
CBD oil

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Feb 2, 2011

I’m trying it.

I’ve got anxiety and insomnia, and now as of last Thursday, a back injury. I got hit by a heavy fire door at work, it knocked my pelvis out of alignment (SI joint dysfunction) resulting in multiple muscle spasms. Bring on th oil.

Anyone else trying/ tried it?


Aug 8, 2011
I personally have not used it but if you're worried you'll be too stoned to do anything, I don't think you need to be all that concerned. What I've found says it does not produce the "high" THC does. It's really only medicinal for inflammation and pain. I am all for it personally as I've seen it have positive effects on quite a few different ailments. I wish you the best. I honestly do think it will help even if it's just a little bit. Sending healing thoughts your way :wavey:

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
Have you used it yet? Did it work?


Feb 2, 2011
I have tried it. Been using it for a week now.

Initially gives me a very slight headache and then slight wooziness. I have a fast metabolism so that’s pretty normal for me no matter what I take.

Anxiety has gone down some - noticeable some. Didn’t help with sleep initially but I’m giving it time and trying to find the right dose for me. Cautiously optimistic?

It definitely can make me tired so I’m careful about when I take it.


Feb 2, 2011
I’m thinking about getting some balm to spread on my back


Nov 6, 2011
I'd be curious to hear other stories as well. I was just researching this the other day as I also deal with anxiety. I have Xanax and Valium prescriptions as needed, but I'm not sure they really help anything when I'm in a stressful situation and starting to panic. As far as pain control, I HATE narcotics. They always upset my stomach and make me vomit. All of them. Please keep updating this thread as to any progress, and if you have tried any of the other meds how it might compare.


Jul 1, 2014
I spend $600/month on cbd oil and edibles for the Westies. Because it works. They have arthritis pain and one has anxiety too.

You must buy organic certified cbd oil. Hemp is used throughout the world to remediate hazardous and toxic waste. It is then used for oil. You obviously don't want that cbd.

I use out of Colorado. They grow their own hemp exclusively.


Jul 1, 2014
ETA: $600/month every 2 months. $300/ month.

Begonia, try Wobenzym. 3 tabs, full glass of water, every 4 hours. Empty stomach (necessary or don't bother).


Feb 2, 2011
ETA: $600/month every 2 months. $300/ month.

Begonia, try Wobenzym. 3 tabs, full glass of water, every 4 hours. Empty stomach (necessary or don't bother).

hey azstonie :geek2:

What is Wobenzym?

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
ETA: $600/month every 2 months. $300/ month.

Begonia, try Wobenzym. 3 tabs, full glass of water, every 4 hours. Empty stomach (necessary or don't bother).
Dearest Azy...

When I die, I want to come back as one of your dogs. Swimming, pot brownies, and all of the love and spoiling that anyone could ever desire. Best life ever! :kiss2:


Jul 1, 2014
You come visit any time, Housie, me, Maggie and Finn will spoil you!


Jul 1, 2014
Begonia, Wobenzym is enzymes. Used in Germany after neurosurgery to immediately reduce swelling and pain. They found out its great also for pain in general. It saved me after I broke my leg and my knee. Its been around since the 1960s.

mary poppins

Apr 10, 2010
Magnesium glycinate is good for improving sleep, decreasing anxiety and decreasing or eliminating muscle spasms. Kal and Dr.'s Best are good brands. Potassium is good for muscle spasms, too.

Regarding CBD oil, I recently got this response from a budtender when I asked for a recommendation for my cousin who is experiencing bone pain as a result of advanced prostate cancer:
"CBD oils are great for pain. They don't necessarily remove the pain but they relax the body and CBD helps with inflammation which is often the root cause of pain. Phoenix Tears and Rick Simpson oil are excellent options and I've heard from lots of people that they can be very effective for managing cancer related pain."


Jul 1, 2014
I love my Drs Best mag glycinate. It helps me sleep and elevates my mood.


Jun 8, 2008
Magnesium glycinate is good for improving sleep, decreasing anxiety and decreasing or eliminating muscle spasms. Kal and Dr.'s Best are good brands. Potassium is good for muscle spasms, too.

