
Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than others?


Mar 4, 2010
Is it that they find threads that "speak to them" more often, are they less shy than others, etc?
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I post A LOT. It's because I have an over-inflated sense of self-importance (and thus, I think what I have to say will actually matter to others and they'll want to read it) AND posting on PS is my very favorite procrastination tool, so I post very often when I have a lot of things to read for work and don't actually want to read them. :cheeky:

The truth hurts, but I can take it.
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I post when I'm on call. Like right now.

I'm on call a lot. Which at times I'm working very intensely, and other times when I'm sitting around waiting to be needed.
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

Haven|1304892732|2915628 said:
I post A LOT. It's because I have an over-inflated sense of self-importance (and thus, I think what I have to say will actually matter to others and they'll want to read it) AND posting on PS is my very favorite procrastination tool, so I post very often when I have a lot of things to read for work and don't actually want to read them. :cheeky:

The truth hurts, but I can take it.

HA! Sounds about right for me, too! :cheeky: I'm currently jobless so I've been posting quite a bit lately. How often I post depends on how much free time I have and how interested I am in the subject of a thread.
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

thing2of2|1304898436|2915684 said:
Haven|1304892732|2915628 said:
I post A LOT. It's because I have an over-inflated sense of self-importance (and thus, I think what I have to say will actually matter to others and they'll want to read it) AND posting on PS is my very favorite procrastination tool, so I post very often when I have a lot of things to read for work and don't actually want to read them. :cheeky:

The truth hurts, but I can take it.

HA! Sounds about right for me, too! :cheeky: I'm currently jobless so I've been posting quite a bit lately. How often I post depends on how much free time I have and how interested I am in the subject of a thread.

ditto! If we are just sitting around and the FI is watching something I am uniterested in, I gravitate towards PS for enjoyment/entertainment. Many times I come across threads that I am intrigued by or have a lot to say about, other times I am drooling over sparklies and just have to compliment others on their beautiful diamonds/projects!
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

Haven|1304892732|2915628 said:
I post A LOT. It's because I have an over-inflated sense of self-importance (and thus, I think what I have to say will actually matter to others and they'll want to read it) AND posting on PS is my very favorite procrastination tool, so I post very often when I have a lot of things to read for work and don't actually want to read them. :cheeky:

The truth hurts, but I can take it.

Oh Haven, I really enjoy your posts!

I don't post a lot. Usually I take a long to think about a post, and mull over my would-be response. When I finally get around to typing it out, it seems like everyone has already made by point, and way more articulately than I ever could. On the other hand, if I have a kind of controversial opinion that hasn't already been stated, I'm usually too chicken to share. Which explains my sad little post count of 245...
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I have several reasons for being an intermittent poster.....

1. I decided to make a career change and went back to school. For the past year, I often lacked time to sleep or even eat. PS had to take a back seat to my schooling.

2. I am a terribly slow reader and writer. Seriously. I just can't keep up with all the threads due to my snail-paced reading/writing skills. Its a darn good thing I can type, or I would never finish a post.

3. By the time I get to many threads there is such a plethora of great advice/content, and that I don't feel I have anything valuable to add. You ladies are able to describe my thoughts so much more eloquently than I can do myself. I don't see the need to be redundant.

When I do have time, I LOVE catching up on everything that has been going on around here.

Haven~ I know we all have "favorite" posters, and you are one of mine ;))
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I'm answering this on my own behalf of why *I* don't post as much as others.

I'll be totally honest. I'm 23 years old and while I do know a lot about various topics, some of the topics discussed on PS are far above my head. I still have so much to learn and understand about this world that I honestly just can't speak and give my opinions on certain topics because I flat out do not know anything about them. I post in the threads where I actually know something about what is being talked about.

We have so many intelligent PSer's here so a lot of times I do read most of the threads but if I can't comment, I just watch the thread and watch what people are writing.

Other than that, sometimes a topic is just boring to me OR I'm busy as crap with school work.
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I post a lot to satisfy my HUGE ego.
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I'm a blabbermouth & have tons of opinions. Also have the time to post right now. But I try to pipe down if it's a subject I don't know much about...there are a few. =)

--- Laurie
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

kenny|1304899903|2915716 said:
I have a huge one ...... ego that is.
Had I not posted earlier I would have just dittoed Kenny. :cheeky:

I thought of another reason why I post so much, and it is this:
Writing is an aid to thinking, and when we write we discover ideas that we didn't know we had. (This is a linguistic fact, so don't even try to disagree with me. :cheeky: I keed, I keed. But it is. A fact. :bigsmile: ) I've always been the type who needs to write things out to really figure out what I think, and PS has really become my online journal in many ways. You all just happen to be my unwilling audience.

Izzy and Bunny--I am humbled by your kind comments. Thank you. ::)
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

Haven|1304900431|2915733 said:
kenny|1304899903|2915716 said:
I have a huge one ...... ego that is.
Had I not posted earlier I would have just dittoed Kenny. :cheeky:

I thought of another reason why I post so much, and it is this:
Writing is an aid to thinking, and when we write we discover ideas that we didn't know we had. (This is a linguistic fact, so don't even try to disagree with me. :cheeky: I keed, I keed. But it is. A fact. :bigsmile: ) I've always been the type who needs to write things out to really figure out what I think, and PS has really become my online journal in many ways. You all just happen to be my unwilling audience.

