
Your Wedding Day...

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Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
... was it the best day of your life? If not, what day was?


Dec 19, 2007
Don''t get me wrong, it was nice. But I''ve had better days. Hands down, the day/minute my son was born was the best day of my life.


May 14, 2006
I''m not married yet so can''t answer it that way but I doubt it will be the best day of my life. I''ve had so many amazing days already and I know after my wedding I''ll have many more amazing days so I''m not putting the pressure on myself to have the best day of my life that day. Obviously I want it to be fab and a lot of planning has gone into it so I hope it shows that. The best days of my life so far were the day that I found out I got veterinary (the only time I ever cried with happiness) and the day I got engaged was amazing also. Us, Sangria and the Barcelona sun.

Was your wedding day the best of your life Indy?


Jul 27, 2007
I never expected my wedding day to be the best day of my life. I wasn't exactly the type who'd been dreaming of it my whole life and I never really considered getting married to be an "accomplishment", so I figured that while I would love my wedding day, the title of "best day of my life" would go to something else.

And while I feel a smidgen silly, I do think it was the best day of my life. I wasn't prepared for how emotional I'd feel about it. It's followed closely by the day we brought home our dog and the day he proposed. Who knows if the day will be knocked off its pedestal someday...

I know bee* already asked, but how do you feel, Indy? I know you mentioned that you think you'll be more emotional about WP2, do you expect that it will be the best day of your life?


Aug 8, 2006
The best day of my life is when I received the court order of adoption saying that my step-son was officially my SON! I will never forget opening that envelope.


Apr 22, 2007
I'm not married (not even engaged yet, ha ha - we're getting there!) but I don't have any big expectations that my wedding day will be the very best day of my life. I expect the vows to be among the very best moments of my life as the spiritual aspect of the ceremony is very important to me, but the day as a whole I just expect to be a really great party. And I'm sure there will be many more of those in my life!

bee when I found out I got into the King's Inns (for the non-Irish - kind of a professional trial attorney grad school) I cried and cried and cried with relief and joy. It had been such a long road to get there. Believe me, you'll feel all that relief and joy and pride all over again when you get your final exams results and know that you've done it!!!


Feb 17, 2006
Ha... no way! It was great, yes, but I still remember some panic over details, like "where are the programs? What do you mean Dad left them at home?" and "I don''t know where the car keys are!!!" and "WHY is the makeup artist taking SO LONG??"

sure, marrying my hubby was a fantastic moment, but the day itself? too stressful!

Honestly though, I remember the day I met him as flippin'' fantastic. And many many other days were truly wonderful. And I''m sure we have many more to come. It''s more about the moments than the days for me though... this morning we couldn''t carpool because he has a meeting tonight, so he realized I was running late and he stopped what he was doing to make my coffee and put my breakfast together, handing it to me as I kissed him goodbye. That is one of the best parts of my life. I can''t sum it up to one day.


Jul 13, 2007
Yes, my wedding day was the best day of my life. Then the birth of my daughter''s were the best days. All equal really.


Dec 19, 2007
Lyra, I am really surprised that your wedding day ranks equally with the birth of your daughter. As a mom, the birth of my son kicks the crap out of any other day. Was your wedding day that awesome or your "birth" day less great? Just interested to hear a different perspective.


Nov 24, 2006
I enjoyed reading your best days posted above.

Well I have a few best days. Our wedding day was not my favorite since the wedding got out of control (family drama) and it was so emotional; honestly if I had to do it over again we would have eloped.

I think every trip I take with my DH is one of my favorites; he is my best friend so getting to experience new and exciting adventures with him makes it even more wonderful. I do think marrying him is one of the best things ever; he is just so dang wonderful! hehe

Another best day is the day they told me my mom would be fine after a very dangerous surgery; that what really a wonderful day.


Oct 18, 2005
There''s been so much drama surrounding the planning (and I haven''t posted about the latest, namely FH''s mother wanting is to plan a morning-after brunch - too bad we''ll be gone on our mini-moon
- and to allow her siblings to bring their kids to "replace" the guests aren''t coming
, my brother''s sudden desire to "beat us to the altar" - his words, not mine - with less than four months to go until our date
, and my getting ran over on my foot by a car
- but I''m fine, nothing''s broken) that I don''t expect my wedding day to be the best of my life. I do still hope that it will be a great day.

