
Your FOREVER bling pieces - how do you do it?


Oct 5, 2006
You may have gathered from my new thread on RT that I am having some regrets about my bling collection and am questioning my decision-making ability as far as buying bling is concerned! You may have also gleaned from my threads over the years that I've been culling my collection over the past 6-7 years. To some extent, I have almost achieved this objective. However, along the way, I have stumbled and fallen a few times (a few too many! :rolleyes: :-o )

So I am EXTREMELY happy with Holly (the diamond itself that is, the setting might or might not be upgraded) and the pear. I can't, unfortunately, say the same thing about the other pieces which is why they've now been put up for sale.

What I can decipher is that as long as I stick to my basic likes (ie. moderately higher colour and clarity, ie. G-H-I, VS and very clean Si's) and larger stones, I am happy. Otherwise, I find myself continually questioning pieces of bling which I've bought. Another way to be sure that a piece is "forever" (or at least one that I'd keep for a very looooong time, certainly over a few years) is that I take a loooong loooong time researching, window-shopping, persuing shops (both online and B&M) for pieces to look at and if possible negotiating on prices (I love it when I get a "deal").

I see a handful of PS"ers who have a basic core of collection and who don't seem to be perpetually upgrading, changing their diamonds and/ or settings. But judging from the pre-loved sub-forum, a lot (not sure? at least some) of PS'ers seem to also be afflicted with this problem! :wink2:

I know that taking a brief hiatus from PS helps but before long, sure enough I find myself back here drooling over other people's pieces and wishing I had them. :cheeky:

Contrary to what a few of you may think, I certainly do NOT have unlimited resources and it literally makes me sick to my stomach that I have such a large chunk of cash buried in these diamonds and diamond jewellery that are now awaiting to be sold. I mean I do love my bling (you don't say :rolleyes: :lol: ) but I really wish I wasn't burdened with this, let's call it, "disease" of buying and then having to sell afterwards. Sure, I HAVE got better over the years but by no means has this affliction left me yet.

So what do you do? Any words of wisdom? Anyone of you have worked out a strategy that works and that you've stuck to?

Jennifer W

Jun 18, 2010
Hmm, I don't know if my approach would help anyone else, but it works for me. I suspect it might be related to personality type a little too, as well as diamond preferences? I know some people absolutely need 'mind clean' and also that the concept can change for some over time, so that what was mind clean when a stone was purchased isn't mind clean after x number of years. I totally understand, and I'm not judging , not at all. I think though, that (to quote a friend) people vary, and while one person will be happy with the same piece forever, the next person will not, and not because there's anything wrong with the piece. Some people enjoy the hunt, too - finding that elusive combination of characteristics that you just love, the style of setting etc. Other people really do seem to enjoy having the most up to date shape / cut / style of setting and will change them up as fashion changes. It's all good, I think (personally) so long as you can afford it and enjoy it.

For myself, I pick pieces and stones that I find particularly or unusually beautiful. I don't place a lot of emphasis on searching out a particular colour, clarity, shape or cut combination, because when I've done that in the past, the result has never been a 'forever' thing. I have to have a slightly more emotional input, I have to love that diamond. I also like to buy significant pieces for a special event - a significant birthday, birth of a child, a graduation, career goal met etc. That means I'm not going to trade them in because the have a great deal of meaning.

I can accept 'issues' with a stone if I love how it looks and enjoy its character, but if I was buying by a formula (for want of a better word) I could not forgive anything at all. It's like, I love my husband in spite of an annoying trait, while the same trait in a person I don't love would have me suppressing violent urges after a half hour... ;))

Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in fugly stones, but for me, they have to have that X Factor as well as just stacking up on paper, if that makes sense. Then I can always see something wonderful in them.

Anyway, as I say, what works for me may not help you one little bit, because it's an emotional investment as much as anything, but my final suggestion is, once you have a significant stone or piece, stop looking! Don't examine in microdetail over and over, just make sure it's as it should be, then step back and enjoy it. Admire it. Don't look for or at other stones that might have been better, either!


Apr 28, 2008
I wish I knew how to get it right, Phoenix! Sigh :roll:. I'll definitely be following along with interest.


Oct 5, 2006
Ha ha, I just realised I wrote "persuing" instead of "perusing"!! :lol:

In some cases though, I am sure I pursued them too! :wink2:


Oct 5, 2006
Jennifer!! :wavey: Long time no see. I see you have a new job, congrats! :appl: Good to see ya!

Thanks for your wonderful post. I understand what you mean about pieces that have a certain Je ne sais quoi about them. I don't have any such pieces yet but hope to have one at some point in the future - perhaps an antique piece with a particular provenance (?).

