
2nd OEC came in the mail! Which should I keep?

Which OEC should I keep?

  • Diamond #1 (1.48 GIA M)

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • Diamond #2 (1.51 EGL L)

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters


Sep 27, 2015
My 2nd OEC arrived today via overnight shipping (Adam works wonders)! Below are comparison pictures and information on each OEC! Please share thoughts on which one I should keep!

Diamond #1:
CLARITY: VS1 (GIA report reads "Surface graining not shown"
MEASURE: 7.03 - 7.29 x 4.65
DEPTH: 65.3
GIRDLE: Very Thin to Slightly Thick
CULET: Slightly Large
GIA: [URL='----']----[/URL]
Price: $5000
There are LOTS of pictures of this diamond on this thread.

Diamond #2:
MEASURE: 7.44 x 7.42 x 4.49 mm
TABLE: 44%
DEPTH: 60.4%
Crown Height: 15.7%
Crown Angle: 28.5°
Pavilion Depth: 41.5%
Pavilion Angle: 40.8°

Diamond #2 on left, Diamond #1 on right. While diamond #1 has slightly more brilliance and white return from under the table, diamond #2 wins with the fire and big color flashes.




Diamond #1 is the clear winner to me. The facet pattern is more organized, sharper, more distinct and prettier IMO. In the pics it also seems more facets are on more of the time but really need to confirm that with your own eyes since you have the diamonds right in front of you and that is not a static determination. Also your EGL L is most likely lower than an M color and looks too yellow to me.

I prefer diamond #1. Not even a question in my mind.
Here are more pictures because I obviously have nothing better to do on Saturday than take diamonds around my house! Also, I'll probably never have two diamonds of this size in my possession again!




2 looks dark in the middle but it could just be the angle. More super close up photos would really help. Can't tell much from the ones taken from a distance. A side view showing the crowns would also help. Sorry to be so demanding! :bigsmile: haha
Gosh, FWIW I like #2 better in both videos and most of these photos...
Here's more close-up pics. I can grab the macro lens and post more of those if you'd like too! Lemme know if you have more pic/video requests!!! Definitely want all the input so I can make the best choice here!

So far, I do like the more consistent light performance and color of #1, but I do like the size, symmetry, and big fire of #2. I think #2 may be more transitional cut? Not sure.

Another video:




I like #2, even though it is a bit more tinted. They both show tint and the difference isn't great. I like the symmetry of #2 from what I can see but close up shots of the two side by side would definitely help.
Touch choice to make as i like certain aspects of each.

The broader flashes of 2 :love: shape and size of #2 (bigger presence on hand), warmer colour of #2, but that profile of # 1 OMG!!!!

I know that time is of the essence here. So... out of the 2 that you have here, i would chose stone 1 for one reason and one reason only: that side profile. (this may not be your criterion and there are heaps of them and they may be different to mine).

you have a profile pic of it.. i think it is the 3rd last one where you have both stones in the profile positioning on your hands.... I think your setting (stuller) is a solitaire and you will see the profile of that stone more than head on in your normal wearing of the ring. The side profile is the position that you will see the stone in the setting most.. hands on steering wheel, whilst typing on the computer, the stone is not always going to be sitting straight up and right into your eyes. yes, when you want to look at your ring to admire it- you will look at it straight on.

I like the out of round shape.. to me, it adds mystic and romanticism of old cuts, and the warmer colours work well for these cuts.. i have an OP colour 0.65ct OEC slightly out of round.... so i am abit biased. :-)

It all depends on what you really like when you have both in your hands.. what sings to you more.

One will generally sing to you more than the other. If the stone doesn't sing to you.. then that stone isn't the one. That is how i felt when i was choosing my stones. the stone chose me so to speak... If neither sang to you, then keep looking. Things need to hit you square between the eyes or make your heart melt when you see it. this is a stone that you are going to wear for a while and you need for that stone to make it sing to you everytime you see it.

I hope that helps......

good luck- have fun....
Indeed, the profile of #1 is lovely, and you make great points about the angle my stone will be in most of the time!

It's so hard to see which stone sings to me because they both have different things that I love. Too bad keeping both isn't an option! :lol:

Here are more pics! It's night now and my kitchen lightbulb is a white LED:




PumpkinsAreAwesome|1447554630|3949785 said:
Indeed, the profile of #1 is lovely, and you make great points about the angle my stone will be in most of the time!

It's so hard to see which stone sings to me because they both have different things that I love. Too bad keeping both isn't an option! :lol:

Here are more pics! It's night now and my kitchen lightbulb is a white LED:

THAT to me, says ALOT.

ohh the close up shots shows that the facet patterning of 1 is better ie more flowery for me than the 2. it also appears brighter than the centre of stone 2

I personally do not think that either stone is the one for you. Whilst they have their qualities that you like in the individual stone; none of those qualities that you like are in the ONE stone. i believe that it should be or it should be 90-95% in the one stone.... I may have misinterpreted your preferences or your thought processes and if i have, i am sorry.

another way to look at it as some PSers have said before..
if you returned one of them how would you feel? if indifferent, then you may do the next thing.
Get your hubby involved with this...