It''s hard to tell for me what was the greatest moment of my life. My first kiss with J and getting engaged are definitely up there... So who knows, maybe getting married will be too. Some of the best moments I''ve had in my life were on stage (music mostly - trumpet and choir - , some drama too).


Apr 19, 2004

Well, I am hoping some of my best days are still to come. But in all honestly, my wedding day was too phrenic to say it was the best day of my life--I didn''t dance with my Dad, so on those grounds alone, that would definately make it a no.

Birth of my son. Everything else pales by compaison.

Successfully defending my thesis ranks very highly up there, along with the news that my sister who is one year older than me, after 5 years, is cancer free.



Mar 22, 2008
My wedding day was wonderful. Exchanging vows was incredibly special. Part of what made it so special was how special it also is to the people who love you - it''s rather humbling to see and accept such an outpouring of love and good wishes for you. My Dad told me a few weeks later it was one of the best days in his life - after his wedding day and the days my sister and I were born.

But I''m with LitigatorChick - no contest, the day I gave birth to my son was the best so far. Since then, occasionally, one or the other of my parents will comment on how they''ve never seen me happier. It''s true. When my DH and I feel in love, I didn''t think it was possible to love anyone more or deeper than how I felt for him. HA!!

I am so happy and grateful for my husband and son. Actually, every day since he was been born I feel a kind of joy I didn''t have before.


Jun 27, 2007
NO!! I didn''t get ANY sleep the night before - went to sleep at 3.00 am had to get up at 6.00 am to get ready for the wedding at 9 am (destination wedding). My hair was a mess -thanks to missing my hair appointment the day before (after being stuck in traffic in Barbados). I had on WAYYY too much make-up and felt uncomfortable in it (despite telling my friend that I wanted a ''natural'' look). My sparkly headband was too tight and started giving me a pounding headache while taking pictures - this while trying to smile and look blissful...
It rained so we didn''t get to have the outside garden ceremony I always wanted....
DH and I were very nervous (we hate being the center of attention) so really just wanted everything to be done with so we could relax and get back to our normal selves.

So NO!! It was definitely not the best day of my life!!
Sometimes I do get jealous when I hear brides say they had the ''perfect'' wedding and everything went beautifully... and the bride is all glowing and radiant and beautiful.....I would''ve loved that too.

But then, my first wedding went off without a hitch...I looked beautiful and radiant...everything was perfect... but I still remember being stressed and not being able to enjoy it all.

Ah well... the wedding does not make the marriage, I like to tell myself! I''m very happy to have married my DH!

San Diego Bride

Apr 9, 2006
i''m surprised to say that my wedding day was the best day of my life. i''d never been the girl to dream about her wedding. heck, i didn''t really even want to get married. standing in that garden overlooking the ocean in fabulous weather surrounded by our closest friends/family members and exchanging vows with my best friend... the feeling was indescribable. i''ve never felt so blessed and so loved.


Jul 3, 2006
Date: 4/7/2008 12:20:20 PM
Author: novia

i''m surprised to say that my wedding day was the best day of my life. i''d never been the girl to dream about her wedding. heck, i didn''t really even want to get married. standing in that garden overlooking the ocean in fabulous weather surrounded by our closest friends/family members and exchanging vows with my best friend... the feeling was indescribable. i''ve never felt so blessed and so loved.

You know, I felt very much the same way. I was never one of these had-my-wedding-planned-since-I-was-five kind of girls. I was a lot nervous towards the earlier half of the day, but once things got under way, I ended up having a FANTASTIC time. Aside from the getting married part, which was fantastic in itself, I LOVED having the majority of the people my Husband and I love all in one spot eating our favorite foods and dancing to our favorite songs and having a grand time. The only thing that could have made it better was if everyone we had invited had been able to attend. It was a pretty amazing day all in all. But then again, so was our entire honeymoon week.

As far as favorite days, it''s definitely one of them. Of course, there are days from my childhood that were equally fabulous (any of our family''s holiday celebrations/reunions, family trips, etc), but in my adult life, I''d say the wedding was it so far.


Jul 19, 2006
Nothing compares to the days that each of my children were born. Those are life-changing the best days of your life.


