
You know you are old when....


Aug 4, 2008
would you like a cookie or a Bozo Button?
Makes perfect sense.
When a 5ct I3 stone look FL.
You are old when you ask your husband to go to Staples and get something with the thickness of oaktag and he has no idea what you're talking about.

Then he gets to Staples and the employee helping him remarks she hasn't heard that term in years. She's in her 60's :shifty:
I think you are old when you don't want to do do anything, spend most time at home and fel that you have no aim, that you have already done everything.
Yanno I think I was born old. I hate fireworks, trash, loud noisy noises, crowds and people generally. :lol:

And I like to go to bed early. Case closed. I'm old. And good with that. :halo:
You know you're old when you say, "These kids these days..." And the worst part is 'these kids' are in their 20's. :doh:
...when you are at community pool sitting next to a group discussing what job they retired from and you'd love to join in.;)
You are old when you ask your husband to go to Staples and get something with the thickness of oaktag and he has no idea what you're talking about.

Then he gets to Staples and the employee helping him remarks she hasn't heard that term in years. She's in her 60's :shifty:
I see your face!! You are a baby!!

Grabs her cane and slowly skitters away...
When you look everywhere for your phone and you realize that you're talking on it!

You think that maybe you can get one more year out of your eyes before you really need glasses because, well, you can still easily recognize the shapes of most letters well enough to put together sentences.

Since most of your children are sharp minded millennials, you rely on them to fill in the blanks to your sentences because word recall is getting more and more difficult.
When you feel that you have nothing - and I mean absolutely nothing - in common with millennials.

When, although you consider that you came of age in a very PC era, you feel that today's PC-ness is not so much off the charts - you could cope with that - but that you simply don't even understand why you're not supposed to say certain things - things that seem utterly innocent to you, like the word "exotic," which you think of using to describe a foreign tropical island with birds of paradise. When you feel completely wrong-footed and all at sea in the world to find you're not supposed to use such a pretty, evocative word anymore, and you feel that you might inadvertently cause such offense that you speak less than before, because the language you once knew is now replete with meanings that you have no sense of.

When you don't understand the uniform of the young or why so many youngish men go around with stubble and facial hair that's not an actual beard or mustache, instead of shaving every day.

When you can't figure out how pantyhose went "out" and when knobbly knees, pasty skin, and visible veins became fashionable. When you're amazed to find that the Duchess of Cambridge's pantyhose is considered frumpy.

And yes, when you hate noise and teenagers and feel that if you have to listen to one more screaming child in a supposedly adult public space your skull might burst open.

When you start to think about your life in terms of how you want your "remaining good years" to be.
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OMG just a sidetrack. Jambalaya I so don't miss pantyhose. One amazing thing about living now. No more pantyhose!!! It was (for me) a torture device and I admit I stopped wearing it even when it was all the rage. HATED pantyhose with a passion. It was uncomfortable and hot and binding and always ripped at the worst times. Do you remember using clear nail polish to fix ripped pantyhose on the go or even when you were rushing to work and didn't want to change to another pair (or have another pair that wasn't ripped LOL). From my (very distant thankfully) memory. Thank goodness for pasty skin and knobby knees and veiny legs being "fashionable" hahaha. Though I definitely don't really think that is true I will take it having all of the aforementioned conditions.:lol: I love and embrace bare legs when at all possible. Sweet freedom from the torture devices of past times and decades. Meant to keep women under wraps.:blackeye:

However I am in complete agreement with everything else you wrote. Hate the stubble (looks unkempt to my old brain and eyes LOL), hate the noise (though my ears hear less well than they used to perhaps a blessing), and yeah how are we going to enjoy our "remaining" years. Hopefully many remaining years that is.:pray:
Missy, you make me laugh fondly! Hose is to keep women under wraps? No, it's make-up for the legs! And today's hose are not your granny's hose. Wolford is wonderful - very expensive but you get what you pay for. If you get high-quality hose in a color that matches your skintone, they provide a wonderful airbrushed veil over the legs! I see all these images of celebrities online and they all look wonderful until you get to their knees! To me, the women in these photos look sort of unfinished. And I can't imagine wearing a skirt suit and heels and bare legs - it would be like forgetting your underpants, or something. (Oh God, I am old!)

