
Which type of jewelry poses no temptation to you?


Jun 10, 2020
Never say never, but I don’t see myself buying:
1. Watches — I find them uncomfortable to wear, and if I need the time I’ll check my cell phone.
2. Fashion jewelry — about a year ago I did a major purge and gave away everything that’s not sentimental. I tend to wear and rotate the same handful of pieces for daily wear, and on nicer occasions I’ll reach for some of my nicer fine jewelry. I’m not fabulously fashionable enough to make use of a large collection.
3. Ankle bracelets, toe rings, rings than span multiple fingers — just not my style.
4. Bracelets* — asterisk on this one. I love bracelets on other people and want to love them on myself so I can’t say I’ll never buy more, but I find them uncomfortable to wear and have many lovely pieces that go unworn.


Absolutely anything that's not a ring, and more specifically a ring that can be worn on the left hand. I can't tolerate any other jewellery on any other part of my body or indeed my dominant hand! I am weird, but at least it saves money...


Feb 2, 2011
The whole VCA thing. The Alhambra motif and general design. It's just meh, for me, especially with those prices.

Anything pandora. Nope.

Diamond on diamond halo rings (with a few exceptions). Some colored stones really pop with a diamond surround however.


Feb 3, 2008
I would have said that I love everything until I started reading replies, and thought 'oh yeah, I am not tempted by that either...'

Rose cuts, princess cuts (although I have a couple). I probably wouldn't buy VCA (although I like it on other people), nix on pandora and halo rings. I wouldn't mind a large old cut cushion with a halo necklace but rings don't really do it for me.

I don't like costume jewelry and don't have much of it. I have a bit of silver. Years ago everything I had was yellow gold and I have switched to white metals but I still do really like yellow. When I upgraded my ring 10 years ago, yellow just looked so dated to me.

I probably wouldn't buy a Rolex.
Apple watches don't appeal to me at all.

Pretty much if someone gifted me something I would keep it, no matter what it was. I always feel bad later if I return something.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Earrings because no pierced ears

Not typically a fan of cabochons

Brown/yellow/orange stones

invisible set diamonds, not vintage illusion settings, the modern kind

galaxy diamonds

I’m sure there’s more....

Heehee i forgot about cabochons

It sure would be a boring world and a boring board if we all liked the same thing !

Very interesting thread with no judgment !


Jan 19, 2012
It’s so interesting to read what people don’t like! Andvtonmy biggest self-surprise - is it even a word - my list won’t be long. Unfortunately I like almost everything.
What I don’t like:
- cabochons
- jade, coral
- salt and pepper diamonds
- orange, brown stones
- rose cut diamonds, radiant cut diamonds
- gypsy setting
- mother rings
So my list is quite short! My poor wallet!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
It’s so interesting to read what people don’t like! Andvtonmy biggest self-surprise - is it even a word - my list won’t be long. Unfortunately I like almost everything.
What I don’t like:
- cabochons
- jade, coral
- salt and pepper diamonds
- orange, brown stones
- rose cut diamonds, radiant cut diamonds
- gypsy setting
- mother rings
So my list is quite short! My poor wallet!

Its kind of refreshing in a way
to know what one doesn't like for oneself
I was going to add coral but my list was getting waaaaaay toooo long

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I finally have a bit of downtime to read over this thread and add some more of my thoughts - made a post earlier about my dislike for DBTYs but ran out of time to say everything I was thinking. It’s a very interesting question!

It interests me that there are some things on here that clash so strongly with my preferences, kind of underscores how we are all so different. One man’s trash is another’s treasure, as they say :D

I’ll chime in and add the following:

- most name brand jewelry (someone else said this upthread as well): I find a lot of it pretty or well made, but the premium is just too high to stomach for me!

- name/letter jewelry: it’s just not my style!

- three stone rings where the side stones are very close in size to the center stone: I only like three stone rings where the side stones are very obviously “side” stones (eg traps or baguettes, or EW pears or marquis; rounds can work if the rounds are much smaller than the center). It’s just a personal preference, I don’t know why.

- OECs: it’s not like I haven’t seen some super pretty OECs on here, but my preference still lies in the MRB space. I don’t like visible culets much! If someone gave me a pretty OEC I wouldn’t turn it down, but it wouldn’t be my first choice. I also don’t want an OEC for my ering but I don’t want a round at all for my ering so :eh:

- if we’re talking diamond shapes, probably cushions: I would say cushions are probably my least favourite diamond shape, so I’m unlikely to be tempted by a cushion unless it’s really beyond spectacular. In general I’m not as big a fan of square stones, but I do like the sharp corners in a princess (especially a kite set princess) and the faceting on an Asscher. I don’t like the pillowy-ness of cushions!