Put both stones in their respective boxes...
you turn around
ask hubby to shuffle the boxes and place box in each hand behind his back.
when he is done, you turn around and face him.

now you choose a box.

That is your stone.
The side profile of 1 is amazing! and it looks more flowery. Do you prefer flowery faceting or more angular faceting? It's a personal thing. I like flowery so of the two, I would pick number one. But personally the out of round would bother me too much, because not only does it mean the stone itself is not round (duh), it also appears to impact the symmetry of the faceting.

If it were me, then, I'd go back to Adam, and ask him to look for a stone that's in budget with the faceting and side profile of #1, but with better symmetry.
No 2 looks more tinted than no.1 to me I'd guess it's an N or lower colourwise. I probably prefer no.1 but only you can really decide you are the person that has to wear it.
I know that over the past few days, #1 has grown on me, mostly because of the light performance and profile. The color is great too! It also seems rounder, or maybe the wonkiness doesn't bug me anymore.

While the spread of #2 is much larger, it's starting to borderline too big, especially since I work in a hospital and play drums. I thought I wanted big, but I think it might be too big?

I guess I'm closer to my answer than I initially realized! I'll spend tomorrow looking at both diamonds under various light conditions again to evaluate fire. By Monday I should have my decision?
The second one looks more tinted to me too. I'm not sure if that matters as far as your criteria though. Overall the first stone is the one that catches my eye! Looking forward to seeing which one you choose! :wavey:
Good morning!

Here's more picture spam of the two diamonds! It's crazy how temperamental they are. Seems like I never know which one is going to be the better performer in a given light situation, though they both perform quite well! The plan is to send both back to Adam tomorrow for mounting!




I have been withholding comment as I am not an expert at all, but I am a size gal (larger digits).I like the bigger one, as I think DSS can be real! I also love the warmth and the better symmetry. But both are gorgeous so you can't go wrong!
I would also like to comment on the stuller X-1 white gold as I think you are considering that for your beautiful selected setting. You will have a gap with the crown head (am I thinking of the correct setting?) I love the quality of my stuller and the color and ease of wear (no plating) of the X-1 is perfect IMHO.
Good luck! What a fun dilemma! :dance:
I'd say #1, but I prefer depth in my old cuts. I think #2 is pretty shallow for an OEC.
I was at Adam's recently and was torn between 2 stones, one had a higher crown like your 1. The other had a lower crown but i liked the color and bigger flashes of light. I know I should have liked the smaller crown more bc it was close or to a traditional OEC, but I liked the bigger crown more. Just appealed to me. After watching your video, I like #2 more. Bigger flashes of light. Some parts around the edge don't light up but that is the nature of an OEC. Good luck. They are both beautiful stones.
My vote is for 2 - I really can't see a major difference in color in most of the pics, although I guess 2 is showing a bit more in a few. Hard to judge color from pics, since you have them both in hand you're really the best judge of that! I like the larger size and the more rounded shape. No. 1 does have a higher crown and a pretty flower facet pattern under the table. Honestly, they looked like they were very similar in performance in the video imo, I just don't have a discerning eye I guess. Both of them are lovely stones but I lean towards 2.
Here is another video, this time taken in my bathroom under direct sunlight. My boyfriend walked in on me sitting on the bathroom floor taking this video and probably thinks I'm crazy now! :lol:

These diamonds are so tempermental!
Ok, PAA, now for the really important question - which one do you prefer?
What a great video. Still like the larger one. They seem to perform similarly in that lighting. Gorgeous! How much fun you're having!
I believe you have some of your pics mislabeled. You have shown two profile pics and the stones are different for each one. You mention #2 has more fire so I was expecting to see a higher crown, but it was not so and now you say #2 has the higher crown in the second set of pics, which is what I was expecting all along. So if that is the case, I prefer the profile of #2, but overall the faceting of #1 is more pleasing to me.
_lovesvintage_|1447616778|3949994 said:
I believe you have some of your pics mislabeled. You have shown two profile pics and the stones are different for each one. You mention #2 has more fire so I was expecting to see a higher crown, but it was not so and now you say #2 has the higher crown in the second set of pics, which is what I was expecting all along. So if that is the case, I prefer the profile of #2, but overall the faceting of #1 is more pleasing to me.

You're right! I'm sorry, I think looking at these diamonds is making me delirious!
In this picture, #1 is on the right, #2 left!
So #1 does have the higher and puffier crown? Ok, then my vote is #1.
My parents are in Vegas for the weekend, so I borrowed my mom's engagement ring to take more pics. Ahhh...don't tell her! :wink2:

It's an estate/vintage store find and a replacement for when the safe in our house (and most of my mom's jewelry) was stolen last year. Not certed. The only thing I know is that it has medium/strong fluorescence.