Jul 5, 2007
Love this question. Before the wedding, I bit people''s heads off when they suggested that my wedding would be the best day of my life, therefore I should _______________ (fill in any ridiculous suggestion here, typically having to do with spending over budget or being wickedly selfish). When it was said to me for (what seemed like) the millionth time, I literally started yelling at the salesperson at House of Brides, and it went something like this: "What do you know about my life? What about when my fiance proposed? What about the day I knew I was in love with him? What about the day I earn my master''s? What about the day I get tenure? What about the day I have my first child? I very much doubt that an uncomfortable, stressful day, with this much build-up, is going to be the best day of my life! How dare you make the assumption that my wedding is the be-all, end-all moment of my existance!" It wasn''t pretty.

But, our wedding day was completely the best day of my life (so far). I just don''t think I''d ever realized how much my family and friends and DH''s family and friends loved us until that day. I mean, I knew we were very loved, but to see everyone we love was in the same place because of us - it was absolutely amazing. And moreover, I can''t put into words how HAPPY everyone was for us. I started crying the second my dad and I started down the aisle, because I could see everyone turning around and I saw all the faces and realized I''d never once thought about what it would be like to see all the important people in my life in one place. It''s just so funny, in the days leading up to it, I was almost dreading the wedding because of everything that could go wrong, but then it became the best day because of the things that I couldn''t have planned or imagined and the emotion I hadn''t really considered.


Apr 4, 2006
My wedding was a blast; It was a fun day kind of best day ever. The birth of each of my children was a magical kind of best day ever. Grad school graduation with my father there was a relief best kind of day ever. As I get older, I''ve given into it all as a kind of "life collage," rather than race, per se.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
I definitely never expected my wedding day to be the best day of my life. I agree with NEL that getting married isn't much of an 'accomplishment' - practically everyone does it! But I can also see the other side that having everyone around who loves us would be so wonderful. WP1 was overwhelmingly DH's people, with only 4 of my friends, my mom and step-dad. My dad wasn't there. My siblings weren't there. My best friend wasn't there. But it made me happy seeing how emotional and overjoyed DH's friends and family were. I did have LOTS of fun, but it sure wasn't 'magical'!

I'm glad to see that some others feel that way as well, that it's 'normal' for the wedding day to be fun, but not THAT great - stressful or drama-filled or rainy, or etc.

And I guess I don't feel all THAT excited about WP2 where all the people who love me will attend. But I hope it goes OK and that the guests have fun!

I think the best day of my life so far was the day I got my Ph.D. It was something I had wanted to do since I was about 12 - with lots and lots of bumps along the way. I felt so proud - like this was an achievement I would always have, no matter what happened and I'd done it despite the odds. And I got the honour of leading the Ph.D. part of the academic procession and going up to accept everyone's degrees from the University's President (at this school, one person does this in the mass ceremony, then individual degrees are given out later). When I took the degree, my thesis advisor stood up from his seat on the podium and took off his hat to me as if to say "Welcome! you're a scholar now". With about 10,000 people happy and cheering... Pure joy! My dad was in the audience crying like a baby. Then all my friends came over in the evening and we had such a nice time. Yes, that was a wonderful day.


May 31, 2007
Date: 4/7/2008 1:21:18 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 4/7/2008 8:17:56 AM
Author:Independent Gal
... was it the best day of your life? If not, what day was?
Second best.

I have to admit.. the days each of my children were born was best. I have never felt as amazing as the day I held each of my babies for the first time. Priceless.
I agree with SD Lady & Litigator Chick and others -- wedding day is the second best... or maybe even third. Nothing like holding your newborn child for the first time -- that is hands down #1 for me. My wedding day was up there as one of the "best" -- but a little hectic/stressed... juggling family, making sure everything was the way it was planned etc etc... I actually enjoyed the honeymoon maybe a smidge more.. and hearing my husband calling me his "wife" for the first time....


Nov 18, 2004
My wedding was a blast, but certainly not up there with the days my kids were born.


Jan 30, 2005
This is a very interesting question. I don''t have kids so that isn''t one but I can see how it would be for most. My wedding was great but I don''t know if it was the best day I ever had. I think I have a bunch of best days. Graduating from undergraduate then graduate school, getting married, getting my first "real" professional job, bringing home my new fuzzy puppy for the first time, and then his cousin two years later. Walking into our dream home after we closed on it. I could go on and on.....


