
Now I really did it :((


Jul 1, 2014
Lots of luck to you today for the mammo and ultrasound---may the gown be soft, the machine be gentle and the tech be sensitive and kind :angel:


Jul 1, 2014
Callie, those maltipoos are so so sweet and cuddly and loveable!!!! I'm glad you found a food she can eat. The canine allergist/dermatologist we go to, his waiting room is amazing in a way, some of the food allergy dogs there are eating RUTABAGAS AND GARBANZO BEANS! as their regular diet!!!

We don't feed the dogs poultry ever, or soy of course, or grains. I feed them bison, lean red meats, kangaroo, lean pork loin, rabbit, salmon and halibut. I rotate the food trying to head off food allergies. They have the most amazingly awful aeroallergen allergies.


Jun 8, 2008
Calliecake|1417540159|3793911 said:
Missy, it's so funny Kristie made the Bono comments. When I heard about his accident I immediately thought of you. They had mentioned all the plates I had in his arm during the news cast. You have him beat in the metal department? Impressive LOL! I wish you'd find a better way to show him up! Good luck with the mammo today.

I'm sooooo sorry about your face. You are no where near Carnie ready. Will it take a few days for the steroids to work or does it usually work pretty quickly. When do you go back to the doctor? I felt so bad when you said you wake uo and immediately start worrying about how it will look. I'd feel the same way Missy and I know that's how my niece feels. I hurts me to hear her say she looks hideous. I will let you know what the doctor says tomorrow night about my niece's face. I hope you have some improvement so your not feeling self conscious when you take your MIL out. I'm sure she is looking forward to it.

I have to figure out a way to buy my niece the boots without upsetting her mom. My sister-in-law made the comment that she felt her girls were worrying to much about buying high end items so I know she may not be happy with me if I buy her the boots. I will talk to my sister in law first but I'm al little worried about it. I may have to come up with something else to cheer her up. If I do go ahead with the boots I would probably get her the brown or black as she would get the most use out of them. I love the blue though. They look so great on you. I don't see her wearing blue often.

My dad is having his surgery today and I was so angry last night. I called to tell him i would call him on his cell phone this afternoon and he told me his wife took his phone and gave it to her grandson. I feel terrible for saying this but I swear she is doing it so he can't call me often. So much happened a few weeks ago that I didn't share here regarding her and the money we sent. I was in tears for two days after that whole fiasco. I keep telling myself not to let her get to me and just focus on him as he was pretty depressed about the operation. My husband is having surgery tomorrow so I also have to focus on that. I'm so looking toward to meeting my friend today!

Callie, first of all I hope your dad's surgery went well today and second of all best of luck to your dh tomorrow on his surgery! What surgery is he having and what time? I will be thinking of him tomorrow and sending lots of good luck dust!

I am sorry your dad's family is giving you so much aggravation. Please try not to let it affect you so much. I really believe that this kind of stress can be damaging to our health. You are a good daughter and shame on your dad for letting his family wreak havoc. He is a grown man and should take responsibility for this and it shouldn't all fall on your shoulders. I know it is easier said than done and I am sending you hugs and support and I hope nothing I wrote adds to your aggravation. It comes from a good place of wanting to ease your stress and help you see more clearly so you don't let these negative people into your head and psyche. (((Hugs))) and I hope your dad's surgery went well.

As for your niece and the boots yes definitely clear it with the SIL. If she isn't on board perhaps there is something else your niece would enjoy that your SIL would be more OK with such as diamond earrings or something... :devil: :halo:

I hope you enjoyed your visit with your friend today and that she is feeling a bit better about losing her job. If anyone could cheer her up I know it's you.

The steroids worked more quickly the last time I took them but I think that's because the seb derm wasn't as severe as I let it get this time. So I am hoping to see improvement tomorrow morning please please please. I was able to cover it somewhat with the dermablend so I didn't scare people today but I would prefer not to wear any makeup over it as it is irritating and I need it to heal as quickly as possible so I can figure out how to treat it after the steroids do their thing.

I have an appointment with my dermatologist next Tuesday Dec. 9th. I really hope he can figure out a successful action plan. My main issue is that I do not tolerate topicals as I found out when I first developed rosacea in 2006 and had to go on Oracea which helped control the rosacea symptoms for 8 years until this past winter when you might remember I developed some symptoms that prevented me from continuing on with that. Anyway I am thinking good thoughts and hoping for the best.

PS ***DUST*** to your dh and dad!!!

azstonie said:
Lots of luck to you today for the mammo and ultrasound---may the gown be soft, the machine be gentle and the tech be sensitive and kind :angel:

Thank you Kristie! Love that and yes to all the above. The tech was a doll and it didn't hurt at all. And I took the subway home all by myself woohoo. The stairs going down are still a challenge but going up no problem.

Kristie and Callie, Can I request pics of your sweet babies please? I would love to see their sweet faces here smiling at us. It would really cheer me up a lot...pretty please? :appl: :halo:


Oct 24, 2012
Hi girls, just a quick note.

Callie I'm sending you positive vibes for your dad and your DH. ((Hug)) to you. It's so hard when loved ones go in for procedures. Hope things went smoothly and you have good news to report. As for your dad's wife, sigh... Just hope things to better with her. Those relationships can be so frustrating.

Missy, how was the mammo and ultrasound? Good for you for sucking it up and getting it done. Hope you are home and just relaxing. And girl, you got some serious workouts. Do what you gotta do to keep it together. No judgement here. And my friend who had a really bad accident? It was bad. She was a very serious marathoner who is actually sponsored because she places in the top 3 at major marathons. When she had the bike accident she was out of commission for almost a year. She did recover and placed in her age group at the Boston marathon this year, but it was a long road. You will get back. I know you will. You're doing all the right things. Eating healthy, staying active and flexible. Yay Pilates!! Don't give up. You will make it. And how is today for your skin? My derm's name is Dr. Quita Cruciger. She is really good! If you consider a 3rd 4th 5th opinion, you may want to try her. ((Hug))


Jul 1, 2014
Hi Missy---I asked Bob to dig up some pics, might take a few days. I like to show Finn all jhuzed up, you know? I haven't been working him over grooming-wise like I usually do... I have the cutest pics of Finn in his Santa suit and Maggie in her Mrs. Claus dress, I asked for those...


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, It always makes me nervous when you say you are taking the subway. Aside from the stairs being a problem, is the subway safe? Have I just heard too many New York City horror stories? I am glad you were able to get to your mammogram appointment.

Is there any way you can take the medicine that previously worked for you face? Do they feel this medicine played a big part in the problems you were having at the beginning of the year? I'm praying you wake up tomorrow and see an improvement. Hopefully the steroids will start working the way they have in the past. This has been such a huge weight on you dealing with the seb derm.

My dads surgery went well today. I even spoke with his wife on the phone and that went better than I had expected. I was stressed out for nothing. Missy, I would never take any advice you give me negatively. I know you have my best interest at heart. When everything happened two weeks ago, I basically caught my dad in a lie regarding the money he wanted. I also heard his wife in the background saying she just wants the damn money. As you can imagine this didn't sit well with me. I know I have no one but myself to blame and I should have told them no.

Kristie, Our Maltipoo is the most cuddly little thing. She is happiest when she is being held and cuddled. We take her to an animal hospital type place. All the vets in the surrounding areas send the tough cases here as they have specialists for everything. The only down side is you often see heartbreaking cases in the waiting room. It's known as the Mayo Clinic for animals. We haven't played with her diet at all once we found something that didn't make her sick. It was such a huge relief to have her well that I don't want to take any chances. Missy, I'll ask my husband if he can post some pictures of her.

Missy and LLJsmom, Thank you for kind words and dust for my husband tomorrow. It's a simple hernia operation so I'm not too concerned.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!