Good point about buying pieces to mark special occasions. Alas, we don't have children, so there's no bling to be associated with their births, little uns' b'days etc...However, there are always wedding anniversaries and our own b'days. Holly is one such piece, she's meant to mark my ...ahem...big b'day that's coming up in a few years' time, Xmas, valentines etc..

I am a bit of perfectionist though, I need my pieces to be "perfect" which is why super-ideal cut diamonds particularly appeal to me. Funnily enough, Holly is not super-ideal though she's certainly ideal cut. I love her to bits and the fact that she was soooo long overdue makes her very special to me.

I think I need to work out my priorities, what's really truly important to me, think very long and hard before imparting wtih money - for future purchases. Then I can stop having regrets - I just hate having regrets, so contrary to my personal life philosophy.


Oct 5, 2006
Laila619|1358588475|3359506 said:
I wish I knew how to get it right, Phoenix! Sigh :roll:. I'll definitely be following along with interest.

Yes, I am very interested in hearing what others do.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Phoenix|1358580445|3359483 said:
You may have gathered from my new thread on RT that I am having some regrets about my bling collection and am questioning my decision-making ability as far as buying bling is concerned! You may have also gleaned from my threads over the years that I've been culling my collection over the past 6-7 years. To some extent, I have almost achieved this objective. However, along the way, I have stumbled and fallen a few times (a few too many! :rolleyes: :-o )

Contrary to what a few of you may think, I certainly do NOT have unlimited resources and it literally makes me sick to my stomach that I have such a large chunk of cash buried in these diamonds and diamond jewellery that are now awaiting to be sold. I mean I do love my bling (you don't say :rolleyes: :lol: ) but I really wish I wasn't burdened with this, let's call it, "disease" of buying and then having to sell afterwards. Sure, I HAVE got better over the years but by no means has this affliction left me yet.

So what do you do? Any words of wisdom? Anyone of you have worked out a strategy that works and that you've stuck to?
culling? what culling??... :lol: when are you having a garage sale?.. :bigsmile:


Oct 5, 2006
Dancing Fire|1358592149|3359516 said:
Phoenix|1358580445|3359483 said:
You may have gathered from my new thread on RT that I am having some regrets about my bling collection and am questioning my decision-making ability as far as buying bling is concerned! You may have also gleaned from my threads over the years that I've been culling my collection over the past 6-7 years. To some extent, I have almost achieved this objective. However, along the way, I have stumbled and fallen a few times (a few too many! :rolleyes: :-o )

Contrary to what a few of you may think, I certainly do NOT have unlimited resources and it literally makes me sick to my stomach that I have such a large chunk of cash buried in these diamonds and diamond jewellery that are now awaiting to be sold. I mean I do love my bling (you don't say :rolleyes: :lol: ) but I really wish I wasn't burdened with this, let's call it, "disease" of buying and then having to sell afterwards. Sure, I HAVE got better over the years but by no means has this affliction left me yet.

So what do you do? Any words of wisdom? Anyone of you have worked out a strategy that works and that you've stuck to?
culling? what culling??... :lol: when are you having a garage sale?.. :bigsmile:

Ha ha, I have, really I promise! When I first joined PS, my collection consisted of some 30 pieces - much smaller much less valuable but there were so many of them I ended up misplacing them time and time again!

At the moment, I have some loose diamonds with Perry Chen/ LM and some jewellery pieces at JbEG.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Phoenix|1358592543|3359519 said:
Dancing Fire|1358592149|3359516 said:
Phoenix|1358580445|3359483 said:
You may have gathered from my new thread on RT that I am having some regrets about my bling collection and am questioning my decision-making ability as far as buying bling is concerned! You may have also gleaned from my threads over the years that I've been culling my collection over the past 6-7 years. To some extent, I have almost achieved this objective. However, along the way, I have stumbled and fallen a few times (a few too many! :rolleyes: :-o )

Contrary to what a few of you may think, I certainly do NOT have unlimited resources and it literally makes me sick to my stomach that I have such a large chunk of cash buried in these diamonds and diamond jewellery that are now awaiting to be sold. I mean I do love my bling (you don't say :rolleyes: :lol: ) but I really wish I wasn't burdened with this, let's call it, "disease" of buying and then having to sell afterwards. Sure, I HAVE got better over the years but by no means has this affliction left me yet.

So what do you do? Any words of wisdom? Anyone of you have worked out a strategy that works and that you've stuck to?
culling? what culling??... :lol: when are you having a garage sale?.. :bigsmile:

Ha ha, I have, really I promise! When I first joined PS, my collection consisted of some 30 pieces - much smaller much less valuable but there were so many of them I ended up misplacing them time and time again!

At the moment, I have some loose diamonds with Perry Chen/ LM and some jewellery pieces at JbEG.
you should post them on preloved forum.