Regarding CBD oil, I recently got this response from a budtender when I asked for a recommendation for my cousin who is experiencing bone pain as a result of advanced prostate cancer:
"CBD oils are great for pain. They don't necessarily remove the pain but they relax the body and CBD helps with inflammation which is often the root cause of pain. Phoenix Tears and Rick Simpson oil are excellent options and I've heard from lots of people that they can be very effective for managing cancer related pain."

mary poppins I checked out Phoenix Tears and correct me if I am wrong but the website is claiming that this is a cure for cancers? That sounds like an extreme and unrealistic claim (to me) and it makes me question their whole website/product etc. Just curious about your thoughts or anyone else's on this matter. Thanks.


Jan 30, 2008
mary poppins I checked out Phoenix Tears and correct me if I am wrong but the website is claiming that this is a cure for cancers? That sounds like an extreme and unrealistic claim (to me) and it makes me question their whole website/product etc. Just curious about your thoughts or anyone else's on this matter. Thanks.

This just makes me hurt. We have taken a substance with some medical uses and just entered the Land of Snake Oil with it.

"This harmless non addictive natural medication can be used with great success, to cure or control cancer, MS, pain, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, infections, inflammations, blood pressure, depression, sleeping problems and just about any other medical issues that one can imagine."

Good for whatever ails you! :rolleyes:

Yep. Snake oil.


Jan 11, 2006
Some CBD oil has virtually no THC in it. Hemp is definitely being grown to make CBD oil. It does have promise for many things. There is plenty out there about it's potential for fighting certain kinds of cancer. Definitely NOT in the snake oil category. Haven't read all of these but there are plenty of people studying medicinal use including for cancer.

I first learned about CBD and cancer on a favorite dog FB page. His dog had some kind of cancer and he gave the dog CBD oil and and in a few months, his dog showed no signs of cancer. The guy raises and trains dogs and promotes the breed. He had nothing to gain by telling his story. I know people taking non-thc CBD oil to help with mental health issues, and I have read some things about it being promising for Alzheimers. We have cannabinoid receptors in our brains. I believe the plants are made for our health. I am strongly in favor of medicinal use being legal and I think it's absolutely horrid that it isn't in many states. I think its very strong medicinal promise is why certain interests are against it being legalized. They fear it might result in them losing lots of money because it is just might be more effective than things they sell.


Jan 11, 2006
Begonia, I am so sorry to hear of your problems and injury. I really hope you can find some relief!


Feb 16, 2009
Some CBD oil has virtually no THC in it. Hemp is definitely being grown to make CBD oil. It does have promise for many things. There is plenty out there about it's potential for fighting certain kinds of cancer. Definitely NOT in the snake oil category. Haven't read all of these but there are plenty of people studying medicinal use including for cancer.

I first learned about CBD and cancer on a favorite dog FB page. His dog had some kind of cancer and he gave the dog CBD oil and and in a few months, his dog showed no signs of cancer. The guy raises and trains dogs and promotes the breed. He had nothing to gain by telling his story. I know people taking non-thc CBD oil to help with mental health issues, and I have read some things about it being promising for Alzheimers. We have cannabinoid receptors in our brains. I believe the plants are made for our health. I am strongly in favor of medicinal use being legal and I think it's absolutely horrid that it isn't in many states. I think its very strong medicinal promise is why certain interests are against it being legalized. They fear it might result in them losing lots of money because it is just might be more effective than things they sell.

Diamond Seeker - do you know if the cbd oil the dog owner used had the, and if so did he mention the strength of the thc and the thc/cbd ratio? (I'm not on Facebook)

I had smoked pot off and on since my teenage years. Decided to get a medical card here in Colorado, because the taxes are so much lower. When I got my medical card, I thought it was really just a farce. I knew pot could help a little with pain, but I thought that was the most it could do, although the cbd oil certainly was helping epilepsy in kids. But what has happened for me, is that I was getting migraines two - three times a week. They weren't especially painful, but did come with that awful vision disturbance, and they would mostly happen at work whcih wasn't such a good thing lol. I got my medical card for that excuse, and when I found a few strains I liked best, and was vaporizing around 4 times a week, my migraines have all but vanished. I now have maybe one every couple of months, if that.

There was a study done at CU med center in Denver by a company called Skaggs something or other that reached the same conclusion on pot reducing the frequency of migraines. They're studying it as you say, for Alzheimers, and as a neuro-protectant for brain injuries, strokes and heart attacks. Maybe not a miracle drug, but I think there's a lot of potential there.


Feb 2, 2011
Begonia, I am so sorry to hear of your problems and injury. I really hope you can find some relief!

Thanks DS!
I’m still trying out the oil for anxiety and insomnia, and now the back.

