
Why is this....

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Dec 9, 2002
Why is it that I can''t get updated info, such as latest posts, etc., unless I log off, and log back on?
Have you tried the "refresh" button on your browser? I'm sorry if that sounds like a "duh" question, but there are an awful lot of folks who aren't that familiar with web browsers.
I know that if I use the "back" button on my browser it will NOT actually reload the page from the Pricescope servers but will instead just pull the page from my computer's cache, which will contain no new posts etc. If I hit the "refresh" button however, it will pull the page from the server with all new info included. Also, if I hit the PS bookmark (IE "Favorite") in my browser it will likewise reload the updated page from the server.

I suppose it might also be worth checking to see what settings are contained in your browsers options. It's possible for the browser to be configured to NOT check for new versions of pages. It's unlikely that this is the case, but may be worth checking. If interested (and assuming you are using Internet Explorer), click through the following functions:

"Tools" --> "Internet Options" --> "General" tab (selected by default) --> (Temporary Internet files section) "Settings"

Make sure the selection indicates that your browser IS updating at some point. Perhaps select something other than what is currently selected and click "OK" "OK" just to jog the settings a bit.

Anyway, I have no idea if this is what you're experiencing, but it's worth a think...

A screenshot illustrating what I just described:

That is a work of art there just how long did that take you and why aren't you out celebrating VDay with your sweetie (or sleeping anyway!) ?!
Speaking of's my bedtime.
Answers to Mara's questions:

1) Took about ten minutes or so, thanks to my growing experience with image editing software
. Hardest part was whittling down the size to make it fit the file limits while keeping it somewhat legible (original screen grab was about 2.3 MB).

2) I was at my sweetie's, but she's a loser-dweeb-butthead and generally starts to nod off at about midnight or so. Despite a great Valentine's dinner and movie (the somewhat apropos DVD "My Big Fat Greek Wedding") I was still home and on the web by 1 AM.

Thanks for taking the time to show me what I might be able to do. I did go through, and check all of the settings, and they weren't what you had checked, so I changed them. Now I'll wait and see if that worked.
Thanks a million.
P.S.- At least your "Sweetie" lasted that long. My hubby was in bed by 10:15p, my daughter outlasted him. What a romantic.
Unfortunately in my house V-Day is just another day. I was lucky to even get a card. I have to force him to make a big deal out of a special occasion. Unfortunately I didn't have the time or energy to make it happen this year. Not to mention it sucks the life, and fun right out of it if you have to "force" them to do something. I'm better off, (and usually do) buying myself something, and saying "this is from you".
And just to prove how "un-romantic" he is, and since this is a diamond/engagement forum, he proposed to me by saying "well, I was talking to mom, and she said that it was time we thought about getting married (at that point we had only looked at rings), so he says to me, I suppose we should just get married". Was that a proposal I said, and his reply was "what do you think it was"

So needless to say, I live vicariosly through other people. How sad

Thanks again

You poor girl! Some men just don't get it. My fiance does pretty good most of the time, but that is mostly the result of my reminders and not so subtle hints. The most important thing though is that he loves me and is a great man, as I'm sure that your's is at well.

I'm afraid that we were both pretty lame last night. We had plans to go dancing, and that didn't happen. We layed down for a nap at about 7
0 and didn't wake up until midnight or so. But man, I feel great today, and we are going out tonight instead!
Yes sometimes subtle hints get the job done when you want something.
I made our VDay dinner reservs because my SO still had some residual brownie-points from the dinner proposal 2 weeks ago. But we wanted to be mellow and turned out great. Plus I plan most of our stuff anyway--that is just the way it is. For the last 2 years I have always told him what I wanted for Xmas or Bday and I get exactly what I ask for...both a blessing and a curse!

I was teasing him the other day about how I'd be shocked if he ever planned a surprise party for me or something and he said 'you know when that will happen don't you?' and I said 'whaaaatt?' and he said ' always get a surprise party on your 30th bday!'. ! Of course its a year and a half away so lets not get too ahead of ourselves, but way to give the big *surprise* party away.. I had to laugh. That is totally typical of him!
When I pointed out he had just given away his big surprise, he was quick to add that 'Maybe it will not happen that year', but TOO LATE now buddy. Hee Hee.

I agree, MEN

I've been married for 5.5 years, and together for 11.5, so I think the romance (thoughtfulness) fizzled years ago. When I had my two kids, I didn't even get flowers from my own hubby, but his work sent me beautiful arrangements, and some came bearing gifts, and savings bonds.

It eventually gets frustrating.

How long have you known your fiance, Mara?
For the most part I don't mind arranging most everything, but it would be nice if he'd get a sitter, and plan our night out once in awhile.
I agree too with the gift ideas. But just once, wouldn't you like to get something he may have picked up on earlier in the year. Subtle hints don't always work with mine though.
I guess his creativeness is used up at work during the day

Andrea--of course I wish sometimes that my sweetie was more detail oriented in the typical romance dept, or wanted to put the time into planning a special weekend away, or similar...but that is just not the way he is about 'expected' things. I know this and choose to subscribe to it for a lifetime. I know also this does not in any way mean he does not care, he shows that he thinks of me in other, small ways usually non-related to a specific day or date but rather spontaneous and from the heart which are the best. One example is that he reads the WSJ avidly and he is always cutting out articles for me that he thinks I will like...and recently he cut out one for my father that he thought he would like. It never fails to make me smile when I find a cutout article on my computer or on the kitchen table.

The fact that he does not do the typical things such as flowers or the whole hullabaloo over VDay lets me actually appreciate it more when he DOES do something very special, such as the really sweet Christmas card he got me...that was unusually sappy for him. Also...before I met him...he was somewhat of a diehard bachelor..he is 34 and has made it to this age without being anywhere near getting hitched or meeting the right girl. His family was ready to give up on him!
He has always told me from the very beginning that he was hoping for someone like me in looks and personality to come along someday. So for him to get this far in a propose and be serious about marriage, is a huge step for him. He was never one of the types of guys who felt as though they knew they would get married, he was never sure he'd find that person for him. So for him to feel that way about me, I know it is very special and that means more than flowers.

But yes there are times when I get a when I read a guy's proposal story about the 6 months of planning and prep that went into the proposal, etc...I that is amazing. But then I find a carefully cut out article or a little plant waiting for me at home, and I know it isn't the expected moments that count...but rather the small details from day to day that really touch the heart.

However I still do love flowers...after all I am a girl!

BTW...we have been together for about 3 years. Nowhere on the scale of 11 yet but not too shabby!
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