
1.7ct D IF type iia vs 2.5ct F VS2 super ideals


Jul 4, 2019
1.7ct D IF type iia vs 2.5ct F VS2?

Looking at this two custom cut options. Both super ideals by two of the best super ideal cutters mentioned around on this board. Both same price.

What would you chose and why? Does anyone think the type iia would be noticeable in a H&A diamond?
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I'd take the bigger rock hands down. Nobody will know (or care) that the other rock is IF except you...

Although at that size, the VS2 better be pretty damn clean. If you uploaded some pics it'd be helpful, but if it's one of the branded companies often mentioned on this forum it should be fine.
To the casual observer the 2.5 carat will look quite a bit bigger than the 1.7 carat.
The 1.7 carat being type 2a and a D and IF will be an exceptional diamond, hence the price, but this excellence will not be noticed by most as difference in whiteness between D and F isn’t much. As for clarity, people’s eye sight isn’t x10 so the VS2 is likely to look exactly the same as the IF.
But size, size is noticed by everyone.
Agreed. The bigger size is easily noticeable whereas IF and type is invisible and (to me) not worth the smaller size.
I would absolutely get the IIa for the collectibility factor of just knowing I had one. BUT barely anyone you encounter will know what that means. Since I am mainly into colored gems, I have a lot of things that people have never heard of and I am not bothered by most other people not knowing what it is that makes a particular stone neat. They're called "collector stones" for a reason - the other people who will know and be impressed are also collectors or dealers. So if it is just for an engagement ring, for someone else, or you're sensitive to random people's thoughts on your jewelry, then go with the bigger one, since that is what people will see.
I would go with the larger size, since that's noticeable. No-one will know that a diamond is IF or Type IIa unless you tell them, and almost no-one will be able to tell the difference between a D and an F without comparing them side to side, and even then they're pretty close.
I would absolutely get the IIa for the collectibility factor of just knowing I had one. BUT barely anyone you encounter will know what that means. Since I am mainly into colored gems, I have a lot of things that people have never heard of and I am not bothered by most other people not knowing what it is that makes a particular stone neat. They're called "collector stones" for a reason - the other people who will know and be impressed are also collectors or dealers. So if it is just for an engagement ring, for someone else, or you're sensitive to random people's thoughts on your jewelry, then go with the bigger one, since that is what people will see.

Agreed. I would personally take the type iia just for the rarity factor and so I could nerd out on it, but the vast majority of the population wouldn't be able to see any difference nor would they care what type it is.

@uxr51 do you like the brightness and lack of color in a D? Another option would be to look for a 2.1-2.2 carat D/VS1 or VS2 as a compromise. No-one is going to be able to tell the difference between VS1 and IF clarity IRL, and no-one would really see the difference between a type ia or iia D color either. If you showed a D/IF type iia and a D/VS1 type ia with equal cut proportions and carat weights to a group of 10 diamond experts and asked them if they could tell the difference from 10 inches without any optical equipment, I don't think any of them would be able to do so consistently.

But still... it would be cool to own a D/IF type iia... :mrgreen:
I'd take the 2.5ct any day of the week.

The F is still going to be absolutely white, still eye clean, and noticeably bigger. Unless the intended WANTS a smaller D IF diamond, then you would need to take that into consideration.
I would absolutely choose the 2.5 ct F VS2 if those are the two choices! But I'd adapt it slightly and go for F VS1 and give up a few points on the weight. F is so white, I just couldn't imagine giving up size to get a D.
I can see that’s a difficult choice. I would actually pick the type II a, because it doesn’t come along too often. I agree no one will notice that’s a type IIa, but it will look so darn white. Don’t worry about whether other people will notice. The only person it matters should be you.

Just make sure you have the second page of the cert that says it’s a type iia.
Color snob here--I'd take the D. A 1.7 carat is plenty big enough, for me. In fact, (ODDBALL ALERT!) I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing a 2.5 carat. It's too big-- sacrilege, I know!! :eek2: I don't care that much about the IF clarity, but it would be kind of cool. I also think it would be cool to own a IIa.
It depends on what you and she considers perfection.

Bang for the buck = 2.5 F VS2 that will wow the vast majority of people with carat, color and clarity and will still be a top tier stone

Mind clean and rarity = 1.7 D IF that is unique and cool to own from a mental perspective but at the expense of paying for attributes your eyes probably can't appreciate

A second option would be to look at the proportions, videos, etc to see if one had a slightly different personality than the other. Although a super ideal, you won't get guaranteed cut proportions on a custom cut but rather a guarantee the stone will meet their definition/range of awesome so that isn't an option here.
For me...2.5!
If you're a rock nerd get the 1.7. if you want an eye clean stone and you like bigger stones, get the 2.5 What most people see between D and F is negligible. I can see it...barely. But I'm also not normal:P2

Quite honestly, I've got big hands. and big fingers, so I'd go bigger because even though I would see some of the color, I doubt it would bother me unless it had a funky undertone I didn't like.
Drop the colour and clarity for a larger stone for me too.

Personally, I would never spend the extra money for a D and/or an IF.

However, each to their own.

DK :))
I would take the D/IF. Stone nerd here... and there's no way my finger can handle the larger stone.
Well the 2.5 for me too, as that’s good can overkill for my needs. I would probably go with H VS2 3 carat lol.