I’ve researched this pretty carefully. I avoid all snake oil remedies unless there is some some science and testimonials to back it up. It’s early days but the anxiety and insomnia were easing a bit (I’m on just a few drops - much less than a dose), then I got the back injury. Went off for a couple of weeks but back on now and slowly increasing my dose. Up to 5 drops. Taken late afternoon after I’m done driving for the day.

I get pretty chill afterward but not drugged. Even Tylenol can make me feel drugged so...

I’m going to keep trying it.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
I thought the CBD didn’t produce a high?

B, if you don’t mind,can you please describe your anxiety to me? Is it constant? Where do you feel it in your body? What is your mind doing to you? And finally, if the cbd is helping, what is it relieving?

Do you ever take Valium/Xanax/Ativan/klonopin or any other benzodiazepine? Is cbd similar to that?

And if this question is too invasive, please disregard. :))


Jul 1, 2014
No high on CBD.

I spend a SHIT TON of money monthly for CBD oil and edibles for the Westies. It saved Finn's life, he was in bad shape last spring, really painful arthritis with some anxiety and I think some cognitive decline thrown in too (he was 14 then, he's 15 now). He never played with Maggie and rarely with me and the DH. After 8 months of consistent CBD oil 2x daily and treat in the evening, he rock and rolls in and out of the house, he plays with Maggie and with us, he's interested in toys again, and he seems less confused to me. out of Colorado Springs. You cannot do better than them for canine/feline or human treatment (I bought cbd in capsules for me/DH, we got some nice joint pain relief and in my case, better sleep).


Feb 2, 2011
I thought the CBD didn’t produce a high?

B, if you don’t mind,can you please describe your anxiety to me? Is it constant? Where do you feel it in your body? What is your mind doing to you? And finally, if the cbd is helping, what is it relieving?

Do you ever take Valium/Xanax/Ativan/klonopin or any other benzodiazepine? Is cbd similar to that?

And if this question is too invasive, please disregard. :))

Sorry House Cat - didn’t see your post :(

Let me anxiety is like a constant worry. My mind races with all the possible outcomes and I go too far into the future and the past, it wakes me up at night - I’ll wake up and be instantly awake with my mind going staight to the issue or issues.

I feel it pretty much everywhere but if I had to narrow it down - tension in the back (creating knots), sore stomach, tight jaw, headache and loss of appetite. Also heart palpitations and shortness of breath. I do not have a heart issue, I’ve been checked.

I’ve never used any of the above but I was on Paxil years ago for anxiety and post partum depression. That did not go well. Not having tried any of the above, I can’t give you a comparison I’m afraid :(

I’m currently on fairly high doses of omega 3 fish oils, the cbd oil, L-theanine, vitamin D, multi vitamin, probiotics.

Because my nervous system is so sensitive, I’m slowly adding cbd by drops. I can feel some symptoms right away. I get a very mild headache which goes away, then I just wind right down. My obsessive thoughts seem to quieten. It’s not a magic bullet but it seems to be helping. I’m going to increase my dosage slowly and try to find the right dose for me.

Currently I’m taking it a night as it makes me tired but on bad days I dribble a little under the tongue throughout the day.

I hope I’ve answered your questions. Ask more if not :)


Jul 1, 2014
Yay Begonia. I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope the trend continues and gathers steam :appl:


Jan 11, 2006
Diamond Seeker - do you know if the cbd oil the dog owner used had the, and if so did he mention the strength of the thc and the thc/cbd ratio? (I'm not on Facebook)

I had smoked pot off and on since my teenage years. Decided to get a medical card here in Colorado, because the taxes are so much lower. When I got my medical card, I thought it was really just a farce. I knew pot could help a little with pain, but I thought that was the most it could do, although the cbd oil certainly was helping epilepsy in kids. But what has happened for me, is that I was getting migraines two - three times a week. They weren't especially painful, but did come with that awful vision disturbance, and they would mostly happen at work whcih wasn't such a good thing lol. I got my medical card for that excuse, and when I found a few strains I liked best, and was vaporizing around 4 times a week, my migraines have all but vanished. I now have maybe one every couple of months, if that.

There was a study done at CU med center in Denver by a company called Skaggs something or other that reached the same conclusion on pot reducing the frequency of migraines. They're studying it as you say, for Alzheimers, and as a neuro-protectant for brain injuries, strokes and heart attacks. Maybe not a miracle drug, but I think there's a lot of potential there.

