
Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smoking?

Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

monarch64 said:
I would absolutely NOT say anything.

My personal opinions have absolutely no bearing on others.

Also, "heavily pregnant" means different things to different people. God forbid a woman was actually carrying some actual weight that didn't involve a child up front, so to speak , and someone assumed she was pregnant.

I am ALL FOR becoming healthy, maintaining health, and staying healthy before/during/after pregnancy. But it is NO ONE ELSE'S right to speak to a pregnant woman about her current state, whether it is "real" or assumed.


At the end of the day I don't agree with it but it is none of my business would I do it personally - no.

Considering how judgmental and opinionated people become about pregnant womens actions (i.e OMG you drink caffeinated tea etc) I am sure if she lit up previously she has probably heard comments about it already so the added comment of a stranger is going to do little to discourage someone.
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

monarch64 said:
heraanderson said:
I would, because I like to think that if a person heard it from enough people maybe they would stop. I can only peak for the baby because noone else can.

I also think it would make me feel better knowing that I said something.

The last line of your sentiment is what I am responding to. What could possibly make you feel better about troubling or messing with (for lack of being able to use other terms) another woman and her RIGHT to decide what's right for her body??? I implore you to provide answers to this question.

I am so sorry that any woman has to put up with this sort of nonsense. It really isn't fair that we still have to deal with this issue in the U.S., as well as the continent of Africa. Women in Africa are battered and then raped, and then forced to give birth, and in some cases made to live with maggots in their vaginas and give birth to children who aren't whole. Look it up.

Monarch, I'll defend heraanderson because I believe, possibly like she does, that a woman has a right to do what she wants to her body EXCEPT when it is hurting someone else. I do not believe women should harm their children. I don't condone abuse or neglect of children before or after birth. I admire her for having the courage to speak up for the rights of the baby, even if it falls on deaf ears.
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

I agree with everyone that has said they wouldn't say anything. Mainly because OF COURSE she knows it's not good for the baby, secondly because it's none of my business, and thirdly because people out there can be a bit nutso and I just don't want to put myself in a bad situation. Maybe I grew up too close to Detroit ;)) - you DO NOT offer up your unwanted opinion to strangers in a city like that!
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

I wonder if it boils down to the personhood of a fetus, (which is a ballot initiative in CO in a few days).

I was horrified over and over again when I was pregnant how total strangers seemed to view my body and my choices as matters up for public debate. "You are exercising too hard" "You need to eat right" "Make sure you sleep on your left side" "You shouldn't be working" "Are you reading to the baby at night?" "You can't raise a baby there" "Who brings a child into this world during these troubling times?" It was endless. I wanted to -as HH says- junk-punch the lot of them, well meaning or not. It is the woman's body, she gets to do as she likes, just as you get to do as you like. I am opposed to a pregnant woman smoking of course, but she gets to smoke just as any of us get to be obese or whatever unhealthy decisions we get to make about our bodies.

Of course the commentary hasn't stopped since the baby was born...
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

diamondseeker2006 said:
No, I wouldn't say anything unless I was a friend and had a relationship of trust with the person. I will say that years ago I knew a girl who had an unwanted pregnancy and apparently did not want to have an abortion but she gradually poisoned her baby by the things she ingested including smoking heavily. The baby eventually died before it reached full term.

This is sickening. :blackeye:
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok


I am so sorry to hear that Lyra. I am sure there are women doing far worse to themselves and their babies in the City I live, but I was shocked by seeing her. It really is a massive rarity to see pregnant women smoking these days
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

No. I think it would be hypocritical to say something in this situation unless I was also willing to say something to anyone smoking around a pregnant woman (i.e. the father, or other family members, friends, etc), or around small children, or around not-so-small children, or around other adults for that matter. Cigarette smoke is harmful in all its forms, I would not single out this one instance of smoking as giving me more licence to intrude than all the other possible scenarios.
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

In a medical consultation - yes, I would say something. In that context it is my responsibility to discuss health promotion issues and it would be inappropriate NOT to say something.

