
Why is the August Tahitians thread down?

Frost Me

Jan 6, 2010
I have been away on vacation for the past week. I was looking forward to viewing the new posts on the August Tahitians. Why is the site down now?
Huh, I guess it is gone. Sometimes a thread gets deleted if it seems too much like hawking the goods of one particular seller or something along those lines. Especially if someone complains to the mods about it, I think. I don't know, that's just a guess.
Yes I was wondering that too. I was going to post pictures of the pearls that I purchased --1167 -- and subsequently returned.
fel, just curious as to why you returned that strand...the online photos are lovely.
4tanchgirls Rikatea thread is missing also
I appreciate why they may take threads down due to it seeming biased to one seller, I still can't imagine why that may be an issue to remove a thread. I came to PS to learn about gems and to find reputable vendors, and the pearl community (when it comes to online vendors) seems to be small compared to other jewelry, and the vendors we constantly talk about go above and beyond with customer service, and quality of product. So it seems natural that we would want to share our finds, and celebrate vendors on a forum meant for education, and a celebration of diamonds, jewelry and gems.

It may be because I spend most of my time on PS in the pearl forum, but I see this here more then most places on this forum. I wish the mods might chime in and give a better example of why such threads are being taken down.

If it because vendors or other sellers online are complaining I can't be comfortable with that, not at all. So some clarity would be appreciated.
It is unfortunate to lose all those photos, which were a good reference for judging how vendor photos compare with IRL photos.

I've uploaded my comparison shots to the Vendor vs. IRL photos thread.

This is not to promote the vendor but to help us all understand how colors taken under full spectrum light (or light box) translate to what we can expect to see with our own eyes. Anything that can help prevent wasting time and money on returns is a good idea. =)
I would appreciate some clarity on when threads violate the ps rules too. I didn't make any purchases but I did enjoy looking at the beautiful pearl pics posted and it's a shame that those threads are no longer available.

Hopefully one of the mods can pop by and let us know? It'll be good to know what we should/shouldn't do.
I agree with previous posters. I was looking for the thread and can't imagine why it was removed -- I would also like to know what the problem might have been with that specific thread.

Removing that thread is particularly detrimental to forum users who like Tahitian pearls, because the thread was full of glamour photo vs. IRL photo comparisons, which are extremely useful to learn how to read vendor photos of Tahitian pearls.
I would also love to see the "Tahitian pearls --Vendor vs. IRL pictures" thread stickied.
I happened to notice a thread that had a new post by a new poster with a picture and link to a necklace that seemed to me wasn't related to the thread. I can't recall if it was the "August tahitian" thread or not but maybe if it was the entire thread was taken down instead of that particular post? I agree it is disappointing to lose all those pictures. They were fun to see.
krissy7|1442941152|3930588 said:
I happened to notice a thread that had a new post by a new poster with a picture and link to a necklace that seemed to me wasn't related to the thread. I can't recall if it was the "August tahitian" thread or not but maybe if it was the entire thread was taken down instead of that particular post? I agree it is disappointing to lose all those pictures. They were fun to see.

The last post to the golden SS thread was from a new poster who posted a picture of a non-pearl necklace and a link (which I did not click). It looked like self promotion, and the mods properly removed the offending post, but the rest of the thread was left intact.

I am also disappointed the August Tahitians thread was removed. There were a lot of great pictures and ideas for custom projects on that thread. It's always so much fun to see what everyone is buying when one of the vendors has a big sale. A big part of why I visit the forum is to see the eye candy and to share in the excitement when members make new acquisitions.
I am not happy about this either. I really enjoy coming here and looking at peoples pearl photos.
Kay|1442946513|3930621 said:
krissy7|1442941152|3930588 said:
I happened to notice a thread that had a new post by a new poster with a picture and link to a necklace that seemed to me wasn't related to the thread. I can't recall if it was the "August tahitian" thread or not but maybe if it was the entire thread was taken down instead of that particular post? I agree it is disappointing to lose all those pictures. They were fun to see.

The last post to the golden SS thread was from a new poster who posted a picture of a non-pearl necklace and a link (which I did not click). It looked like self promotion, and the mods properly removed the offending post, but the rest of the thread was left intact.

I am also disappointed the August Tahitians thread was removed. There were a lot of great pictures and ideas for custom projects on that thread. It's always so much fun to see what everyone is buying when one of the vendors has a big sale. A big part of why I visit the forum is to see the eye candy and to share in the excitement when members make new acquisitions.

Hi Kay......thanks for correcting my error!
I am sad that it got taken down. It was a really good resource for what bunch of different shades of Tahitian pearls look like in vendor pics and real life. I didn't see anything amiss with it so I am also wondering why it disappeared.
I want to encourage the PS Monitor to respond to this post, please.
Hi everyone,

Your fellow PS members have complained and we have also observed that there are many threads in this forum that at times feel like commercials. Private photo shoots at a vendor's store, inside information about new items or sales, etc. I am sure you can understand that it makes it seem like something is going on.

As a result, we occasionally have to take down threads and notify the OPs regarding the perception of those threads. Similar to problems we used to have years ago on the diamond forums, we don't allow fan clubs or promotional type posts even if they are from consumers.

I hope you can understand that from an outsider's perspective these "insider" posts seem like shilling.
Thank you Ella for your response.
I agree with your reasoning, Ella, and thank you for explaining. :angel:

Understand where you are coming from. It is unfortunate that we have members who take offence at some threads. At the same time I think it is also upsetting to the rest of us who had posted/replied on those removed threads with no intent whatsoever to "shill".