But yes, they are not the most comfortable things, and yes, I remember the clear polish repairs. Buying Wolford saved the latter issue to some degree - I have a pair of Wolford knee highs (to wear with pants) that have lasted almost a decade, at 8 denier!

But the comfort, I have no answer. Perhaps it's the female equivalent to men wearing ties.
You tell people Eisenhower was president when you were born. Might as well have been Lincoln.
When the Cold War was real, Disco (and The Bee Gees) were cool (still is to me) and you get excited at getting tickets to a Neil Diamond concert, know every song and can sing along, and Gidget was a fun coming of age movie.
Karl I don't get it...Could you explain please? I'm sure it's something I should get though:oops:

"It came from the popular children's show hosted by none other than Bozo the Clown.
Children from the audience would play games and the prize was usually a board game.
However, the consolation prize was a large button depicting Bozo the Clown.
Therefore, when someone brags or shows off one should ask him or her "would you like a cookie or a Bozo Button""
"It came from the popular children's show hosted by none other than Bozo the Clown.
Children from the audience would play games and the prize was usually a board game.
However, the consolation prize was a large button depicting Bozo the Clown.
Therefore, when someone brags or shows off one should ask him or her "would you like a cookie or a Bozo Button""

Thank you Karl for your explanation. I never watched the show. I'd take the cookie not being a clown fan...:halo:
When the Cold War was real, Disco (and The Bee Gees) were cool (still is to me) and you get excited at getting tickets to a Neil Diamond concert, know every song and can sing along, and Gidget was a fun coming of age movie.

I'm with you LLJsmom. Love The BeeGees and Neil Diamond and Helen Reddy and Billy Joel to name a few more (and tortured poor Greg coming to the beach house yesterday with all the above listening to Tidal in the car during the trip LOL).
When you pass up Patti Smith concert tickets at a venue near your home because it starts at 7PM and that's too late for you.:eek2::oops2:

When you dump an entire container of cherry tomatoes in the trash can instead of the mixing bowl with the mushrooms and zucchini. :lol-2: :lol:
When you get a senior discount at Fuddruckers.
When you fart like Stormy!
When you flirt outrageously with guys in their 20’s and tell them they are gorgeous because at your age you can say what you want and get away with it.

When you think a young guy is flirting with YOU at your art reception until he says, “I hope I can still active in the arts when I get to be your age”. :doh:
After falling out of your SUV a month ago, you decide your next vehicle will be a car. Closer to the ground. @cflutist , I did the same thing with something recently, threw it in the garbage instead of putting it in a colander in the sink. Can't remember what it was though! I just remember being all wtf at myself.
When you fall for a scammer telling you the electric company is about to disconnect your power. Luckily I didn't go to my local Rite Aid with the $960 they were demanding before DW figured out it was a scam.....
BTW- Eisenhower was pres at the best time to be born:)
@lyra Don't purchase a car too low to the ground. Those are also hard to get out of.
@lyra Don't purchase a car too low to the ground. Those are also hard to get out of.

Yes, my husband pointed that out too. I don't feel like an old lady, but my mind and body tend to differ a lot these days.
When you had a cell phone that did not text or take a picture.
When phones were attached to the wall, and had a dial.
When shampoo and aspirin came in a glass bottle.
When cars didn't have air conditioning.
When cartoons were only shown on Saturday mornings.
When the milk man left a glass bottle on the porch. The paper seal always had cream on the inside!
When we used cake mascara, and cream eye shadow in a tube.
When we stayed up late to watch Tom Snyder.
When an attendant would pump your gas and clean your windshield.
When you remember paying 10 cents for a candy bar.
Paying 49 cents for a banana split at Woolworth.
Watching The Andy Griffith Show on a RCA B&W TV.
When your Dad promised that someday, when the technology is more advanced, the family would get a color TV.
Mickey Mouse Club
Party phone lines