Missy, reviewing how you coped with stress and dealing with your injury brought tears to my eyes. You have been so determined and brave through all of this. Your workouts are amazing! I am so sorry your skin is making you miserable. It is very understandable you worry about your face. I wish I had some helpful suggestions for you. I hope what the dermatologist suggested will help. Your face does look pretty raw and painful. Hugs to you! I am glad you decided to go to your mammogram anyway. Just get that out of the way! I am glad the weather is nice enough to go for some nice long walks.

LLJsmom, you were very restrained shopping. Down vests sounds nice. I am always cold too.

Azstonie, I am glad to hear Finn is doing better. Pets are so precious to us.

Junebug, you have your hands full with you mom and taking care of your everyday life too. Definitely try to take even a little me time for yourself. I think that’s important to relax a little during very stressful times.

Callie, does your husband like American airlines? I think Marty often contemplates switching to another airline. I hope your niece gets better. Sorry to hear your friend was laid off. I hate to hear about your dad’s surgery and that his wife gave his phone away. Can you call him directly at the hospital? Sending best wishes for your husband’s surgery tomorrow.

Ovi, wearing gowns and dancing at a ball sounds like a fairy tale and so elegant. Is there a lot of “wow” jewelry there too? Have fun!

I am suffering from the “only 3 weeks till Christmas” panic. We are having my family here for dinner on the 21st so I am working on the menu, making plans and also need to start my Christmas cards. December arrived very quickly for me this year.

I hope all of you have a great day tomorrow.


Oct 24, 2012
Junebug, Just wanted to say it takes courage and devotion to be there for your mom. It's hard to watch parents get older. Just hard. ((hug)) It breaks my heart a little bit everyday as I see my own parents get on in years. I hope that you can find the time to take care of yourself too.

Marcy, are you hosting? It's a lot of work. But I know some people really love it. Have fun with all the planning and stuff. :)

Azstonie, how is your Finn today?

Callie, I am so glad your dad's surgery went well. What a relief. And seriously, you never know about those relationships. The phone call went well. Good!

I have been dying to share. I got a picture of my ring today, and a video. I'm not emotionally ready to create a SMTB thread on it yet. Here's the video cause I need a fellow bling lover to see this. I won't get the ring for another week at the earliest. But it's done. And I sent Victor the second check today.

He said the stone looked like a completely different stone from the one I dropped off with him. That is what I was hoping for. I'm really excited and can't wait. I will try to not wear it until Christmas so I can have something under the tree that I can unwrap. My DH is at a loss for gifts right now. He's probably thinking, what else can she want. Little does he know I have a long list, that must wait.

Not too many people will see this thread, right?


Jun 8, 2008
LLJsmom|1417564993|3794143 said:
Hi girls, just a quick note.

Callie I'm sending you positive vibes for your dad and your DH. ((Hug)) to you. It's so hard when loved ones go in for procedures. Hope things went smoothly and you have good news to report. As for your dad's wife, sigh... Just hope things to better with her. Those relationships can be so frustrating.

Missy, how was the mammo and ultrasound? Good for you for sucking it up and getting it done. Hope you are home and just relaxing. And girl, you got some serious workouts. Do what you gotta do to keep it together. No judgement here. And my friend who had a really bad accident? It was bad. She was a very serious marathoner who is actually sponsored because she places in the top 3 at major marathons. When she had the bike accident she was out of commission for almost a year. She did recover and placed in her age group at the Boston marathon this year, but it was a long road. You will get back. I know you will. You're doing all the right things. Eating healthy, staying active and flexible. Yay Pilates!! Don't give up. You will make it. And how is today for your skin? My derm's name is Dr. Quita Cruciger. She is really good! If you consider a 3rd 4th 5th opinion, you may want to try her. ((Hug))

LLJsmom, first of all thank you so much for your dermatologist recommendation. I just am not sure how I would handle the logistics of it all. She's in California and I'm in NY and I don't know if she would do a phone consultation and I have no clue how to or if it is even possible to do a video chat. If I feel my derm cannot help me maybe I will ask you if you can speak with her to see if we can set something up but I understand if you can't because that is a huge favor for someone you don't really know or at least never met IRL. I very much appreciate your recommendation though and am keeping her in mind. My face is not nearly calmed down enough for 2 days of steroid use but I am trying to remain calm. It is less angry but still very itchy and uncomfortable and none of my moisturizers (of which I have many) are calming. Every one of them is irritating. From CeraVe to EpiCerum to just plain old Aquaphor and many in between. Sigh.

OMG on your friend's accident. I am so glad to hear she is back running marathons. She is awesome to have come through a serious accident like that and is running again! Good for her!!! Does she have any metal in her leg? My surgeon told me I cannot run again which is not a huge deal for me like it would have been for your friend. I would prefer to be able to have the option of occasional running as I enjoyed running on the beach but it is not a major quality of life issue for me and truly I am grateful to be walking and active again.

Thank you for all your encouragement. It makes a difference because when I hear positive stories of other people who have overcome diversity similar to mine it does make me stronger and it also gives me strength knowing I have such awesome people here cheering me on telling me I can do it. Thank you.

LLJsmom said:
Junebug, Just wanted to say it takes courage and devotion to be there for your mom. It's hard to watch parents get older. Just hard. ((hug)) It breaks my heart a little bit everyday as I see my own parents get on in years. I hope that you can find the time to take care of yourself too.

Marcy, are you hosting? It's a lot of work. But I know some people really love it. Have fun with all the planning and stuff. :)

Azstonie, how is your Finn today?

Callie, I am so glad your dad's surgery went well. What a relief. And seriously, you never know about those relationships. The phone call went well. Good!

I have been dying to share. I got a picture of my ring today, and a video. I'm not emotionally ready to create a SMTB thread on it yet. Here's the video cause I need a fellow bling lover to see this. I won't get the ring for another week at the earliest. But it's done. And I sent Victor the second check today.

He said the stone looked like a completely different stone from the one I dropped off with him. That is what I was hoping for. I'm really excited and can't wait. I will try to not wear it until Christmas so I can have something under the tree that I can unwrap. My DH is at a loss for gifts right now. He's probably thinking, what else can she want. Little does he know I have a long list, that must wait.

Not too many people will see this thread, right?

OMG!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: GORGEOUS. I love your new ring LLJsmom. It is truly a work of art. Exquisite in every way. PERFECT. I feel privileged that we are getting to see your new beauty before anyone else. I hope you are over the moon with it. Victor outdid himself and I am so happy for you. Enjoy your new beauty in much health and happiness. :appl:


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1417572053|3794201 said:
Hi Missy---I asked Bob to dig up some pics, might take a few days. I like to show Finn all jhuzed up, you know? I haven't been working him over grooming-wise like I usually do... I have the cutest pics of Finn in his Santa suit and Maggie in her Mrs. Claus dress, I asked for those...

Ooh Kristie, thank you! Take your time, no stress. I totally understand you want Finn to look his best though I doubt he could take a bad picture! Looking forward to seeing them and I hope Finn is doing well and feeling all better. :appl:

Calliecake said:
Hi Missy, It always makes me nervous when you say you are taking the subway. Aside from the stairs being a problem, is the subway safe? Have I just heard too many New York City horror stories? I am glad you were able to get to your mammogram appointment.

Is there any way you can take the medicine that previously worked for you face? Do they feel this medicine played a big part in the problems you were having at the beginning of the year? I'm praying you wake up tomorrow and see an improvement. Hopefully the steroids will start working the way they have in the past. This has been such a huge weight on you dealing with the seb derm.

