks nice so far ;-)


Dec 9, 2008
i think kyleanne would be awesome if you want a beaded ring and a sleek ring. i see that''s what you were looking at with don''s settings. i can only assume that KA is cheaper...but it looks like she does a great job!


Apr 15, 2007
If you had to pick between Don and Sally, which would you choose?


Dec 9, 2008
Date: 4/26/2009 4:48:50 PM
Author: cinnamon013
If you had to pick between Don and Sally, which would you choose?

Personally, between those two, I would say Sally, because her stuff is more my style. But I don''t know your style! :)


Apr 22, 2004
This sounds like such a fun project!


Nov 17, 2004
Just wanted to say- ewwwww I am from Buffalo and I am offended by those colors!


Apr 15, 2007
Date: 4/26/2009 8:31:47 PM
Author: icekid
Just wanted to say- ewwwww I am from Buffalo and I am offended by those colors!



Apr 15, 2007
Date: 4/26/2009 7:42:45 PM
Author: Chrono
This sounds like such a fun project!
Any thoughts on how you''d set them?


Sep 20, 2008
I have no idea on how to set those stones together, but I just wanted to say that they''re beautiful, and I think the tourmaline is Namibian.


Apr 15, 2007
Date: 4/26/2009 10:23:56 PM
Author: tourmaline_lover
I have no idea on how to set those stones together, but I just wanted to say that they''re beautiful, and I think the tourmaline is Namibian.
I asked him today and he said either Namibia or Mozambique and it would be on the box most likely when I get it. Either way, I like it!

ma re

Aug 10, 2008
Well, for setting them individually in stackers, I''d go with pillbox for the tourmaline to let more light in. Teal tourmalines are known to go almost black once set, especially in white metals, so any additional light is a plus.

If you, however, would like to set them together in a single piece of jewellery, I''d probably recommend setting them in white heads and yellow shanks (if it''s a ring), to connect the two colors and keep them from getting changed by the settings. Yellow is present in a teal''s green part (and obviously in orange) so it would do the job I think.


Apr 15, 2007
Date: 4/27/2009 3:53:50 AM
Author: ma re
Well, for setting them individually in stackers, I''d go with pillbox for the tourmaline to let more light in. Teal tourmalines are known to go almost black once set, especially in white metals, so any additional light is a plus.

If you, however, would like to set them together in a single piece of jewellery, I''d probably recommend setting them in white heads and yellow shanks (if it''s a ring), to connect the two colors and keep them from getting changed by the settings. Yellow is present in a teal''s green part (and obviously in orange) so it would do the job I think.
ma re - thanks for this feedback. I''ll definitely take your thoughts into account. I''m leaning toward Sally for this project and once she gets the stones, she can advise if she thinks this would be a good way to go. Since gold is her love, she does beautiful work in it and can do what you have suggested easily.

Stone Hunter

May 12, 2006
The stones look beautiful.

I don''t have any stacking rings, but I''ve been thinking about them lately. I guess somewhere on PS a poster said they''re good for smaller stones. Yours don''t look like smaller stones though...please take lots of hand shots when you get them so we can see how it all turned out.


Apr 15, 2007
Date: 4/27/2009 11:06:46 AM
Author: Stone Hunter

The stones look beautiful.

I don''t have any stacking rings, but I''ve been thinking about them lately. I guess somewhere on PS a poster said they''re good for smaller stones. Yours don''t look like smaller stones though...please take lots of hand shots when you get them so we can see how it all turned out.
I will!! And I do hope when I see them together I don''t think they are too big to stack together. They are 5.7mm and 6.2mm. I think they should be fine though.


Apr 15, 2007

Holy cow!

I just got the stones in the mail. The orange one is so pretty! The teal one is awesome! I need to have my DH approve the colors as I''m wondering if he will like the teal one or think it has too much green. They both sparkle like mad. The orange one is spot on.

I took some photos and I''m leaning toward thinking the teal is correct. Phinfans call it Aqua and Orange. Believe me, this color is all over my house. You''d think I could call it hands down, but I do want the hubby to see it.

Without flash: lively things

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