Hi guys,
I've just got the images from the second stone, the final choice I have to make is between the 0.93 D IF shown here:
and the 0.91 D IF shown below. Any input would be greatly welcome as its a pretty important puchase for me which I am having to do without phyically seeing the stone (I can always send it back but would rather avoid this as time is short):
I think I know which one I prefer but other opinions and views are very welcome. Thanks in advance!

I've just got the images from the second stone, the final choice I have to make is between the 0.93 D IF shown here:
and the 0.91 D IF shown below. Any input would be greatly welcome as its a pretty important puchase for me which I am having to do without phyically seeing the stone (I can always send it back but would rather avoid this as time is short):
I think I know which one I prefer but other opinions and views are very welcome. Thanks in advance!