My dads surgery went well today. I even spoke with his wife on the phone and that went better than I had expected. I was stressed out for nothing. Missy, I would never take any advice you give me negatively. I know you have my best interest at heart. When everything happened two weeks ago, I basically caught my dad in a lie regarding the money he wanted. I also heard his wife in the background saying she just wants the damn money. As you can imagine this didn't sit well with me. I know I have no one but myself to blame and I should have told them no.

Kristie, Our Maltipoo is the most cuddly little thing. She is happiest when she is being held and cuddled. We take her to an animal hospital type place. All the vets in the surrounding areas send the tough cases here as they have specialists for everything. The only down side is you often see heartbreaking cases in the waiting room. It's known as the Mayo Clinic for animals. We haven't played with her diet at all once we found something that didn't make her sick. It was such a huge relief to have her well that I don't want to take any chances. Missy, I'll ask my husband if he can post some pictures of her.

Missy and LLJsmom, Thank you for kind words and dust for my husband tomorrow. It's a simple hernia operation so I'm not too concerned.

Callie, so glad your dad's surgery went well yesterday and that his wife wasn't difficult. Please do not beat yourself up about the money. You did the right thing because it was what your heart told you to do and remember that is never wrong. You are such a kind person to everyone else and you need to be kinder to yourself. You deserve that and so much more.

I am thinking good thoughts for your dh's surgery today and hoping for a smooth surgery and quick recovery!

Thank you for being willing to post pics of your darling Maltipoo. No rush. Let your dh take his time and recover. This thread will be here still LOL. Looking forward to the pics.

Re my face the meds I took in the past were for my rosacea and would be contraindicated for my seb derm. I also hope I don't need to go back on the Oracea as that might have been what caused my awful symptoms all winter and spring. The jury is still out on that issue.

Don't be concerned for me and the subway. I took the cane because I was going to be alone getting home. I am pretty careful and while it can be daunting because many people just barrel through and ignore me I am taking it slow and steady. It is amazing though how people don't care when they see someone holding on and taking the stairs deliberately. All they care about is getting to where they are going and doing it quickly. I was never that callous when I saw people who were physically challenged in some way but hey people vary and I try not to think ill of them. But I sometimes don't succeed hahaha and you should see the dirty looks I shoot some people when they push past me and they see I am using a cane! LOL.

OK enough about me.... Sending lots of PS ***DUST*** your dh's way!!!!


Jun 8, 2008
marcy|1417576311|3794245 said:
Hi everyone!

Missy, reviewing how you coped with stress and dealing with your injury brought tears to my eyes. You have been so determined and brave through all of this. Your workouts are amazing! I am so sorry your skin is making you miserable. It is very understandable you worry about your face. I wish I had some helpful suggestions for you. I hope what the dermatologist suggested will help. Your face does look pretty raw and painful. Hugs to you! I am glad you decided to go to your mammogram anyway. Just get that out of the way! I am glad the weather is nice enough to go for some nice long walks.

LLJsmom, you were very restrained shopping. Down vests sounds nice. I am always cold too.

Azstonie, I am glad to hear Finn is doing better. Pets are so precious to us.

Junebug, you have your hands full with you mom and taking care of your everyday life too. Definitely try to take even a little me time for yourself. I think that’s important to relax a little during very stressful times.

Callie, does your husband like American airlines? I think Marty often contemplates switching to another airline. I hope your niece gets better. Sorry to hear your friend was laid off. I hate to hear about your dad’s surgery and that his wife gave his phone away. Can you call him directly at the hospital? Sending best wishes for your husband’s surgery tomorrow.

Ovi, wearing gowns and dancing at a ball sounds like a fairy tale and so elegant. Is there a lot of “wow” jewelry there too? Have fun!

I am suffering from the “only 3 weeks till Christmas” panic. We are having my family here for dinner on the 21st so I am working on the menu, making plans and also need to start my Christmas cards. December arrived very quickly for me this year.

I hope all of you have a great day tomorrow.

Hi Marcy! Thank you honey. You are so sweet and kind and it brings (good) tears to my eyes knowing that there are people who have never met me who care about what happens to me.

My face is still raw and irritated but a bit better. The real worry is what I am going to do when I have to stop the steroid. I am scared because as I wrote before at least with the leg I knew I had a good surgeon who fixed it as best he could and that though recovery would be long it would happen. With the face issue there is no guarantee as seb derm has no cure and my complicating factor is not being able to tolerate topicals because of my coexisting conditions (rosacea, eczema and extremely sensitive skin and demographic urticaria and PLE). Despite all that before the seb derm I had nice skin and now I don't know what the future holds re this issue so trying to stay positive and hopeful and calm. Most importantly calm.

I have to laugh because if I reread what I am writing I would be annoyed at myself for going on and on about my face but I am being 100% honest and writing my feelings as they come. I am on purpose not rereading what I am writing because then I would censor myself and I want to be real here. As for what LLJsmom wrote about many people not reading this thread that is my feeling too. I think the people who are posting here and those that are also wishing me well but perhaps not posting are the only people reading here and I feel safe posting all my feelings.

Don't let the holidays stress you Marcy. It is a happy time and enjoy it all even the planning. Just one day at a time and remember no matter what everyone will have a lovely time at your dinner on the 21st. Good company, good food and being together. It will be fun no matter what. I agree that I cannot believe how fast December got here this year!

Junebug and Ovi I am thinking of you both and hoping the week is going well for you. Junebug hope your mom is doing well and not stressing you out and that you are taking care of yourself. Ovi, I hope your week is not too crazy and that work is going smoothly and you are getting a lot accomplished.

And I hope I didn't leave anyone out but I am sending everyone happy and healthy wishes for a good holiday season!


Oct 24, 2012
missy|1417611826|3794435 said:
marcy|1417576311|3794245 said:
My face is still raw and irritated but a bit better. The real worry is what I am going to do when I have to stop the steroid. I am scared because as I wrote before at least with the leg I knew I had a good surgeon who fixed it as best he could and that though recovery would be long it would happen. With the face issue there is no guarantee as seb derm has no cure and my complicating factor is not being able to tolerate topicals because of my coexisting conditions (rosacea, eczema and extremely sensitive skin and demographic urticaria and PLE). Despite all that before the seb derm I had nice skin and now I don't know what the future holds re this issue so trying to stay positive and hopeful and calm. Most importantly calm.

I have to laugh because if I reread what I am writing I would be annoyed at myself for going on and on about my face but I am being 100% honest and writing my feelings as they come. I am on purpose not rereading what I am writing because then I would censor myself and I want to be real here. As for what LLJsmom wrote about many people not reading this thread that is my feeling too. I think the people who are posting here and those that are also wishing me well but perhaps not posting are the only people reading here and I feel safe posting all my feelings.

Missy, maybe you have already mentioned it, but how many other opinions have you gotten? Could some doctor out there see something or approach this in a way you haven't already? Is it worth a try? I know I saw so many. And I know it's crazy about potentially seeking the assistance of a doctor over on the west coast, when you're in NY. I don't know if or how that could ever work either. But if you're interested, I can at least give her office a call and see if that is even a possibility. Maybe it's not so forget it. But in this day and age, you would have to think that technology would allow more flexibility in treating patients. Just an idea. Yeah, I will call her office today just to see.

With the steroids, was the thinning of the skin that was your primary concern? I know you mentioned it before. Or was it incompatible with one of your conditions? I remember trying so many different steroid creams, one after another.

See, I do think you are being strong and moving forward. You deal with your feelings every day. You're strong enough to admit them and even discuss them. That shows strength to me. It means you haven't given up hope. I haven't either, and neither have the other people here. You will find a way. I believe in you. I even remember giving up certain foods, cause I am Chinese and my family really believes in avoiding foods that would cause inflammation. Let me know if you want to hear about that! LOL! I am hoping for a better skin day for you today.