Sep 11, 2012
I am just plain lazy.... :tongue:

So, while it may not be the same 'condition' as you Phoenix, i thought i would share how it works for me, NOW....

I have always wanted diamond earrings and i got them. Whilst i would like to also own another pair of antique cut (OEC,OMC,tranny) studs, its the hassle of changing them and keeping them clean etc. I actually put in a few bids on ebay and was out bidded at the last min... a blessing in disguise. :wink2: i could justify that these earring will one day be my daughter's, so it was ok to put in bids. we can always justify things that we want, can't we????? :cheeky:

With my rings, I look at designing distinct pieces or copy something similar to the one that i have seen. Ultimately, i am the one wearing it and if the design doesn't get me, then it isn't for me. So, i make sure that it is the right one before i make that decision. Then it is about getting the best diamond that is available at the time of the project... Waiting isn't by best virtue. I know I may come across something better down the track, but i rationalise it like this: I got what I got when I wanted it. It was the best of the best at the time and I am really happy as it was within budget. AND, I am bloody lazy and can't be bothered waiting around for a better stone and can't be bothered about changing it..... :lol: :lol:

I have pieces that I wear all the time so that I can admire them all the time. And, I think I am getting lazier as I get older :o :o :o

Hope some of my reasoning for my choices can help you, Phoenix.

Good luck.


Dec 29, 2006
Real quick, so I'll come back later and add to this...

I'd love to upgrade to larger stones someday but my husband is very sentimental about my engagement ring. I love how he did some researching with me (not a lot, but enough for me to know he was interested in finding the perfect ring for "us," as he says). I love how he parted with the amount he was comfortable with, not a penny more, and he didn't go into debt over it. So I guess sentimentality and responsibility goes a long way with me, and I'm happy with my ring.


Jun 8, 2008
Oh Phoenix, I can totally relate as I suspect many PSers can as well. Sometimes it feels like a sickness that I constantly look at jewelry and feel the need to buy more beautiful pieces. Like you I have decided I want to stop the madness and just stop buying more. Once I reset my ER that is. :cheeky: However, my dh, who is too wise, says he fully expects this will not be my last reset. He might be right. I don't know for sure. Though I think if I could afford to get the size and personality diamond I truly want I would finally be at peace. But my track record isn't good re satiation forever and I thought my ER diamond was going to be my forever diamond but that darn DSS set in relatively soon after. Sigh. At least I am truly happy with my choice of dh and have no desire or need to change that choice LOL.

I think Jennifer is quite right in that it has a lot to do with personality type. But I don't know how to change that. If I could afford to I would most definitely upgrade my ER diamond to a much larger one but money is a limiting factor so at least I cannot do much damage that way haha. I look at my mom who has never changed her original diamond and setting and I so wish I could be happy like that with my ER.

Your Holly is truly one of a kind and a beautiful forever piece regardless of whatever setting you might decide on for its forever (or not forever) home.

Sorry I cannot offer any words of wisdom as I too am afflicted with this "disease" and will be watching this thread for the wisdom of fellow PSers. I suspect if I stopped wasting energy obsessing about jewelry I could channel that energy into more important and worthwhile projects and that might be a relief. But I know I must have a project to obsess over as that is my personality. As much as I long for peace of mind my mind won't allow it. ::)


Feb 26, 2004
The forever pieces tend to be things that have sentimental meaning to them. Your pieces tend to be more of an acquisition, therefore once the shoppers high is gone, you no longer feel the same about them.


Oct 5, 2006
makemepretty|1358598115|3359535 said:
The forever pieces tend to be things that have sentimental meaning to them. Your pieces tend to be more of an acquisition, therefore once the shoppers high is gone, you no longer feel the same about them.

Nah, I don't think that's it, at least not completely. I mean I still want earrings and I still want a 3-stone ring. I just wish I'd bought better colour and a larger size for the earrings and that I'd listened to DS when I had the 3-stone ring made. I miss both pieces so much, esp the earrings, so it couldn't have been just for a "shopper's high". And there's no sentiment attached to either.

I suspect that I didn't want to admit to myself that I was/ am truly a size wh*re and that smaller pieces just don't satisfy me...unfortunate that is. Also terrible is my colour sensitivity (thank God I am not looking at D,E,F - that's a small consolation though given the current situation).

At least I am heading in the right direction, selling smaller pieces to get larger pieces and also to put the proceeds into other non-bling projects. Let's hope I stay on track, he he... :cheeky:

ETA: if I only bought bling to get a "high", surely I'd still be stuck with 30 or more pieces, maybe diffrent pieces from before but the number would still be high. Same goes for clothes and shoes, I used to buy cheaper items and lots of them. Nowaways, I only mainly shop twice a year during the big sales, preferring the high-end deigner pieces BUT ONLY if they're marked down (I'd hate having to pay full pricing) and I only buy like 2-3 pieces, max 5, each time. I have that well and truly sorted and am no longer worried about wasting money in this regard. I just wanna do the same with bling, not wasting money on things that I don't fully treasure and wanna keep.