Izzy and Bunny--I am humbled by your kind comments. Thank you. ::)

Speaking of posting ALOT....
Haven- 29 posts until you hit the big 10,000!
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I think PS is perfect for me because I like to tell people my opinion. :bigsmile: I have an Opinion about EVERYTHING. Example; sock ribbing; don't like it in a contrasting color except on black socks, where it can be helpful to match them up. See?

So to give my husband a break from listening to all my opinions (don't worry, he still gets plenty) I come here.
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

Amys Bling|1304901151|2915751 said:
Speaking of posting ALOT....
Haven- 29 posts until you hit the big 10,000!

Addressing the above quotation, I have to say that it took me a lot longer to get to 10,000 postings than it is taking Haven! I just hit 10,000 a few days ago and I have been at it since January of 2003! That means it took me more than four years more of posting than it took Haven to reach 10,000! She has been quite prolific!

Addressing the original question, even after reading some of the intelligent responses written above, I do not feel I could answer the question completely. I would guess that many factors are involved, including how much time one has on his hands; how much pleasure one gets from fooling around on Pricescope; how much one enjoys writing; whether one uses the fora for debates and, if so, how much pleasure he gets from engaging in controversy; whether one uses the fora for egotistical purposes and, if so, how successful he is at satisfying his narcissistic needs through the fora; how much one hungers for social contact and/or friendship and, if so, how successful he is at using the fora to satisfy his needs for social contact and friendship; and so forth! In other words, I think there are many things going on and it would be very difficult to sort them all out!


Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

Haven|1304892732|2915628 said:
I post A LOT. It's because I have an over-inflated sense of self-importance (and thus, I think what I have to say will actually matter to others and they'll want to read it) AND posting on PS is my very favorite procrastination tool, so I post very often when I have a lot of things to read for work and don't actually want to read them. :cheeky:

The truth hurts, but I can take it.


Me too!

And I am lame and have no life 8) Actually, I have a toddler and we cannot afford a sitter, so most nighte DH and I watch TV and I post on PS and half watch.

In my defense over half my posts are in Rocky Talky, so maybe there is some use to them 8) You can rack up a big post count really fast if you opt to respond to all the threads in RT on a daily basis.
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

AGBF--I wonder who reached the 10K milestone in the shortest amount of time. I know it's not me.

Dreamer--I'm lame too, but I don't have a toddler to blame it on. (Hmm . . . I've been searching for a good reason to have a child . . . :devil: )
Seriously, I'm too exhausted during the school year to do much of anything during the week, but reading and typing don't require much physical movement so PS is a perfect activity for me.

And I always post a lot when I'm avoiding something else. Friday is my last day of teaching. I'll give you one guess what I've been avoiding these last few weeks.

Amy-- :eek: I did not realize how much I really have been posting, I can't believe I'm so close to 10K. Talk about a wake-up call. I really need to do some work!
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

Haven|1304904873|2915830 said:
I wonder who reached the 10K milestone in the shortest amount of time. I know it's not me.

Don't know for sure, but suspect it was Mara. Although she did it later, it could have been Kaleigh, though. She was a big talker!!!
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

ETA: I didn't event answer your questions.

I think people post here for assorted reasons. Boredom, knowledge, lack of knowledge, someone to talk to, someone to argue with, they want to impress someone else, that want to find someone with a common interest or problem. They might find PS through a search thread when they have a question about diamonds or gemstones. They stick around because they become hooked on the forum for one reason or another and they keep coming back because it becomes a routine or PS actually becomes an important part of their life.

Now as for me: this is what I posted first

I used to teach online so I am used to having a laptop in my lap while watching TV and emailing or posting with other people - I find I am bored if I'm not online typing something. DH plays computer games a lot at night so I need something to keep myself amused. We generally lead a boring life and it gives me something to do. I love jewelry and gemstones so how wonderful to have this giant community of people who share that same interest.

Haven, congratulations on closing in on 10K posts. :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I lurk a lot, but am too lazy to post sometimes:-) Plus I hate logging in (it's a pain when I want to post and have to log-in but don't get auto re-directed from the log-in page to the page where i wanted to post--yes, I am that lazy...those three or four clicks are killer:-) computers at work and home routinely forget my log-in so sometimes I just read and don't post.
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I used to post a lot more than I do now. One of the main reasons is that I usually check PS from my phone now, rather than from my computer, and trying to type out a post on the phone is a pain. So I have to have pretty strong feelings about the topic before I type a response. I'm lazy.
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

Everyone is governed by a unique set of circumstances around their posting behaviors from interests, and motivations to opportunity.
I can only speak, however incompletely, for myself. Some factors that influence me are interest and knowledge in the subjects (we are not confined to one narrow subject no matter what forum we are on), I work at home so the computer is often on, I enjoy helping people, and also turning a phrase. An added bonus is that this turns out largely to be a really nice community of similarly interested and knowledgeable folks. I've been here 14 months and iLander is 400 passed me in 2 months less!
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I'm chatty.