Thanks for being happy for me. It means a lot. My DH is happy too, happy to see I am happy. I think my stone will finally look it's best. I'm looking forward to seeing it. It's a mish-mash of everything. Single cuts with a MRB center. Bright cut pave with millegrain, which is what I thought I would NEVER want. But IRL, I loved it and kept picking up the ring with it. I'm super happy with the double claw four prongs, a look I thought I could not get with Victor because he did so few of these. Most of his are single claws, and nothing with the pave on the prongs going up to split. Leon does a lot that are similar, but his pave is EVERYWHERE. In the next year or two, I will figure out what to do about a band. I will wear this alone for a while first.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi LLJsmom, thanks I appreciate that!

I have seen 2 dermatologists albeit they are at the same office at NYU. However I am definitely positive the diagnosis is correct because I knew what it was before I saw them. This is not a difficult diagnosis. I have seborrheic dermatitis and this is a new condition for me. I also have rosacea which was basically under control for the last 8 years or so though it did take a couple of years to get there and a few other conditions that are not affecting me as of now.

The reason steroids are contraindicated is twofold. One, steroids thin the skin and the facial skin is already thin so long-term application is not something one wants to do even if they have no other contraindications for steroids. Unfortunately this brings me to the second reason I cannot apply topical steroids to my face for too long. My rosacea. Topical steroids are 100% contraindicated in rosacea and in fact can cause steroid induced rosacea and the kicker is that it can happen with only a few applications or take longer but you just don't know which category you might be in depending on your genetic susceptibility. The fact that I already have rosacea really contraindicates the steroid application but my derm said I have no choice right now as I must get the inflammation under control as it was getting horrible.

It is a vicious cycle and already 2 days of application and the inflammation, redness and bumps are still significant though better than they were before I started the steroid cream. I am going to apply another full day and then add the mix of Elidel and Locoid (steroid) as my derm instructed and see what happens. I am worried but I have to hope it helps and that I can discontinue th steroid and somehow find something that will keep the seb derm at bay. All the usual topicals for seb derm (Xologel, Promiseb, etc) only aggravate the reaction on my face instead of helping because my skin cannot handle topicals. In fact before this I could only tolerate Eucerin creme on my face as a moisturizer and now I have nothing that I can use moisturizer wise that doesn't irritate my face. It's that sensitive that even my tried and true moisturizer that helped all these years is no longer tolerated. I have been purchasing so many trying them and still have not found something that will moisturize without exacerbating my irritation.

I have given up many foods over the past decade because of my rosacea. No dairy, no (except for certain holidays lol) refined sugars, and just a pretty strict diet because of my conditions. No spicy foods, nothing too hot temp wise. Lots of restrictions. But worth it if it keeps my conditions at bay. I don't miss them too much (I miss cheese and ice cream but not too terribly) and it is all worth it. I just don't know what to do re this seb derm because I am already eating right. What foods have you given up that you would recommend? I am definitely interested in hearing about that as I am a big believer in a holistic approach.

Sorry for the book! I am just trying to explain fully and accurately. Now you can see why this is almost as stressful as my leg and actually supersedes it right now as it is a more acute issue for me right now.

Please keep us posted re your ring. I am very excited for you to receive it and also looking forward to seeing it on your hand! I mean it when I say it is GORGEOUS. I love it and you and Victor made an amazing ring and I agree wearing it alone for a while is the way to go. Just to become acquainted with all the qualities of your new ring.


Oct 24, 2012
Not at all. It's stuff you are dealing with on a day to day basis. Is there some way an oral steroid could help? Sorry if it's a stupid question. Would that just take longer. Too bad you can't take a vacation to a more humid climate. I remember being in Atlanta one summer for a week, and my ezcema disappeared. I avoided shell fish of any kind. Bottom dwellers end up with too much of the ocean's toxins. The only seafood I ate was fish. I too avoided all dairy, and refined sugars are BAD. You probably already avoid processed foods. Would you even consider acupuncture or herbal remedies? I have friends that are all over that, from trying to get pregnant to recovering from a stroke. (Not me. I hate needles!)

I have another recovery story to share. I have a very good friend who at 45 suffered a stroke that left her partially paralyzed on her left side. She was in ultra good shape and a marathoner to boot. The doctors could not figure out why, other than to tell her the walls of her arteries in her head were thin. So now she's on a ton of medication, but she got back her mobility because she is just so tenacious, and is running half marathons now. It's been a year. Her doctors advise against a full, so she's not doing those. Ironically, she's faster than she ever was and in better shape too. But it's been a year. And it's been a very hard one. She's suffered many personal setbacks in her relationships in life but she is moving forward. I know you will too.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, Missy, Does our face look and feel better. I know you said the bumps have improved somewhat but has the redness subsided at all? I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the medicines have begun to work and this nightmare will be over soon or at the very least not nearly as severe. I talked to my niece last night and she has her appointment tomorrow with her friends doctor she also was able to see her regular dermatologist the first week in January. She said she was keeping that appointment as well in case the doctor she sees tomorrow doesn't know how to fix this. She is so stressed out about this as I know you can relate. She wanted me to ask you if this is a somewhat common problem why haven't they come up with something that works quickly. She said she can be patient in lots of areas of her life but this isn't one of them. At least she laughed a little last night which made me feel so much better. She has shed a lot of tears thru this ordeal. When I told her about your ankle and now you are having skin issues as well, she said she felt so bad for you and wanted me to send you good wishes from her. She also said she has been so fixated on her face that she's kind of glad her classes are tough because at least she no choice but to concentrate on something else for 6 hours out of the day. She told me to tell you to buy all the boots you want and that she is sure Stuart Weitzman can be a wonderful distraction. Subtitle little hint, don't you think!

LLJsmom, I LOVE it!!!!!! Your ring could not be more beautiful. I can see you smiling from here. How in the world are you going to wait to wear it. Just so you know unwrapping the package on Christmas is overrated! Of course I'm teasing, we'll sort of anyway. It really turned out gorgeous. Do any of your real life friends love jewelry because this ring needs to be appreciated for the beauty she is.

Marcy, Everyone has been commenting that there isn't enough time for Christmas because Thanksgiving was so late this year. Missy is right though. We drive ourselves crazy over the details and no one really cares. As long as you are all together that all that really matters.

My husband has been very happy with American Airlines. When we first married he joked all the time that he would never fly American. The guy I date for a few years before my husband was a pilot for American. My husband had to spend 2 weeks in India a couple years ago and everything about the trip had been the trip from hell. He said the icing on the cake was traveling back home and hereing the announcement while sitting on the plane that the pilot was my old boyfriend. A least he has a good sense of humor!

Thank you all for the distraction while I wait for my husbands surgery to finish.


Oct 24, 2012
Calliecake|1417621944|3794519 said:
Hi Girls, Missy, Does our face look and feel better. I know you said the bumps have improved somewhat but has the redness subsided at all? I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the medicines have begun to work and this nightmare will be over soon or at the very least not nearly as severe. I talked to my niece last night and she has her appointment tomorrow with her friends doctor she also was able to see her regular dermatologist the first week in January. She said she was keeping that appointment as well in case the doctor she sees tomorrow doesn't know how to fix this. She is so stressed out about this as I know you can relate. She wanted me to ask you if this is a somewhat common problem why haven't they come up with something that works quickly. She said she can be patient in lots of areas of her life but this isn't one of them. At least she laughed a little last night which made me feel so much better. She has shed a lot of tears thru this ordeal. When I told her about your ankle and now you are having skin issues as well, she said she felt so bad for you and wanted me to send you good wishes from her. She also said she has been so fixated on her face that she's kind of glad her classes are tough because at least she no choice but to concentrate on something else for 6 hours out of the day. She told me to tell you to buy all the boots you want and that she is sure Stuart Weitzman can be a wonderful distraction. Subtitle little hint, don't you think!