ETAA: I am glad I started this thread, it's making me having a closer look at my behaviour.


Oct 5, 2006
Just to add something else to the above train of thoughts: My BFF and her husband are real clothes and shoes addicts. They have all kinds of beautiful designer pieces and between the two of them they own something like 250 pairs of shoes, all high end. They have an entire room in their house dedicated to the storage of their clothes and shoes. FYI, they can afford to pay full prices and the clothes & shoes make them happy. Now, when I look at their clothes and shoes, esp hers, I don't wish I had them - sure they're gorgeous but I don't have a yearning to own similar pieces. Shame though I can't say the same when I look at the beautiful bling pieces on here, esp the old cuts which seem to be prevalent on this site these days. Darn, I obsess about these old cuts! :o :lol:

Ok so maybe the thing to do is to remove myself from PS completely. That should do the trick! :lol:

Jennifer W

Jun 18, 2010
Phoenix|1358591428|3359512 said:
Jennifer!! :wavey: Long time no see. I see you have a new job, congrats! :appl: Good to see ya!

Thanks for your wonderful post. I understand what you mean about pieces that have a certain Je ne sais quoi about them. I don't have any such pieces yet but hope to have one at some point in the future - perhaps an antique piece with a particular provenance (?).

Good point about buying pieces to mark special occasions. Alas, we don't have children, so there's no bling to be associated with their births, little uns' b'days etc...However, there are always wedding anniversaries and our own b'days. Holly is one such piece, she's meant to mark my ...ahem...big b'day that's coming up in a few years' time, Xmas, valentines etc..

I am a bit of perfectionist though, I need my pieces to be "perfect" which is why super-ideal cut diamonds particularly appeal to me. Funnily enough, Holly is not super-ideal though she's certainly ideal cut. I love her to bits and the fact that she was soooo long overdue makes her very special to me.

I think I need to work out my priorities, what's really truly important to me, think very long and hard before imparting wtih money - for future purchases. Then I can stop having regrets - I just hate having regrets, so contrary to my personal life philosophy.

Thank you! Good to be around these parts, and to have a little bit more free time now I'm finding my feet at work - whole new career as well as new job, and gosh I'm tired!

Plenty special occasions without kids (hey, I managed to buy diamonds for decades before going down that route...) and I've found anniversaries are a great excuse to blow the sparkly budget.

I do understand that need for a perfect stone. Super ideal, colour and clarity that you want is fine, I don't see anything wrong with that at all. What I have found though, is that even within specified parameters, one stone just stands out above the others. The one perhaps the the fluoro you like (if you like it!) or with that elusive crystalline quality I love so much but that is so hard to define. Or even just the one that seems to be bursting with fire and life (and all things being equal with cut, it can still happen) that just stands out over the others. Now, I know it's hard to find ONE diamond that meets criteria sometimes, far less a selection, but I do think it's worth looking until you find one that makes you absolutely melt, rather than one that makes you think all the boxes are ticked. Oh yes, and even harder when you're in a different country. I totally understand (I'm in the UK). Still, the diamonds I'm indifferent about and rarely wear (and somewhat regret if I'm totally honest) are the ones I bought because they ticked boxes and didn't return when they failed to make me melt. Through no fault of their own, I might add - perfectly fine stones, just not X Factor stones. Now, I buy because there's something I've fallen for, rather than because I have the budget (and you know, when I fall for something, I can always find some sort of celebratory occasion for it to fit with...).

Anyway, as we've said, and as I think Missy said too, it's partly personality type, and seriously, it's not worth changing your actual personality. ;))


Mar 1, 2011
We're all human, so we are bound to make mistakes from time to time (I've sold a few pieces, too). I think it's all a learning experience and that you eventually figure out what's important to you in the end! I've realized that I want quality pieces (like you) that are bigger/ideally cut that I can wear on a daily basis! I'm a studs/ER/eternity bands type of girl that would not get much use out of a large RHR. I'm very happy right now w/ my WF studs, my VC eternity bands, and my WF eternity band thus far.

As for "forever," not so sure about my 3 ct BGD now. PS/DSS has made me want to upgrade it in my 3 stone setting--thank god for upgrade policies! So will have to wait for a while for this if I decide to eventually go through w/ it! Can you tell me about your experience w/ Brian finding you a diamond to upgrade when you were originally looking for Holly? How does he guarantee the color/clarity/size when he cuts from rough? Do you have to make a deposit before the process is started? Thanks!