Is it possible to consider deleting certain posts rather than the entire thread next time a complaint is received? E.g for the August Tahitians thread, there were many members posting pics of their latest purchases and many of us (as you can tell from the posts here) had enjoyed those pictures very much. It is also a learning experience as some members even wrote about returning their purchases and why.

By just deleting the offending posts and retaining the rest of the thread, I think you will address the key concerns raised and still enable the rest of us to enjoy our 'eye candy'? This may not work for all such complaints raised, but for the threads where you see very active participation from many ps-ers, more likely than not that most of the thread are genuine posts to share our latest happy finds. It just feels like such as waste that all those beautiful pearl pics are now gone. :|
I am also sad to see those informative photos and details go. Perhaps those who posted in the August Tahitians thread could consider reposting their photos in the Tahitian vendor vs. IRL photos thread. I know many of us would appreciate that.
It is unfortunate indeed that someone imagined that shilling was going on, when it was just a number of happy pearl buyers comparing their purchases from a sale.
"Understand and agree" ... NO. Ella, I respect that as moderator you have a job to do, with final say, and I don't mean this as a personal comment on you, but ... I find this method of censorship deeply disturbing. Just in the relatively short time I've been here, I've seen entire multiple threads removed with no explanations except maybe to original posters, who are again accused anonymously of shilling. Well, by association the rest of the members who've posted on those threads are equally accused of shilling, and we get no notifications or reasons our posts, photos and work to share and educate disappear. I am not a shill, and have no way to defend myself against these anonymous accusers. This looks as though the accusers are shills looking to attack and remove entire threads ... I question their motives. Due to the anomymous accusations and censorship here, there is not opportunity for honest discourse, learning and education. When a vendor does a bad job, I want to know. When a vendor does a stellar job, and earns photos, threads and accolades I want to know. That kind of open, honest and educational discourse is a available elsewhere, without bullying and censorship, and my time is better spent in those places. Respectfully and honestly critical; I'm leaving PS in protest ... not that PS will care LOL.
cathyRD, I agree with you. Those threads were up for quite some time Ella, if they were against your rules why didn't you take them down the first day? Also, These threads were no different than when Lucy and Ethel went to see Sarah at Kojima in San Rafael (4ranchgirl and I) or when Fly girl found her pearls at the ruckus, or Loving gems went to see the pearls in Fiji at Josh Hunters pearl farm. There are far too many more to mention when the ladies go shopping and find pearls and show us what they have seen.

How are we to know which offenders will be taken down and which you will choose to allow to stay. This has had a chilling effect to this forum leaving us all to wonder what is acceptable and what you and the offended parties will choose to turn in...
We didn't take them down the first day because we wanted to look into the complaints further and see if they were justified. The complaints came from longtime members here, some who have posted in those threads themselves. They are not shills.

When there are a few posters who routinely post many items, that are not their own items, with inside information on sales/buying trips/private photo shoots, from ONE vendor alone, what do those of you who feel this was unjustified think we should do? It is essential to PS that we do not allow it to become a vendor playground, and we have strict policies to prevent this, even if it means fewer pretty photos.

It is just me moderating the entirety of PS and I do not work full time. It is unfortunately not feasible for me to remove individual posts if the initial starter of the thread violates our policies. I do remove many posts every single day that violate our policies without removing threads, most people just do not see that happen, but it's not possible when the OP post violates our policies.
I have been a member of the Pricescope community off and on for over 12 years. I started on the diamond related boards when we were searching for an engagement ring and subsequent diamond purchases, then spent a lot of time on Family, Home and Health during my pregnancies. For the past 17 months, the Pearls forum has been my “home” on PS. I visit almost every day to read the new posts, and I try to post myself regularly.

I am very bothered that entire threads have been removed. Like CRDKeshi, I suspect that the few members who complained anonymously have their own reasons for wanting threads about certain popular vendors removed. I think the community benefits from open discourse about our experiences with vendors, good and bad.

The August Tahitians thread was several pages long, with multiple members of this forum happily participating in sharing their experiences with each other. If there were a few posts to that thread that were realistically perceived as “shilling,” then perhaps just those posts could have been deleted, so that we could still enjoy the rest of the thread.

I spend a good deal of time collecting inspiration photos of pearls from multiple sources and posting them here when I feel they are responsive to someone’s question or request for ideas. I don’t want to feel like I am wasting my time sharing photos and typing replies to others’ posts because an entire thread might be deleted.
NacreLover|1443024621|3930877 said:
How are we to know which offenders will be taken down and which you will choose to allow to stay. This has had a chilling effect to this forum leaving us all to wonder what is acceptable and what you and the offended parties will choose to turn in...

If it's a one time thing, where it is clear that users went to a show or vendor, that is not a big deal. When it is the same user, posting about the same one company, again and again, with inside information, that is when it becomes a problem.

We remove very little on this forum and do our best to balance forum integrity with the wishes of our members. Sometimes one outbalances the other, and it will always be forum integrity. If PS was run by shills, the entire forum would never be a trusted resource.Perception is everything and when multiple longtime members tell us they think something is fishy, we will investigate it.
Also while my only option is to remove a thread if the OPs posts are in violation, if someone wants to start a new August Tahitians thread with their own items I can import some of the posts from the other thread. But we need a new thread to import into.
Thanks for clarifying Ella.

If there is a limitation in terms of removing OP posts, then I understand why the entire thread had to go.
Ella, no doubt moderating is a thankless job, and if you are doing the entire PS forum, it is all the harder. We get it.

Sounds like a great idea, starting a new August Tahitians thread.