LLJsmom, I LOVE it!!!!!! Your ring could not be more beautiful. I can see you smiling from here. How in the world are you going to wait to wear it. Just so you know unwrapping the package on Christmas is overrated! Of course I'm teasing, we'll sort of anyway. It really turned out gorgeous. Do any of your real life friends love jewelry because this ring needs to be appreciated for the beauty she is.

Marcy, Everyone has been commenting that there isn't enough time for Christmas because Thanksgiving was so late this year. Missy is right though. We drive ourselves crazy over the details and no one really cares. As long as you are all together that all that really matters.

My husband has been very happy with American Airlines. When we first married he joked all the time that he would never fly American. The guy I date for a few years before my husband was a pilot for American. My husband had to spend 2 weeks in India a couple years ago and everything about the trip had been the trip from hell. He said the icing on the cake was traveling back home and hereing the announcement while sitting on the plane that the pilot was my old boyfriend. A least he has a good sense of humor!

Thank you all for the distraction while I wait for my husbands surgery to finish.

Callie, speaking of boots...

I found a new love. Fiorentini and Baker. Have you ever tried their boots? amazing! There is one store in SF that carries them, and Saks does on-line. And just BUY them for your niece. You all only live once, and the boots will last longer than most relationships. I bet they look fabulous! (My old Kenneth Coles lasted me 10 years, and they only stopped fitting after I got preggers.)

I've tried them on, and they are great for people with wide feet. super comfy and all made in Italy! But pricey. At least $500. I'm trying to break in an old pair of Prada boots that I bought for $300 3-4 years ago, but never wore cause they were too tight. I'm "making it work" like Tim Gunn says.

Check out those boots. They rock!!

Thanks Callie. I do love it. But seeing the ring calms me down. Now I'm not so desperate to get it since I won't wear it until after 12/24 anyway. :) I just keep looking at the video.

And OMG. Really? Ex-BF is piloting the plane? wtf! :lol: The world is way too small!


Jun 7, 2014
LLJsmom, I soooo want to get her a great pair of boots but I know her mom will be mad at me. She is trying to get them to save money and tells me when I get them really nice things it makes them want more nice things. Her girls are great kids. Both do really well in school and work a lot hour as well. I'm so proud of their work ethic. They have absolutely no sense of entitlement. To be honest their attitude makes me want to buy nice things for them because everything is appreciated. I have other nieces that expect everything and feel it's my job to buy it for them so I appreciate my other nieces attitudes so much. One of the girls really wanted a certain handbag so after she got her grades I purchased it for her. She started crying when I gave it to her and said the past few months had really been hard with school and work and she didn't think anyone noticed how hard she was working. I have told them that when I buy them a great gift it's a reward for their grades and I know it difficult going to school and working. The go to college full time and also work 32 hours a week. I love my sister in law so I don't want to upset her so I'm trying to respect her wishes. I also know I've kind of spoiled the girls a lot lately.

How many times a day do you look at the video of your ring. I know you said it easier for you now that you know it's on it's way. I think that would almost make it harder!!!!!!


Oct 24, 2012
Calliecake|1417627499|3794567 said:
LLJsmom, I soooo want to get her a great pair of boots but I know her mom will be mad at me. She is trying to get them to save money and tells me when I get them really nice things it makes them want more nice things. Her girls are great kids. Both do really well in school and work a lot hour as well. I'm so proud of their work ethic. They have absolutely no sense of entitlement. To be honest their attitude makes me want to buy nice things for them because everything is appreciated. I have other nieces that expect everything and feel it's my job to buy it for them so I appreciate my other nieces attitudes so much. One of the girls really wanted a certain handbag so after she got her grades I purchased it for her. She started crying when I gave it to her and said the past few months had really been hard with school and work and she didn't think anyone noticed how hard she was working. I have told them that when I buy them a great gift it's a reward for their grades and I know it difficult going to school and working. The go to college full time and also work 32 hours a week. I love my sister in law so I don't want to upset her so I'm trying to respect her wishes. I also know I've kind of spoiled the girls a lot lately.

How many times a day do you look at the video of your ring. I know you said it easier for you now that you know it's on it's way. I think that would almost make it harder!!!!!!

Callie, just keep on loving them! Nieces need their aunts. I have a couple very special ones in my life, that have always made a huge difference and impact on me, separate and distinct from the love and care I received from my parents. Parents (me included now that I am one) are too involved, into the details and grind of daily life to be able to step back and see the big picture. Your nieces (the deserving ones) are hard working, dedicated and grateful. They deserve to be recognized. Parents (the tough ones) just see it as nothing more than their children should do. But these children need to be recognized and appreciated. It's encouraging and uplifting for them, and they need it. You play a very important role in their lives and your bond with them will be forever. So keep doing what you're doing. Maybe work it out so that they can "buy" an item from you at a dirt cheap price and you can tell them that you got it on "sale". Just a little secret between you and your nieces. :Up_to_something:


Jun 7, 2014
LLJsmom|1417637354|3794658 said:
Calliecake|1417627499|3794567 said:
LLJsmom, I soooo want to get her a great pair of boots but I know her mom will be mad at me. She is trying to get them to save money and tells me when I get them really nice things it makes them want more nice things. Her girls are great kids. Both do really well in school and work a lot hour as well. I'm so proud of their work ethic. They have absolutely no sense of entitlement. To be honest their attitude makes me want to buy nice things for them because everything is appreciated. I have other nieces that expect everything and feel it's my job to buy it for them so I appreciate my other nieces attitudes so much. One of the girls really wanted a certain handbag so after she got her grades I purchased it for her. She started crying when I gave it to her and said the past few months had really been hard with school and work and she didn't think anyone noticed how hard she was working. I have told them that when I buy them a great gift it's a reward for their grades and I know it difficult going to school and working. The go to college full time and also work 32 hours a week. I love my sister in law so I don't want to upset her so I'm trying to respect her wishes. I also know I've kind of spoiled the girls a lot lately.

How many times a day do you look at the video of your ring. I know you said it easier for you now that you know it's on it's way. I think that would almost make it harder!!!!!!

Callie, just keep on loving them! Nieces need their aunts. I have a couple very special ones in my life, that have always made a huge difference and impact on me, separate and distinct from the love and care I received from my parents. Parents (me included now that I am one) are too involved, into the details and grind of daily life to be able to step back and see the big picture. Your nieces (the deserving ones) are hard working, dedicated and grateful. They deserve to be recognized. Parents (the tough ones) just see it as nothing more than their children should do. But these children need to be recognized and appreciated. It's encouraging and uplifting for them, and they need it. You play a very important role in their lives and your bond with them will be forever. So keep doing what you're doing. Maybe work it out so that they can "buy" an item from you at a dirt cheap price and you can tell them that you got it on "sale". Just a little secret between you and your nieces. :Up_to_something:

LLJsmom, Thank you so much for you sweet post. It brought me to tears. Since I don't have children of my own my nieces and nephews mean the world to me. I am so grateful to have them in my life.


Jun 8, 2008
LLJsmom|1417621699|3794515 said:
Not at all. It's stuff you are dealing with on a day to day basis. Is there some way an oral steroid could help? Sorry if it's a stupid question. Would that just take longer. Too bad you can't take a vacation to a more humid climate. I remember being in Atlanta one summer for a week, and my ezcema disappeared. I avoided shell fish of any kind. Bottom dwellers end up with too much of the ocean's toxins. The only seafood I ate was fish. I too avoided all dairy, and refined sugars are BAD. You probably already avoid processed foods. Would you even consider acupuncture or herbal remedies? I have friends that are all over that, from trying to get pregnant to recovering from a stroke. (Not me. I hate needles!)