Oct 5, 2006
mom2boys|1358602889|3359555 said:
We're all human, so we are bound to make mistakes from time to time (I've sold a few pieces, too). I think it's all a learning experience and that you eventually figure out what's important to you in the end! I've realized that I want quality pieces (like you) that are bigger/ideally cut that I can wear on a daily basis! I'm a studs/ER/eternity bands type of girl that would not get much use out of a large RHR. I'm very happy right now w/ my WF studs, my VC eternity bands, and my WF eternity band thus far.

As for "forever," not so sure about my 3 ct BGD diamond now. PS/DSS has made me want to upgrade it in my 3 stone setting--thank god for upgrade policies! So will have to wait for a while for this if I decide to eventually go through w/ it! Can you tell me about your experience w/ Brian finding you a diamond to upgrade when you were originally looking for Holly? How does he guarantee the color/clarity/size when he cuts from rough? Do you have to make a deposit before the process is started? Thanks!

You're too sweet, mom2boys. :halo:

Yes, it does seem to be a learning process. I just wish there weren't so much money involved and I hadn't stumbled so many times along the way!

I didn't realise you'd sold a few pieces. What did you sell, if you don't mind me asking?

Hah, that's funny, I am an ering and studs girl too - definitely positively! I thought I was ok with not having a RHR but have recently started to miss it so much. Your studs are TDF, truly, and your pieces are AMAZING. I think we have fairly similar taste, wouldn't you say? If only I had your "bling-smarts" though and hadn't travelled such a long bling journey to get to where I am or rather to get to where I'd like to be.

What are you looking to upgrade the 3ct to, if I may ask? As for the process, was a bit ...hard...and I am going through the same with the matching stud. It's just generally difficult to get larger pieces (no doubt because of the relative rarity of larger roughs) and it's understandable that Brian is reluctant to get a larger piece - which he'd have again relative difficulty in shifting - unless you are completely committed to purchasing it. What makes it hard IMO is that you, as the consumer, cannot fully commit unless and until you know what specs the stone will end up having. Brian however is reluctant to purchase and have a piece of rough cut unless again you are committed and then until the stone is finished or even until AGS has done their grading will the specs be fully known. So no I doubt that he can guarantee the precise specs, he never did with me, though we did talk about a range. He never asked me for a deposit. Not sure if they have any policy per se. Perhaps you can email or call them to ask about how to go about doing it?


Mar 1, 2011
I've sold an eternity band and a setting only thus far. I was able to reuse my BGD Truth setting (if you remember) when I quickly upgraded to the 3 ct center stone.

BTW, I'm very flattered by your comparisons! :))

I'm looking to upgrade to at least a 4 ct BGD signature or blue that I could upgrade again if needed--I've notified Lesley that I'm interested for the very distant future. I know they rarely have 4ct ones in their inventory so I wonder if I would have to have rough cut. I'd be willing to go down to an I color but then I would have to change out my G side stones in my 3 stone to match. I may be eventually in the same predicament as you, lol! What do you mean by "committing" and how does he determine price if you have a certain budget to maintain? But who knows the future--I may never go through w/ it!!! It's nice to have options, though!


Oct 5, 2006
mom2boys|1358604788|3359562 said:
I've sold an eternity band and a setting only thus far. I was able to reuse my BGD Truth setting (if you remember) when I quickly upgraded to the 3 ct center stone.

BTW, I'm very flattered by your comparisons! :))

I'm looking to upgrade to at least a 4 ct BGD signature or blue that I could upgrade again if needed--I've notified Lesley that I'm interested for the very distant future. I know they rarely have 4ct ones in their inventory so I wonder if I would have to have rough cut. I'd be willing to go down to an I color but then I would have to change out my G side stones in my 3 stone to match. I may be eventually in the same predicament as you, lol! What do you mean by "committing" and how does he determine price if you have a certain budget to maintain?

I am the one who should be flattered! :))

Yes, I remember you upgrading but had completely forgotten about your selling the eternity. That's nothing, lol! and as I mentioned, I wish I had your bling-smarts and not end up with so many pieces needing to be sold.

Oh, so you're looking to keep the 3-stone ring but with a 4ct centre instead of a 3ct? OMG, that's be MAJORLY blingy!! :love: :love:

D'you know there was a 4ct in stock last year, a "blue" no less with an eyeclean Si1 clarity. I actually had a look at it personally when DH and I travelled to the US in July. Soooo almost bought it but decided I wanted a 5ct. That 4ct was very "reasonably" priced (relatively speaking of course :wink2: ). I don't know how much you paid for your 3ct, I think I remember but am not sure. I suspect the 4ct I Si1 blue was less expensive than your 3ct.