Nov 19, 2006
I would think that the "best day" would not be the wedding day but the day you fell in love with the man that you have married! For those with children, it might be the day of the birth of their child or any day when you see them healthy and happy.

For me, I don''t remember having any "best days", but I think I am having the best time of my life now. Both my hubby and I are financially comfortable without having to worry about the next paycheck, we have careers that gives us a sense of achievement, we have careers that gives us a sense of achievement, we have two lovely little boys, everyone is well at home...etc. In a nutshell, I am contented.


Feb 17, 2007
I didn''t think it would be...but as of now, I can''t think of a single day that was better than that! It was pretty darn great. I also assume that when we have kids, their births and accomplishments will probably eclipse our wedding.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
My wedding was one of the best days of my life. It really was perfect (and fairly stress free) My daughter''s birth was also a fantastic day. It was a different kind of best (if that makes sense). Every milestone she completes (first smile, first giggle, first coo) also is an amazing day and reminds me how lucky I am to be her mom. I cannot wait to see everything else she can accomplish.


May 14, 2006
Date: 4/7/2008 9:57:00 AM
Author: Delster

bee when I found out I got into the King''s Inns (for the non-Irish - kind of a professional trial attorney grad school) I cried and cried and cried with relief and joy. It had been such a long road to get there. Believe me, you''ll feel all that relief and joy and pride all over again when you get your final exams results and know that you''ve done it!!!

I cannot wait to get those final exams out of the way! I was the exact same in that it took me so long to get into veterinary as I didn''t get it from the leaving, didn''t get it straight away after science, but eventually got it. I couldn''t believe it. Congrats on getting those final exam results


Apr 4, 2006
Date: 4/7/2008 2:28:10 PM
Author: lovewhitediamonds
Date: 4/7/2008 1:21:18 PM

Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 4/7/2008 8:17:56 AM

Author:Independent Gal

... was it the best day of your life? If not, what day was?

Second best.

I have to admit.. the days each of my children were born was best. I have never felt as amazing as the day I held each of my babies for the first time. Priceless.

I agree with SD Lady & Litigator Chick and others -- wedding day is the second best... or maybe even third. Nothing like holding your newborn child for the first time -- that is hands down #1 for me. My wedding day was up there as one of the ''best'' -- but a little hectic/stressed... juggling family, making sure everything was the way it was planned etc etc... I actually enjoyed the honeymoon maybe a smidge more.. and hearing my husband calling me his ''wife'' for the first time....
.."husband calling me his ''wife'' for the first time...." Ohh, thanks for reminding me of that day. That''s a keeper! Loved that day, too!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 4/7/2008 5:32:22 PM
Author: justjulia
Date: 4/7/2008 2:28:10 PM

Author: lovewhitediamonds

Date: 4/7/2008 1:21:18 PM

Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 4/7/2008 8:17:56 AM

Author:Independent Gal

... was it the best day of your life? If not, what day was?

Second best.

I have to admit.. the days each of my children were born was best. I have never felt as amazing as the day I held each of my babies for the first time. Priceless.

I agree with SD Lady & Litigator Chick and others -- wedding day is the second best... or maybe even third. Nothing like holding your newborn child for the first time -- that is hands down #1 for me. My wedding day was up there as one of the ''best'' -- but a little hectic/stressed... juggling family, making sure everything was the way it was planned etc etc... I actually enjoyed the honeymoon maybe a smidge more.. and hearing my husband calling me his ''wife'' for the first time....

..''husband calling me his ''wife'' for the first time....'' Ohh, thanks for reminding me of that day. That''s a keeper! Loved that day, too!

That is another good one! I am sure the first day she calls me Mama will be another one.


Jul 13, 2007
I think the real reason why my wedding day was the best day of my life is because it was the last memorable day spent with both of my parents. Everyone had so much fun together too! My dad died 2 years before my first daughter was born, and my mom didn't come to visit until DD was 6 months old. It was a nightmare delivery and even my inlaws were not there for us. The birth of my second daughter was very happy because it was so easy and she was so easygoing, and more than anything I wanted another girl.

I guess we all have different reasons for picking our "best days". It's nice to think back on them today. I don't know what the next "best day" will be. A daughter graduating from University? A daughter's marriage? Grandchildren? Winning the lottery? Okay, not the last one unless someone else buys tickets for us.

ETA: Ack! It is my personal phobia to be the first poster on page 2 of any thread!
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