I have another recovery story to share. I have a very good friend who at 45 suffered a stroke that left her partially paralyzed on her left side. She was in ultra good shape and a marathoner to boot. The doctors could not figure out why, other than to tell her the walls of her arteries in her head were thin. So now she's on a ton of medication, but she got back her mobility because she is just so tenacious, and is running half marathons now. It's been a year. Her doctors advise against a full, so she's not doing those. Ironically, she's faster than she ever was and in better shape too. But it's been a year. And it's been a very hard one. She's suffered many personal setbacks in her relationships in life but she is moving forward. I know you will too.

Not a stupid question at all. I don't think oral steroids would help as the problem is localized to my face and oral steroids would have too general an effect and lots more side effects overall.

What actually might help but is not practical for longterm either are oral antifungals. Seb derm is actually a react to the normally occurring yeast we have on our skin. So we all have this yeast/fungus but only 1-3% of the population have this allergic reaction we call seb derm. So if oral antifungals knock out the M. furfur (the yeast that is most common culprit that is causing the allergic reaction) the allergic reaction will cease. The only problem is that once the anti fungal is stopped the normally occurring yeast come back and well the cycle of inflammation and bumps and redness starts again.

The other problem with antifungals is they are too harsh on the liver. But IMO it is worth a try if I can convince my dermatologist. When I first asked him about that last month my symptoms were very mild and he said that oral antifungals are too severe a treatment but now he might change his mind when he sees my face.

I am sorry that your other friend went through such a difficult year but glad she came through it stronger than ever. Thanks for sharing these stories with me LLJsmom because it does give me hope and strength that I too can get through it. I was just beginning to feel some peace when the seb derm hit so it is a blow and I am trying to maintain perspective but it is a challenge. I feel badly for my dh because he is getting the brunt of my tears and sadness once again.

Thanks for sharing your diet. I also don't eat shellfish anymore or processed foods etc. I was thinking of giving up my main protein source which is beans due to something another PSer posted in the weight thread. I think it is called the 30 day diet plan or something like that and you cannot have any inflammatory foods and I think beans are on the list. That would be tough for me to do but I am thinking of giving it a try after the holidays. I am open to acupuncture and other alternative treatments but the problem is while I believe in them I also know there are a lot of quacks out there and so it is a matter of finding a genuine healer.


Jun 8, 2008
Calliecake|1417621944|3794519 said:
Hi Girls, Missy, Does our face look and feel better. I know you said the bumps have improved somewhat but has the redness subsided at all? I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the medicines have begun to work and this nightmare will be over soon or at the very least not nearly as severe. I talked to my niece last night and she has her appointment tomorrow with her friends doctor she also was able to see her regular dermatologist the first week in January. She said she was keeping that appointment as well in case the doctor she sees tomorrow doesn't know how to fix this. She is so stressed out about this as I know you can relate. She wanted me to ask you if this is a somewhat common problem why haven't they come up with something that works quickly. She said she can be patient in lots of areas of her life but this isn't one of them. At least she laughed a little last night which made me feel so much better. She has shed a lot of tears thru this ordeal. When I told her about your ankle and now you are having skin issues as well, she said she felt so bad for you and wanted me to send you good wishes from her. She also said she has been so fixated on her face that she's kind of glad her classes are tough because at least she no choice but to concentrate on something else for 6 hours out of the day. She told me to tell you to buy all the boots you want and that she is sure Stuart Weitzman can be a wonderful distraction. Subtitle little hint, don't you think!

LLJsmom, I LOVE it!!!!!! Your ring could not be more beautiful. I can see you smiling from here. How in the world are you going to wait to wear it. Just so you know unwrapping the package on Christmas is overrated! Of course I'm teasing, we'll sort of anyway. It really turned out gorgeous. Do any of your real life friends love jewelry because this ring needs to be appreciated for the beauty she is.

Marcy, Everyone has been commenting that there isn't enough time for Christmas because Thanksgiving was so late this year. Missy is right though. We drive ourselves crazy over the details and no one really cares. As long as you are all together that all that really matters.

My husband has been very happy with American Airlines. When we first married he joked all the time that he would never fly American. The guy I date for a few years before my husband was a pilot for American. My husband had to spend 2 weeks in India a couple years ago and everything about the trip had been the trip from hell. He said the icing on the cake was traveling back home and hereing the announcement while sitting on the plane that the pilot was my old boyfriend. A least he has a good sense of humor!

Thank you all for the distraction while I wait for my husbands surgery to finish.

Callie! How is your dh? Is the surgery over and did it go well? I have been thinking of him all day and hoping everything went smoothly. LOL on the ex boyfriend pilot story. And that is why I don't like just never know who is flying the plane haha.

Thank you for your niece's good wishes and please tell her I appreciate that and am sending good thoughts to her too! To answer your question-Seb derm is common in that it affects many people when you think of it as total number of people but uncommon in that it is still a very small percentage of the population. 1-3%. And like many many conditions there is no cure but treatments to control the symptoms that work for most.

There is no reason to think your niece will not find a treatment that is successful. I am a difficult case because of my coexisting conditions and because I have such sensitive skin. I know lots of people say they have sensitive skin but I really do lol. My dermatologist is amazed at my many reactions to almost anything. Hives, redness, flushing, etc. So tell your niece she will be just fine. She needs to see her derm and start a different treatment and she will find the one that works for her.

My face is not looking as improved as I would have liked to see being on this steroid for over 48 hours now. 2 weeks ago when I did a steroid course for a few days it cleared up much more quickly. I am getting nervous that it is not going to clear up on the steroid and then I don't know what to do. I still have the redness and bumps. :blackeye:

I agree with LLJsmom. Your nieces are so lucky to have you and of course you are an amazing aunt. I know your support means the world to your niece and whether or not you get her boots or whatever isn't what matters to her. It's your love and support and she has that in spades with you. Very very lucky nieces!


Jun 17, 2009
Hi there missy - just wanted to pop in and tell you I'm so sorry about the flare-up with your skin and I have everything crossed that the steroids start to kick in and at least give you a little relief very soon. And I'm so impressed with your exercise regimen - you're more active than I am lol! I just feel so sure you're going to rebound from this accident, you're so motivated and you work so hard. and kudos to you for gathering the strength to make it to your appointments! I know how hard it was for you.

Calliecake, thinking of your dh (and you!) and hoping his surgery went well and he's doing ok. And I agree that your nieces are so lucky to have such a loving and devoted aunt!

Marcy, thank you for the supportive words! And yikes, you're right, Christmas isn't that far off, I've got to get in gear myself.

Kristie, I hope your sweet doggie is doing ok - I adore Westies, they are such beautiful dogs.

LLJsmom, thanks for thinking of me - it really is disconcerting to see our parents growing older, and in my case need so much care. I just hope she doesn't get any worse because then we might not be able to continue to care for her at home if she declines further. Ugh, enough depressing stuff - your ring is gorgeous!!! I feel honored that we've gotten a sneak peek haha! Oh my gosh, I cannot wait to see it on your hand - the scalloped detailing is just amazing!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Missy, I know we are all far to decent to do this - but wouldn’t you just love to use your cane and lightly smack some of the rude, oblivious and inconsiderate people who just push past you on the subway? I just don’t get some people. I understand your concern about the uncertainty of your face and skin. It’s hard to remain patient and calm when you are miserable. Please feel free to tell us exactly how you are feeling; if we didn’t care we wouldn’t be here. Itching can be so darned miserable. I am kind of excited about having the family here for Christmas but I am less organized for it than I normally would be at this time. I’ll be fine, thanks! I am not baking my normal assortment of cookies this year so that will save me time and freezer space. This year I am doing cheesecake and candy cane cookies.