I think Brian and Lesley just rely on your word. If you say you commit, then he buys the rough, cuts it, then he expects you to come through and pay for it. That's what I reckon anyhow. Again, please don't take my word for it. They may very well have a policy in place now.


Oct 5, 2006
Zoe|1358597777|3359532 said:
Real quick, so I'll come back later and add to this...

I'd love to upgrade to larger stones someday but my husband is very sentimental about my engagement ring. I love how he did some researching with me (not a lot, but enough for me to know he was interested in finding the perfect ring for "us," as he says). I love how he parted with the amount he was comfortable with, not a penny more, and he didn't go into debt over it. So I guess sentimentality and responsibility goes a long way with me, and I'm happy with my ring.

Thank you for chining in, Zoe.

I totally agree with you about sentimentalithy and responsibility, though I dare say I am not as sentimental as I once thought I was, more pragmatic, much to DH's and my own (sometimes) dismay.

Can't wait to hear more from you.


Mar 1, 2011
Phoenix|1358605411|3359569 said:
mom2boys|1358604788|3359562 said:
I've sold an eternity band and a setting only thus far. I was able to reuse my BGD Truth setting (if you remember) when I quickly upgraded to the 3 ct center stone.

BTW, I'm very flattered by your comparisons! :))

I'm looking to upgrade to at least a 4 ct BGD signature or blue that I could upgrade again if needed--I've notified Lesley that I'm interested for the very distant future. I know they rarely have 4ct ones in their inventory so I wonder if I would have to have rough cut. I'd be willing to go down to an I color but then I would have to change out my G side stones in my 3 stone to match. I may be eventually in the same predicament as you, lol! What do you mean by "committing" and how does he determine price if you have a certain budget to maintain?

I am the one who should be flattered! :))

Yes, I remember you upgrading but had completely forgotten about your selling the eternity. That's nothing, lol! and as I mentioned, I wish I had your bling-smarts and not end up with so many pieces needing to be sold.

Oh, so you're looking to keep the 3-stone ring but with a 4ct centre instead of a 3ct? OMG, that's be MAJORLY blingy!! :love: :love:

D'you know there was a 4ct in stock last year, a "blue" no less with an eyeclean Si1 clarity. I actually had a look at it personally when DH and I travelled to the US in July. Soooo almost bought it but decided I wanted a 5ct. That 4ct was very "reasonably" priced (relatively speaking of course :wink2: ). I don't know how much you paid for your 3ct, I think I remember but am not sure. I suspect the 4ct I Si1 blue was less expensive than your 3ct.

I think Brian and Lesley just rely on your word. If you say you commit, then he buys the rough, cuts it, then he expects you to come through and pay for it. That's what I reckon anyhow. Again, please don't take my word for it. They may very well have a policy in place now.

I remember that 4 ct blue well--I was trying to get you to buy it! I think it did have an inclusion in the center but you said it was eyeclean? I think BGD does not guarantee that the blues are super ideal cuts like their signature line? I just worry that whatever rough they cut may be more than what I had budgeted in mind, lower than an I or if the inclusion was not to my satisfaction. I'm not going to reapproach them again until I'm ready which will be quite some time!


Oct 5, 2006
mom2boys|1358605860|3359573 said:
I remember that 4 ct blue well--I was trying to get you to buy it! I think it did have an inclusion in the center but you said it was eyeclean? I think BGD does not guarantee that the blues are super ideal cuts like their signature line? I just worry that whatever rough they cut may be more than what I had budgeted in mind, lower than an I or if the inclusion was not to my satisfaction. I'm not going to reapproach them again until I'm ready which will be quite some time!

OMG, I must be getting very old, cant' even remember that, lol!! :oops:

It was defintely eyeclean, for sure.

I know BGD doesn't guarantee it but I have seen 3 (I think) "blues" now and they're all super super sparkly. In fact, I'd say the 2.374ct "blue" is prob the best cut of all the diamonds i've ever had (but don't tell Holly, ok? :wink2: ).

Your plan sounds like a good one, it's very worrying to be committed to something when you don't know exactly what you're going to end up with. An amazing 4ct is gonna come your way soon enough, I am sure.


Jun 11, 2012
Phoenix|1358580445|3359483 said:
You may have gathered from my new thread on RT that I am having some regrets about my bling collection and am questioning my decision-making ability as far as buying bling is concerned! You may have also gleaned from my threads over the years that I've been culling my collection over the past 6-7 years. To some extent, I have almost achieved this objective. However, along the way, I have stumbled and fallen a few times (a few too many! :rolleyes: :-o )

So I am EXTREMELY happy with Holly (the diamond itself that is, the setting might or might not be upgraded) and the pear. I can't, unfortunately, say the same thing about the other pieces which is why they've now been put up for sale.

