
World will come to an end Monday!


Jul 17, 2008
Apparently the "blood moon" will be the beginning of the apocalypse. I'm going to be at the Monday night football game. If the Packers are behind I hope we go before we lose. If we are winning, wait till the end of the game!
I'll be at Las Ventanas in Cabo, sipping a margarita and watching the end of the world from our veranda... At least I'll die happy!
Thanks for the heads up 7up!
"World will come to an end Monday!"

Ah Man! ... Not Again!

Every time they say this I sell everything and get high on drugs ... but then I wake up the next day and IM STILL HERE! :angryfire:

Then, it's back to work so I can save up and buy everything all over again :angryfire:
It sure will!, so you guys may as well send me all your jewelry... :bigsmile:
Dancing Fire|1442982167|3930755 said:
It sure will!, so you guys may as well send me all your jewelry... :bigsmile:

If you're sure the world is ending why would you want it? ;))
Wait...I'm in Australia, where we are nearly a day ahead of the US. So if the Blood Moon is here on Monday and the apocalypse starts then TECHNICALLY the world is coming to an end on Sunday for the US - right? If so that's not very accurate!

Or if it starts Monday for the US when it's technically Tuesday here in Australia, we either get a day extra or completely exempt from the apocalypse - right?

Or does the Apocalypse sweep the world timezone-by-timezone, waiting for the next longitutde to hit Monday, saying to itself 'Common common - I ain't got more than about 24 hours to do this!!!'

jordyonbass|1442985317|3930767 said:
Wait...I'm in Australia, where we are nearly a day ahead of the US. So if the Blood Moon is here on Monday and the apocalypse starts then TECHNICALLY the world is coming to an end on Sunday for the US - right? If so that's not very accurate!

Or if it starts Monday for the US when it's technically Tuesday here in Australia, we either get a day extra or completely exempt from the apocalypse - right?

Or does the Apocalypse sweep the world timezone-by-timezone,

Sure, sort of like a brushfire. Those in the path can watch it on the news as it roars toward us. :angryfire: :lol:

I think the Pope's visit to the US ends on Sunday. Coincidence? :naughty:
I think for one of the last one of these things, I was on a plane the day after and the Pilot came on and thanked us all for being left behind. It was hilarious to me and most of the passengers but there was some lady having an absolute meltdown for being left behind and how she'd wronged god. That made me laugh literally out loud. Almost uncontrollably.
kenny|1442983162|3930762 said:
Dancing Fire|1442982167|3930755 said:
It sure will!, so you guys may as well send me all your jewelry... :bigsmile:

If you're sure the world is ending why would you want it? ;))
B/c if you gonna die may as well go with a lot of sparkles on ya... ;))
Dancing Fire|1443051057|3931041 said:
kenny|1442983162|3930762 said:
Dancing Fire|1442982167|3930755 said:
It sure will!, so you guys may as well send me all your jewelry... :bigsmile:

If you're sure the world is ending why would you want it? ;))
B/c if you gonna die may as well go with a lot of sparkles on ya... ;))

So why take sparkles away from PS posters who are about to perish?

DF, you are a naughty naughty boy. :boohoo:
ennui|1443026077|3930884 said:
jordyonbass|1442985317|3930767 said:
Wait...I'm in Australia, where we are nearly a day ahead of the US. So if the Blood Moon is here on Monday and the apocalypse starts then TECHNICALLY the world is coming to an end on Sunday for the US - right? If so that's not very accurate!

Or if it starts Monday for the US when it's technically Tuesday here in Australia, we either get a day extra or completely exempt from the apocalypse - right?

Or does the Apocalypse sweep the world timezone-by-timezone,

Sure, sort of like a brushfire. Those in the path can watch it on the news as it roars toward us. :angryfire: :lol:

I think the Pope's visit to the US ends on Sunday. Coincidence? :naughty:

Ah, man! Not again. I'm tired of it ending every couple of years. It's hard work keeping up with these things and preparing.
Get it all together this time and then you will be ready next time!
Excellent, my first day of work after vacation. How polite to wait for us.
Thank goodness!
I am so far behind in my I can take a few days off without regrets!

bye now, I am off to spend my life savings on diamonds.
Jimmianne|1443174844|3931607 said:
Thank goodness!
I am so far behind in my I can take a few days off without regrets!

bye now, I am off to spend my life savings on diamonds.

Just what I was thinking. Better call Grace and get that 4 ct OEC I've been wanting...
I was going to say "bring it"
Completely facetious, of course.

But then I thought of alll the distopian fantasy I read, and decided not to tempt fate.

So I will just say that I'd rather it didn't end. But if it does I hope my cats and I are killed in our sleep, painlessly and oblivious.
Unless of course in the new world order cats will rule, more than they already do. In which case they should survive and I will pray Whitey somehow gets smarter in the time to come and Hally is reborn as an empress with opposable thumbs. And she can have her daddy as her servant, once again. I still want to be blissfully dead though. No good can come of cats inheriting the top of the chain. :bigsmile:
Well, I've had a good run. More time would be great, but if I die I'll be dead and have no idea what happened anyway!
Gypsy|1443181988|3931623 said:
I was going to say "bring it"
Completely facetious, of course.

But then I thought of alll the distopian fantasy I read, and decided not to tempt fate.

So I will just say that I'd rather it didn't end. But if it does I hope my cats and I are killed in our sleep, painlessly and oblivious.

There's a short story by Ray Bradbury where everyone thinks the world will end so a mom and dad poison their kids in their sleep before it happens. In school they give us a censored version that ends there, in the uncensored one I do believe they wake up the next day and nothing happened.

Either way, your comment about your cats made me think of it

You mean I won't need that face lift afterall?

Gypsy|1443182415|3931626 said:
Unless of course in the new world order cats will rule, more than they already do. In which case they should survive and I will pray Whitey somehow gets smarter in the time to come and Hally is reborn as an empress with opposable thumbs. And she can have her daddy as her servant, once again. I still want to be blissfully dead though. No good can come of cats inheriting the top of the chain. :bigsmile:

Doctor Who did this already. "New Earth." It didn't go very well, cats in charge.
I'm bummed, I see our weather is forecast to be cloudy tomorrow night. This is an amazing and gorgeous event to see! I hope i can see it! As far as the world ending? Not tomorrow.
Elliot86|1443186055|3931641 said:
Well, I've had a good run. More time would be great, but if I die I'll be dead and have no idea what happened anyway!


Yeah, I'll be going back to where/what I was before I was born ... nothing in nowhere.
What we know for sure is enough for me even if it's not a warm & fuzzy story. :wavey:
It had better wait until October 15, after all this effort I have put into meeting this tax deadline. No, I mean November 2, after the NYC marathon. I didn't do a 23 mile training run for nothing.
Well my timing was wrong! The end comes tonight! Better put all my bling on to go out in a sparkle!
I just watched the blood moon eclipse!
So interesting. The moon is still visible, but in shadow.
Shortly the earth will rotate away, and the moon will gradually become visible again.
Stop reading this right now --and go outside to see!
It's a cell phone picture, so not great...

but seeing it in real life, the blood moon and eclipse are spectacular!

LLJsmom, my husband is running the NYC marathon, too. I'm sure he has the same feelings about it as you!

Isn't it Monday already in some places? Have we heard from anyone in those parts of the world?????