LLJsmom, yes we are hosting the family get-together. It’ll be my sisters and their families. We moved to this house 2 years ago on December 22. My mom got to have one New Year’s here and my dad was here last year for Christmas and New Years. Marty’s man cave has a lot of room too so we’ve got room for everyone. Both of us like planning and having parties. Your ring looks FABULOUS!!!! Your diamond is gorgeous! What carat weight is that beauty? The story about your friend who had a stroke and is running again really shows us the positive and inspirational side of life. I am delighted for her.

Callie, I am glad to hear your niece is facing this with good spirits and can find something to laugh about. Keeping busy does help distract us from things for sure. I agree the late Thanksgiving makes a difference because you usually have 4 weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. You are right whatever I don’t get done before the family dinner will never be missed. What a small world that your husband flew home from India (and a trip from hell) on a plane that was being piloted by your old boyfriend. You sound like a wonderful aunt; I bet your niece treasures her handbag. How is your husband doing?

Junebug, we can at least be content that once Christmas gets here whatever we didn’t get done won’t matter until next year. Hugs to you dealing with your mom, it is so hard to watch our parents decline. It’s rough all right.

Marty got out some Christmas decorations today. We have these 4 little reindeer we put under our entryway table. He hung up our stockings and put some snowflakes on the outside garage lights. He also hung up our new Snoopy print and a few other pictures around the house. He has to patch the holes in the walls where we had curtain rods. I am glad he is home and can get some of his honey do list done.

We went out for supper tonight and went to Hobby Lobby, Menards and Sears to look at Christmas decorations.

I made some Christmas progress tonight. I ordered the honey baked ham for dinner and sent truffles to my aunt and uncle. It looks like I only need one box of Christmas cards and stamps. Then I have to write my aunt Christmas poem. The pressure it ON!

My new Tumi bag and wristlet showed up in the mail today. The color is “garnet” – how appropriate is that? It’s a dark red but at least it’s a good color for this time of year.

Take care.


Oct 24, 2012
Hi Girls,

Thanks for the positive comments on my ring. I'm looking forward to seeing in IRL. The stone is 2.59 carats.

Here is the piece on my friend that sustained the injuries on the bike accident. It's toward the bottom of the piece. Fractured foot, elbow, stitches, plastic surgery... It was bad.

Marcy, it's so awesome to hear people planning for the holidays. I wish I could, but I can barely keep my head above water with working, taking care of the kids, and exercising, and getting some sleep. I love hearing about your plans and progress. Makes me motivated to clean the house, and maybe get a tree in the next week.

Junebug, hope your mom stays relatively well this holiday season. My mom just learned to sell on ebay and just is having a ball. She's obsessed. That's where I get it from. LOL! I too love the scalloped basket. This tiny little detail makes all the difference to me. I love the curves of the ring, and the very clean lines of the bright cut pave, and the millegrain. I swear. I am all over the place. I've thrown in every detail, and the kitchen sink. Nothing ties together, but I still love the combo. The hilarious thing is that when I looked at the Jocelyn on his website, I immediately dismissed it saying it was not at all my style. IRL, I could not put it down. Guess that's love right?

Callie, just wanted to share with you more memories of my aunts. They were the ones who took me skiing for the first time, and water rafting, my first fun sleepover, trip without my parents, Disneyland and 15 rides in one crazy day, encouraged my love of books (got a new one every time we went to a book store), cleaned me up when I wet myself in 3rd grade and didn't make me feel bad. Aunts are awesome. :appl: :appl:


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Junebug, thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and for understanding how I am feeling. I am taking it one day at a time. How many times have I been doing that these last 5 months...every day it seems but it gets me through. I am glad to have gotten the mammo and ultrasound out of the way as it was already a delayed appointment due to my injury and it is probably good for me to get out. Though I want to hide from the world these days. I hope this is a good week for you and your mom and that she continues to do well.

Marcy, cheesecake and candy cane cookies sound yummy! Ooh I would ask you to send us some but we already know those darn postmen cannot keep their grubby hands off the desserts. :cheeky:

Thank you for your encouragement and support. You are a sweetheart. I hope the planning goes well and I know that the family get together will be a success no matter what.

Do you know your new Tumi bag is the color of 2015? I just heard it on the news. That red is the color for 2015. Enjoy!

Callie, hoping your dh's surgery went super well yesterday and that you are enjoying spending some recovery time with him. Thinking of you both.

LLJsmom, thanks for the article on your friend. So glad she is doing well and running marathons again and even better than ever. That is awesome. We have different injuries but if I can get back to most of my functioning I will be very very grateful and happy and though I cannot run I am OK with that.

OK waiting for your ring now! 2.59 carats of deliciousness! :love:


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, I'm so sorry the medicines aren't working as quickly as you had expected. I'm sure this is very worrisome. Do you think they will begin working better or are you afraid you won't see the results you had seen in the past? Have they talked about next steps with you if this doesn't work the way they were hoping? I know you have done research on seb derm. Has anything been mentioned that you haven't tried?

My niece saw the dermatologist yesterday. They put her on a drug called minocyclin. If this doesn't work, they want her to go on Accutane next month. To take Accutane she needs to go on the pill. The doctor said she thinks it's an acne type condition and said her skin looked pretty bad. Her skin had been breaking out a little bit last summer, nothing awful. They put her on the pill hoping it would help. When her skin continued to get worse they took her off the pill. It's been months and she still hasn't had a monthly cycle. The gyno told her she wants her to take clomid early next year if nothing happens, to kick start her cycle. Now the dermatologist is saying she may need to go back on the pill if the minocyclin doesn't work. My neice doesn't know what to think. I don't want her to take clomid or Accutane because of the side effects. I'm a little baffled by the acne diagnosis. She has never had skin problems before. Any thoughts. At the very least I feel the two doctors need to talk since she has two problems going on and they are each recommending solutions that affect the other's problem.

My husbands surgery went well but he was pretty sick afterwards. They didn't release him as quickly as we had hoped, then there were problems getting his pain medicine prescription filled. The doctor filled the script out incorrectly. It took 3 hours and 3 phone calls to get the on call physician to fix the problem. Kind of frustrating but at least he is feeling better today.

Marcy, I'm glad you will be spending the holidays with your sisters and their families. I had no idea you lost your parents so recently. I'm so sorry.

LLJsmom, Thank you for stories about your aunts. It's obvious you are very loved. I've always tried to make sure they know I am always here for them. I spent lots of time with them when they were younger and always planned special activities with them. I do know they feel loved and we all have so many happy memories of things we have done. When they were young, as part of their Christmas present we would leave the day after Christmas and stay at a resort. The would swim in the pool for hours, we went to dinner and they loved staying in a nice hotel. As they got older we would stay in a hotel downtown and go shopping. Their parents always thought of it as a present for them as well. My sister in laws would start planning their date nights and loved a couple days break with no kids. They also thought I was crazy for taking all four of them at once.

Junebug, I hope your mom is doing well and you are getting enough rest. What are your plans for the holiday?


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Missy, maybe I should send your cookies and cheesecake UPS so you’ll get it this time. I am such a trendsetter getting a red purse going in to 2015. How are you doing today? What are you getting Greg for Christmas?

LLJsmom, your diamond is gorgeous and huge. It looks perfect on that setting too. Isn’t it strange how your opinion of a piece of jewelry can change once you try it on? You certainly have your hands full with everything. Hopefully you get time to put up your tree next week.

Callie, that is too bad your husband got sick after surgery and it took a while to get his pain meds. I am glad he is feeling better now. I hope the prescriptions help your niece. Thank you about my parents. This will definitely be a difficult Christmas for me but I am trying to focus on good memories. It will be good to see my sisters, nieces and nephews for something fun. You sound like you are a wonderful aunt!