In the community I would NEVER say anything. It is nobody else's place to say anything in that setting and the choice is up to the individual.
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

I wouldn't have said anything to her, no, but I probably would have looked shocked and disgusted. We're pack animals, and I think if enough of us frown on something wrong that passers-by are doing, they'll possibly amend their behavior. At least this is the rationale I use when I throw my carefully practiced look of disgust at the idiots who text as they drive down my street. (It's a one-way street in the city between stop signs, and somehow this means, Hey! This would be a good time to send a text message! to a certain breed of idiot.)
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

Nope, I wouldn't say anything because unless she's never watched tv, never been to school, can't read her pack of cigarettes, and doesn't go to a doctor, she knows exactly what she's doing to her unborn baby and doesn't give a flip. Chances are pretty great that she's doing it out of pure selfishness instead of ignorance, so what difference would a stranger's comments make?
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

In some cultures smoking during pregnancy is accepted and common. Like all things there is a multicultural element that many people may be unaware of. Parenting is a good example of this. Unless I was this woman's doctor, it is none of my business, nor would my *unsolicited* advice be welcomed. Does it make me sad? Of course! I didn't do anything that could potentially harm my child while pregnant, but not everyone thinks or behaves the same as I do.
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

No, I certainly would not say anything. It is her body and her baby.

Also, can you be sure she was pregnant and not just overweight? Maybe she had recently given birth? Can you imagine if you were smoking a cigarette or enjoying a beer and someone gave you the stink eye and told you that you were hurting your baby when you weren't even pregnant :eek:
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

swimmer said:
I wonder if it boils down to the personhood of a fetus, (which is a ballot initiative in CO in a few days).

I was horrified over and over again when I was pregnant how total strangers seemed to view my body and my choices as matters up for public debate. "You are exercising too hard" "You need to eat right" "Make sure you sleep on your left side" "You shouldn't be working" "Are you reading to the baby at night?" "You can't raise a baby there" "Who brings a child into this world during these troubling times?" It was endless. I wanted to -as HH says- junk-punch the lot of them, well meaning or not. It is the woman's body, she gets to do as she likes, just as you get to do as you like. I am opposed to a pregnant woman smoking of course, but she gets to smoke just as any of us get to be obese or whatever unhealthy decisions we get to make about our bodies.

Of course the commentary hasn't stopped since the baby was born...

That is absolutely chilling. Insane really. And the legal implications are staggering. Of course if the fetus is a "person", you COULD legally charge rental fees.... :rolleyes:
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

Just thought I'd add my 2 cents...

My mother smoked while she was pregnant with of and I turned out more or less fine, health wise. Ten years later, she also smoked while she was pregnant with my baby brother. My baby brother was born under-weight and developed asthma. Because my mother continued to smoke right through his childhood he never had a chance to outgrow his asthma and I have spent thousands on medical fees as a result.

Back when I was young and stupid, I used drugs. One of the girls with whom I used, smoked meth right through her pregnancy and while breast feeding. Her son was under-weight but healthy so she felt no need to stop using. She smoked meth right through her second pregnancy - frequently while her toddler was in the room. Her daughter was born under-weight but healthy. All the mother had to say was that she should have smoked more meth because maybe then her daughter would also have had blue eyes.

If I saw a pregnant woman smoking my personal experience would compel me to say something to that woman. I would probably be ignored, just like my mother and my 'friend' ignored me, but I know I would need to say something, for my own peace of mind.
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

On one hand I think:
This very pregnant person would have to be from another planet not to know smoking while pregnant isn’t the best idea. What business is it of mine to say something?

On the other hand:
There is an unborn child with no voice at the mercy of this person's behaviors.

Here’s another question:
If you saw an adult blowing smoke (purposely) into the face of their newborn – would you say anything?

It is interesting to think about. What is the difference between the two scenarios? One baby is on the verge of being born, but still in the mother's womb - the other outside the womb...I guess that's it?
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

Another point, who really thinks they are POWERFUL enough to convince anyone to stop any addictive behavior? Smoking is an addiction and saying something to someone who does not want, or is not ready to quit, is pointless. Period.
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

Nah none of my business, wouldn't say a thing....
Re: Would you say something if you saw a pregnant woman smok

Just wanted to add this...

When I was pregnant with Daisy I was taking high doses of opiates. I had discusses this with a range of specialists before TTC and all were in agreement with my going ahead and being on the meds whilst pregnant. We knew that Daisy would be born opiate dependant and so the NICU in the hospital were on standby at the birth and monitored her every 2 hours for the week we were in hospital. She was treated for withdrawal for the first 2 days and after that was totally fine - at no time was she in any pain at all, although she had a hideous 'heroin baby' cry.

When I was researching Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome I was amazed how much information there was about the severe withdrawal symptoms babies can suffer when their mothers are caffeine consumers.

In many ways that cup of coffee could be just as dangerous if not more so than the glass of wine or the odd cigarette and yet no-one would say a word to the pregnant woman clutching the Starbucks...

Having been through withdrawal myself in the past I hate to think of what these babies go through as it is horrendous.