
99.2% of recent US Covid deaths were unvaccinated people


May 14, 2021
It seemed like you don't think they should be vaccinated either, when there is virtually no difference.

I don’t care who wants to get vaccinated. I only care that they not be mandated to do so.

Why so much vitriol against the unvaccinated? Would that as much passion went into the broader development and/or usage of therapeutics, instead.


Jun 27, 2014
Yes, Facebook isn’t a source, and snark isn’t a useful way to discuss serious topics.

My source is the CDC, which is reporting: “During this time, VAERS received 6,789 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.”

From your own article:
  • Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.


Sep 10, 2003
Apparently, no sacrifice of people with their whole lives ahead of them is too great if it means more 80-somethings can eke out another year or two.

Oh heck no, I think we should let old folks die. I mean, what contributions do they make to the greater good, right? At the other end of the spectrum I think we should withhold medical care for premature babies because they're too young to contribute and just a drain on medical resources. All those littles that have chronic and terminal illnesses -- why waste resources on them? The handicapped and mentally ill, pfft. I think we should evaluate the level of contribution those "with their whole lives ahead of them" have the potential to make to society, sterilize the dead enders and withhold medical care for them when they need it so all the valuable contributors who are left don't have to endure the inconvenience of sharing the planet with deadweight. Eugenics will solve all our problems. :rolleyes:
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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
@LibertyN I'd give you a lot credit for your posts. You would dare to go against the PSer herd? :eek-2: . I just came back from dinner. I had a few more drinks than I should. :silenced::oops:


Oct 30, 2018
Why so much vitriol against the unvaccinated? Would that as much passion went into the broader development and/or usage of therapeutics, instead.

But why not a mandate for those who haven't caught covid? The odds of survival are just the same. And once you survive, you also decrease the chance of turning a near 100% survival rate virus into a deadly virus. There is also a whole conversation on very tangible, long-lasting side effects from covid survivors.

People tend to get a little mad when you put the people they love at risk, just as you are mad that the a mandate would put you and your loved ones at risk.


Oct 30, 2018
[Uh-oh, I suggested the response to covid is hysteria. I guess that means I can expect more irritated responses from people who prefer to deflect numbers like 4.4 million deaths GLOBALLY and the 6,789 deaths reported to VAERS.]

How is this deflecting, when you are the one comparing the two. It is obvious that these two pieces of data cannot be compared to each other due to the difference in sample size, so you cannot say whether global vaccination death is any more or less than the statistics reported to VAERs. Why is the vaccine death rate so alarming, then? Even when we compare just covid death in the US, where the sample sizes are similar, the statistic still shows that the vaccination death is of lower percentage than covid death, so really, what is all the fuss about?
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Feb 24, 2017
Why so much vitriol against the unvaccinated?

Based on those who choose not to get vaccinated, not those advised not to for medical reasons. Those who choose to get vaccinated are only taking the risk (if there is one) for themselves. Those who choose not to get vaccinated, are putting others at risk. Whether that be other members of the public, their family, or ultimately health care workers in the event they go on to contract Covid.


Apr 5, 2009
Why so much vitriol against the unvaccinated?

Because in much of the U.S., the unvaccinated are selfishly clogging up our hospitals and taxing the medical system. You know, the ones who bet that they had a 99% survival rate and lost that bet. And that infringes on my freedom, should I need care for a non-Covid medical condition and be unable to receive that care because the unvaccinated are overburdening our health care system.

The Delta variant is not the same beast as Alpha. We were spoiled by Alpha. Had Delta been the first variant to show up in the U.S., I suspect a lot of the anti-vax don’t-tread-on-me rugged individualist swagger would have been shut down real quick. There would have been far, far more deaths in 2020 than we saw with Alpha - and not just old people. And our medical system would have collapsed.

I am vaccinated for my own benefit and to do my part to save our health system from stress and strain and potential collapse. So I hopefully won’t be taking up an ICU bed that your family might need for a medical emergency.
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Jun 8, 2008
Speaking from the USA.
Rightly so, the vaccinated feel like our country is being held hostage by the unvaccinated.

Governor Murphy (NJ) said at a press conference last week:

You’ve lost your minds. You are the ultimate knuckleheads and because of what you are saying and standing for, people are losing their life,” Murphy said.

The selfishness, the ignorance and the misinformation is mind blowing.

We are in this mess because of those who can (medically cleared to do so) get vaccinated but refuse to get vaccinated. Irresponsible and selfish at best. And at worst, well, I won't say it but you can figure it out.

Vaccines remain the BEST defense against Covid.
There are no successful treatments and there may never (probably never will) be.
Prevention is the way to go.
Vaccines are safe.
Vaccines are life saving.