Tonight I am going to start my Christmas poem. I also started my lists and checked them twice. Ha Ha.

Have a great day tomorrow.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning everyone!

Callie, I am glad your dh is done with the surgery. Did he get sick from the anesthesia they administered? I hope he is feeling all better now and I know you both must be so happy he is home. I am annoyed on your behalf that they mixed up the Rx and he had to endure needless pain until the doctors got their acts together. Frustrating and it makes me think what other (even worse) mistakes are they making. Reminds me of something a surgeon told a friend once. He said to stay away from doctors and hospitals because they'll kill us. LOL. I'm making light of it ofc and it is really not funny in the least. I am relieved he is through the surgery and is going to be just fine!

Doesn't your niece have another dermatologist next week with her dermatologist? I am not sure a month is a long enough time period to see if this oral antibiotic treatment works. What dosage does he have her taking? I should have thought it was weird that she had seb derm because that doesn't usually happen till your 30's. The good thing is that there are treatments that will clear her skin and once again it is just a matter of finding the correct one for her. Accutane is a pretty extreme treatment but does work very well for many. It's just the side effects can be bad so I would definitely say it is a last line treatment to try yanno?

I would want your niece to try every other possible treatment before going the Accutane route. When I was diagnosed with rosacea for the first year plus nothing was helping. I was flushing uncontrollably and the pain was like burning acid on my face. I even had VBeam to try to destroy the blood vessels causing the flushing. Nothing worked and my derm suggested I try Accutane. I was ready because just nothing was helping. But they really make you jump through hoops to take this drug. Blood tests/urine tests every month, have to be on at least 2 (or was it 3?) different forms of bc etc. Ultimately I decided I was too concerned about the possible side effects and didn't take it though I went through with getting the first month's prescription and all.

Also, if this is acne most likely with time her skin will improve. Think about it you don't see grown women with acne very often. And she could be going through hormonal changes that can exacerbate or even cause acne being that she was on the pill and then off the pill and with time it will level out. The objective however is to get her skin clear now of course and for that I would recommend she try other treatments before Accutane. Definitely have her go through with her other derm appointment for a second opinion and treatment plan and then let her give the meds the time it takes to do the job. Sending her lots of clear skin dust!

As for my seb derm I have done reading and there are a couple of treatments I am going to ask my dermatologist about next Tuesday. I expect he will shoot them down but I am going to try. One is for the oral anti fungal Itraconazole but the problem with that is one side effects re liver. Oral anti fungals are tough on your body. Second problem is that even if it does help clear my seb derm I cannot be on that med for long and relapse is more than likely once I go off the med.

Another treatment plan I will be asking him about is if I can have treatment with narrow-band UVB 3 times per week for 2 months. Not sure where that can be done (he doesn't do anything like that) but I read a study where that helped. Problem with that treatment besides finding where I can do it and the frequency which I need to have it done to get any relief is the danger of the radiation accumulation. However I am at the point where I am willing to take that risk as I don't want to live with my face a mess and in raw discomfort all the time. But I doubt he will be receptive to that treatment for me.

I am also going to ask him about Lithium gluconate 8% ointment treatment as I read that might help. I have a whole list of treatments that I plan on going through with my derm and seeing what I can try that might help because the current treatment plan is not possible long term and the usual treatments (topical Ketaconozole and Elidel etc) are too harsh for my skin and cause more damage to my already compromised skin.

Marcy, I love that idea of sending me the cheesecake and cookies UPS before the holiday rush hahaha. I will be waiting by the mailbox. Though I am not sure at all that the UPS delivery people can resist your baked goods any better than the USPS delivery people. :cheeky:

Yes you are going to be quite in style with your dark red purse. Brick red is THE color of 2015. Personally I love blue but red isn't far behind and I love blue and red together so it's all good for me. :sun:

As for what I am getting Greg for Christmas I think we discussed a watch for him and he has it all picked out lol. I believe it is from Hamilton but I could be wrong. My memory isn't sharp these days but I will have to find out as before we know it the holidays are here! What did you or are you getting Marty? And what is he getting you? Do you know or have a wish list? Haha of course you must have a wish list. What respectable PSer doesn't LOL. I hope your party planning is going smoothly and that it all comes together just how you would like it to. :appl:

Junebug, LLJsmom, Ovi, what are your holiday plans? Looking forward to hearing everyone's plans for New Year's Eve too. I cannot believe it will soon be 2015. It felt like yesterday when the "new"millennium was almost upon us and now look where we are....15 years later. Crazy how quickly time goes.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi girls, Missy, Hopefully when I open this thread tomorrow I will see good news about your face feeling and looking much better. I also don't like the idea of you taking something with bad side effects. Possible liver damage is something to be really concerned about so I understand the doctors hesitation. Are there any possible solutions that have minimal side effects that you have read about? It will be interesting to see what the doctor says at your appointment next week. Do you have to ride the subway again? Please lie and tell me you are taking a cab.

My niece goes to her dermatologist the first week in January. I also can't wait to hear what her doctor says and agree with you that it's good she is getting two opinions. She now feels part of this is hormonal. I know she feels like she over reacted going on the pill to start with and she really believes that is what started this whole mess with her face. Like you, her skin had always been beautiful. When she got two pimples she freaked out and went to the doctor, who in turn put her on the pill. Who knows what the real cause is. Like you, she has extremely sensitive skin. She could not believe all the hoops she has to jump thru if they put her on Acctane. I worry because I know it's been known for severe birth defects and who knows how long this stuff really stays in your system. Like you, she has a great sense of humor so thank g-d for that. I swear it's been what's getting her through this.


Jun 8, 2008
Callie, since your niece has very sensitive skin that's another contraindication for Accutane and I would advise against it. In some cases (that I personally know of and a good number of cases that I have read about) people who were put on Accutane for acne developed rosacea as a side effect. In every one of those cases they had very sensitive skin before they were put on the drug. It's ironic because while Accutane can treat acne and in some cases is actually prescribed for rosacea flushing it can cause rosacea. Both conditions suck so again I want your niece to be well aware of that risk when she decides what the best course of action is for her situation. If it is hormonal her doctors can hopefully figure out another treatment for her that is less invasive. Hopefully her January derm visit will go well and even more hopefully the Minocycline that she is taking will clear up her acne before the visit so this is a moot point.

We are going to meet my MIL today as today is her 80th birthday. I cannot believe she is 80 because she is in great shape mentally and physically. She swims laps 3 times a week at the Y and she is very active in her church and always on the go. I also cannot believe I am saying this but I am very fond of her now and that wasn't always the case. The past 15 plus years with her have had some low points but the last few years have been very good with her and she has shown me actual affection which well if you knew what our past together was like you would be amazed. I guess she just had to get to know me and my NY sense of humor :bigsmile: Either that or aging has softened her. 8)

Anyway I am looking forward to seeing her despite the too long car trip and crappy weather today. I am giving her a pair of pretty opal and yellow gold stud earrings since she does enjoy yellow gold. I really don't know if she will wear them or not because I cannot remember if she wears earrings on a regular basis but they are pretty. We don't usually exchange gifts and we always just take her out for her birthday (she doesn't give us gifts for any occasions) but I just wanted to give her something. The last time we gave her a gift was her 70th (gave her a gorgeous necklace) and those 10 years just flew by!

I have been on the topical steroid Locoid for 5 days now and last night I started combining it (per my derm instructions) with Elidel and I am slightly irritated from the Elidel. Sigh. I see him Tuesday and not sure what I will do till then. If I stop the steroid I will flare again to be sure as I tried stopping 3 times now and each time big flare. But I don't think he wanted me to apply it for so long anyway so not sure what to do. I am trying not to think about that right now.

Enjoy your day ladies and I hope to catch up with you later. :wavey:
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