
Which tsavorite color?


Jun 19, 2010
Which of these tsavorites would have the most 'ideal' color?




a few more


I like E the most. But take that with a bit of salt, because most here consider my tsavorite to be a mint garnet.
In my opinion, E. Yellow is not desirable and it has the least. I also think a lot of tsavorites on the market are overly dark. E looks ideal IMO. C is the runner up. But like Freke, I appreciate the lighter ones even more than the "ideal" color.
E immediately stood out to me - the color is very appealing from what I can see in the photo.
They are all taken with different lighting conditions so who knows!

Look at the two Swala images. The one everybody likes (E) has a much lighter background and appears to be lit more brightly than the other Swala stone (D) that looks less well lit and has a much darker background. I think I would go for the one that has the best cut (for you) and price.

Also, look at the tweezers in (A). They are washed out so I suspect the photo has been lightened (so the stone will be darker).
LovingDiamonds|1312148105|2981217 said:
They are all taken with different lighting conditions so who knows!

Look at the two Swala images. The one everybody likes (E) has a much lighter background and appears to be lit more brightly than the other Swala stone (D) that looks less well lit and has a much darker background. I think I would go for the one that has the best cut (for you) and price.

Also, look at the tweezers in (A). They are washed out so I suspect the photo has been lightened (so the stone will be darker).
Good lord these sellers are schemers
Yeah, hard to tell because different vendors have different photography techniques. But I like C and E. I don't think any of your tsavorites are from these 3 vendors, but for what it's worth, GemRite's photography downplays the yellow and shows more blue than the stones actually have, Barry's is the other way around, and PrecisionGem's seems to be spot on.
I've never bought from Swala, but I think they have a very good reputation here. You could ask them if those are top tsavorite color.
Probably E, because the cut is the prettiest to me, and his other one looks more yellow. I think their stones often stand out because they appear precision cut, to my untrained eye.

Def. not A. It has funny tweezers.
Ask for some daylight photos of your favs.
Green is a very hard color to photograph. I have a Nikon D700 which is a $2500 body, and it just doesn't get green stones color correct. I have heard this from other people with different cameras. The only way you could judge color at all with green stones is if all the stones where shot on the same camera with the same lights.
I'm posting a video still (top picture) of a stone which is very true to life in color in person. I took this stone to a gem show, and a tsavorite dealer told me that it was about as top color as you can get in a tsavorite. This dealer is familiar with Swala, the Bridges, and other huge tsavorite dealers. He also deals specifically in African gems, but I can't mention his name here. He said this color is very very rare. Some people may beg to differ, but I'm just stating what was told to me by a dealer in these gems. Of all his tsavorites, and he had many beautiful examples in his showcase, only one looked the same color to this. I did not buy this tsavorite from the gem dealer I just mentioned, so he had nothing to gain by telling me this.

This is just a point of reference. You, and others may or may not like the color, but if you compare the photos to this video still, it might help you decide. I also think Chrono's cushion is exceptional color, and very very rare.

Something about the Swala image looks enhanced, so if you do decide to go for that, I would ask for photos on the hand.


For an example of a top tsavorite, look at Pandora's avatar. It's devoid of yellow and is of medium-dark tone.
When it comes to tsavorites and emeralds, I prefer the medium green/blue-green colors. There's more luster and brilliance. I'm not a fan of the dark, medium-dark, grassy green or anything with yellow tones, no matter how prized they are as "top color".

If based solely on the pictures and if they are accurate, I would pick E. I like the shape and cut, and it seems to have a medium blue-green tone with good luster.

It really depends on what appeals to you visually, and what your eyes are drawn to.
I agree that colour preferences are subjective. I'd just like to point out that the dark-toned (as opposed to medium-dark) stones are not prized.
Is there a reason why medium-dark is more prized than medium? Is it because of saturation or intensity of color? To me, medium tones, even light ones are more appealing. I guess I prefer anything that reminds me of a diamond's luster.

I have a pair of medium-dark tsavorites, and they are still a little too dark for me. :|
platinumrock|1312337176|2982757 said:
Is there a reason why medium-dark is more prized than medium? Is it because of saturation or intensity of color? To me, medium tones, even light ones are more appealing. I guess I prefer anything that reminds me of a diamond's luster.

I have a pair of medium-dark tsavorites, and they are still a little too dark for me. :|
I'm noticing I prefer them as medium as well. I guess maybe it's a rarity thing?
athenaworth|1312338244|2982773 said:
platinumrock|1312337176|2982757 said:
Is there a reason why medium-dark is more prized than medium? Is it because of saturation or intensity of color? To me, medium tones, even light ones are more appealing. I guess I prefer anything that reminds me of a diamond's luster.

I have a pair of medium-dark tsavorites, and they are still a little too dark for me. :|
I'm noticing I prefer them as medium as well. I guess maybe it's a rarity thing? have a good point. The same way D colored, flawless diamonds are more prized and rare but I prefer the warmer, slightly included ones. I actually like inclusions in stones, they look more organic (plus friendlier on the pocket). As long as they don't compromise the beauty and integrity of the stones.

So have you decided which tsav appeals to you?
Wellll . . . I bought this hoping it would satiate me, but if it doesn't . . . I just sold something so now I'm thinking I may want E. I've asked for additional photos. I'm sure it'll get swooped up before the photos come in, but if that happens, c'est la vie.
platinumrock|1312337176|2982757 said:
Is there a reason why medium-dark is more prized than medium? Is it because of saturation or intensity of color? To me, medium tones, even light ones are more appealing. I guess I prefer anything that reminds me of a diamond's luster.

I have a pair of medium-dark tsavorites, and they are still a little too dark for me. :|

In all sincerity, your pair is gorgeous.

The medium-darks are rare in relation to the mediums, but a tsavorite specialist gave a better explanation. Mediums are very attractive because they're constantly brilliant. In comparison, medium-darks attract those who like the rich and mysterious green with the surprise flashes of brilliance.
Harriet|1312341436|2982808 said:
platinumrock|1312337176|2982757 said:
Is there a reason why medium-dark is more prized than medium? Is it because of saturation or intensity of color? To me, medium tones, even light ones are more appealing. I guess I prefer anything that reminds me of a diamond's luster.

I have a pair of medium-dark tsavorites, and they are still a little too dark for me. :|

In all sincerity, your pair is gorgeous.

The medium-darks are rare in relation to the mediums, but a tsavorite specialist gave a better explanation. Mediums are very attractive because they're constantly brilliant. In comparison, medium-darks attract those who like the rich and mysterious green with the surprise flashes of brilliance.

Harriet, thank you for the kind words. :)) That means a lot coming from someone with a stunning collection.

You're right, I guess it's the sparkle factor that I love about mediums. I like being able to see the liquid flashes between facets.

I really like your description of medium-darks as being "rich and mysterious with green surprise flashes of brilliance". Yum. Give me some time, I may warm up to them if I found the right hue. :Up_to_something:
I think I need my sparkle. Good thing, I reckon. Means I won't want the most expensive ones. PR, can I see yours? ;-)
PR, thanks for the compliment. Try playing with your tsavorites in different lighting conditions. If you still don't like them, I'd be happy to give them a home. ;)
athenaworth|1312343036|2982824 said:
I think I need my sparkle. Good thing, I reckon. Means I won't want the most expensive ones. PR, can I see yours? ;-)

Gladly! By the way, the link doesn't work. I can't see your stone. :((

Harriet, only if I can babysit your lovelies once in a while. :bigsmile:

ETA: Peachy is gray with a pinkish tone in real life. I don't know why she looks more pink in the photos.



They're gorgeous, but I still like the medium ones better. I guess I can be glad I like the medium tones.

Here's what I got. I got it for $140. It's a 1.14ct 6.1x5.2 mm with a 4.0mm. The seller said it has an amazing color and that the window should close up pretty easy. If this one makes me happy then I can spend all of my new funds on setting it and my Mali!

ETA: I realize now that I don't have very strong color senses. I can't tell if I'm seeing blue or yellow in any of these stones (except maybe the gemfix one)




Looks like a Pretty Green to me!!! :love: Looking forward to your setting!! :appl:
Athena, the tsav is gorgeous. I love the color, and it seems to have a blue undertone as well. Are these your pics or the vendor's?

$140 is a steal for a stone this size, quality and color. :appl: I see white gold halo with this one. Maybe even yellow gold prongs.

platinumrock|1312349251|2982885 said:
Athena, the tsav is gorgeous. I love the color, and it seems to have a blue undertone as well. Are these your pics or the vendor's?

$140 is a steal for a stone this size, quality and color. :appl: I see white gold halo with this one. Maybe even yellow gold prongs.

Thank you! I bought the stone second hand. The first pic is the original vendor pic, the others are the second seller's pics
I also see bluish green, and I was eyeing that same stone, just not in the market for one. It really looked like a great deal.
Ideal colour is a little open ended - it could mean trade desired ideal or your personal ideal colour which could be very different. Personally, I prefer a medium toned slightly bluish green. Medium dark has a tendency to end up too dark under poor lighting conditions although I wouldn't turn one down. :bigsmile: The stone you posted has a touch of blue. The saturation is on the light side too but the price is good for what it is. The window will definitely rarely seen once set; it's really quite small.

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