1/There are 3 GIA cert. round brilliant cut diamonds and I hope someone can assist to evaluate them in order of value and quality and how much would they be worth?
F/VS2 1.26C F/VS1 1.25C F/VVS2 1.24C
Depth 60.8% 60% 58.5%
Table 61% 60% 59%
Girdle thin to med slg thk fac thin to med
Cutlet nil nil v small
Pol v gd ex ex
Symm ex ex v gd
6.99x7.03x4.26 6.94x6.97x4.17 7.04x7.09x4.13
Fl none none none
2/There is also another round brilliant diamond which I would like to know as to how good is it and how much would it be worth?
D/VVS2 1.41C D- 61.5%, T- 55%, Girdle- thin to med, faceted, culet- none,Pol/Symm- ex/ex, Fl- none,
3/Is there any difference if the diamond is laser engraved? Hope that some kind soul will help this newbie here!
1/There are 3 GIA cert. round brilliant cut diamonds and I hope someone can assist to evaluate them in order of value and quality and how much would they be worth?
F/VS2 1.26C F/VS1 1.25C F/VVS2 1.24C
Depth 60.8% 60% 58.5%
Table 61% 60% 59%
Girdle thin to med slg thk fac thin to med
Cutlet nil nil v small
Pol v gd ex ex
Symm ex ex v gd
6.99x7.03x4.26 6.94x6.97x4.17 7.04x7.09x4.13
Fl none none none
2/There is also another round brilliant diamond which I would like to know as to how good is it and how much would it be worth?
D/VVS2 1.41C D- 61.5%, T- 55%, Girdle- thin to med, faceted, culet- none,Pol/Symm- ex/ex, Fl- none,
3/Is there any difference if the diamond is laser engraved? Hope that some kind soul will help this newbie here!