Also, I had/have a lot of time and I spend a lot of it on the computer. Though I haven't been as active on PS lately.
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I'm shy...
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I'm still fairly new at this forum and don't know as much about diamonds and most of the PSers. so when someone ask questions I tent to shy away since I don't want to give anything that may mislead them~
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

Dreamer_D said:
Haven|1304892732|2915628 said:
I post A LOT. It's because I have an over-inflated sense of self-importance (and thus, I think what I have to say will actually matter to others and they'll want to read it) AND posting on PS is my very favorite procrastination tool, so I post very often when I have a lot of things to read for work and don't actually want to read them. :cheeky:

The truth hurts, but I can take it.


Me too!

And I am lame and have no life 8) Actually, I have a toddler and we cannot afford a sitter, so most nighte DH and I watch TV and I post on PS and half watch.

In my defense over half my posts are in Rocky Talky, so maybe there is some use to them 8) You can rack up a big post count really fast if you opt to respond to all the threads in RT on a daily basis.

LOL Dreamer, ain't that the truth 8)

I justify my posting because.. my work schedule requires odd hours and is never the same two days in a row, the work goes in spurts, I can't leave for extended coffee breaks 'cause I have to stay near the systems and I can't invite others down. PS is my downtime entertainment! (pretty obviously given this some thought..)

That said, I also just am not the cool kid :cheeky:
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

Yssie|1304912801|2915936 said:
Dreamer_D said:
Haven|1304892732|2915628 said:
I post A LOT. It's because I have an over-inflated sense of self-importance (and thus, I think what I have to say will actually matter to others and they'll want to read it) AND posting on PS is my very favorite procrastination tool, so I post very often when I have a lot of things to read for work and don't actually want to read them. :cheeky:

The truth hurts, but I can take it.


Me too!

And I am lame and have no life 8) Actually, I have a toddler and we cannot afford a sitter, so most nighte DH and I watch TV and I post on PS and half watch.

In my defense over half my posts are in Rocky Talky, so maybe there is some use to them 8) You can rack up a big post count really fast if you opt to respond to all the threads in RT on a daily basis.

LOL Dreamer, ain't that the truth 8)

I justify my posting because.. my work schedule requires odd hours and is never the same two days in a row, the work goes in spurts, I can't leave for extended coffee breaks 'cause I have to stay near the systems and I can't invite others down. PS is my downtime entertainment! (pretty obviously given this some thought..)

That said, I also just am not the cool kid :cheeky:


I think in procrastinating on my term papers my posting has gone up like 3x! I may have to take a self-enforced PS break to finally buckle down 8)
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

Haven|1304904873|2915830 said:
AGBF--I wonder who reached the 10K milestone in the shortest amount of time. I know it's not me.

Dreamer--I'm lame too, but I don't have a toddler to blame it on. (Hmm . . . I've been searching for a good reason to have a child . . . :devil: )
Seriously, I'm too exhausted during the school year to do much of anything during the week, but reading and typing don't require much physical movement so PS is a perfect activity for me.

And I always post a lot when I'm avoiding something else. Friday is my last day of teaching. I'll give you one guess what I've been avoiding these last few weeks.

I think the fastest was Freke! Under a year or something?

And gads I hate marking too! Stick a fork in my eye! I had a seminar class this semester and structured it so almost all of the marks came from in class work -- presentations and the like -- in large part because I find marking long papers so horrid. The term paper was also restricted to 10 pages. Students were happy about it, and I think they learned a lot. And I did not have to read 20 terrible long winded papers! My teaching ended on April 1, I was done marking on April 10th or so... and I don't teach again now until September 2012! :o So I think I will be on PS a lot in the next 16 months 8)
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

i'm pretty shy compared to other PSers... ::)
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

I was going to guess Freke made it the fastest too, then possibly Skippy?

I took a long time...about 5 years, I think to hit 10K.

And I don't post as much as I used to, but I'm on every day. I don't read as much as I used to, which is probably why I don't post as much. But you are still my water cooler for my at home office!
Re: Why do you suppose some PSers post a lot more than other

Autumnovember|1304899747|2915711 said:
I'm answering this on my own behalf of why *I* don't post as much as others.

I'll be totally honest. I'm 23 years old and while I do know a lot about various topics, some of the topics discussed on PS are far above my head. I still have so much to learn and understand about this world that I honestly just can't speak and give my opinions on certain topics because I flat out do not know anything about them. I post in the threads where I actually know something about what is being talked about.

We have so many intelligent PSer's here so a lot of times I do read most of the threads but if I can't comment, I just watch the thread and watch what people are writing.

Other than that, sometimes a topic is just boring to me OR I'm busy as crap with school work.

Autumnnovember, you still manage to post a lot more than I do. I think you joined PS after me and already have about 2k posts more than I do! :lol: