
Your favorite shaped and why


Jan 14, 2010
Tell us what is your favorite shaped and why.
For colored diamonds radiant is my favorite. I just love the glittery look with color. Cushions are okay but I really like the straight line look of it.

For colorless diamonds I prefer asscher cuts. I like the mix of sparkle and broad flash and the over all shape. A stubby emerald is right there too. I also love the older cuts for colorless as well.
Nothing melt my heart like a pear does - the feminine lines, the lovely presence - it also elongates the look of the finger...
Just looooooooooooove it.
definitely chunky cushions. i adore asschers (especially those octavias), but i like a 1.10 ratio that makes the stone slightly rectangular. if they had "fatty" octavia-esque super fire-y emeralds---i think i would be in HEAVEN! .... maybe KarlK will get the memo
I am so indecisive. I like pear for the same reasons that amethyst mentioned. I also love round for it''s timeless-ness. Basically, I just love diamonds!
I love the classic round. Most of my rings have RB in them simply because they are so very beautiful! But Marquise is probably my favorite. I love the elongated look and finally have a 1.51 that has no noticeable bowtie effect. it sparkles end to end and while I have owned many marquise, round, and princess cut diamonds, well cut, Marquise diamonds are just STUNNING!
I think I love them all because they are diamonds
I think my least favorite would probably be a cushion cut for some reason that just dosent do much for me...but then again I wouldnt turn it down if someone gave me one!
There are not too many I don''t like. I picked a round for the across the room sparkle and the face up size. Both were important to me.

I love a pear and a modern cushion. I love the octavia asscher. Most of the fancy cuts if they were in a huge size, I would love them!
Of standard shapes I love ECs. I love the elegant clean lines, and the hall of mirrors effect. I have to admit I''m not as fond of asschers. They''re too busy for my eyes, but a classic rectangular EC--or a nice colored stone in a step cut (that has fewer facets so not as busy) I just adore.

2nd is an OMC, but only true antiques. It seems weird, given my love of ECs, but I find modern cushions (even like the AVC) too symmetrical, but the darling chunkiness of an OMC just makes my heart skip a beat.
I love asschers! If I had know about them before I got engaged I may have put one in my ering. Although, they tend to face up kind of small so in the end I am happy with my RB.
In colorless diamonds...nothing but a classic RB for least for a center stone!

But if you''re talking colored stones...I pretty much love ANY shape. I''m lusting after asschers right now, but I also love ovals, rounds, pears, trills, etc etc etc...
Asschers! They face up small, but they just have such an hypnotic effect when you''re staring into one. I love them!
Well this is an easy question, we all love whatever we have most

I love rounds and I want a large asscher just like Kenny's.. totally opposite looks and light play, but both radially symmetric
I wear a round but a pear really appeals to my eye!
I love my RB but I also loved my pear that I had when I was married before.
Date: 6/12/2010 8:35:02 AM
Author: Amethyste

Nothing melt my heart like a pear does - the feminine lines, the lovely presence - it also elongates the look of the finger...

Just looooooooooooove it.

Me to!! I love the pears !!!
My favorite is asscher and the Octavia Asscher.

Allow me to explain why:

Emerald cut all the way! Nothing is as elegant and classic as an EC diamond in my eyes.
RBs, OECs, Chunky cushions in all sizes.

I like ECs and Asschers in 2ct plus sizes.
When I was first interested in gemstones; I liked EC. Years later when I could afford them I started out with ovals, then went to trillions, pears and eventually round. Now I am back to EC. I would not snub my nose at any of shape.

I like EC because I enjoy the step cut.
I like RB because you get the most bang for your buck (on an ideal cut anyway)
I like pear in dangle earrings and a pendant
I like trillions as side stones
I like anything with chunky facets:

Antique Cushions
AV Rounds
Old Mine Cuts
Rose Cuts
French Cuts
Crazy unique cuts like a Hexagon or Octagon (with chunky facets)

Now, especially after seeing Wintotty's masterpiece, I am fully enamored of the Antique Cushion paired with French Cuts.

Why? I just love the pillowy juiciness.
Date: 6/12/2010 9:14:09 PM
Author: Dancing Fire

Can you get your mind away from timepieces for one minute?
We're talking about diamonds.

I had very strong opinions when I first came here, but after hanging around enough... I love anything that sparkles good.
In diamonds I like rounds (be it a modern brilliant, a transitional, an OMC etc) and chunky cushions.

In coloured gemstones I like precision cut rounds, cushions, pears, ovals, trillions, octagons and hexagons, and other unique shapes - as long as it is a great colour!

I just have never enjoyed ECs or most step cuts very much. I tend to prefer *softer* lines or more mixed cuts and so on and they just do not appeal to me - though I can still appreciate them but more so in coloured stones.
I agree with betty, marquise diamonds are STUNNING!!!! They are elegant and timeless.
i like ECs the best
there arent many cuts that i like for myself, though i certainly like to ogle them on others
Only two cuts I like are the round and princess.

Favorite cut is the princess, because to my eye, it just seems to look better as the center stone in just about any type of ring. I love the way it streamlines with channel set bands to give a clean, sleek look.

Also, this may sound weird, but I prefer an Ideal princess over, lets say, a H&A round because the H&A round actually looks too perfect. I''ve seen a few H&A that look identical, whereas I''ve seen close to 25 princesses and each seemed more easily identifiable from the next. Obviously no two stones are the same, but it seems that the ideal cut princesses have more individual characteristics than ideal/H&A rounds...if that makes any sense. lol
your asscher and octavia are just BEYOND amazing! as for your photography--it''s incredible!!!!!
Chunky cushions all the way! I love how each is truely unique. To me, they are warm and romantic, and the fact that they can take on totally different personalities in different light and angles is pretty sweet.