No, I don't recall the exact amount he gave the dog. But he gave referrals to the company in CA that he ordered from. This is the FB group: peace, love & pit bulls

I think maybe it is a miracle drug, really. I have a family member who desperately needs it, but only the CBD oil with almost no THC is legal in my state and it is of some help. But after seeing this person suffer with panic attacks, anxiety, and depression WHILE taking regular meds for all of that for years, I have zero confidence in those drugs for long term use. I almost think the person is worse off with them, but it is impossible to get off!!! This person is trying to wait for medical to be legal here, but if not, I think they may have to go to CO to survive.

My dad died with Alzheimers so I am very interested in the research being done with CBD oil for Alzheimers and other medical and preventative uses. I do know of a child using the oil for seizures and it has made a big difference even with no THC. There is no excuse for medical use to not be legalized. BIG MONEY is blocking it!


Feb 2, 2011
Sorry to hear of the road blocks diamondseeker!

Jeez, we have dispensaries on every corner, and marijuana is about to become legalized. Such a difference. :shock:


Feb 16, 2009
No, I don't recall the exact amount he gave the dog. But he gave referrals to the company in CA that he ordered from. This is the FB group: peace, love & pit bulls

I think maybe it is a miracle drug, really. I have a family member who desperately needs it, but only the CBD oil with almost no THC is legal in my state and it is of some help. But after seeing this person suffer with panic attacks, anxiety, and depression WHILE taking regular meds for all of that for years, I have zero confidence in those drugs for long term use. I almost think the person is worse off with them, but it is impossible to get off!!! This person is trying to wait for medical to be legal here, but if not, I think they may have to go to CO to survive.

My dad died with Alzheimers so I am very interested in the research being done with CBD oil for Alzheimers and other medical and preventative uses. I do know of a child using the oil for seizures and it has made a big difference even with no THC. There is no excuse for medical use to not be legalized. BIG MONEY is blocking it!

Thank you! I found them and it looks like OC Consultants, with a phone number and all. I appreciate it!!

I try not to overstate how helpful I think weed is in so many ways, as I know it can't cure everything and I don't want to sound like a snake oil salesman, lol. But I really do believe it can help in so many areas.

The CBD oil should be able to help with your relative's anxiety and panic attacks, but I think you need THC for the depression. And I read where they're looking at low daily doses of THC for Alzheimers. Hopefully more states will legalize.


Feb 16, 2009
Sorry House Cat - didn’t see your post :(

Let me anxiety is like a constant worry. My mind races with all the possible outcomes and I go too far into the future and the past, it wakes me up at night - I’ll wake up and be instantly awake with my mind going staight to the issue or issues.

I feel it pretty much everywhere but if I had to narrow it down - tension in the back (creating knots), sore stomach, tight jaw, headache and loss of appetite. Also heart palpitations and shortness of breath. I do not have a heart issue, I’ve been checked.

I’ve never used any of the above but I was on Paxil years ago for anxiety and post partum depression. That did not go well. Not having tried any of the above, I can’t give you a comparison I’m afraid :(

I’m currently on fairly high doses of omega 3 fish oils, the cbd oil, L-theanine, vitamin D, multi vitamin, probiotics.

Because my nervous system is so sensitive, I’m slowly adding cbd by drops. I can feel some symptoms right away. I get a very mild headache which goes away, then I just wind right down. My obsessive thoughts seem to quieten. It’s not a magic bullet but it seems to be helping. I’m going to increase my dosage slowly and try to find the right dose for me.

Currently I’m taking it a night as it makes me tired but on bad days I dribble a little under the tongue throughout the day.

I hope I’ve answered your questions. Ask more if not :)

That's pretty much what I'm like. I have a prescription for Xanax, and love the way it works, but I don't like taking it too often. I don't want to build up a tolerance or become addicted and they're saying it could possibly contribute to Alzheimers.

I'm not you, but I'm also somewhat senstive to a lot of drugs, and before I started vaporizing fairly regularly, I had been taking CBD drops. I've taken 1/2 to a full dropper with no ill effects. Never gave me a headache though - could be the solution they're in? For me, it seems to have a residual calming effect even for the next day or two. Good luck finding the dose that works for you! And if you ever can indulge in the THC where you live, try Hash Plant. Puts me out quickly if I'm tired, and it doesn't let me focus on one thing for long. if I'm not tired. Very strange effect that no other strain seems to have on me.
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