- a satlada: this is probably not something that people around these parts come into contact with much, but there’s this specific kind of necklace (a traditional indian style) called a satlada (translates to “seven lines”). It comprises seven lines of tiny pearls with pendant spacers (between sections of pearl and between the lines). It’s great if you like bold jewelry because it takes up a lot of real estate more inexpensively than other options, and it looks really cool even if worn with a blouse and pants, not just with indian clothes; but I just don’t like them, despite the fact that both those things would be right up my wheelhouse. No idea why.

Dear Lady ! We need a picture of this satlada thingy !

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
All y’all Not So Much On The Pearls Thing folks - come hang out in the Pearls forum for a bit, we might just change your minds :bigsmile:

Tell me about it !
It is addictive and something ive kind of grown into
after the enormous fun of the '80's i bearly gave pearls a 2nd thought till i inherited mum's modestly sized white pearl necklase
Now im obsessed and enjoy every single real related post


Feb 2, 2016
@Lisa Loves Shiny, I have been seeing your name throughout the forum and I’m like where did this ideal rock Lisa pop up from?? Then I looked at the avatar pic...

Ohhhhh okay now I got it :lol-2:


Jan 9, 2006
Watches, they drive me nuts. I love them to look at, but can't stand the feel of them on my wrist.

Rings worn on every finger at the same time, nopety nope.

Wearing rings on my middle fingers. No idea why, but I find it so uncomfortable. Any other finger/thumb is a-ok!

Big brand name pieces. Even if beautiful and classic, I just can't handle the mark up.

Name necklaces. We used to sell them at the jeweller I worked for, and they were extremely popular. I'm not a fan of them anyway, but when I took an order for one with the name Sweetcheeks, I think that was the nail in the name necklace coffin!

Really high set rings, impractical for me, plus aesthetically they don't do it for me.

Heavy necklaces...I used to own a big, chunky gold curb chain, and while beautiful, the feel of it on my neck made me squirm.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
My 'Nicky' name necklace had to go back twice for repair - in between times the jewler lost his premises in the Christchurch earthquake !
Maybe it was trying to tell me something ! (Too dainty??)

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
@Lisa Loves Shiny, I have been seeing your name throughout the forum and I’m like where did this ideal rock Lisa pop up from?? Then I looked at the avatar pic...

Ohhhhh okay now I got it :lol-2:

I'm LisaRN :). I just changed my forum name. With all the misery of Covid I thought people might not like to be reminded of anything hospital related when they visit this forum.


Jan 6, 2019
Jewellery I don’t wear for normal days:
Dangling earrings

These pieces of jewelry just really feel to me like I’m wearing an uncomfortable bra. Rings and Studs on the other hand don’t disturb me at all.


Apr 29, 2008
Things that don't tempt my wallet:

Brooches - I really don't need anything to draw more attention to my chest.

Bracelets - my wrists are small and so everything is way too big.

Watches - The most I can do is my FitBit. And even that bothers me.

Most name brand designer jewelry - I can't get past the markup. However, I do like the T line from Tiffany (since my name begins with a T!) and I would love a Cartier rolling ring.


Native cuts on most gemstones - I admit, I am a sucker for precision cut gemstones.

Square stones - I think I need a slight rectangle to make my fingers look longer.

Rubies - My birthstone, but I've never been fond of them. Especially in gold jewelry. I just can't get on board with that combination. It would have to be a real special ruby to catch my attention.

Marquise diamonds - unless it's an old stone. Those have personality.

Studs - even though I have a small pair, I really, really, want a pair of huggies. Hoops and dangles all the way!

Pearls - just not my style, unless it's a funky necklace or unusual color.


Mar 3, 2018
Wow! I replied upthread but reading this all the way through now is eye-opening. Lots of overlap and plenty of howling discrepancies. I was going to say "Pin this as Advice for Generous but Clueless Spouses," but I think apart from the Crown jewels and maybe some finer Graff and OH, there is something for everyone to hate!


Mar 2, 2012
Any type of black stone jewelry, salt and pepper diamonds, brown diamonds. Anything from David Yurman, anything silver (turns my skin greenish black. Very attractive)

Any big or heavy earrings


Jul 27, 2005
- Branded jewelry, whether the logo is part of the design or, Tiffany, Cartier, Chopard, Graff, Harry Winston, etc
- Silver
- Rose gold
- MRB and princess cut diamonds
- Jade, coral
- Fancy colored diamonds
- Bracelets
- Earrings
- Necklaces

I'm a ring girl all the way. Almost all the fine jewelry I own are rings. 99% of my bracelets, earrings, and necklaces are gold-tone costume jewelry.

In the Maybe category: Pearls and luxury watches. I could see myself getting a Cartier Tank Solo someday (small size, gold crown, black leather strap). And I can see myself eventually getting pearl stud earrings with little diamond accents, or something like that. But these are lower on the list for me. I'll always choose a ring before anything else!


Sep 5, 2015
- Bezel setting especially plain type with big stone as ring or tennis bracelets. Okay with DBTY necklaces though.
- very long earrings eg over 2” in length (do my chandeliers past 2”??)
- earrings with omega clips (just too painful for my thin lobes)
- very large cabochon as ring especially oval in shape.
- dyed pearls no matter how pretty they can be.
- full eternity rings. I love them but just wouldn’t buy as I don’t trust my finger size to remain unchanged.
-Pandora style of bracelets with a million charms
- very heavy earrings (my lobes can’t handle them). Hence the max size for pearl is 12mm.


Mar 26, 2006
So... as embarrassing as this is... I think I could be on board with just about anything given the right piece!

Well... OK.. a nose ring is a stretch... but maybe! :cheeky:


Aug 14, 2009
Wow! I replied upthread but reading this all the way through now is eye-opening. Lots of overlap and plenty of howling discrepancies. I was going to say "Pin this as Advice for Generous but Clueless Spouses," but I think apart from the Crown jewels and maybe some finer Graff and OH, there is something for everyone to hate!



Aug 14, 2009
So... as embarrassing as this is... I think I could be on board with just about anything given the right piece!

Well... OK.. a nose ring is a stretch... but maybe! :cheeky:
I’d be sporting a navel ring bejeweled with WF ACAs had my darling husband responded with - really just about anything other than “please don’t”... I think that’s about as adventurous as I get though :bigsmile:
Apr 22, 2020
Dear Lady ! We need a picture of this satlada thingy !

Sure! I found some pictures from the Internet. Actually when I went and looked at pictures of satladas I think my description of “pendant spacers” is lacking. I think it’s more true to say it’s like the pearl strings are like chains and the pendants are all hanging from pearls.

Here are some pictures from online:
94664F81-42CB-4BD4-B41F-4EC76934F8A9.jpeg 4BFAD8F3-277A-47CC-96C6-1682F010F915.jpeg

They can also get more elaborate than this, especially bridal ones. Also, they come in panchlada (five lines) and teenlada (three lines) versions as well.

Pictures of some real elaborate ones from online that I came across while looking for pictures for you:

This one is in diamonds and emeralds!!

This is pretty untraditional but I actually love this. This would 100% tempt me (depends on the price!)

This is made with polki (a flat/uncut diamond) and emerald cabochons.

Also picture of what it looks like worn:

I looked for a picture of someone wearing one more casually but I couldn’t find it online though I’ve seen people do it in person (though they wouldn’t have done that one of those super elaborate ones that I posted, unless it was made to be detachable so they could wear just three strings or something).

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Sure! I found some pictures from the Internet. Actually when I went and looked at pictures of satladas I think my description of “pendant spacers” is lacking. I think it’s more true to say it’s like the pearl strings are like chains and the pendants are all hanging from pearls.

Here are some pictures from online:
94664F81-42CB-4BD4-B41F-4EC76934F8A9.jpeg 4BFAD8F3-277A-47CC-96C6-1682F010F915.jpeg

They can also get more elaborate than this, especially bridal ones. Also, they come in panchlada (five lines) and teenlada (three lines) versions as well.

Pictures of some real elaborate ones from online that I came across while looking for pictures for you:

This one is in diamonds and emeralds!!

This is pretty untraditional but I actually love this. This would 100% tempt me (depends on the price!)

This is made with polki (a flat/uncut diamond) and emerald cabochons.

Also picture of what it looks like worn:

I looked for a picture of someone wearing one more casually but I couldn’t find it online though I’ve seen people do it in person (though they wouldn’t have done that one of those super elaborate ones that I posted, unless it was made to be detachable so they could wear just three strings or something).

Its like an i Indian version of Victorian stomachs but from a whole other branch of the family !
They are very beautiful and intrigret but i couldn't think of anywhere where i could wear one !
I can see how they might not be your cup of tea

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
- Branded jewelry, whether the logo is part of the design or, Tiffany, Cartier, Chopard, Graff, Harry Winston, etc
- Silver
- Rose gold
- MRB and princess cut diamonds
- Jade, coral
- Fancy colored diamonds
- Bracelets
- Earrings
- Necklaces

I'm a ring girl all the way. Almost all the fine jewelry I own are rings. 99% of my bracelets, earrings, and necklaces are gold-tone costume jewelry.

In the Maybe category: Pearls and luxury watches. I could see myself getting a Cartier Tank Solo someday (small size, gold crown, black leather strap). And I can see myself eventually getting pearl stud earrings with little diamond accents, or something like that. But these are lower on the list for me. I'll always choose a ring before anything else!

Off topic but i hope she your in the mood you visit and post on the fashion jewlery thread
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