Jun 8, 2008


Throughout the world, including the United States, medical professionals and patients are facing both a pandemic and an infodemic — the first caused by SARS-CoV-2 and the second by misinformation and disinformation. The Annenberg Public Policy Center’s tracking of social and legacy media has found that millions of people have been exposed to deceptive material alleging that SARS-CoV-2 is a hoax or that experts are exaggerating its severity and the extent of its spread, that masks are ineffective or increase infection risk, or that Covid-19 vaccines cause the disease, alter the recipient’s DNA, or include tracking devices. Believing such claims is associated with a lower likelihood of engaging in preventive behavior and a lower willingness to be vaccinated.1

lies tend to spread faster than accurate information does and an overwhelming amount of misinformation and disinformation circulates on social media


Sep 16, 2009
Yes, Facebook isn’t a source, and snark isn’t a useful way to discuss serious topics.

My source is the CDC, which is reporting: “During this time, VAERS received 6,789 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.”

So you get that anyone can report whatever they want to VAERS right?

One doctor said a vaccine turned him into the Hulk and it was published in VAERS.

There are anti vaxx groups who encourage their members to make up false VAERS reports. They are preying on the gullible. It’s reprehensible.
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Sep 16, 2009
I don’t care who wants to get vaccinated. I only care that they not be mandated to do so.

Why so much vitriol against the unvaccinated? Would that as much passion went into the broader development and/or usage of therapeutics, instead.

I agree with you, vaccines shouldn’t be mandated. Instead I advocate for selective lockdowns that apply only to those who are unvaccinated by choice.

You don’t want to be vaccinated that’s fine, but why should you be allowed to disrupt healthcare for everyone else? Limit the eligible and unvaccinated to essential services only (pharmacy, groceries, medical appointments).

If you are willfully unvaccinated and want to eat out then get curbside like it’s April 2020. As we’ve seen, indoor shopping, dining, sports and concerts aren’t rights.

There’s a huge push for vaccination passports in Canada and it looks like some provinces will have a system in place by early September.

It all comes down to fear. People are afraid of the vaccine. That’s fine! Not everyone understands science and it’s natural to fear what you don’t understand. It’s just hit a point where the rest of us are tired and want to get on with our lives.
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Feb 1, 2014
We have two medical ICU at the hospital where I work. They're both mostly full of Covid-19 patients. All but 1 of the patients are unvaccinated. The vaccinated one has a preexisting cancer diagnosis. One of the ICU has a Covid age range of 22-45, the other is mostly people in their 50s and early 60s. Many of them will die here. Those who are refusing to get the vaccine can brag all day long about how brave you are and how knowledgeable you think you are, but at the end of the day you are more likely to die from something we have the tools to prevent and/or slow than those of us who don't let politics get in the way of sound logic and science. I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for your families, and I'm sorry for those vaccinated individuals with immunocompromise who will get sick thanks to your selfish and PROUD ignorance.
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Apr 11, 2008
Remember that guy I mentioned? The Radio Talk show host who said he wished he could attend mask-burning parties and who advised listeners that they didn't need to get the vax unless they felt at risk?

You know.....the guy who said he had a 'very low risk' of getting COVID and 'way less than 1% chance of dying from it'? The guy who mocked the vax with a parody of the song Taxman called 'Vaxman'?

Lest you think I"m unsympathetic, think again. My heart literally breaks for what he's put his wife and his family through during the past six weeks, and for the lifetime of second-guessing they will live with. While I'm sure he saved his families' lives (since they all ran out to get the vax once he got sick), it's a damned shame he wouldn't save his own.
It's too bad it only seems to "hit home" when YOU are personally impacted. When it was everyone else, it's so easy to be dismissive, but now that YOU got the virus, it's suddenly the truth. I feel for his family I do but sorry, the change of heart only after you got sick isn't some enlightenment.

Speaking from the USA.
You’ve lost your minds. You are the ultimate knuckleheads and because of what you are saying and standing for, people are losing their life,” Murphy said.
I think this about sums about my feelings.


May 15, 2014
I don’t care who wants to get vaccinated. I only care that they not be mandated to do so.

Why so much vitriol against the unvaccinated? Would that as much passion went into the broader development and/or usage of therapeutics, instead.

And new therapeutics would be "experimental" for quite a while and there would probably be some people who had negative effects from them. So why are they better than the vaccine? And why wait until people get sick and overburden the health care systems before taking action when you could virtually prevent hospitalization with a vaccine. Seems backwards to me.


Feb 24, 2017
I’m getting really sick of people who refuse to be vaccinated thinking that what they want is all that‘s important. We continue to wear masks when we’re out, because we can’t tell by looking at someone if they’re vaccinated or not, we continue to curtail our lives because the unvaccinated are prolonging this. If it was the case that being unvaccinated only impacted their lives, it would be one thing, but it’s not, it’s affecting ALL of the rest of us. Why on earth do they think this is OK? Selfish doesn’t even begin to cover it.


Aug 16, 2007
I’m getting really sick of people who refuse to be vaccinated thinking that what they want is all that‘s important. We continue to wear masks when we’re out, because we can’t tell by looking at someone if they’re vaccinated or not, we continue to curtail our lives because the unvaccinated are prolonging this. If it was the case that being unvaccinated only impacted their lives, it would be one thing, but it’s not, it’s affecting ALL of the rest of us. Why on earth do they think this is OK? Selfish doesn’t even begin to cover it.

I feel you on this. Even when the CDC said that the vaccinated could unmask, I never did (in public). Once I realized they were going by the "honor system" I knew I couldn't trust it. I'm glad I listened to my gut. I actually got into an argument with a cousin at a family BBQ yesterday (all adults vaccinated) over mask wearing. She does not want masks in schools, I work in a public school and explained that with this delta variant it's our best bet at keeping schools open. She eventually just gave up and walked away. It goes nowhere.


Feb 24, 2017
Honestly @Asscherhalo_lover I think we’ll be wearing masks for a long time to come, especially when we still see people with masks under their noses :roll: I don’t understand why people find it such a big deal to wear a mask correctly when they’re out. I even had someone tell me that wearing a mask will cause death by bacterial pneumonia. When you’re dealing with that level of stupidity, I despair that we’ll ever get through this.


Feb 22, 2014
Maybe it’s the mom in me, but I believe we older people need to care more about younger people, to prioritize the value of their lives.

So wouldn’t the *mom* in you care enough to do your part to support vaccination to protect the children of whom aren't eligible for vaccine yet? Children are getting hit hard by the Delta variant. How are you prioritizing the value of their lives?

My daughter is treating more and more little ones with serious Covid-19 illness. The last one was 17 months old, unresponsive, having seizures and on a vent. Let that image soak in for a minute.


Jul 31, 2014
Honestly @Asscherhalo_lover I think we’ll be wearing masks for a long time to come, especially when we still see people with masks under their noses :roll: I don’t understand why people find it such a big deal to wear a mask correctly when they’re out. I even had someone tell me that wearing a mask will cause death by bacterial pneumonia. When you’re dealing with that level of stupidity, I despair that we’ll ever get through this.

This x1000000


Feb 24, 2017
That’s heartbreaking @Bonfire, I hope the baby makes it. As a parent, I couldn’t imagine anything worse than seeing my child go through that.


Sep 10, 2003
The basket of deplorables keeps getting more full -- we now have pastors, doctors, and school superintendents encouraging parents to apply for medical and religious exemptions so their kids don't have to wear masks in school. Yep, parents are trying to get their kids qualified as disabled under the ADA. I thought religious leaders were supposed to set examples as moral authorities. Are they writing a new chapter in the Bible on the holiness of lying and cheating? The kids will have it on good authority that it's perfectly fine to cheat and lie to get what they want. Any doctor, school employee, religious leader who advocates this behavior needs to lose their jobs.

The covid pandemic pales in comparison to the stupid pandemic in this country.


Apr 11, 2008
My daughter is treating more and more little ones with serious Covid-19 illness. The last one was 17 months old, unresponsive, having seizures and on a vent. Let that image soak in for a minute.
Looking back to the early days when it was all "kids are at very low risk", when people were being irresponsible about masks, social distancing, etc, I used to think if children were at higher risk people would take this a lot more seriously. It's absolutely heartbreaking to see how that made so little difference. As more children are impacted, people are just as irresponsible as ever and just as unwilling to make sacrifices in order to protect more children. That to me has been the worst moment in all of this...


Sep 10, 2003
As more children are impacted, people are just as irresponsible as ever and just as unwilling to make sacrifices in order to protect more children.

What sacrifices? Washing their hands, wearing masks, physically distancing, refusing a free vaccine that will save their lives and the lives of others? We should not view engaging in common decency expected of everyone as sacrifices. It's ironic that these petulant people become their own sacrificial lambs on the altar of their ignorance.


Feb 1, 2014
What sacrifices? Washing their hands, wearing masks, physically distancing, refusing a free vaccine that will save their lives and the lives of others? We should not view engaging in common decency expected of everyone as sacrifices. It's ironic that these petulant people become their own sacrificial lambs on the altar of their ignorance.

EXACTLY. No sacrifices are being asked. I find it deplorable that the same people who tell others they're fragile snowflakes for asking for equal rights, and who rally against women's health clinics like Planned Parenthood now suddenly want to coopt "my body my choice," and play the victim card when asked to show some common decency and decorum.


May 15, 2014
What sacrifices? Washing their hands, wearing masks, physically distancing, refusing a free vaccine that will save their lives and the lives of others? We should not view engaging in common decency expected of everyone as sacrifices. It's ironic that these petulant people become their own sacrificial lambs on the altar of their ignorance.

I could not have this better. I so agree.
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