What I can decipher is that as long as I stick to my basic likes (ie. moderately higher colour and clarity, ie. G-H-I, VS and very clean Si's) and larger stones, I am happy. Otherwise, I find myself continually questioning pieces of bling which I've bought. Another way to be sure that a piece is "forever" (or at least one that I'd keep for a very looooong time, certainly over a few years) is that I take a loooong loooong time researching, window-shopping, persuing shops (both online and B&M) for pieces to look at and if possible negotiating on prices (I love it when I get a "deal").

I see a handful of PS"ers who have a basic core of collection and who don't seem to be perpetually upgrading, changing their diamonds and/ or settings. But judging from the pre-loved sub-forum, a lot (not sure? at least some) of PS'ers seem to also be afflicted with this problem! :wink2:

I know that taking a brief hiatus from PS helps but before long, sure enough I find myself back here drooling over other people's pieces and wishing I had them. :cheeky:

Contrary to what a few of you may think, I certainly do NOT have unlimited resources and it literally makes me sick to my stomach that I have such a large chunk of cash buried in these diamonds and diamond jewellery that are now awaiting to be sold. I mean I do love my bling (you don't say :rolleyes: :lol: ) but I really wish I wasn't burdened with this, let's call it, "disease" of buying and then having to sell afterwards. Sure, I HAVE got better over the years but by no means has this affliction left me yet.

So what do you do? Any words of wisdom? Anyone of you have worked out a strategy that works and that you've stuck to?

It sounds like you have worked out a lot of this for yourself already. Bravo! You know you want a core collection, and have sold the smaller items that do not make the cut. You know you want your core collection to be comprised of large, quality stones, and you have some of those already. Plus you have the knowledge to buy the right stones, so you shouldn't have the problem that many have here with their 'pre-PS' diamonds.
For me, I know that I will never sell any jewelry. I just can't. I usually attach some meaning to each piece, or its something I've wanted for a long time, so I just can't part with it. Also, the thought of losing money at resale is sickening. I also like the idea of being able to pass my collection on to my daughter one day. Far, far in the future hopefully. :sun: So, knowing that helps me be a little more discerning. That and lack of cash. :lol:
As for my list of things I want, yes, it is a bit long. But I have been over and over it, and I am very sure I want everything. It gets revised from time to time but the things I have earmarked for big occasions never change. I am (relatively) young so I can wait a few years for my most coveted items.
I find being on PS to be more helpful than not. Granted, it certainly fuels my acquisitive fire. Especially the big delicious solitaires like Holly, Poppy, and Venice. :cheeky: :love: But it has also helped seeing such great diversity. I'm now pretty damn sure of my taste and realistic about what I would wear, hence my jewelry list being pretty solid and not having much change.
I'm not sure if this is helpful, because I have no plans to stop buying jewelry in my lifetime. I will always want more, and I have no guilt about spending money on myself. I've spent enough of my life feeling like I don't deserve nice things, or that I'm not worth the value of a beautiful piece of jewelry. I finally realise that some of my disposable income can be spent on me, on things I like.
I hope you can just relax a bit, accept that you love diamonds, and be very glad that you can afford them. This works for me. :))
:wavey: Good luck! :wavey:


Feb 15, 2007
I imagine that those of us who are happy with our current collection have some other facet of life that we are constantly upgrading.

I upgraded my ring once, but I love my current ring and it is definitely my forever ring. But I've never been really covetous of others' jewelry, or wished I had a lot of pieces or anything like that. If this ring is the only diamond I have for the rest of my life I'm totally happy with that.

HOWEVER, I've spent my entire professional career upgrading from one situation to another. (And I'm not just talking about promotions, I'm talking about switching fields and entire careers.) I love my current job and career, but I know myself well enough to know that I will probably tire of it at some point and move on to something that seems bigger and better. I did the same thing in college--I think I declared five different majors in my four years of undergrad. I'm not unhappy with this habit, I have accepted it as part of what I need to thrive (and thankfully so has my husband!), but it is costly and a bit inconvenient at times. So, I'm not a serial jewelry upgrader, but I am a serial career upgrader!


Apr 30, 2005
Whether one keeps a piece forever or does annual trade-ins I think everyone is perfect.

If you don't like how you do it, change.
Don't beat yourself up.


Oct 7, 2004
I don't believe in forever pieces. We change all the time. To put that kind of expectation on something like jewelry seems unreasonable, and I dont enjoy stressing myself out. Jewelry is supposed to be fun, because it is ultimately a frivolous item that no one really needs. ;))


Jul 7, 2004
I don't know if this stone is forever, necessarily, I know this setting sure as hell isn't. The Tiffany band I hope to keep as such. The plain band is looking that way, though I keep looking for a slightly lower dome but still thick, and may just shell out the astronomical money for the Tiffany 2mm Lucida plain one since I think that will work well with the setting I have now AND the Tiffany one. My studs I don't expect to be forever, I might trade those back through the upgrade thing if Nordstrom still does them, for the .50 ctw set next year, though I say this like I ever wear them. I never wear earrings at all for some reason despite prior to my wedding having CBRs in for like ten years straight. I don't really know what happened there. Maybe my crazy paranoia about whacking? I dunno. But I do know that I hate being stabbed in the neck by an earring in my sleep. My collection is small. I sold my huggies bec I NEVER wore them, I think I wore them like 3 times, despite loving them a lot. I can't wear my promise ring anymore bec my knuckle is too big. Which sucks bec that ring is the one with the sentimental value.

For NOW, for ME I am super content with this current stone, and I have to REALLY think about it if someone says "what's your dream upgrade" because I have a couple of ideas, none of which I ever think will happen, and if they do it will be me driving that car. I think some of it is that I am really happy with this stone, and I don't think Ill find another like it, and for now, or for a while anyway, I don't have the desire to throw that kind of money or effort at it to upgrade it. We discussed upgrading at a major milestone anniversary, probably not our 10th which isn't far off, since I kind of got one at our 5th inadvertantly. Probably our 20th? By then Im sure the Star129 will be impossible to replace though or get another one of in the size I'd want at that time. I do think about making it a three stone at our 10th if funds are ok, though I am waffling on whther or not to do it with stars or with sapphires. Stars might stress me out and or be impossible due to availablility and I would want them to be about .25/.3 ct each. Another thing that holds me back was the replacement of my stolen stone was REALLY hard on me, not just the whole loss of it, but finding something that made me as happy, and "compared" to the old one. I couldn't get past the comparison, and I know that drove Jon off the wall, as well as DH. But it was like...torment for me and many of my friends both diamond and not diamond. I know my parents and siblings thought I was ridiculous when I would get one, wear it for a week and then return it bec I wasn't in love. This one was the first I was in love with after my original, and then I had serious pangs of guilt for spending more on it than we planned for, as I set myself a strict budget that I drove on by.

I don't know how, but SOMEHOW, this board does not incite a need to get new things all the time or upgrade or anything. I think maybe if I wasn't feeling like I was so burned by everything I would be different about it, but I spent years and lots of money trying to just get things made correctly and how I wanted them, that that was what matters to me. Now that the band is settled, I just have to focus on the setting.

I have some rubies and then some diamonds from the old SP band, I have an idea for what to do with those but again, being burned...I don't want to do that right now. Im between a DBTY with those or a ring with those. Either way...for now...they sit in the safe!

I hope you can find either the perfect setting for Holly, or whatever your close-to-forever stone is. I do feel like you stress yourself out on a quest, and maybe you like the hunt, the deal, more than the prey. If that makes sense.


Feb 8, 2003
Haven|1358622492|3359719 said:
I imagine that those of us who are happy with our current collection have some other facet of life that we are constantly upgrading.
I upgraded my ring once, but I love my current ring and it is definitely my forever ring. But I've never been really covetous of others' jewelry, or wished I had a lot of pieces or anything like that. If this ring is the only diamond I have for the rest of my life I'm totally happy with that.

This is how it is w/me too. I am fine with only owning a couple of pieces and really, my wish list is VERY short. Part of it is knowing that I just wouldn't wear many of the items that I see and drool over if I owned them in real life. I really try and maintain a modest look and even if my resources were limitless, I'd never wear huge diamonds. It's just not me.... However, on the other hand, I cannot stop buying books! It's really bad to the point where we've run out of book cases and DH bought me a Kindle paperwhite (so now I have THREE kindles - regular, fire, and paperwhite) and I'm still buying books because I cannot seem to have enough. I'm pretty sure I also need the newer Kindle Fire! Maybe then my book addiction would be cured... or maybe not!


Jan 7, 2010
I think it comes down to personality, how much free time and money you have, and whether you're always looking for a bigger stone, perhaps because you see them on PS or in your social circle.

I have no free time, my money is needed elsewhere, my diamonds are way too big for the uk already, and I'm a hoarder. Ergo, I never upgrade anything. :cheeky:

I want a bigger solitaire some time, but for a significant anniversary only. I don't even wear the jewellery I have, so what right do I have to buy more, for no reason? :confused:

I last bought diamonds in October 2010. I feel no hankering for more right now AT ALL.

In fact, I'm trying my best to bring as few material objects into my life right now. I feel I have way too much to do justice to already. I want to declutter in a big way.
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